Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 443 Not much to do in the future, let's live a good life

Chapter 443 Not much to do in the future, let's live a good life


Zhan Shiqi stretched out his hand to slowly smooth Zuo Zhou's brows, and then arched his body into his arms, "I've been watching you sigh for a day, and I'm about to enter the imperial capital, what's wrong with you? Is there any help? ?”

"Don't mind, it's just a bit of a toothache!" Zuo Zhou said perfunctorily while looking at Taotao Jiangshui with drooping eyelids.

"Are you sure it's a toothache and not an eggache?"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, squeezed Zhan Shiqi's face with both hands, "Okay, you can swear now, who did you learn from?"

Zhan Shiqi let his face be rounded and flattened, but his eyes became more and more resentful, "You don't need a teacher to swear and swear, you just swear when you are in a bad mood!"

"Unhappy? For example?"

"For example, when someone is trying to get your man's idea!"


Zuo Zhou understood, Zhan Shiqi had been in a state of deep sleep under the influence of Huanxi Zen before, and something was wrong after waking up, and it was because of this that he was messing around for a long time.

"The Huanxi Zen skill is very powerful, and it can actually affect the state of the body, but after all, I have also practiced the Dream Heart Sutra, so it didn't really make me fall into a deep sleep. I can feel the changes when you are by my side , I know that the enemy has entered your dream." Zhan Shiqi said, his whole body tightened, as if he was very cold and longing for warmth, he kept digging into his arms, even though there was no room left, "I was terrified at that time, the enemy obviously had I came prepared, and even used the same source of the dream-returning heart sutra, I was so afraid of losing you. I shouted desperately in my dream, but all I heard was my own echo... As a result, after I woke up, you told me My enemy is taking the initiative to send cannons thousands of miles away?! You have no conscience, you..."

Zuo Zhou felt that an affectionate kiss could solve a lot of things at this time, so he kissed, and the surrounding audience turned away one after another, leaving a little private space for to say?They actually knew that the dead body must be not simple, but Zuo Zhou didn't want to say it, and it was hard for them to ask.You can probably imagine the appearance of Zhan Seventeen now, it should be very thrilling!
After feeling that the delicate body in his arms was completely exhausted, Zuo Zhou slowly raised his head and sighed: "Actually, there is nothing to worry about, just lamenting how difficult life will be if there is no way to hang up in the future."

Zhan Shiqi's face was flushed, and he looked at him with blurred eyes, "I can probably understand the meaning of 'open cheating'. In fact, for us natives, you exiles are considered cheating!"

Zuo Zhou shook his head amusedly, "I thought so before, but when I think about it carefully, the existence of the system is really too friendly to exiles. After all, this is your world. How could the original will of the world allow this kind of existence? ? After this incident, I probably understand."

"How to say?"

Zuo Zhou curled his lips, and snorted with disgust: "This system is not smart at all, it can even be said to be full of big pits!"

"Take the Dream Heart Sutra as an example. At the beginning, it was said that it was a unique skill in the Dibang, and it was even said that it was a method of enlightening and becoming a saint in a dream. What happened? It can indeed be cultivated to become a Dibang, but after becoming a Dibang, you will not be you anymore! "Zuo Zhou said for a while, looking at Zhan Shiqi affectionately, "When I think that if I am taken away, you will have to sleep with others in the future, I feel very embarrassed!"

Zhan Shiqi hit his chest angrily.

Zuo Zhou said again: "There are too many pitfalls in the system, it is not trustworthy at all, besides, although I have wiped out the guys hidden in the Six Paths, it is difficult to guarantee that so many gods will not have other ways to return to the world. Taking Huimeng Heart Sutra as an example, the consummation of the masters of the Renbang is definitely a particularly important node, and it is also the last chance for those gods who plan to seize their homes, because after reaching the Renbang, the body and soul will be highly unified and impeccable, and there is no possibility of being taken away So, since there is a hole in the Heart Sutra of Huimeng, what about the other top-notch studies?"

Zhan Shiqi paused for a moment and suddenly said in shock: "Ah Xiang!"

Zuo Zhou nodded, "The Book of Divine Water is the spoils I won back then. Ah Xiang must have started to practice in order to become stronger. According to what Qin Huang told him before, this unique knowledge must have something to do with Shui De Xingjun. As for whether it is Seizing the house is not necessarily the case. But this danger cannot be underestimated!"

Zhan Shiqi was a little frustrated when he heard the words, "I thought we would be able to live a good life together when we came back this time? Who knew..."

Zuo Zhou scratched Zhan Shiqi's nose, "We still have to live a good life, and this time we don't need to run around anymore. Besides... You have senior Zhou teaching boxing skills, the future is almost smooth. Qingping can always practice the magic knife cut I taught her, and I don’t think there is any possibility of becoming a demon. As long as Axiang’s problem is solved, our family can basically live in seclusion!”

Zhan Shiqi's eyes were filled with anticipation, " you want Axiang to stop practicing the Divine Water Collection?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head, "Everyone's aptitude and talent are different. I also taught you and Qingping the Pishui Swordsmanship, but the only one who can really master it is Axiang, which shows that the Shenshui Collection is very suitable for her. Moreover, You know Ah Xiang’s personality, there is nothing wrong with it now, when you and Qingping become stronger in the future, she will definitely be unbalanced. With her personality, it’s okay for everyone to be the same, and even you are not as strong as her She will definitely confide in you when you are in love. But if she becomes the weakest one and the one who needs protection the most, then she will take the initiative to alienate everyone!"

Zhan Shiqi recalled the experience of getting along with A Xiang in his mind, and burst out laughing. Although we were all about the same age, both she and Qingping regarded A Xiang as a younger sister, and even cherished this kind of 'no' Mature', or...envious?I envy those who can live recklessly!

"Anyway, you take care of it yourself. Anyway, if Ah Xiang gets lost, you will be in trouble!"

Zuo Zhou squeezed his chest angrily, "You still have the face to say, if it wasn't for looking for you in such a hurry, maybe my child would have been born after such a long time!"

Zhan Shiqi hit back at his waist, "I haven't seen you idle for a long time, but my stomach is still not moving!"

Zuo Zhou retreated, coughing lightly and laughing, "We're still young, and it's the time when our skills are improving bravely. When I really hit a bottleneck, I can create another person in time."

"Tch!" Zhan Shiqi changed his posture angrily, staring at Zuo Zhou with a 'confessional' look, "That Jiang Yuyan... what are you going to do?"

"What's up with her?"

"Still pretend!"

Zuo Zhou said happily: "Don't worry, she will not be a threat to you."

"Why? I think she is very murderous?"

Zuo Zhou was surprised, "How did you see that?"

"Just when you took Master Li... Li Xunhuan as your apprentice, I noticed her momentary hostility towards Li Xunhuan, hehe, although it was only for a moment, but you know, women, especially when it comes to this kind of thing, feel very Keen."

Zuo Zhou rubbed his chin, and smiled after a few seconds: "Then there is no need to worry anymore?"

"How to say?"

Zuo Zhou changed the position of Zhan Shiqi's tender body and leaned cross-legged on the side of the boat, "Jiang Yuyan had a miserable childhood, and she had to wade through thorns in order to live, so it's inevitable that this person will become a little bit selfish."

"So she's greedy for your body?"

Zuo Zhou stretched out his hand to pinch Zhan Shiqi's mouth, "Being so jealous, if she can really swallow me up, she will definitely do it. But along the way, she will definitely change her mind, so ah, she won't take it now. You are the enemy."

"..." Zhan Shiqi still didn't understand.

"Jiang Yuyan's experience made her have a perverted obsession with power at first, but after Hu Hai and Yang Wenguang's coquettish operations, she will understand that unless she can become an empress, it is impossible to get everything through power. And my resistance hit the face again. Let her know that even if she becomes an empress, it is impossible to 'definitely' get what she wants."

"So she focused on strength?" Zhan Shiqi continued, Jiang Yuyan's strength is quite strong now, and she was a little bit puzzled.

"Yes, in fact, you and I both understand that the best way to completely win someone's heart is to make yourself irreplaceable. Therefore, Jiang Yuyan will keep getting stronger and become the strongest of all my women , become the strongest woman in the world, and even become the strongest person! But if she really becomes number one in the world one day, then she will definitely not tolerate you."

"Number one under heaven?" Zhan Shiqi couldn't laugh or cry, did he have such great ambitions?She dare not even think about it!

Zuo Zhou glanced at Zhan Shiqi's expression, and sighed in his heart, this is probably the difference between you and Jiang Yuyan.

"No. [-] in the world is naturally difficult, especially after seeing that you have Zhou Tong as your ancestor and so many demons and ghosts, so she changed her strategy again."

"What strategy?" Zhan Shiqi stood up slightly, and there is a strategy?Is this Jiang Yuyan city mansion so deep?
"Give full play to my unique advantages first, and become a very important person beside me."

Zhan Shiqi came to a sudden, "I just want to take a place for myself first, isn't it still..."

"It's different. She doesn't care if you admit it or not, and she doesn't care if you can become my woman in name. So from this point, your consent or not is bypassed."

Zhan Shiqi was puzzled, "But how can she help you? And is she irreplaceable?"

Zuo Zhou thought about it and thought, "I'm not sure about this, but this is something she should think about. What are you worrying about?"

"Yes!" Zhan Shiqi laughed again, and looked towards the deck, trying to show off his affection in front of Jiang Yuyan, but he couldn't find her, where did he go?
"My lord, we are ready to dock."

The sailor reminded that Zuo Zhou got up and walked towards the front deck when he heard the words, but was stopped by Jiang Yuyan who came out of the cabin suddenly.

I saw her holding a black, gold and red official uniform with a smile, "My lord, you are now the fifth general of the Great Qin Dynasty. You must have enough pomp when you return from your mission. This is what I sewed for you according to the regulations." Although the official uniform may not be as good as the craftsmanship of the official embroidery workshop, it is still okay for a while."

Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, yes, I've been promoted!

Jiang Yuyan said as she pulled up Zuo Zhou and walked into the cabin, "I will help the general change his clothes."

Seeing the two people entering the cabin, Zhan Shiqi looked confused, why did he feel like he had lost? !
 I broke my teeth when I was in the Chinese New Year. Fortunately, the sixth day of the dental office went to work.

(End of this chapter)

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