Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 457 You are alive, what about him?

Chapter 457 You are alive, what about him?

Do you remember that brother who took you full set for the first time?Do you remember the sister who taught you to search resources?

What kind of feeling is this?We generally call this kind of person Tiezi!
"Old iron Ramuye, what's wrong with you!"

Zuo Zhou is very broken. He has a premonition that his character design is going to collapse today.

Speaking of which, Zuo Zhou didn't care much about Zhao Ji's problems. Although Hu Hai was unreliable sometimes, he wasn't really stupid. Zhao Ji's existence was like a ticking time bomb to him.After all, he is also the Empress Dowager, if he spreads nonsense, then his fame for the rest of his life will be over.

So Zuo Zhou could fully predict that after the initial entanglement, Hu Hai would definitely choose to arrest Zhao Ji.

It's just that Zuo Zhou didn't care, but He Ran was a little nervous. As we all know, Lao Ai was killed by Zuo Zhou's gang, that is to say, as long as Zhao Ji's brain is still normal, she will definitely seek revenge.

With Zuo Zhou's current strength, how stupid would it be to go directly to the opponent's hard steel?So there is a high probability that he will find opportunities among these people around him.

Just looking around, Princess Qingping has learned the magic sword slash, and the sword intent is so concentrated that even the master of the list is not sure that she can take it down in a short time.With the status of a princess, every watchtower stares at her like a baby when she goes out.

Zhan Shiqi not only has the background of the Yang family, but also has a master of the local list, and his own kung fu is not weak. If you target her, you may be a bit seriously ill.

The old man Zuo doesn't know martial arts, but he usually goes out with a large number of scribes of various schools, as if he was a senior Confucianist, and his airs are bigger than Di Renjie. No one will accept it when they start a fight!

Apart from these, there is only one disciple left who is close to Zuo Zhou, but he is in the library of Dali Temple every day, do you still want to attack Dali Temple?

And his mother and senior sister... well, just ignore them.

Looking at it this way, it seems that the only ones who can be targeted are the mother and son Axiang and Chuchu!

This person, once he has a weakness, he doesn't seem so invulnerable, not to mention that when it comes to Chu Chu, He Ran is a little hysterical, insisting on Zuo Zhou's snacks to kill Zhao Ji early.

In desperation, Zuo Zhou came over to take a look, and it turned out that the look was amazing, both the voice and the figure were so familiar.

"Li Yuanfang!"

The poisonous man Lamuye yelled loudly, with deep-seated hatred in his voice, which made Zuo Zhou puzzled for a while.

"Uh... Is there some misunderstanding between us?" Zuo Zhou thought he should explain.

"At the beginning, I regarded you as my brother and treated you as my own, but you turned around and provoked me to fight among Turks. You are the culprit for the way I am today!"

Ramuye's voice seemed to be squeezed out bit by bit, the more hoarse and the more murderous.

Zuo Zhou is embarrassed, this... "I didn't expect that a letter would make you Turks like that! Besides, it was Yang Wenguang who sent troops in the end. I suggest you go to him to settle accounts. Really, Yang Wenguang is in the imperial capital right now. If you don't know the place, I can point it out to you."

Dufeng: "..." Should I pretend not to hear?

"None of you can run away!"

Zuo Zhou ignored Lamuye's roar, and still had a heartbroken expression on his face, "Why bother? Brother Lamuye, do you remember that you promised to send me many girls! Although I don't think you will The beauties who come here will be of higher quality than mine, but my family lacks maids who do chores, you see..."

Two jets of black air came out of Ramuye's nostrils, and several pustules burst on Mama Lailai's face. I said we are enemies, yes, you want me to give you a woman?
Seeing this, Zuo Zhou still said softly: "Don't be angry, look at your current appearance, you can't use it, can you? Why bother to take advantage of others?"

Dufeng heard the words and looked at Lamuye's current appearance, and nodded in agreement.

Then Lamuye went crazy.

Shouting and rushing towards Zuo Zhou, a big fight greeted him, Zuo Zhou flashed past lightly, "Look, you're still in a hurry." He pulled out the Bi Xuezhao Danqing casually, and smacked it on La Muye's neck. Draw.

"Heh, can even the magic weapon be scratched a little? Who transformed you, I want to get to know you."

Ramuye's eyes are yellow with feces, and there is a bit of blood red in them that is unique to killing intent. At this time, he has completely lost his mind, and will rush towards him screaming.One claw after another, I don't know what kind of martial arts it is, or is it a simple variant of Wang Baquan?
"Go after Zhao Ji, I'll talk to Brother Ramuye."

After Dufeng heard the words, of course he would not delay any longer, he greeted casually, and the arresters from the six gates got on their horses and gave chase again.

After a burst of smoke, Zuo Zhou sighed, "When the Turks were wiped out before, I was actually wondering if I, the Ramuye Brotherhood, would be able to escape Yang Wenguang's murderous hands. Now that you are here, I feel a little annoyed, with your appearance, it would be better to die at the beginning, at my heart, you are still that perfect image!"

Lamuye chased Zuo Zhou with punches and kicks, which belonged to the kind that went from the left side of the screen to the right side. It's a pity that so many attacks had no effect at all.

Zuo Zhou continued: "Back then, you were so ambitious, and you were determined to teach those little girls who dreamed of being a chivalrous girl what it means to be dangerous in the Jianghu. But now, you might stun the chivalrous girls as soon as you open your mouth." ?”


Ramuye roared wildly with an unknown tone, and then began to tear the armor on his body, not the armored vehicle that could transform, but the metal armor pieces sewn on his flesh.

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "Very well, it seems that there is still a part of you that hasn't changed, you still like to undress, and undress in such a wild way. Well, I don't know if Ji Li Khan still retains some old habits ?”


Ramuye's momentary silence explained many things, and Zuo Zhou also understood, "Sure enough, if you can survive the war by chance, then Jili Khan can also survive!"

"So, is that why you tell me so much? Just because you want to hear about Khan from me!"

Zuo Zhou smiled, "What? Don't get angry anymore? Right, let's have a good talk, you see you can't hit me after fighting for so long."

Ramuye's chest heaved violently, and the ferocity in his eyes gradually became crazy, but he didn't attack as madly as before, but reached out and plunged into his chest.

"Huh? What are you doing? You don't have to hurt yourself when you're angry!"

Ramuye's eyes were still staring at Zuo Zhou, but his fingers were digging at his chest. The rancid flesh made Zuo Zhou's stomach churn, and he should eat a piece of wife cake when he came here in the morning.

In Ramuye's hand, there was a specially packaged wax pill, the outer skin was crushed, and inside was a blood-red elixir.

When Zuo Zhou saw the ominous color, he knew what it was, but he didn't stop it.There are many capable people in the Azure Dragon Society, and there are quite a few who know how to make pills, but the only one who can be called a pervert is probably the one who is abandoned by heaven and earth.

Maybe it was the warrior's intuition, or maybe it was through reasoning, Zuo Zhou always had a feeling that this Land Que might match up with him in the future.Now is an opportunity to get to know him.

Click click!

Ramuye chewed the pill with a vicious and determined expression, and then began to change.

"I'll go, it works so fast!"

Ramuye's skin and flesh began to proliferate and deform, and the color gradually changed from excrement yellow to blue. Then his hands and feet began to bend abnormally, and his bones changed from standing to lying prone.Then the mouth began to elongate, and the sharp teeth quickly bared out of the lips. The originally thick eyebrows and big eyes began to pull to the sides, turning into a lizard-like monster with the distance between the eyes almost one meter away!

"Xian Wang is not a human being for the sake of longevity. Why are you bothering? Let alone a woman, even female lizards look down on you!"

There was a long whistle, and circles of sound waves could be seen emitting from the bloody mouth with the naked eye.

Ramuye's strength has improved significantly, and he is almost approaching the level of the master of the human list. Of course, this kind of improvement is completely overdrawing his life potential.It is estimated that if Zuo Zhou ignored him, he would collapse in a few minutes.

Zuo Zhou looked it up and down, but he didn't mean to look down on it. On the contrary, he really felt that this drug was very powerful.

This is not the world of the next-door earth, so it is too simple to cultivate a few dead soldiers. A single pill has such a powerful effect. If there are too many, how much threat will it pose to the army?
Zuo Zhou became a little more serious, but in the blink of an eye, he figured it out. To put it bluntly, this world is still very orderly, and there is a price to be paid to achieve any effect.

Although this pill is precious and effective, the consumption of medicinal materials in it may not be low, otherwise Qinglong would have been popularized long ago.

call!A violent whistling came towards him, Zuo Zhou was slightly surprised and immediately dodged it with Lingbo's micro-steps.

Ramuye's momentum continued unabated, and after landing, he plowed out two bare marks on the lawn, and dirt and gravel were everywhere.

"Well, it seems that even if you want to tell me about Jili Khan, you can't say it now. Why bother?"

With a swing of Zuo Zhou's dagger, countless sword shadows rose from the ground and directly held it in the air.

Ramuye's body shook violently, and soon shattered several sword shadows, but more sword shadows appeared afterward.

"At the end of the day, my cultivation level is not good enough. If I am promoted to the master of the list, my sword shadow can hurt you." Zuo Zhou shook his head regretfully, "but fortunately, I don't need to worry about the hardness of the sword shadow now. gone."

As soon as the words fell, countless magic soldiers appeared beside Zuo Zhou out of thin air reflecting the sunlight, waving their fingers lightly, as if Wuming was about to unleash a thousand swords to return to his clan.

"I am now, there are not many other things, but there are many embryos of magic soldiers!"

 something is wrong with the keyboard
(End of this chapter)

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