Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 458 The Sword of the Sword Mountain 1

Chapter 458 Sword Mountain Edition Sword Eleven
The battle with Yingyin can be said to be the most difficult battle for Zuo Zhou since he came to this world. Of course, this difficulty does not mean how painful the process was. On the contrary, the scene was very glamorous. That skin is really... well, in short, Yingying is the most difficult enemy he has ever met.

After this battle, he gained a lot, but what these gains really improved was not his trump card, but his combat power in normal form.

Love in the Alluring City is too useless for swords, Styx swordsmanship is too useless for swords, and these two unique moves are based on the intention of destroying the world, even if you give yourself to Zuo Zhou wholeheartedly, it will not improve much.

As for conventional force, Zuo Zhou's two moves are Demon Saber + Divine Saber Slash + Shura Faxiang, and Sword Eleven Nirvana.

The former must either improve his understanding of the pure sword intent, or increase the strength of the dharma, or wait for Yong Wei to improve first, otherwise there is no way.

The latter has really improved in quality, and even once reached the level of Styx swordsmanship!
Speaking of which, in Zuo Zhou's impression, the move of Eleven Nirvana originated from the Misty swordsmanship of Master Huanzhu and God Gu Wen Huangren, and it is said to be the perfect move to explore the limits of manpower.

How could it be possible that such a powerful move had only a little bit of power from Zuo Zhou?
It's just that Zuo Zhou's own hard power level is still innate, so even the sword shadow can't condense like a real sword. It's strange that this power has come up.

Just imagine, if each of his sword shadows can be condensed like a real sword, and the quality of a real sword is comparable to that of a magic weapon, how powerful is this move?If you add sword intent to each divine weapon, how strong will it be?What's more, the additional sword intents can also be different, and they can replace each other to form a sword formation, what kind of scene will it be!
Now, although he can't do that exaggeration, he has the conditions to do the former one, and the basis for this condition lies in the mountain of knives in the hell way!
It was a mountain, a mountain of knives filled with countless embryos of magic weapons.

What is the difference between a god soldier and a god soldier embryo?There is no sword soul, what Zuo Zhou needs to do is to temporarily use his own sword shadow as a sword soul to pour into the embryo of a divine weapon, and then summon it when it is time to use it. It is convenient and fast but extremely powerful!
And Brother Ramuye in front of him is very honored to contribute his blood to this move!

"Brother Ramuye, I don't know if you are still rational, but I still ask you for the last time, where is Jili Khan?"

In an instant, Zuo Zhou felt dull, and a poetic brainstorm began in his mind.

Lamuye, who had completely turned into a monster, rushed towards Zuo Zhou, like a moth jumping towards a bonfire. In the eyes of the moth, it was not a bonfire but a signal of courtship.In Lamuye's eyes, he must not be an enemy, but a half-brother who can ghs together!

clap clap...

Numerous magic soldiers slashed across, and the monster that Lamuye turned into was submerged in an instant. When Zuo Zhou finished his work, there was nothing left on the scene except for the evenly spread blood.

Zuo Zhou let out a long sigh and retracted his sword fingers, and the countless swords of magic soldiers were drawn back behind him as if the tide was flowing backwards, and some foul-smelling blood could still be seen on them.Poisonous people, it is reasonable to have some corrosive ability in their blood, just like Huang Rong cannot be lost in the martial arts area, and Tifa cannot be lost in the 3D area.

"There are nine out of ten unsatisfactory things in life. Although you didn't send the beautiful woman to my house in the end, I will still remember you well." Zuo Zhou said as he slowly lifted into the sky, looking far away at where Dufeng is. In the past, hey, this guy was stopped again.

Yes, Dufeng is also a little depressed, Zhao Ji and Du Suyan's speed is not fast, they will soon be overtaken by the horses chasing, but at this time someone is blocking the way.

It was a group of beggars, a group of beggars who were not very serious at first glance.

The serious beggars were all in ragged clothes, and all of them were skinny, but the group in front of them, although they were also in ragged clothes, had their flamboyant pectoralis major muscles supported by good wine and good food every day.

"Do you dare to block the way when the six doors are doing business?"

Dufeng yelled and saw the beggars swinging sticks to beat them, but don't get me wrong, it's not a dog-beating stick method, but a weaker version of the lotus formation.

In fact, compared to these serious martial arts masters blocking the way, Dufeng is more willing to face the poisonous people, because those poisonous people have obviously been fooled by the poison, and they only need to use a little tricks to deal with them.But this gang of beggar masters was not so easy to deal with. The policemen could only jump off their horses one after another and deal with them with the formations they had practiced.

Dufeng was a little angry, but this time he was not in a hurry, Li Yuanfang had dealt with the poisonous person before, and after so long, his reinforcements would not be much slower than Li Yuanfang.

Thinking of looking into the jungle without a trace of sight, several figures had already rushed out, hanging far behind Zhao Ji and the two daughters.

When Dufeng saw this, he was so angry that he had a toothache, so you all just followed him. I was the only one who was unlucky to do the hard work, hum!

There was resentment in his heart, and his hands became more ruthless. Although the lotus branding array was not weak, it was gradually falling into a disadvantage in the face of a master like Dufeng.

Zuo Zhou didn't stay too long, he didn't fly fast, he just watched all this from a distance, but his mind kept spinning.

Now that the big dragon head is focused on longevity, there are only a few dragon heads left in the Azure Dragon Society to make troubles. Although I don't know who will be in the imperial capital this time, I can roughly understand it even if I calculate it.

Shangguan Jinhong of the Money Gang.

If a beggar appeared, then Wang Jiantong might also be there.

The one who can rescue Ramuye and turn him into a poisonous person must be an organization in the Western Regions that has the resources and strength to do it.But now there is Wang Jian leading troops to suppress in the Western Regions, and there are still people who can do this, I am afraid that the only one is Happy King.

This lineup can be called luxurious, but even if you don't make a move, the people of the Azure Dragon Club are not worth seeing.

The Qinglong Society is definitely not good enough to beat the masters, just Bai Qi, Zhuge Zhengwo, and Lu Xiaofeng are enough to bury them, not to mention that Lu Xiaofeng also called Ximen Chuuxue and Wuming, it's a complete bully!

"Well, it's good to bully others, at least I can live a peaceful life." Zuo Zhou yawned, turned around and went home.

Yes, he went home, with Lu Xiaofeng and others following him, Zhao Ji couldn't run away, even if Shangguan Jinhong did it himself, don't try to take them away, after all Shangguan Jinhong is not good at lightness kung fu.

Then he met Qingping who was anxious, and Zuo Zhou's face sank, he...couldn't be stolen?Who is so cheap!

The anger in my heart came up all of a sudden, but I just took a look, Ah Xiang, Shi Qi and Chu Chu were still there, and there was no one missing?Huh?Could it be that something is wrong with my father?
Turning around and glanced at the Dali Temple, it was calm...

"What's the matter, what are you so anxious about?"

Qingping had a bitter face and acted coquettishly, "Aji is gone!"

Who is Aggie?

Zuo Zhou had a question mark on his head for the first time, and then saw that Qingping was about to get angry and hurriedly acted suddenly, "Oh him, why didn't he?"

"I used to teach Aji to read and write every day. After nearly a year of teaching, he has gradually become like an ordinary child, but just this morning, I didn't wait for him to come to class!"

What Qingping said Zuo Zhou finally remembered, Ah Ji, that was the werewolf boy who was adopted on the way to Jiangnan.Because of the fangs of the wolf ancestors, the irritable guy became a clingy Erha.

"I thought you lost him a long time ago, but you still keep him!"


"Ahem, okay, maybe the child skipped class? You know, youth, if anyone's youth didn't skip class, it must be incomplete. Just come back and beat me up. Let's play mixed doubles!"

Qingping said urgently: "Impossible, his current IQ is only a few years old, and I teach alone, it is impossible to imitate others, and he has no concept of skipping class."

Zuo Zhou was helpless, could it be that he was abducted by the enemy?In other words, even if he had to deal with the people around him, he wouldn't pick a fool.

"Uh, don't worry, you didn't feel the enemy's invasion, which means that the enemy didn't enter the house, so it must be Aji who went out by himself. Considering Aji's mind, with you watching There is no problem of being abducted by the enemy." Zuo Zhou judged this way, after all, if the enemy could enter the mansion without being discovered, they would have already targeted Qingping and other women, so they would not just take away one Aji.

"Don't worry, listen to me and wait for a while, the people in my general's mansion won't lose it without knowing it."

Zuo Zhou wiped his tears soothingly, winked at Zhan Shiqi and the others, asking them to help comfort him, then turned around and went to find Mr. Zhou Tong.

By the way, if you are sitting here, can you still lose a big living?
"I didn't pay attention!" The old man's answer was really straightforward.

Zuo Zhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Then you can always tell me if anyone sneaked in?"

"That's for sure not." Mr. Zhou Tong was very confident, and then he acted like it was none of my business. In fact, just like Zuo Zhou's previous judgment, he also felt that the man called Aji ran out by himself.

"Then did you find any abnormalities? For example, some abnormalities that can lead Aji out?"

"How do I know that? I don't know that Aji well. Maybe what looks interesting to him seems ordinary to me~"

Zuo Zhou was helpless, he couldn't blame anyone for this matter, he just found it after losing it, but it was a bit awkward, he has such a reputation now, does he still have to take on this kind of drudgery of finding someone to solve the case?

Just kidding, I am a general, I... can report to the officer, ha ha!

Di Renjie was dealing with official business in Dali Temple at this time. For some reason, he suddenly shuddered for no reason. His eyes were confused and he pondered for a moment and called out: "Yuchi! Come on, come with me to the Imperial College. Why can't the talents recommended by me in Dali Temple?" Studying in the Imperial College? There is no such reason!"

Yuchi Zhenjin was stunned, "My lord, didn't you say before..."

"What did I say? I was busy before, but I'm not busy now. Of course, I have to talk about this matter, bring people with me, and invite those scribes who came to Zuo Feng to discuss academics to go to the Imperial College and ask them to comment on this matter." , I asked why?"

Yuchi Zhenjin smiled wryly, what's wrong, my lord?It seems to be making things bigger!


Half a quarter of an hour later, Zuo Zhou came to Dali Temple, "Oh? Where did everyone go?"

(End of this chapter)

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