Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 464 1 Road Pulling Hip Good Luck Happy King

Chapter 464

Happy King, formerly known as Chai Yuguan, seems to be a bad breed by nature, and he is familiar with the classics even though he was born in a wealthy family, but the principles of life have not been implemented in his own behavior style.Instead, he hangs out with prostitutes and bandits all day long, and finally loses all his family wealth.

There is a saying that how much success you have depends mainly on what kind of friends you have around you.Although this sentence is not entirely correct, it also has some truth.Chai Yuguan always hangs out with this kind of gangsters, so naturally he can't make a name for himself. After his family's wealth is gone, he will naturally stage a scene of people taking tea to cool him. With a lot of understanding of slang and so on, I can be regarded as a quack from now on.

After losing his family fortune, Chai Yuguan had no choice but to join the Shaolin Temple as a monk. At that time, Emperor Qin had not ascended the throne, and the Great War had not yet started. Shaolin Temple was still the master of martial arts.

Chai Yuguan, who entered Shaolin Temple, coaxed the monk in charge to be happy with his rhetoric, and became a monk of pyrotechnics.Yes, it seems that Shaolin Temple always likes to throw some unrighteous people into the fire room.

Then the process is very clichéd. Chai Yuguan is a person who practiced Buddhism with peace of mind. He felt that he had gained the trust of Shaolin Temple, so he started to learn martial arts secretly. Unfortunately, he was discovered and kicked out before he learned anything. Shaolin Temple.

However, Shaolin Kungfu is naturally extraordinary. Although he didn't learn any advanced martial arts secretly, he has become a third-rate master in the world by virtue of those three moves and two styles.Perhaps it was because he felt that after being kicked out of Shaolin Temple, his own reputation would not be good enough for him to be accepted by a famous sect, so he defected to Twelve Links in a blink of an eye.

The Twelve Links is actually a place where many cottage bandits gather together to keep warm. In essence, it is no different from Liangshan, but its momentum and strength are much worse than Liangshan, but its boss is also good at martial arts. He is a rare innate master. .

Chai Yuguan was eloquent again, coupled with his experience as a wealthy family, not only made the boss happy, but also increased the business of Twelve Links.

This boss did not have the vision of Shaolin monks, he did not see through the dangers of Chai Yuguan, not only gave him the second seat, but also taught him all the martial arts.

After so many years, when Chai Yuguan was about to break through his innate ability, something happened to him.

The boss of the Twelve Links found that Chai Yuguan actually wore a dazzling hat for him, he is really my good brother!
So they used all their forces to hunt and kill Chai Yuguan and the escaped concubine. So far, Chai Yuguan is considered to be stinky in both good and evil ways, and he has no choice but to go to the Western Regions to make a living.

Originally thought that Chai Yuguan had to take that concubine with him when he escaped, maybe it was true love, but after he arrived in the Western Regions, he turned around and gave him to the blood knife ancestor of the blood knife gate as an advanced step.

At this time, the ancestor of the blood knife is not the one in Zuo Zhou's impression, he can be regarded as his master, but the master and apprentice are also roles with no bottom line. The more bad he is, the more he appreciates it. Stealing a teacher from Shaolin Temple can be regarded as a different kind of "destiny with Buddha", so he was accepted as a disciple.

Over the past few years, Chai Yuguan has learned all the martial arts of the Blood Knife Sect by virtue of his outstanding aptitude, so he began to seek the property of the Blood Knife Sect, and secretly poisoned and killed the ancestor of the Blood Knife Sect.

However, although his aptitude is good, he can't be considered top-notch. Naturally, there are more insidious and stronger characters in the Xuedaomen. The Blood Knife Patriarch.

So far, Chai Yuguan can no longer survive in the Western Regions...

However, this person's ability to make such a toss naturally also has merits, such as indescribable luck!

He inadvertently rescued Keba, a demon monk from the Western Regions, while being hunted down by the Blood Knife Gate. Because of their similar smells, the two soon became close friends.Although Keba, the demon monk from the Western Regions, was mediocre in martial arts, he was very proficient in the art of poisonous Gu, so he helped Chai Yuguan change his face.

With previous experience, Chai Yuguan deeply realized how important it is to have a good reputation, so Happy King went online.He first left the Western Regions and set foot in the Jianghu of the Central Plains as a rich businessman, and under deliberate manipulation, he quickly gained the reputation of being generous and generous.Then he took the lead in paying money to contact many decent families to besiege the Twelve Links, and this bandit den who knew his origin has since been uprooted.

At this time, Chai Yuguan is already inborn Dzogchen. Since his own internal strength comes from Shaolin Temple, the foundation is quite solid, so he is very confident in breaking through the bottleneck.However, he also fell into the same problem as Zuo Zhou, and there was no way to practice afterwards.

To put it bluntly, whether it is the Twelve Links or the Blood Knife Gate, they may be unique in their moves, but they are much worse in terms of inner skills.

So he came up with another poisonous plan!
The martial arts at that time was the stage when the gods fell and exiles were about to come. At this time, many masters appeared in the rivers and lakes like shooting stars.

One of them is very famous, because people don't know his name, but in view of his deeds of defeating several invincible opponents all over the world, he is respectfully called an invincible monk.It's just that like many meteor-like masters, this invincible monk seems to have gradually disappeared, and no one knows where he died.

Chai Yuguan secretly spread the news that the treasure left by the invincible monk before his death was found on the top of Hengshan Mountain, which immediately caused huge fluctuations in the world.

It is said that in the Jianghu at that time, if you said "go to Hengshan", the other people would immediately cut you with a knife, just because you would lose your share.They were even afraid that they would not be able to catch up with a warm mouthful if they went too late, those people in the rivers and lakes would not even bury their companions when they died.According to statistics afterwards, nearly a thousand people died on the way to Mount Heng, which is a terrifying scale.

Then Happy King's reputation of chivalry and compassion gradually became louder, because even though he was going to Hengshan, he was not afraid of being late, and buried everyone one by one.

What happened next was similar to Zuo Zhou's impression. People in the Jianghu all fought their lives with their heads pinned to their belts, but they always hoped that they could be entrusted with everything they had learned, so they would bury the secret book. Tell Chai Yuguan and ask him to find a good successor or pass it on to his family.Gradually, Chai Yuguan had more cheat books.

However, just when Chai Yuguan was full of ambition, the plot started to go off track, and Jiang Hu taught Chai Yuguan a lesson.

When you have a bad reputation, it is difficult to move an inch, but when you have a good reputation, you will attract outsiders to covet you, not to mention you have many secret books!
As a result, a large number of people from the evil sect of the Demonic Cult began to chase and kill him. These people were much more ruthless than the Twelve Links and the Blood Knife Gate.

But it never occurred to him that Chai Yuguan stole the protagonist's halo from somewhere, and actually accidentally found the treasure of the invincible monk on the way to escape!
At this point, Chai Yuguan is completely awesome, and his martial arts has broken through his innate perfection and reached the level of a master on the list. At this stage, he will not die so easily.

Just when Chai Yuguan was going to make Jiang Hu feel pain, Qin Huang began to sweep the world!

No matter how powerful he was, he didn't dare to block the power of the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, so he turned around and returned to the Western Regions, where he established the Happy City and slowly developed its power.In the blink of an eye, nearly 20 years have passed, and he has also become a middle-aged man, and his strength has also reached the perfection of the master of the list, but this time the bottleneck is real, and he cannot overcome it at all.

As a last resort, he began to study the cheats he got, hoping to be able to comprehend by analogy.However, the more you practice martial arts, the more refined you become. You are proficient in everything, and your fists, palms, and claws point to the door. However, as Shangguan Jinhong said, he has nothing of his own. The time spent studying these miscellaneous martial arts is used to study one kung fu. Even if the progress is slow, quantitative changes may lead to qualitative changes.

However, it's not his character to temper himself a little bit, so he has never figured out the key point, and can only use his energy to collude with the Qinglong Society and play tricks to satisfy his desires.

This is the origin of Happy King, which differs from the original work that Zuo Zhou knows but is not much different. It is also the enemy that Qin Shuang and Nie Feng are about to face.



Qin Shuang yelled and slapped Yaoyao, and the air was suddenly filled with cold mist, and icicles as small as fingertips burst out.

Chai Yuguan sneered disdainfully, the next two juniors were obviously not as good as him in terms of realm, yet they dared to risk their lives to chase after him?It seems that I, Happy King, have not traveled the rivers and lakes for many years, and my reputation has faded.

"Flaming Knife!"

Fufuhu, the vertical palm is a knife, and there is a red blade glow under Chai Yuguan's palm, the air is instantly ignited, a burst of heat dispels the cold air, and the three sword glows directly crush the ice that is all over the sky.

However, what surprised him was that Qin Shuang's palms suddenly turned into fists, and the scattered cold air gathered in one place in the blink of an eye, and even his fists turned pale.

With a punch, the condensed and piercing fist force easily shattered the flame knife force.

Seeing this, Chai Yuguan changed his tactics again, "Kunlun Fiery Palm!"

This move was given by Zuo Zhou to the Jiang family father and son. Its power varies completely from person to person. How could someone like Chai Yuguan, who is talented but has been with prostitutes since he was a child, use it to the extreme?

Therefore, the raging fire in front of him was not able to dispel the chill, and it was easily broken like the flame knife just now.

However, Chai Yuguan also took advantage of this slightly delayed opportunity to retreat and try to use lightness kung fu to leave, but as soon as he turned around, a pair of big feet imprinted on his face.

"The younger generation is presumptuous, take over my iron head skills!"

He was short in stature, but he didn't dodge and hit Nie Feng's Fengshen's leg with his head!

This collision happened. Nie Feng's Fengshen legs had worked with Qin Shuang before, and he had a good understanding of the power of nature.What is the function ratio of Chai Yuguan's iron head?

So, after a counterattack, Chai Yuguan was naturally dizzy and dizzy. When he woke up, Qin Shuang obviously punched him with Tianshuang fist, and Nie Feng even slashed Xueyin Knife.

Chai Yuguan was shocked, this is a bit different from the script he expected, he has all kinds of martial arts, shouldn't he be flawless, any martial arts can be restrained accordingly?Why is it so simple to be forced to come up with a trick!

Nie Feng withdrew his knife, Qin Shuang withdrew his fist, and the two looked at each other with mysterious eyes.

This is the trick of Happy King?how to say?Very familiar!
"Hahaha, let you juniors experience the unique art of Shaolin Temple, happy Arhat boxing!"

(End of this chapter)

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