Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 465 I am the protagonist, Chai Yuguan

Chapter 465 I am the protagonist, Chai Yuguan
This is a Dharma image that seems to have a very good reputation, the golden light flashes, the ice and snow melt and the wind stops wherever it passes.

Neither Qin Shuang nor Nie Feng was surprised. This old guy himself always likes to call out the names of the moves when everyone is in the room. He likes Luohanquan. As soon as he heard the name, he learned the Luohanquan with prefixed names from Li Yuanfang.

Well, since Li Yuanfang was able to cultivate his Dharma appearance by relying on this kind of Arhat boxing, then other people can naturally do it too. Well, although Li Yuanfang's combat power is somewhat incomprehensible, everyone knows that his own realm is still in the innate state.

Chai Yuguan was very upset, I am Faxiang, you just have this expression?Aren't you surprised?
Regardless of Zuo Zhou's unique skills and the fact that everyone he came into contact with had unique skills, but in fact, the number of unique skills in the entire Jianghu is absolutely rare.Not to mention Faxiang, this kind of method is top-notch even in the circle of absolute learning.

This feels quite maddening. I was ready to pretend, but you didn't cooperate?

"Your dharma form... is not far away from becoming a demon~!" Nie Feng narrowed his eyes, looking at Chai Yuguan who was wrapped in the arhat dharma form.

"Hehehe, the ignorant juniors know what it means to be enchanted? It seems that you don't know the power of this seat!"

Nie Feng pursed his lips, and shook his head helplessly. As the saying goes, good words are difficult to persuade the damn ghost, he just expressed his feelings. In fact, he really didn't care what happened to Chai Yuguan.

Qin Shuang smiled disdainfully, probably no one knows what it means to be enchanted better than Nie Feng.

Chai Yuguan seemed to be in a hurry to pretend to be aggressive, or seeing the surprised expressions of the two, he rushed over in a hurry.

Qin Shuang and the two of them wisely avoided the edge for the time being. It was amazing that Qin Shuang also used the Fengshen leg, and cooperated with Nie Feng to make the surrounding area suddenly become a field of wind, and the speed of the two of them suddenly rose to a higher level.

Chai Yuguan was stunned for a moment, but then laughed out loud again, "My Dharma is indestructible, you Xiaoxiao who only know how to escape think this can trap me?"

As the words fell, Chai Yuguan's figure suddenly accelerated, continuous smoke and dust splashed from the ground, and there was a continuous whistling in the air. Although he didn't comprehend the natural power of wind, he was able to catch up with the two of them faintly in speed.

Nie Feng frowned slightly, and winked at Qin Shuang. The two of them wanted to use the characteristics of Fengshen's legs to delay the time and kill each other when the master came.But now it seems that it is not that simple.

That being the case...then don't blame us for bullying you, senior!


The two legs collided, and their bodies separated from each other to attack Chai Yuguan on both sides.

Qin Shuang flew around and spun, fists and feet swaying as if there was a special melody slowly merging, and in the next second a restrained but terrifying energy reaction appeared.The combination of wind and frost, he completed the combination of wind and frost by himself!

On the other hand, Nie Feng was more straightforward. He proved with facts that no one knows what it means to be enchanted better than me.

Explosive clothes and bright fat, white hair and red eyes, and brows with vertical pupils are completely a standard enchantment process, but the difference from before is that there are many more imprints on Nie Feng's body that look like red clouds.

However, it looks like a red cloud, but this imprint doesn't feel hot at all, and even gives people a biting cold feeling.

Qin Shuang was a little surprised. This kind of coldness is different from the natural power of Tianshuang Fist. It is a kind of coldness that comes from the heart, or a simple translation means that the six relatives do not recognize it. Obviously Nie Feng has a deeper understanding of the magic knife technique comprehend.

Logically speaking, it is easier to become enchanted if you have a deeper understanding of the magic knife technique. Coupled with the influence of the fire unicorn blood, the probability of becoming enchanted is a fixed value of [-]%. After the Qilin remnant soul in Feng's body, the chance of becoming enchanted is infinitely reduced, because the Qilin remnant soul will not only not affect Nie Feng, but also has to come out to help him suppress the demonic nature of the magic knife. After all, Zuo Zhou is quite close. What if one day you come to beat it in a bad mood?
After Qin Shuang and Nie Feng laid out their chariots and horses, Chai Yuguan was stunned, ah... are all the villains so cruel?

At the same time, Chai Yuguan also fell into deep jealousy. His life is called magnificent if you say it well, but it is full of disasters and disasters if you say it badly. Why do people?With such a thought, a change occurred in his mind, and this change was faithfully reflected on the face of Huanxi Arhat Faxiang.

Nie Feng glanced up, and said in a voice that seemed to echo: "Happy Arhat, you should be happy because the demons are wiped out and the universe is clarified. But what you have on your Dharma face is only the carefree and distorted after the desire is satisfied. , you are already possessed!"

"What does the ignorant junior know? The key to the so-called joy is desire, and it doesn't matter what the reason for joy is! Don't kill, hatred will never end! Don't steal, strong and weak are no different from me! Don't commit adultery, all sentient beings are evil! Don't lie , dreams and bubbles are empty! Don’t be greedy for wine, worry and fear are impermanent! Don’t indulge in pleasure, just a moment of youth! Don’t be greedy for sleep, you can’t get rid of suffering! Don’t indulge in lust, all things have no interest in life!”

Nie Feng: "..."

Qin Shuang: "..."

The two looked at each other, this person... I'm afraid he has some serious illness?We just habitually talk about it, but he turned out to be even more ruthless, more than a small essay!
"beat him!"

Qin Shuang looked like he had endured him for a long time, and hit the back of Chai Yuguan's Faxiang with a fist of wind and frost. The wind was like a knife, and the knife imprint formed in an instant exploded a flower on the back of Faxiang. A large piece of Faxiang's back was frozen, and the crystal clear space seemed to be broken into countless pieces with just one blow.

And Nie Feng's magic knife followed, and the Aohan Liujue combined with the magic knife really drove the cold into people's hearts, as if everything in the world could not be stopped, as if he could directly hit people's souls.

Chai Yuguan couldn't help staggering from Qin Shuang's blow, but he kept raising his head and didn't dare to receive the knife. Facing the chill that froze his soul, he used the flame knife again.

Nie Feng and the others were not surprised by this. After all, Li Yuanfang can also use the magic sword of Shura to cast the magic knife, so it is not surprising that the other party can use the magic knife of Arhat to cast the flame knife.

But how can this kind of move that doesn't even have the power of nature be the opponent of the magic knife + Aohan Liujue? Just when Nie Feng was about to make a move with one knife, he saw that the color of the flame knife changed, and the original orange red turned into a scary one. blood red!

When singing!

The crisp sound of metal clanging echoed in mid-air, and the air waves exploded out of thin air. The besieged Qin Shuang and Nie Feng retreated unconsciously, while Chai Yuguan, who was in the middle, only felt relieved. Although he didn't know why, but he It seems to have become stronger.

"No, what he said just now is to lure me into a demon!"

Nie Feng frowned as he watched Chai Yuguan suddenly make a judgment, and Qin Shuang was stunned, no wonder there was so much nonsense.

But when Chai Yuguan heard the words, his head was full of question marks, did I lure you into a demon?No, is there?How can I not remember?
Chai Yuguan didn't care too much, he just wanted to continue to play out according to his desire, and soon, the Huanxi Arhat Faxiang behind him changed.

The originally gleaming golden light turned dark and disfigured, and blood rushed from all over his body. The blood smudged around him and quickly dispelled the golden light. The strange expression on Luohan's face turned into a pure madness !
At this time, Chai Yuguan's mind seemed to have opened a gate, and he had a deeper understanding of various martial arts at the same time, and then integrated them into the Arhat Faxiang behind him.And every time one is integrated, this dharma image unexpectedly has an extra arm, and a weapon is hung or carried on the arm.

Soon, a strange thousand-armed arhat was born. With the appearance of the complete thousand-armed arhat, the aura of Chai Yuguan's realm also soared like a rocket, and soon came to the bottleneck, and then there was a faint sound of thunder in the air , A dazzling lightning flashed across the blue sky and white clouds.

Chai Yuguan broke through the bottleneck and became a strong player in the local list!
The whole process frightened Nie Feng and Qin Shuang. It is often heard that someone can break through on the spot, and even the two of them occasionally have such a thing, but this is too exaggerated?


Chai Yuguan laughed wildly, and the increase in strength began to affect the shape of the Faxiang. The Faxiang, which was already very tall, has now risen by more than ten meters, even surpassing the former Chao Gai.

The change here has been noticed by the six doors. After all, the dharma looks like a giant, who can't see it?

Dufeng shouted anxiously: "Everyone get on their horses, keep charging and gouging the giant's face!"

"Yes!" *n!

Although the catchers were not considered the Great Qin Iron Cavalry, they did not back down at this moment. Using Dufeng as an arrow, one by one hung their swords on the horse's side, raised their spears and began to charge. The surging internal force surged and merged into a tide. And they are the first giant waves in the tide.

Fa Xiang's eyes were Chai Yuguan's eyes. He saw the cavalrymen with six doors at first glance, and he sneered in disdain.

Dufeng, who had just finished accumulating energy, was immediately affected, and his momentum weakened immediately after.

Looking at the Faxiang, it seems that the move has not been completed. Countless arms began to pound the ground violently. The huge fluctuations turned up the nearby soil one after another. Layers of soil waves swept across the ground, completely disrupting the rhythm of the cavalry. It was the horse that fell over almost at the same time.So far, Dufeng's attack has been eliminated invisible.

Chai Yuguan laughed again, this time he didn't think about running away anymore, instead he turned around and jumped down hard, as if he wanted to smash Dufeng's foot into pieces.

Qin Shuang and Nie Feng hurriedly moved in, but the countless arms behind the Faxiang threw all the messy things like swords, guns, swords and halberds, and easily pushed them away.

Seeing that Faxiang's huge foot was about to fall on Dufeng's head, Dufeng didn't wait to be killed, and the sword tactics unfolded countless sword auras, like a galaxy going upstream to directly hit Faxiang.

However, due to the difference in realm, this blow only slowed down the speed of Faxiang, but it was not enough to turn the crisis into safety.

At this most critical moment, a distant but close Buddha's name resounded, making even the few people in deep crisis feel calm.

"Evil! Still haven't converted!"

(End of this chapter)

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