Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 490

Chapter 490
"How long?"

This is the voice of many people. The imperial examination has ended, but it takes several days to judge the papers.However, unlike those candidates who were anxiously waiting for the results to be released, all kinds of complex forces on Shangguan Jinhong's side, Bu Jingyun's side, and Zuo Zhou's side were all waiting.

The moment Hu Hai announced the result was the beginning of chaos in the imperial capital. If it wasn't too childish, Zuo Zhou even wanted to draw a starting line at the door of his own house. As soon as the starting gun fired, I would charge!
"It's so boring, the academicians of the Hanlin Academy are too slow!" Zuo old man complained, but rubbed his cute little face with his hands, looking addicted, and almost stabbed someone with stubble.

It's amazing that this little girl still looks like she's enjoying herself, hiss, isn't this girl a masochist?
Zuo Zhou moved his head suspiciously, "Chuchu, call Dad!"


The somewhat ambiguous milk voice and the strong helpless tone made Zuo Zhou wonder for a while whether to be happy or depressed. Feeling a little grown up.

"Call my mother!"


Ah Xiang also leaned over, and naturally got Chu Chu's disgust.

Zhan Shiqi took a bite of the watermelon next to him, looking familiar, "Hmph, Wanwan teased her the whole morning the day before yesterday but couldn't get a nice word from her, what do you want? Take advantage?"

Ah Xiang pouted, "Are young people so proud now? This girl can't be an exile!"

Zuo Zhou stretched out his finger and poked Ah Xiang's forehead, "Don't discredit the exiles, exiles are very knowledgeable about current affairs."

Qingping came out with a plate of grapes, "Xun Huan hasn't come here for two days, hasn't he already finished the exam?"

Zuo Zhou replied casually: "I asked her to stay in Dali Temple and follow Lao Di to learn how to handle official affairs. After all, she is very confident in her grades, and there will always be an official time in the future. It is no problem to study first."

Qingping nodded knowingly, but frowned and asked again: "Yufeng hasn't come here for a long time, it seems that since the end of the imperial examination, she locked herself in the Dali Temple and didn't go out to go shopping. I'm really worried about her. Why don't you go and have a look?"

"Yuyan is with you all the time, nothing will happen, and even if something happens, it's not my turn to take care of it."

Qingping looked at Zuo Zhou's appearance, and understood a little bit. Speaking of Jiang Yufeng's ability to take part in the imperial examination, she is capable in itself, and this kind of person's intelligence is naturally not weak, so why can't she see Zuo Zhou's respect for Jiang's family? manner.

Although Zuo Zhou asked Yihua Palace to hunt down and kill Yan Nantian at the beginning, but Yan Nantian himself was at the level of a great master on the human list, and Yihua Palace's strength was not enough to capture him.In other words, there is only one final result of this matter, that is, Yihua Palace will spit out part of the benefits and return them to the Jiang family.

This part of the benefits will eventually fall into Jiang Yufeng's hands, but... Jiang Yufeng's own views on this matter have changed. After all, Jiang Biehe means different things to her.

Although Jiang Yufeng and Jiang Yuyan are both Jiang Biehe's daughters, there is still a fundamental difference between the two. Jiang Biehe is undoubtedly a person with very strong traditional concepts, and the bad habits of patriarchalism and the distinction between sons and concubines are the same. None of them were left behind. Among these children, Jiang Yulang was undoubtedly the most valued, followed by Jiang Yufeng. As for Jiang Yuyan, she was undoubtedly at the level of paying phone bills.

What kind of effort will result in what kind of harvest, Jiang Yulang died in the end, and there was no bloody drama of mutual betrayal during the whole process.

Jiang Yufeng stayed away from him to study in the imperial capital. Although it was to avoid the possibility of being used by him, it also created a gap with Zuo Zhou.

As for Jiang Yuyan, the only bit of affection left after the last push...

Qingping looked at Zuo Zhouhun's indifferent appearance and couldn't say anything for a while. Everyone had a good relationship. During the period when Zuo Zhou didn't go home, they walked around quite frequently. Who would have thought that it would develop into this state later on? ?

"Out of the list, out of the list!"

Everyone put down their hands at the same time, and there was a blah blah blah outside, and the yamen servant in charge of delivering the news shouted loudly while beating gongs and drums.

But no one moved, everyone was waiting.

Speaking of which, it would be outrageous not to be notified in advance on the release day. Maybe the judges were also struggling, or the imperial examination was canceled because of the fairness, which increased the workload of the graduates.

But fortunately, some rules have not changed, for example, those who win the top three in the first class will be specially announced by the yamen servants at home.

Jiang Yufeng registered her address in Dali Temple, and her state at the time was quite embarrassing.But Li Xunhuan registered his address here. If Li Xunhuan really became the top three this time, there would be no reason why no one would come to the door.


Ah Xiang looked at the calm Zuo Zhou and the old man Zuo, and murmured weakly, "Aren't you too confident in Li Xun Huan?"

The old man on the left reached out and snatched Chu Chu from A Xiang's arms, "Based on my knowledge, I can tell at a glance that Li Xun Huan is not a child in the pool, this time he must be in high school."

Zuo Zhou glanced at A Xiang with eyes that cared for the illiterate, "Based on my understanding of the candidates for the imperial examination, it is difficult to get the number one scholar in high school, but the position of the candidate is a sure thing!"

"Huh?" The old man Zuo looked at Zuo Zhou in surprise, did I teach you to act like this?What can I do if I am so specific?
Zuo Zhou was as steady as an old dog, just looking at the door calmly, and after a while, two yamen servants in red and black clothes came to the door with a plate, and the imperial decree on the plate immediately attracted people. All eyes.

With a wave of his hand, Zuo Zhou inhaled the imperial decree into his hand, opened it and looked, um, it is true that the imperial decree is printed with words, ignore a bunch of clichés, and just read the last two sentences.

"Tanhua! It's really Tanhua!" Ah Xiang suddenly exclaimed.

Seeing this, the two yamen servants who delivered the good news tactfully withdrew. According to the rules, they should win the lottery, but they really didn't have the courage to face this room.Fortunately, Qingping still understands these people's sophistication, and with a wave of her hand, two ingots of silver landed on their plates.

Zuo Zhou nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, Li Xunhuan is Li Xunhuan, Li Tanhua... Oh, by the way, which one is the No. [-] or No. [-]?"

When Zuo Zhou raised his head, he was about to look for the two yamen servants, but he found that the other party had already run away. Huh, is my General's Mansion so scary?
"Ah, what should I do? I don't want to crowd with so many people to look at the list, forget it, let's go and have a look together when Hu Hai summons me." Zuo Zhou said and got up.

"What are you going to do?"

"Go to Dali Temple and see what ranking Lu Qinghou got. After all, he was also recommended by me. Well, let's take a look at Jiang Yufeng by the way."


The same happy atmosphere also took place in Dali Temple, but it was a little different from the General's Mansion. Although there was no special yamen servant to announce the good news, Di Renjie took the list first.

At this time, Li Xunhuan was studying behind Di Renjie, so naturally he was congratulated by Di Renjie immediately, and then by Lu Qinghou.

"My ancestors are above, and Lu Qinghou, the grandson of the next generation, has lived up to expectations and finally passed the exam!" Lu Qinghou knelt down towards the east and surprised Di Renjie. It was really a bit tough.

Di Renjie laughed and said, "Erjia Chuanhe, it's not bad."

To be honest, Di Renjie didn't think that Lu Qinghou could get this result, he was not qualified for his essay alone, but it's still the same sentence, betting is very important!

Lu Qinghou was recommended by Zuo Zhou to enter the library of Dali Temple to browse various materials. The experience of those officials in the past in handling government affairs is very precious. Later, he got a hint to listen to Song Ci's lecture, and his idols are all Seed, it can be said that he has dabbled in various theories. Knowing that the examiner this time is Li Si, he naturally knows how to tilt the direction of the answer.In the end, he is Di Renjie's disciple now, and there are few people who don't know it in North Korea and China. This is more or less biased. If he can't get a good ranking like this, then there is really no development to speak of.

Di Renjie turned his head and looked at Jiang Yufeng and Jiang Yuyan sisters again. As shrewd as he was, he would naturally be able to detect the gap between Jiang Yufeng and Zuo Zhou, but he had no position to persuade them.

He just smiled and said: "Time is fate, although your road to the imperial examination has twists and turns, but fortunately you passed the exam. Although the third place in the top three is not in the top [-], it is enough to be proud of!"

"Sister! Sister! You passed the exam!"

Jiang Yuyan was very happy. Although she didn't take it seriously, a sister who was born as a Jinshi can also improve her status a lot, which is better than nothing.

Jiang Yufeng was not as happy as Jiang Yuyan expressed, she patted Jiang Yuyan's hand, there was something inexplicable and unclear in her eyes besides doting.

"Sister, sister knows that you like General Li, but you can't do it due to various reasons."


Jiang Yuyan was a little puzzled, why did she say this all of a sudden?
"My sister knows that General Li has never promised the Jiang family anything, and even my sister is able to have today thanks to General Li. This kindness can't be repaid... It's just that my sister still has some resentment in her heart, and there is a gap between him after all."

Jiang Yuyan: "..."

She didn't expect that Jiang Biehe held a very important position in this sister's heart, but she didn't care. With her current strength, Zuo Zhou didn't care about Jiang Yufeng's opinion, and she didn't care too much, even now accompanying Jiang Yufeng They just want to maintain their personality.

"Yufeng... let the past go, you have a bright future, don't let hatred blind you..." Di Renjie didn't know how to persuade him, so he could only look forward to the future a little.

It's just that before he could finish speaking, he saw a team that obviously came from the palace stopped outside the door, and the leader was actually an acquaintance, Cao Zhengchun!

"Huh? Eunuch Cao, what are you..." Jiang Yuyan asked in surprise.

Cao Zhengchun saw that she hesitated to speak, then turned to face Jiang Yufeng, "Miss Yufeng, please get on the sedan chair, Your Majesty has already built the Yuhuang Palace for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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