Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 491 I am the winner!

Chapter 491 I am the winner!
"Tell me, who is the final winner in this round?"

Hu Hai looked at Bai Qi expectantly, his eyes full of anticipation, Bai Qi looked embarrassed for a while, and nodded helplessly, "Ah, yes, yes, it is you."

"Hahahahaha, you are right, the final winner is me!"

He pinched his waist with both hands, looked up to the sky and laughed, but Hu Hainiu beeped badly. In fact, he had taken a fancy to Jiang Yufeng from the first time he met Jiang Yufeng in the examination room.Not only because of Jiang Yufeng's beauty, but also because of her poignant and sad feeling. How to put it, if you want to be pretty, you will be filial!

At that time, Jiang Yufeng was not wearing a white dress, but that kind of temperament also managed to fascinate Hu Hai. As for Qin Cao... Hehe, although the kind of woman who has all the points on her own aesthetic line is very attractive, but it is also very attractive. People have inexplicable fear, what?Destiny marriage?Why are the wills of heaven and will fusing there? Tell me about fate and marriage?Are you stupid or I am stupid!

So when he returned to the palace, Hu Hai ordered people to collect the files of all the women he liked, and he naturally learned about Jiang Yufeng's details.

Originally, the strong imprint of Li Yuanfang on Jiang Yufeng's body was enough to make Hu Hai retreat, but when he saw Zuo Zhou's handling of Jiang Biehe's death, he was basically sure that Jiang Yufeng had some resentment in his heart, although this resentment was not enough But it was enough to create a gap between her and Li Yuanfang.

What would happen if I pushed back at this time?

This was what Hu Hai was thinking at the time. In his opinion, there was a great possibility of success. Jiang Yufeng was equivalent to finding another backer for herself. Hu Hai also won!

Therefore, Hu Hai probably spent his whole life's intellect, and he successfully made everyone think that he was obsessed with piano exercises, and even went to mess around with Wei Xiaobao himself, diverting everyone's attention.

Secretly, he gave Jiang Yufeng enough face, quietly ordered people to build a new Yuhuang Palace in the harem, and then when everyone was focusing on the imperial examination, the national teacher election, Qin Cao and Zhao Gao I went to see Jiang Yufeng.

That's right, it was the night when Wei Xiaobao went to find Xiaomeng to crack the secret letter and Lu Xiaofeng monitored the Qincao stronghold. After Hu Hai left, he didn't go back to the palace, but went to Dali Temple to meet Jiang Yufeng.

Although Ximen Chuuxue was behind him to protect him, since he was going to Dali Temple, Ximen Chuuxue might not feel that there was anything wrong.Hu Hai fully expressed his sincerity, not only the Yuhuang Palace, but also the honor of a noble concubine. You must know that Jiang Yufeng is only the daughter of the reckless Jianghu at this time. It's not hard to find out.

And Jiang Yufeng was struggling at the time, she couldn't see any bright future, and she was looking for someone to rely on. Although they had only met twice, she didn't have any dislike for Hu Hai, so she finally walked on A path similar to the one Jiang Biehe had arranged for her back then.


Cao Zhengchun walked in the front, and the gorgeous car was slowly moving forward surrounded by a group of guards, and beside the car was Zuo Zhou who followed step by step, with a calm expression like an old father sending a girl off to get married.

While the car was driving, Jiang Yufeng was sitting upright with a dignified demeanor, her legs were tightly clamped, and her eyes secretly glanced at Zuo Zhou from time to time when the light wind blew up the curtain of the car.

"Everyone chooses their own path. Once you choose, it's not so easy to regret it, but fortunately, your path is not bad."

Zuo Zhou's words made Jiang Yufeng's heart tremble, and she suddenly thought of what Jiang Biehe said to her once, "Be Li Yuanfang's woman!"Become Li Yuanfang's woman!Become Li Yuanfang's woman! ', like spells that woke her up from nightmares every time. Although she didn't anger Li Yuanfang because of this, she didn't put into practice whether it was the naive idea of ​​the rebellious period or the desire for freedom.

However, when Jiang Yuyan got closer to Li Yuanfang, she suddenly felt a little bit of regret. Although it was only for a moment, it still frightened her.

Although Jiang Biehe wanted her to dedicate himself to the pursuit of power, but...becoming Li Yuanfang's woman is also a good thing.

All kinds of complicated emotions prevented Jiang Yufeng from saying a word. She was even prepared to never see Li Yuanfang for the rest of her life. Who knew that the other party came when Cao Zhengchun took her into the palace.

"After you enter the palace, be careful of other concubines. Although you are not afraid of anything in terms of martial arts, there are many ways to harm someone. Hu Hai should treat you well. After all, your existence is a victory for him in the eyes of outsiders. , as long as you are alive, he will feel very honored. Besides... I personally sent you to the palace!"

Jiang Yufeng clutched her skirt tightly, as if the expensive fabric was about to be crushed.

Zuo Zhou didn't say anything else, he just followed the car all the way forward, but his status as a great general was destined to attract extraordinary attention.

"is her?"

"Oh? You know him?"

Li Qingzhao nodded, "She is not far from my seat in the examination room, but I remember that she didn't have any good looks towards Hu Hai at that time, and she will enter the palace!"

Li Bai's eyes widened immediately, "Okay, what are you paying attention to during the exam, no wonder you only got the top three, shame on you!"

Li Qingzhao looked away aggrieved, "You haven't taught others how to confirm that the dried red mark is blood!"

Li Bai's face twitched, "Who the hell came up with this question? Why should I confirm whether the dried up imprint is blood?"

"Oh, it's good to be able to pass the exam. There are only 200 people in the first and second grades. The senior sister is the top three. This result is already very good!" Zhan Hongling laughed to show her comfort.

But Li Qingzhao glanced at her coldly, "Junior Sister, are you comforting Senior Sister? Thank you so much!"

Zhan Hongling shuddered, and said with a sneer, "I mean it, sisters, don't you believe me?"

"What do you say?"


Li Bai looked at the two girls and heaved a long sigh. It seems that these two have been adopted and abandoned, so he should find another apprentice to train them again. Well, he met a very talented person before.


"Why is that?"

Qin Cao's face had already started to distort, and Wang Jiantong next to him smiled contemptuously: "Didn't you say that you are so obsessed with Hu Hai that you don't know what his last name is?"

Qin Cao was speechless, Shangguan Jin Hong shook his head in disappointment, but finally sighed: "Forget it, now the arrow is on the string and has to be fired, although Qin Cao can't attack and assassinate Hu Hai at close range, but our plan for Fu Su It can still go on. Since Qin Cao has not been sent to the palace, then go to the six gates with Zhao Gao's men to rescue Chai Yu and shut them down, and then act together."

There was a crazy red blood in Qin Cao's eyes, "I can go to Li Yuanfang's woman first."

"Are you sure you're sure?"


"what ever!"

Also a little crazy is Zhao Gao, isn't it the promised piano exercise?Is it easy for Lao Tzu and a group of people to pinch their faces according to your preferences?What are you playing with me to hide the sky and cross the sea?
Well, in fact, Zhao Gao, as the general manager next to Hu Hai, naturally had to ask him about any construction projects in the palace, but his whole heart was involved in other things. At first, he just thought that Hu Hai was spending money randomly. Can think of actually building a palace for the new imperial concubine!In other words, he even purposely built another palace for a concubine, this favor is enough to make the entire harem jealous!
If Qin Cao can't enter the palace, then the assassination of Hu Hai is basically impossible. Who would have thought that Hu Hai's one wayward move would destroy the old plot planned by Zhao Gao, Shangguan Jin Hong and others.So, sometimes you can't believe this luck, of course, even if Qin Cao enters the palace smoothly, Lu Xiaofeng and others who already know that there is something wrong with her can't let her mess around.

Just seeing Jiang Yufeng's car driven into the palace, Zhao Gao is really not reconciled, but now there is no other way but to continue, since Hu Hai can't kill him, let's use Fusu as the knife.

Zhao Gao turned around and walked towards the outside of the palace, his front and rear feet were almost staggered from Zuo Zhou and others.

But Zuo Zhou was not in the mood to talk to him at this time, he watched the car drive Jiang Yufeng to the harem, turned around and said to Cao Zhengchun, "In the future, you can help if you can in the palace, after all, it is from my general's mansion. Those who go out must not be harmed by these ghost tricks in the harem."

Cao Zhengchun was slightly surprised: "The general is not angry?"

"It's nothing to be angry about. We are friends at best. If she doesn't enter the palace today, she will only help me manage some business in the future, and her achievements will be limited. This is also very good. Maybe she can become a queen in the future, and she will have a good future." tomorrow!"

Cao Zhengchun clasped his fists and bowed, "The general is righteous."

Zuo Zhou waved his hand and walked towards the main hall. Counting the time, he took a detour to Dali Temple, and then slowly sent Jiang Yufeng into the palace. By this time, the new number one scholar should have arrived at the main hall.

He naturally didn't care who won the champion, but when he received the champion, it should be the time to announce the winner of the national division's round of competition.He wanted to see that distorted face of Pudu Cihang!


After Zhao Gao got out of the palace, he got on his horse and ran wildly. In a certain alley, there were already a dozen beggars waiting for a long time.

After Zhao Gao got off his horse, he said, "Time is running out, change clothes immediately."

A beggar nodded, and took out a dozen sets of Imperial Guard armor from the side.

Zhao Gao was quite satisfied when he saw this, and then he took out an imperial decree from his cuff, and the beggars were stunned when they saw it.

"What about your helper?"

"Bangzhu Wang has already left the city with Shangguan's gang leader one step ahead of time."

Hearing this, Zhao Gao took a deep breath and waved his hands, "Lead the way ahead, let's go to the six gates!"

(End of this chapter)

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