Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 492 You are in a hurry

Chapter 492 You are in a hurry
Shangguan Jinhong was on his way to hunt down Fusu, Hu Hai was on his way to six gates to deceive people, Qin Cao was on his way to the General's Mansion to seek revenge, everyone was on the way, only Hu Hai was sitting quietly on the dragon chair and waiting From a certain point of view, he really has a bit of a winner's card to meet this year's No. [-] scholar in the imperial examination.

Especially after hearing the news that Zuo Zhou personally sent Jiang Yufeng into the palace, his pride was almost etched on his face.

"Come here, give the general a seat!"

Zuo Zhou paused and sat down peacefully. Sometimes people's thinking is very complicated. Hatred and resentment often only need a moment. For example, this seat was not given by Prime Minister Li Si, and many veterans in the court did not give it. If the general didn't give the seat, but you gave the seat, it is easy to cause hostility.

This is obviously a small trick of Hu Hai. Of course Zuo Zhou knew about it, but he never thought about fighting for power with Hu Hai from the beginning to the end. He just used these things as seasonings in his life.He didn't even know who these people were except for a few ministers.Well, it may also be because they add a piece that is not as impressive as Purdue Cihang!
Hu Hai looked at Zuo Zhou's expressionless face, and his heart was already full of joy, hahahaha, he must be very upset, ahhahahaha!
Zuozhou (;¬_¬)
"let's start."

"The new top scorer Zhong Kui, second place Zhang Liang, and Tanhua Li Xunhuan have an audience!"


Zhao Gao disappeared, and now the eunuch with a duck voice was replaced by Yuhuatian, and with his shout Zuo Zhou finally knew the names of the top three this time, how should I say it?I didn't expect it, but after hearing the name, I felt very reasonable.

The three people outside the hall entered one by one. As the number one scholar, of course he was in the front, but Zuo Zhou could vaguely feel that the atmosphere was not quite right just after entering the hall.

"Damn it! You're so ugly, I was also invigilating the exam back then, why didn't I notice you!"

Hu Hai screamed, causing everyone to roll their eyes at the same time, what the hell were you looking at during the invigilation, should we remind you?
Leopard head with ring eyes, iron face with curly temples, strange appearance, burly figure... These adjectives can give people a sense of peerless fighters when they fall on anyone, but it is a bit wrong to put it on Zhong Kui, the new champion.

Because he is a bit too leopard-headed, too iron-faced, too strange-looking, too burly...

This is definitely not a word of water, the eyeballs are so wide that the vision is as sharp as a knife, even if you look at people normally, the other party dare not move.The beard on his face is as rigid as needles, making people wonder how thick his skin is, and his face is so dark that it is almost surpassing Li Kui. By the way, shouldn't you be a scholar who stays at home and studies?Are you a Kryptonian, and the sun has a special favor for you?
Too many beards will cover up your appearance, but how did you practice your figure?The trapezius muscles in the shoulders are also too developed, so that the whole figure looks very rude with a slumped neck.And that book long shirt, it's all propped up, are you a Doll Gundam?
Zuo Zhou let out a breath and felt quite shocked. He is a little suspicious now, the sturdy aura coming from this guy is a bit fierce, if it hits the pillar of the temple, it may destroy the hall!
At this time, Zhong Kui looked a little bit shocked, he froze in place and walked or stood still.

Li Si coughed lightly, "Hurry up and pay your respects to Your Majesty!"

"Minister Zhong Kui, Zhang Liang and Li Xun Huan pay respects to His Majesty."

According to the rules of Daqin, people who have achieved fame do not need to kneel down to salute, so all three of them clasped their fists and bowed to salute, and the officials also recovered from the shock just now. The eyes that were still very hot just now felt comfortable.

Hu Hai was very real, after the three of them met, their eyes never shifted at all, and they never let up when they stared at Li Xun Huan.

"Well, good, really beautiful... You are all the pillars of my Great Qin!" Hu Hai symbolically praised a few words, then waved his hand to signal the three of them to stand aside.

Everyone's heart trembled, and they knew that it was the highlight of the day.

"Prime Minister, the results of the statistics are available, let all my lovers have a look."

Following Hu Hai's order, Li Si took a step forward. He had already prepared a volume of imperial edict in his hand, and said in a loud voice with shaking hands: "According to the statistics of the academicians in the Imperial Academy, the last question of the imperial examination is most recognized by the examinees. from..."

In the crowd, Pudu Cihang had already started to arrange his robes and prepare to take over the glory of the national teacher, but he heard an anxious roar from outside the hall, "Wait a minute, your majesty, there are evildoers in the matter of the national teacher, don't let the evildoers Your Majesty has been hurt!"

The officials were stunned, a circle of imperial guards drew their swords out of their sheaths and blocked Hu Hai, and a dozen sunflower eunuchs fell beside Hu Hai, and the whole scene suddenly became chaotic.

Zuo Zhou looked out of the hall in a little surprise, there was even an expert who could tell at a glance that Pudu Cihang was not a human being?
Hu Hai shivered seeing so many people, he felt that he could do it again, and pulled the two sunflower eunuchs away, "Where is the evildoer, let me see!"

A man in official uniform ran in from outside the hall, Zuo Zhou glanced at him, hey, he's still an acquaintance.

Hu Hai frowned and shouted: "Jianzheng, where is the evildoer you mentioned?"

The supervisor of the Qintian Supervisor, Xu Fu, saluted respectfully, turned around and began to burst into anger. He looked like a loyal minister Xu Fu who was not afraid of difficulties, and pointed like a sword and shouted: "Pudu Cihang! You evildoer, you think you can deceive the world, but you can't. My piercing eyes! With me, Xu Fu, here today, I will definitely not allow you, a monster, to take the position of national teacher!"

Li Si glanced down at the imperial decree in his hand, and it wasn't him... Well, let's go to the theater.

The corners of Zuo Zhou's eyes twitched wildly. What the hell is going on? Why did Xu Fu and Pudu Cihang get into a fight?Do you want to... join in the fun?
"Oh! I can tell at a glance that you are not human!"

Jump up hard, raise your head and chest, use your abdomen to sound chest resonance, and stretch out your fingers to wipe out Dao's momentum and roar!

Pudu Cihang was taken aback, being accused by two people one after another, he didn't know how to refute for a while, so he could only stand there coldly.

"There are monsters? Escort! Escort!"

Hu Hai leaned back, his whole body became tense, and he was a little excited amidst the tension. No one would believe him when he said it, and he also read idle books. The drama of "a scholar rushing to take an exam at night, and a fox with red sleeves adds fragrance" is very interesting. It made him envious.It's just... No matter how you look at it, this one has nothing to do with the charming fox demon!

Purdue Cihang is about to vomit blood with anger, you will characterize me with a word from others?Although it is true that he is a monster, you have to ask for evidence or something, why can you be so stupid!
Xu Fu felt comfortable. He really didn't expect that this time the accusation would be so simple. Of course, he also had the means to make the demon appear. It may not be necessary, but of course it is better not to use it. Sometimes it is very important to hide one's clumsiness.

Zuo Zhou is completely used to it. In his previous life, when he watched costume dramas, he often felt that puppet dramas were illogical. The emperor copied the whole family of the heroine and heroine as soon as he listened to them. Later, when he thought about reality, he didn’t need logic. , all of this can be explained by the emperor's stupidity!
Pudu Cihang stared at the imperial decree in Li Si's hand full of reluctance, just a little bit, just a little bit, as long as he becomes a national teacher, he will be able to extract the Great Qin Luck.

Then he turned his head and stared at everyone, "Don't let anyone leave here today!"

The berserk air blast exploded directly from under Pudu Cihang's robe, and more than a dozen arms-thick black scythes protruded out. The targets were the surrounding competitors who also came to run for the national division.

What is the head start?It is to intimidate the opponent's spirit with shocking behavior first, this is the court, it is absolutely possible to kill people here... oops!

The transparent airflow formed a circle in an instant, and there seemed to be a force of gravity in the circle that gathered all the scythe legs stretched towards others together, and then the air circle closed and swung, and Pudu Cihang was thrown out in a daze left the hall.

Just... what happened?
Zuo Zhou frowned, and looked at Zhang Junbao dumbfounded, "Why are you attacking so quickly?"

Zhang Junbao slowly recuperated, smiled a little embarrassedly and said: "Seeing him come over with the pestle, I subconsciously started."

The officials in the hall didn't understand what was going on at all, but they also knew that they had just walked before the gate of hell, so they couldn't help shouting in fear: "Guard! Guarantee!"

Hu Hai roared even more angrily: "Where are the guards, killing demons and demons!"

The palace was naturally heavily guarded, and the dense rain of arrows had already covered Pudu Cihang almost as soon as Hu Hai's voice fell to the ground.

It's just that it is a monster at the level of the earth list after all, so it is impossible for ordinary bows and arrows to deal with it.

Behind Purdue Cihang, a golden light shone, similar to the pure Buddha's light but without mercy. While resisting the rain of arrows, it was also full of deadly temptation, and there were faintly strange Sanskrit sounds reverberating throughout the palace.

At this time, no one listened to what he sang in Sanskrit, and the group of sunflower eunuchs who stood in front of Hu Hai directly shot a large number of flying needles at Pudu Cihang.

It's just that the difference in realm was clearly reflected at this moment. Before the flying needle was within ten meters of Pudu Cihang, it was turned into a ball of golden flame by the Buddha's light and fell to the ground.

"Huh, well, although it's a bit different from the original plan, it's time to kill him." Zuo Zhou clenched his fists, but he couldn't let this guy escape, otherwise the old man Zuo must be in a hurry with him.

"Wait a minute, general. This madman in the palace will be dealt with by the power in my palace. Why should the general take action?"

When Hu Hai saw that Zuo Zhou was going to make a move, he felt a little ashamed, just like the Jade Emperor drilling the table to call the Tathagata Buddha, he couldn't bear it!

Zuo Zhou stepped back amusedly, okay, he doesn't really care, as long as he kills this guy, it doesn't matter who moves his hands.However, he also has an understanding of the power in the palace, and Bai Qi is probably the only one who can stabilize Pudu Cihang.

Thinking of turning his eyes on Bai Qi, the latter took a helpless step forward, flicked his wrist and was about to make a move, but suddenly saw a thousand-mile fire rising into the sky in the southeast direction, and he flew away with a whoosh...

Hu Hai "...", what's going on?
Zuo Zhou is also confused, but based on his understanding of Bai Qi, the other party is not so irresponsible...Huh?

Hu Hai looked at Zuo Zhou, Bai Qi left, you have to do it, Zuo Zhou flew away with a sound of a sharp blade!

(End of this chapter)

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