Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 493 All kinds of stealing, but not completely stealing

Chapter 493 All kinds of stealing, but not completely stealing
There is such a small town near the imperial capital. It is peaceful, peaceful, surrounded by mountains and rivers, and has pleasant scenery. It cannot be described simply by living and working in peace and contentment, because the residents here seem to never know what the pressure of life is. Every passing passenger showed a smile, and sent a bowl of tea to every passing student and candidate.

The girls here are beautiful and virtuous, and the guys here are down-to-earth. Every year when the auspicious day is approaching, there are always matchmakers coming to do business.However, the people here seem to have special magical powers. Those who find concubines for the old man, those who cheat the girl into a dark marriage, or those who spend money on supplementary exercises have never succeeded once.

After such a long time, some people say that the blessing of the gods here is a treasure land with great luck!

This kind of rumor did not keep the trouble out, but it attracted many profiteers with ulterior motives, and they wanted to get the land here.The ending, I heard it was quite tragic...

Fusu shook the soil on his hands, the most primitive freshness was a bit addictive, he leaned against the shade of the tree with a smile on his face, picked up the small teapot and pointed the spout at himself, but he didn't wait to enjoy it I saw a farmer carrying a hoe galloping towards him. His speed was not at all like that of an ordinary civilian, and his speed was no less than that of a fine horse.

"My lord, I just received an urgent report from the city gate guard that a team of about a hundred people came out of the east gate and came towards us, all armed with weapons."

Fu Su frowned and said in wonder, "The city gate Lao Zhang."

"Yes, Lao Zhang has been promoted to the Grand Master level of the human list last year. He said that there are two people in the team whose cultivation level he can't see through. One is higher than him, and the other... may be a master of the local list."

Fusu shook his head helplessly, stood up and sighed: "I thought I could live a peaceful and stable life in the future, but it turned out to be like this. It is really difficult for ordinary people to live a life!"

The farmer lowered his head and didn't dare to say anything, he only listened to Fusu's order: "Let all the residents disperse into the forest and go wherever they want, and they are not allowed to return unless they see the signal."

The farmer froze for a moment, raised his head and asked, "Young Master, don't you resist?"

"Our mission is to multiply offspring. As long as one person is alive, it is not considered a failure. What's more...the other party is a master of the earth, why resist?"


The peasant turned to inform the townspeople, but Fusu turned and entered the house. This is a small courtyard surrounded by fences. It may not be very luxurious, but it has everything you need, which perfectly fits the style of a "hermit".

After rummaging through boxes and cabinets, he finally found the gown that he used to wear when he was a prince. Although he didn't know who the other party was, since he found it, it must be aimed at him.It's just that I'm used to wearing the unrestrained clothes of ordinary people, and I suddenly feel disgusted when I look at this gorgeous but restrictive long gown.

After thinking about it, I decided to forget it. I just cleaned up the dirt on my clothes and walked out of the town step by step.

"Young master, what are you going to do? It's not that you scattered into the mountains..."

Several peasants and peddlers stopped at the same time and looked at him in shock.

Fu Su shook his head, "The enemy can accurately find us, which means that there must be an accident in the imperial capital, or there must be spies in the palace. If we don't figure it out, there is no way to prevent future troubles."

"That can't let you go alone, let's go together!"

Fusu looked at them and said with a smile: "Your family has all been arranged? If not, hurry up!"

"Let them run on their own. Anyway, there are so many people who have already escaped, and they have enough to reproduce." The previous farmer broke the hoe into two pieces with both hands, and a long sword with a cold light was exposed.

The rest of the people followed suit, and the ordinary agricultural tools before had now become lethal weapons.

Fu Su shook his head with a funny face, and simply said: "Forget it, if there is no way to continue the offspring after running away so many people, then it can only be said that it is destiny."

Everyone laughed, counting Fusu, more than 20 people blocked the official road, talking and laughing, waiting for the enemy's arrival.

Shangguan Jinhong and the others didn't keep them waiting, and a cavalry team of more than a hundred people came to the front with a long stream of smoke and dust.

Wang Jiantong pulled the horse with all his strength, looked at the more than 20 people who were blocking the road, the first one had a deep and vigorous skill, a calm and stable temperament, and his appearance was [-]% similar to the statue of Emperor Qin, he couldn't help but said in surprise: "Fusu? Know we're coming?"

Fusu looked at the two leaders, and said with a smile: "Father has a clever plan, so he naturally knew that there would be some Xiaoxiao who would not dare to act presumptuously before he was alive, so he also prepared some guards in secret to call the police."

Shangguan Jinhong nodded clearly, and sighed in a deep voice: "Qin Huang's arrangement is reasonable, it seems that our actions are already within your sight. Now that you know, why don't you leave?"

Fu Su laughed, "It's already gone, there is no one in the town now, but I'm curious, who betrayed us, so I'm here to ask."

Wang Jiantong looked at the small town from a distance, and seeing the deathly silence, he couldn't help sneering, "Run, just run, if you can wipe out the heirs of Emperor Qin, of course it is the most perfect success. But it is difficult for so many people to guarantee If there are no fish that slip through the net, it will be considered a success if we can kill you this time."

Hearing this, Fu Su seemed to understand, "You guys are trying to usurp the throne, um, is it from the Azure Dragon Society? No way, the emperor still loved me a lot at the beginning... so now the emperor can't control the Azure Dragon Society anymore ?"

Wang Jiantong was stunned for a moment, what the hell, he actually knew us?

Shangguan Jinhong wasn't too surprised. Ever since Emperor Qin slaughtered most of the Emperor Xianwang and left the imperial capital, everyone was basically playing their cards.It's just that both Qin Huang and Xian Wang seem to care about a family relationship, so Qin Huang has never done anything, and Xian Wang has not raised the flag to rebel.

But it doesn't matter now, as Shangguan Jinhong is the only master of the Azure Dragon Association, he has already surpassed King Xian in terms of strength and prestige, and after Daqin is in chaos this time, he will kill King Xian and completely master Qinglong Yes, and then rule the world!
"You kill yourself. I will let these guards go, and I will not hunt down and kill other Qin emperor's heirs. My goal is only you. If Hu Hai dies and you don't take over the throne, Daqin is bound to fall into chaos. There is no point in chasing and killing those heirs." .”

Fu Su nodded amusedly, "Thank you, and I also believe in the promise of a strong man on the list, but I still want to struggle."

Wang Jiantong sneered, "How to struggle? With only twenty people like you?"

"Such a struggle." Fusu reached out and took out a thousand-mile fire from his bosom, and shot it into the sky with a bang.

Wang Jiantong and Shangguan Jinhong looked at each other, "Kill!"


Six doors

Just after Zuo Zhou sent Jiang Yufeng into the palace, Zhao Gao had already arrived at the six-door prison with the false imperial decree. Although Dufeng was a little surprised, he could only obediently give way when he saw the imperial decree.

To be honest, Dufeng felt that there was something wrong with the imperial edict, but considering Hu Hai's usual mischief, he was not sure for a while. He was not Li Yuanfang, and he really didn't dare to resist the edict.

Zhao Gao held his head high and held his chest high, accurately grasping the style of the big red man in front of the emperor. He was led by a group of policemen to the depths of the dungeon, and he could faintly hear screams.

"What are you doing?"

"Uh, this is the general's order. I have to whip that female prisoner a few times every day. Thanks to her practice, the brothers' torture skills have improved a lot recently." Dufeng laughed.

The corners of Zhao Gao's eyes twitched violently, this person won't be disabled, right?
It wasn't until he saw Du Suyan's miserable appearance covered in blood that he was relieved. Zhao Gao also practiced martial arts, so he could tell that it was painful and miserable, but they were all superficial injuries, not the root cause.

"Go, bring the prisoner out."


Several pretended imperial guards carried Du Suyan and Chai Yu out, Zhao Gao nodded without speaking, turned around and walked out of the prison.

"Eunuch Zhao, I heard that His Majesty is going to summon the No. [-] Scholar today, why didn't you wait in front of Shengjia?" Dufeng said with a smile, following his steps like a dog's leg.

Zhao Gao then replied: "Of course it's because my father-in-law has more important tasks, well, you don't want to follow, go back."

Dufeng felt more and more that something was wrong, and when he was about to ask again, he was suddenly shocked, so murderous!

A shining saber light was more than three meters high and more than ten meters long, and it just slashed over like that, hiss, what's even more frustrating is that Dufeng knows this saber light, isn't it the stubborn second sword emperor? The old man's method?

Come again?


Zhao Gao screamed, and was about to wave his hand to stop Daoguang, but he saw a group of fake imperial guards behind him had drawn out their sticks and swords to parry.

"Huh? Are the weapons of the Imperial Army so varied?"

With a sneer, Dufeng raised his hand and pulled out a series of sword shadows, directly enveloping Zhao Gao and others.

Seeing that Zhao Gao was exposed, he didn't say any more, the whisk in his hand exploded suddenly, and the silver wires formed a net to precisely block all the sword shadows, but the light of the sword met his palm.

The collision of air waves and the sound of metal reverberated in the prison. Naturally, such a huge noise could not be concealed from anyone. The policemen rushed over one after another, and even several men in black landed and rushed towards Zhao Gao.

Seeing this, Dufeng hurriedly shouted: "Zhao Gao falsely preached an imperial decree to kidnap the criminals, all the arresters will follow me to take down the rebels!"

This voice was enough to define Zhao Gao. The men in black paused, looked at each other, and took off their face scarves. It was Qin Shuang, Nie Feng, Jianchen, Bu Jingyun and others.

Dufeng's face twitched, "What the hell are you guys!"

Jian Chen: "Don't ask, asking is just taking a walk!"

Dufeng: "..."

Seeing the situation turn sharply down, Zhao Gao didn't panic. He waved his hands and patted Chai Yuguan's body, and the steel nails that locked his energy and meridians were pulled out one by one. Du Suyan was also liberated.

"Do you know the plan? Go, let me push you here!"

Chai Yuguan didn't delay, Du Suyan's eyes were full of hatred, and he rushed out first.

How could the Second Swordsman allow her to get away so easily, with a wave of his hand, but the black arrogance suddenly blocked the door of the prison, and a black statue more than ten meters high stood in front of everyone like a broken dragon stone.

With a long tall hat, a wide robe with big sleeves, white eyes like ghosts, and a blue face like a devil, he is actually a yin god of the underworld!
(End of this chapter)

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