Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 494 Yin Qi Domain

Chapter 494 Yin Qi Domain
"Sister, Du Suyan has escaped, what should we do?"

Guan Shanhai looked at Zuo Yaoqing with an inexplicable expression, and was a little uncertain what this person was thinking for a while.

"You are responsible for tracking, and report back in time after confirming Du Suyan's location. When the time is right, I will tell Nie Feng and the others about it."

Zuo Yaoqing's words made Guan Shanhai even more confused. She didn't know what the point of doing this was, but she was used to being obedient, but before leaving, she still asked: "Then what is the time to mature?"

Zuo Yaoqing paused and shook her head, straightened her night clothes, and covered her face with a face scarf, "The time to mature is coming."

six doors prison

Zhao Gao's clothes exploded, and his well-proportioned bronze-colored muscles were disgusting as if they had been greased. His ferocious aura combined with the huge ghost of the underworld behind him gave people the illusion that death was about to collapse.

It is actually not uncommon for Dharma Aspects to have a mental attack effect. Take Buddhist Dharma Aspects as an example. On the basis of its strong attack and defense power, it more or less carries a bit of Buddha's light. In addition to restraining evil spirits, it can also make people 'put down the butcher's knife'. To put it bluntly, it distracts you and relaxes your vigilance.

However, Zhao Gao's yin god of the underworld is completely different. It can make you fear and make you chaotic!

Moreover, the effect of this fear is very powerful. Nearly [-]% of the arresters lost their attack power as soon as the Faxiang came out, and hallucinations appeared in front of them. , Keep baring their teeth and claws, as if they want to tear them into pieces.

"All the arresters retreat to the depths of the dungeon, remember! I have never killed any innocent person by mistake since I took office. You are the law enforcement officers of Daqin. You are worthy of the heaven and earth, and you are worthy of your conscience. There is no need to be afraid. Those ghosts who are already dead!"

Pointing at the edge of the sword in Dufeng's hand, the sword qi roared and tried his best to offset the fear emanating from the Yin God of the Underworld. It's a pity that Dufeng has never practiced any spiritual skills, so the effect is minimal, but What he said just now made most of the arresters endure.

"Ahahaha, you have a clear conscience, can you still guarantee that everyone has a clear conscience? Besides, people are born with sins, which is why they suffer from reincarnation. Let me help you get rid of it!"

Zhao Gao laughed wildly. The increasing strength made everyone a little puzzled. His strength is obviously perfect innately. With a dharma face, is this coercion so terrifying?

Zhao Gao's laughter stopped abruptly, and he looked at Jian Chen with gloomy eyes. The appearance of the inexplicable swordsmanship's unique sadness and sword intent counteracted the fear emanating from the Yin God of the Underworld. Although grief can be regarded as a negative emotion, it is better than just now. .

And this emotional change also made the policemen breathe a sigh of relief, and they took the opportunity to flee to the depths of the dungeon.

"Du Suyan ran away, don't waste time, kill him!" The second sword emperor was very irritable, watching the enemy run away?No, everything I say today will kill her.

The huge golden blade slashed towards Yinshen of the underworld with an indomitable momentum, and there were waves of roars where it passed, and a half-foot-long crack opened on the hard bluestone ground that could not withstand the destruction.

When singing!

The explosion of metal collision came, and the eyes of the second sword king suddenly widened. This full-strength knife was caught by the hands of the Yin God of the underworld?
Everyone who looked at the standard empty-handed-to-white-blade posture was stunned. The second knife king is a veteran master of the list. This knife is almost full of skills and experience. How can Zhao Gao catch it?
"Hey ha ha ha ha, an ant is an ant, even if you hold a knife, you are still an ant!"

The dark spirit of the underworld became more and more dense, and the image of the giant had gradually solidified into substance, and Zhao Gao, who was wrapped in it, could no longer see clearly.

"There's something wrong with him. This insolent laughter seems to have been possessed?"

As a professional in enchantment, Nie Feng knew just from his laughter that this guy was either possessed by an enchanted person or seriously ill in his head!

"Just kill him, no matter what kind of monster he is!" Jian Chen flew up, his whole body seemed to be integrated with the hero sword, and the whole dungeon was instantly shrouded in sword light.

call out!
The blow was so fast that it seemed to have far exceeded the speed of sound, and the air didn't even have time to react.

However, the Yin God of the underworld seemed not to care about safety, and stretched out his hand to point in the air, as if opening a door to hell in an instant, countless winds roared, and ripples rolled in the air, forming an invisible shield. No, saying that the shield is inaccurate is more like the gap between the two worlds emerging at the fingertips.

And Jian Chen's sword obviously couldn't break through the world barrier!

Nie Feng and Qin Shuang glanced at each other and joined the battle group. The two were about to merge the power of nature, but suddenly a man in black appeared from the shadows.The man in black was extremely fast, and he reached Qin Shuang's side in the blink of an eye, and his fists were filled with frost.

"Hiss, Tianshuang Fist? Who are you?"

Qin Shuang was shocked, and Nie Feng was even more surprised, because they all knew at the beginning that there are only a few people in this world who understand Tianshuang Fist, not counting Du Suyan who just escaped, and it seems that only Su Ying, who has never shown up, is left Yes, that is, the woman whose real name is Xu Jiaqi!

"Okay, since you're all here, don't leave!"

Qin Shuang, who is so gentle, smiled ferociously at this moment. His hatred was not like that of Nie Feng, who was deceived. He wanted to avenge Kong Ci, and he was truly immortal.

The killing intent came up, and he directly collided with the man in black with the Tianshuang Fist. The moves were the same, the whole process was hard steel, and he didn't even think about breaking the move.The biting cold air began to overflow around the place where the two of them were fisting each other, and soon layers of frost were spread on the ground.

"Hey, there are helpers!"

The yin god of the underworld suddenly smiled and said, the huge figure disappeared suddenly, and appeared behind Nie Feng in the next second. He patted his palm, and before the palm fell, a mountain of pressure landed on Nie Feng's back.

However, when the palm was really close, it couldn't fall down. With flying white hair, fierce vertical eyes, and Qilin's demonic blood boiling, Nie Feng, who was in a state of enchantment, forcibly blocked the palm with a snow knife in his hand.

The Yin God of the Underworld seemed to be stunned for a moment, and appeared behind Nie Feng again in a flash, but Nie Feng didn't move and turned around with a knife. Yin God's attack.

"Hey, your third eye didn't grow in the back, why did you find me?"

Nie Feng's eyes were irrational, only crazy killing intent, but when he spoke, he was calm and steady, "One more eye has already seen through your way of moving."

"Oh? Then you can try it!"

The Yin God of the Underworld suddenly turned into countless afterimages, attacking Nie Feng non-stop, with fists, palms and feet coming from all angles, and with that huge body, if he hits a random move, he might be turned into a pulp.But Nie Feng stood firmly on the spot with his legs, and frantically swung a Xueyin knife to seal off all attacks.

The scene became tangled for a while, obviously Nie Feng should be the most agile one, but now the biggest one became the fastest.

Looking at the afterimages flying around the field, Jian Chen didn't have time to chat with him, he rushed to the gate to chase Du Suyan, but the Yin God of the Underworld appeared in front of him with a flicker, and the horizontal kick was just a side kick .


However, Jian Chen seemed to be moving faster. The heroic sword was wrapped in the sword intent to form a huge phantom of the long sword, and the tip of the sword was the foot kicked by the Yin God of the Underworld.

The Yin God of Hell's complexion changed slightly, this is to penetrate his feet!

The person suddenly changed his move in mid-air, and his figure disappeared and appeared behind Jian Chen, but Jian Chen didn't even look behind him like Nie Feng, and the hero's sword turned and stabbed.

"It's a novel way to move while possessing the Yin Wind, but you have no attack power while turning into the Yin Wind. This is your biggest limitation."

Jian Chen sneered, the Second Sword Emperor next to him had already started to cooperate with the attack, and the Yin God of the underworld turned into Yin Feng again, but this time the second Sword Emperor and Jian Chen who changed their moves had already prepared, the swords and swords rotated relative to each other, and in an instant, the two A whirlwind was formed among the people, covering all the yin and wind transformed by the Yin God of the underworld.

"Drink! Even if you don't have to move, you can't hurt me!"

The Yin God of the Underworld reappeared, but he was stabbed and slashed, but as he said, this attack power really didn't help him.

"I come!"

Nie Feng jumped high, and the huge power formed by the Aohan Liujue mixed with the magic knife made the air suddenly full of demonic howls, and the dazzling blood-colored knife light had a tendency to turn black.

Yinshen of the Underworld didn't use his body to hold the knife, but stretched out his palms as before, trying to make a standard move with empty hands.But this time there was a change. Although the blade was caught, the biting but strange cold began to overflow from the palms, and the palms turned into layers of black cracked ice at a speed visible to the naked eye.

A trace of panic finally appeared on the face of the Yin God of the Underworld, but then the palm that had turned into a black ice cube shattered, and then countless air currents converged, and two Dharma arms were condensed.

"Ahahahaha, I am immortal, so what if your destructive power is stronger?"

This scene was really shocking. Nie Feng and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally understood the meaning of the Yin God of the underworld who created so much Yin Qi. Not only could it form a special way of movement, but it could also use the Yin Qi to recover. How can this be done? ?
how to spell?There are two ways, there is nothing in the world that is absolutely unsolvable, and experienced masters will immediately think of a way.

It is definitely not enough to rely on Nie Feng's straightforward swords and swords, but since the opponent uses Yin Qi to recover, then they should dispel the Yin Qi, or use the power of nature to destroy the original composition of the Yin Qi.

The former is very difficult, none of the people has learned the art of restraining evil spirits, and even the state of being possessed is even more evil than this ghost of the underworld!
Fortunately, they are quite proficient in the power of nature, "Senior Brother Shuang, we are the perfect combination of wind and frost!"

Qin Shuang was about to turn around, but was stopped by the man in black again. This guy attacked even more crazily, and expressed his position with actions. If you want to make a move, you should ask me first!

Qin Shuang had no choice but to continue to follow the man in black, and shouted at the same time, "Go and marry Junior Brother Yun!"

(End of this chapter)

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