Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 495: Mohe Boundless?

Chapter 495: Mohe Boundless?

The combination of wind and cloud!

This has no special significance to ordinary people, and to the three Fengyunshuang brothers, it is just an attempt between seniors, but to some people, the long-awaited opportunity, for example, Zuo Yaoqing.

He fought fiercely with Qin Shuang, and the surging qi collided to form a huge ball of ice that pushed the two away.

Yes, the man in black who dragged Qin Shuang to prevent him from moving was Zuo Yaoqing!
Sometimes you don't want to admit it. Among the group of exiles, Zuo Yaoqing's current strength can definitely be ranked among the top [-].The fundamental reason is that she knows some of the plots of the Fengyun series. Although she doesn't seem to have gained any additional benefits other than the three unique skills, she still has an advantage over most exiles.

But it is precisely because she knows a lot about the plot, and has also met or watched the powerful people in this world from a distance, Zuo Yaoqing understands that it is not enough to just know the three unique skills.

Isn't Qiang Ruxiongba also locked in the dungeon of Dali Temple at this time, not to mention that there is a bug-like young master like Li Yuanfang, if there is no adventure, then the exiles wanting to make troubles is tantamount to idiotic dream, doing it The best ones are just developing secretly like the official exiles of the Song Dynasty, but they dare not stand on the stage.

Just where did the adventure come from?

It's not that Zuo Yaoqing has no ambitions, but she's not interested in power or anything like that, and variable strength doesn't count among them. Since she's most familiar with the Fengyun series, the way to become stronger will naturally fall on the protagonist Fengyun.

In fact, Zuo Yaoqing had far more opportunities than Du Suyan at the beginning. After all, she enjoyed a lot in the emperor and was able to get in touch with strong people at that level.But at that time, Zuo Yaoqing was very hesitant. After all, Bu Jingyun, who had never undergone major changes, had an awkward personality, and Nie Feng had a hidden danger of mad blood in her body. No matter who she chose, she might accidentally put herself in it.

This hesitation allowed Du Suyan to take the lead, but after Du Suyan used the false identity of Mingyue to deceive all the three martial arts, she committed the problem of being the queen of the sea again, so she didn't cherish Nie Feng very much. The cooperation of the Ant Chamber of Commerce also took the opportunity to betray Nie Feng.

But Zuo Yaoqing was different from Du Suyan, she always felt that compared with those martial arts, Feng Yun's value was more valuable than the three martial arts.Especially now, Nie Feng can easily become enchanted and is no longer affected by Qilin's crazy blood. If the two have a relationship, it is equivalent to having a bodyguard with the potential of the top list.

It's a pity that after the fake Mingyue incident, Nie Feng has become wary of the group of exiles, so Du Suyan set his target on Bu Jingyun.

A real good hunter usually appears as a prey. Although she saved Bu Jingyun, she didn't do anything to show her affection. She just moved Bu Jingyun a little bit with her meticulous care.In her opinion, Bu Jingyun is a typical example of a lack of love in childhood, and belongs to the type that needs a lifetime to heal childhood.

The plan went well, and Bu Jingyun had no ability to resist against Zuo Yaoqing, who had an amazing tea art, and easily surrendered.

It's just that Zuo Yaoqing also discovered some problems during this process. Because of various changes, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun have never successfully achieved the combination of wind and cloud. This is different from the plot she knows, and more importantly Yes, the combined effect of the two natural forces is very different from what she knows.

Of course, this can also be explained by the fact that Feng Yunshuang and the others don't have a good understanding of the power of nature, but gradually Zuo Yaoqing has a doubt, whether there is some difference between Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun A place where special effects will appear when the wind and cloud combine?

So Zuo Yaoqing wanted to experiment, and if he wanted to make the two of them marry, Qin Shuang had to be entangled, otherwise Nie Feng wouldn't cooperate with Bu Jingyun.

Now, it's time to harvest!

At this time, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, who were merging for the first time, never expected that just a merging of natural forces would have so many calculations.They are now putting all their energy into combining moves, because the combination of natural forces is not easy. The reason why Nie Feng and Qin Shuang are so happy is because they have practiced for a long time, but he and Bu Jingyun are not the same. It has been practiced, that is to say, it must be operated carefully so that both parties can reach a just right level.

Bu Jingyun naturally understood this point, so in the early stage of the joint move, neither of them was so stupid as to use all their strength, but this joint move suddenly began to pour out uncontrollably.

Booming, the picture lost control for a while, the strong cyclone pulled wildly, the huge suction even resembled the black hole created by Zuo Zhou, so that even the Yin God of the Underworld couldn't stand still and swayed for three times.

The rest of them were even more embarrassed because they were unprepared. Fortunately, both Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng knew that this move was to hit the Yin God of the Underworld, so the first unlucky one when they pushed the move must also be the Yin God of the Underworld.

"Twice, it's a pity that you can't beat me with this level alone!"

The Yin God of the Underworld sneered, but found that neither Nie Feng nor Bu Jingyun paid any attention to him. Both of them were in a state of shock at this moment. It turns it so simple to combine the forces of nature?
The two looked at each other, they were just standing there outputting true energy and the power of nature, they just reconciled for a while, and then all the energies began to be automatically combined and adjusted to form this huge power, the whole process was automated Yes, quite advanced.

Jifu Yinshen felt ignored for a moment, and his mood plummeted, as angry as if a woman pulled his pants and said, "You are not bad, you are not".

Endless anger was transformed into endless killing intent, pointing out thousands of evil spirits holding countless blood-stained instruments of torture and pressing towards the cyclone with monstrous Yin Qi, as if they wanted to use the evil spirits to tear the cyclone into pieces.

However, before the two parties could contact each other, a special force emerged from the cyclone.

This kind of power is holy and vast, and the golden light shines very much like Buddha's light, but it seems a little different, but after all, it has the Buddha's light to exorcise evil spirits, and it just melts away thousands of evil spirits like snow meets the first sun. .

The yin god of the underworld was shocked, he faced the combination of wind and cloud head-on, that is to say, his feelings were more specific than Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng's. In the dazzling surge of golden light, there was a figure hidden, an invisible figure. Unrecognizable shadows.

This shadow sits on the lotus in the golden light, without joy, sorrow, hatred or desire, like a puppet without emotion, but it is an extremely powerful puppet.

Now, the puppet slowly raised its hand and patted him!
The souls of the ghosts and gods of the underworld were all darting, and they instinctively wanted to turn around and run away, but the majestic power had dispelled all the ghost energy in the dungeon in an instant, and he suddenly lost the ability to escape.


What is it like to be defeated and collapsed head-on?In the past, Bu Jingyun and others didn't have a chance to experience it carefully, but now they can. From an outsider's point of view, it was the cyclone that pierced through the Yin God of the underworld, and then the whole Dharma image collapsed and collapsed after a burst of despair.

Although Jian Chen next to him was shocked and didn't know how the two of them did it, he was already ready for Zhao Gao who would be exposed after making up the knife.

However, things were beyond his expectation. Zhao Gao came out, but at this time he was already a corpse, his body was livid, his eyes were white, his hair was dry and falling out, like a mummy that had been dead for many years.

"This...why does he seem to have been dead for a long time, what happened to the Yin God of the Underworld just now?"

Dufeng blurted out, but no one could answer him at this time, but Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, who were most likely to know the truth, looked at each other and rushed out of the dungeon together.

Seeing this, Qin Shuang and the others couldn't help but feel worried. What happened just now was too weird, so don't let anything happen.Just as he was about to turn around and deal with the man in black before chasing him, he saw the man in black rushing out one step faster than them.

Everyone followed closely, only to see Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng heading directly towards the palace.

"What are they going to do? Du Suyan and Chai Yuguan shouldn't be so stupid as to run towards the palace, right?" Dufeng's forehead was full of question marks.


Turning back the time a little bit, Chai Yuguan and Du Suyan started heading towards the General's Mansion as soon as they left the dungeon. This was all planned.

Exposing Pudu Cihang's identity held Bai Qi back, they attacked the General's Mansion and threatened to hold Li Yuanfang back, and then asked Shangguan Jinhong to kill Fusu.

It's just that it seems a bit unexpected now, in Bai Qi's heart, it seems that the value of Fusu is higher than that of Hu Hai, so he went to Hu Hai's.

"Should we change the plan? In fact, it is okay to kill Hu Hai." Du Suyan asked with a frown.

Chai Yuguan shook his head, "You and I are not strong enough to crush the masters in the palace in a short period of time. We are acting according to the original plan. Now we only hope that Pudu Cihang can give us some strength. Seeing that there is no opportunity for the masters in the palace to kill Hu Hai."

While talking, the two had already passed by their previously hidden stronghold, Chai Yuguan clasped his hands together and then began to change various seals, there were roars, and then black shadows rushed out of the courtyard wall.

Du Suyan was not surprised. Looking intently, they were all white-skinned corpses. This kind of living dead who can move is called a magic soldier. Like the poisonous man, they are all made by special methods. They are also black magic from the Western Regions. .

"It's too naive to attack the General's Mansion by relying on magical weapons. Don't forget that Zhou Tong also lives in the General's Mansion. These living dead have nothing to do with him."

Chai Yuguan sneered, "Don't worry, our spies have already investigated. This time is the time when Zhan Shiqi and Zhou Tong are learning boxing in the backyard. Only Princess Qingping and Ximenxiang are together in the front yard. Our goal is to go to the front yard. The two women in the courtyard!"

"But the General's Mansion is so big, as long as Princess Qingping shouts, Zhou Tong can protect everyone with a big jump!"

Chai Yuguan looked confident, "Don't worry, Khan has a way to lure them out!"

(End of this chapter)

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