Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 603 Who is calling?

Chapter 603 Who is calling?
Wang Zhen looked at Zhu Qizhen, which was delicious and delicious, and his whole body was a little numb. Before he came, his mind was full of whether His Majesty would starve and lose weight, what kind of torture His Majesty suffered, and whether those barbarians from the Qing Dynasty would treat His Majesty. Interested in this thin skin and tender meat...

As a result, when I came here, I saw, my good guy, I really treated him like a VIP. Could it be that what Dorgon said just now was the truth?He really hit it off with His Majesty and made him a confidant?
"Uh, Your Majesty... What if Dorgon and the others ask for too much?"

Zhu Qizhen put down the chicken leg in his hand. To be honest, he felt very tired. Every day, he only had some chicken, duck and fish meat. There were not many tricks at all, far inferior to the repeated tricks of the diet in the palace.But considering that this is a time of war, he doesn't seem to be able to ask for too much.

"It's nothing more than a few cities. My Ming country has a vast territory, and a few cities are nothing." Zhu Qizhen waved his hand indifferently, "When you go back, you must let Yu Qian and the others redeem me as soon as possible. The Ming country cannot live without it. Otherwise, development will stagnate, and it will be surpassed by other countries in the long run."

"Your Majesty Shengming!"


Outside the tent, Dorgon and Tang Ruowang looked at each other in dismay. They had prepared everything and wanted to confirm Zhu Qizhen's status so that they could proceed with the next steps, but they overheard such a conversation.

" about we let him go back, I feel that with him, we will be able to annex Ming Kingdom sooner or later."

"Then I didn't come in vain."


Dorgon and Tang Ruowang turned and left, without Zhu Qizhen and Wang Zhen noticing, the whole barracks were quietly trying to avoid them.

Zuo Zhou and Li Yuzhu mingled among the soldiers and left quietly, then, like all the soldiers, they formed a big circle with Zhu Qizhen's tent as the center.

"When do we start?"

"Naturally, when all the luck gathers on Zhu Qizhen."

Zuo Zhou replied indifferently. Speaking of which, Dorgon was able to think of this idea, and it has something to do with him.

Back then in the Song Dynasty, Li Shishi and Qiao Feng killed Song Huizong, so luck spread, benefiting both Qiao Feng and Li Shishi.At that time, Dorgon was not far away, obviously he also saw this scene, so he wanted to repeat the same trick.

So even if Zuo Zhou hadn't been in contact with Tang Ruowang, he knew the steps of the whole plan, which was nothing more than using some means to forcibly gather luck on Zhu Qizhen, then kill him, and then take the opportunity to absorb luck.Then they only need to make a midway interception to achieve their goal, and they don't even need to have any direct conflict with the Qing Dynasty.

For Li Yuzhu and the others, luck is nothing more than an invitation to fight for hegemony, even if it is only a small amount of luck when it is dissipated, it is enough for Li Yuzhu and others to make their policies take effect.

And the protagonists of this action, that is, Dorgon and Tang Ruowang, do not know that someone plans to drink some soup while they are eating meat.For Tang Ruowang, forcibly gathering luck is not difficult or unfamiliar, but the prerequisites are relatively harsh.

First of all, there must be someone who can represent the whole country, and the emperor is the best candidate.

Secondly, it is the formation method, which requires a lot of precious materials.

Finally, a carrier is needed, because when all luck gathers on one person, the fate of the country is also implicated with this person.And people will change, even if you have a small cold problem, it will also implicate the country's destiny, ranging from frequent droughts and floods to severe earthquakes and plagues.So there needs to be a carrier to draw out the luck of the person and preserve it, um, it’s best something that won’t change

When he was in the imperial palace of the Qing Dynasty, Kangxi once asked him to gather all his luck and seal it into a treasure map.That treasure map was not simple, it was made from the skin of a certain god, it was invulnerable to fire and water and extremely difficult to destroy, it took Kangxi and Tang Ruowang five days to divide it into eight parts using divine weapons.

The purpose of this kind of trouble is because of the frequent wars in various countries. Once any city is lost, it is easy to lose luck. The impact on the country is too serious. It is better to save the luck together, so that even if there is only one city and one place left, they will There is also the possibility of a counterattack.

It has to be said that this is also the experience gained after the Song and Qing wars.Kangxi's move was very clever. He divided the treasure map into eight, and actually drew a treasure burial site on it. You will think that the treasure is actually a cover, and the treasure map is really important.

"let's start!"

Tang Ruowang nodded to Dorgon, and then started to operate. Under the darkness of night, a little bit of fluorescence began to spread from above.A clear boundary spread out, like the yellowing traces of liquid dripping on the photo and after time precipitation.

There was a low muffled sound, Zuo Zhou and Li Yuzhu looked back at the same time, and there was a Qing soldier in heavy armor standing out among the soldiers.His whole body was covered in heavy armor, making it impossible to see what he looked like or even tell whether he was a human being or not.

Receiving the echo of mana, the Qing soldier raised his head slowly, and a ray of green light shot out from his eyes.

All the soldiers kept away subconsciously, and people were more or less afraid of the unknown, especially the existence that was hidden among them from beginning to end.

However, each of the heavily armored soldiers seemed to have lost their souls, and they just stood there like a pole, and a green light burst out one by one, and they shot to the sky and gathered on the tent in Zhu Qizhen, and then formed a kind of If there is no vortex.

Dorgon looked up like all the soldiers, and he became more and more excited because he had already seen it, and saw a faint golden layer gradually gathering in the distance.

That golden color is luck, which belongs to the Ming country. I believe that it won't be long before these golden lucks will gather in the vortex, and then fall down into Zhu Qizhen's body.

Everything was proceeding in an orderly manner, and Zhu Qizhen in the tent didn't notice anything. In fact, let alone now, he wouldn't notice anything even in the process of instilling luck in the future. After all, this belonged to the luck of the Ming Kingdom, and He is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and the two are compatible, and when he is over-concentrated, it can even make him feel that his mental state has improved, and it can play a role in strengthening his body!

Zuo Zhou pulled Li Yuzhu and signaled with his eyes, and the two approached Dorgon when no one was paying attention.

They didn't have any malice, so they deliberately hid without being discovered by anyone. When everything is over, Dorgon will go to kill Zhu Qizhen, and they can also get closer. Even if there is a little bit of luck, it can be regarded as After completing the mission this time, Dorgon and the others would not even find out.


A violent thunder fell from the sky, and the night sky that was originally dotted with stars suddenly became extremely bright, as if the stars were no longer hanging in the night sky, but LED light bulbs.

The sudden change caught everyone off guard. Tang Ruowang's spellcasting was completely interrupted, the luck in the air dissipated again, the vortex collapsed, and the soldiers in heavy armor fell into silence again.

Dorgon suddenly changed his expression, "Who is it? How dare you meddle in my business!"

No one answered him, and Zhu Qizhen and Wang Zhen also came out of the tent in front of them slowly, and looked at the crowd in bewilderment, "What happened?"

Naturally, no one paid attention to them, but everyone was looking up at the night sky, Zhu Qizhen naturally looked up when he saw this, it was so dazzling!
Dazzling, that's the word, who has ever been blinded by the brilliance of stars?

Dorgon could no longer care about Zhu Qizhen, he came to Tang Ruowang's side, "Do you know what's going on?"

Tang Ruowang was a little at a loss, he didn't know what happened, but he felt an unprecedented fear, and said in a slightly trembling voice: "I don't know what happened, but anyway, it's scary, it's terrible. Understand, there is a fear from the depths of the soul!"

Dorgon was taken aback, from the depths of his soul?He immediately calmed down, and soon felt the fear from the depths of his soul, and a little... summoning?
Who is calling?What is calling?

Dorgon was puzzled, Tang Ruowang was puzzled, in fact, they alone, all the masters of the local rankings were puzzled!
That's right, they are not the only ones who have been summoned, but all the masters in the world have been summoned, and not only them, even the masters of the human list have not let go of this kind of summoning.

It’s just that this kind of call can be light or heavy, and everyone has no mobile phone network connection, and there is no satellite in the sky. Otherwise, it will be discovered that most of this call is limited to the territory of the Ming, Qing, and Song Dynasties, and a small part of it has spread to Daqin.

"Huh? It's directional!" Dorgon said in surprise, and looked at Tang Ruowang.

"Everyone be alert!"

Dorgon ordered so, and then flew up with Tang Ruowang and shot towards the distance.Although the soldiers didn't know what happened, they became nervous one by one.

Zuo Zhou gently pushed Li Yuzhu, "Stay away from me and continue to hide yourself, I'm going to have a look."

Li Yuzhu couldn't feel the call, his strength was not enough after all, "What should I do after that?"

"How do I know." Zuo Zhou shrugged indifferently, then turned around a few times and rushed out of the crowd. The soldiers were still a little confused, who is this, so undisciplined.

In the next second, Zuo Zhou flew away, leaving behind a lot of confused expressions!


The guidance from the heart became clearer and clearer as the speed increased. Soon, Zuo Zhou no longer needed the guidance, because he had already seen the source of the guidance.Speaking of which, this location is not far from the camp of the Qing army. It was the battlefield of the decisive battle between the Qing army and the Ming army!

Zuo Zhou landed and landed not far from Dorgon and Tang Ruowang without hesitation. The latter two were a little panicked, "Where... did you come from?" Damn, that direction seems to be their camp!
Zuo Zhou waved his hand, "Don't worry about the details."

(End of this chapter)

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