Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 604

Chapter 604

There is a huge ring that covers the entire battlefield, exuding a dazzling red light, but it is not as hideous as the blood color, but you can't keep your eyes on this huge ring, because there will be an indescribable magic power that will draw you The spirit pulls past.

Dorgon almost got hit just now, but luckily his concentration is strong enough.

Zuo Zhou raised his foot and kicked a stone over, the stone touched the ring but passed through without any hindrance.

"What should I do? Do you want to enter the ring? I think something important is happening in the center of the ring!"

Tang Ruowang hesitated, Dorgon thought for a while and turned to look at Zuo Zhou, "Since General Li is also here, how about leading to it?"

"Okay, idle is idle, this general also wants to see what ghosts and ghosts are at work."

Zuo Zhou stepped into the ring first. What Dorgon didn't expect was that he couldn't see the figure from the outside after he entered.

Tang Ruowang exclaimed in amazement: "The purpose of this ring is to use illusion to affect vision. No wonder we didn't find anything when we were so close."

Dorgon nodded, "It seems that if you want to know something, you can only go in and have a look."

Both of them are masters in the local rankings, and Li Yuanfang has entered, so they naturally have no reason to be afraid.


And just as the two disappeared into the ring, a group of people stopped not far from Mingjian Villa.

Huang Chang looked at the red rings at his feet, and turned to look at Di Renjie, "You really got it right, as soon as we left, someone came over and activated the formation. Before...why is such a simple strategy of luring the snake out of the hole so difficult?" Will it work?"

Di Renjie shook his head with a wry smile, "Is it simple? It's really simple. It's just that misleading information has been passed on to key people."

"Pass it on?" Huang Chang seemed to understand something, "You mean, you found an undercover agent?"

"Oh? You know there are undercover agents?"

"Nonsense, it took so long to track down the Ten Killing Gate. Except for that kid Li Yuanfang, we couldn't catch them wherever we were or where there were large armies. How could there be such a coincidence in the world. Even if there is a very wise and close monster People are helping the Ten Killing Gates, can this person also control battlefields thousands of miles away at the same time? It can only be said that there is a traitor among us, and this traitor's status is high enough to have access to everyone's movements."

Huang Chang's almost natural deduction made Di Renjie speechless for a while. In fact, with his IQ, he should have thought of it a long time ago, but... there are too few people who meet these characteristics, and each of these people has a good relationship with him. He really doesn't want to admit it. Among these people, there is a traitor undercover.

"Let's go, since he started it so resolutely, I'm afraid he is also in it at this time, and we have to meet each other." Huang Chang stepped into the ring with his foot lifted.

The scenes seen inside and outside the ring are indeed different. Looking up is no longer the stars shining, but a huge blood moon hanging in the sky. This blood moon is extremely huge, half above the horizon and half hidden below the horizon , the ground is no longer the dilapidated ruins of Mingjian Villa, replaced by a layer of mirror-like water.

The surface of the water is not high and just wet the soles of the shoes, and the light can shine on people, forming a strange red under the reflection of the blood moon, like... a lake formed with blood!
Everyone walked forward slowly, and after a few minutes, they finally stopped, and a figure appeared in front of them.

The whole body of this figure was covered in a dark robe, and when his back was turned to everyone, he seemed to be completely integrated with the sea and the sky.

Huang Chang turned his head and glanced at Di Renjie, the meaning in his eyes couldn't be more obvious, "Do you say it or should I say it?" '

Di Renjie bowed his head in silence for a moment, the helplessness in his eyes finally disappeared, but there was still a trace of anger in his eyes, "Why bother? Isn't Da Qin... not enough for you to show your ambition? If you think Hu Hai is not good, just throw him out."

Huang Chang looked at Di Renjie strangely, and a dozen people in cloaks behind him also looked at him one after another, what the hell!Old Di, what you say is very embarrassing!

The person in the dark robe in front also seemed to be a little touched, and slowly replied: "Old Di, let's get acquainted for a while, don't stop me."

this voice...

Before Di Renjie could speak, Huang Chang and the others were already shocked.

But he turned around slowly, took off his hood to reveal a familiar and majestic face, Li Si!

The prime minister of the Great Qin Dynasty, above the ruling and opposition parties, can be described as a powerful minister under one person!

Di Renjie's eyes met Li Si's quietly, and the latter didn't ask why you were here.In fact, when Di Renjie deliberately ran to him and told him to use troops against the Qing Dynasty, he already understood that he should have been seen through by Di Renjie.

So the two of them didn't have any communication, but they also had such a tacit understanding, much they hoped that the other party would not appear here.

"Looking at your eyes, I suddenly understood that you have great ambitions, and Daqin really can't satisfy you!"

Di Renjie smiled wryly and shook his head. He was so smart that he couldn't think of any temptation that would make him give up even the position of Prime Minister of Great Qin.

Li Si raised his head to look at the sky, stretched out his hand, and there seemed to be something more in the sky, and then the blood-colored moonlight began to gather, and slowly, that point gradually increased, and the infinite wind began to pour into the blood-colored space.

Di Renjie and the others were not affected by this evil wind, they just waited quietly, waiting for the other party to do something.

"It's hard to find me, don't you guys stop me?" Li Si looked at Huang Chang and the people behind him.

Huang Chang didn't speak, but his eyes fell on the empty place not far to the left. Maybe the eyes were too deep, and soon there was a twist, and a person appeared with a thin face and gray temples. A man of his own style.

If Shangguan Haitang and others come here, they will definitely recognize him. It is Zhang Jinjiu, the former guest minister of Hulong Villa, no, it should be said to be Fan Ju.

Di Renjie glanced at Fan Ju, and then looked at Li Si, "The plan that allows the two important ministers of the former Great Qin to participate in the plan is probably not as simple as dominating the world. After all, in my opinion, if you want to dominate the world, you must use Daqin is the best starting point. What's more, there is an immortal zombie among you!"

"So, I have a bold idea. What you want to something far beyond the meaning of fighting for hegemony. I only know one thing like this, one thing that the Emperor Qin did once, and it's on the list of heaven! "

Maybe it was Di Renjie's conjecture that got anything from the Dao of Heaven, a gust of wind came, blowing Di Renjie's long hair and dancing wildly, his whole person was inexplicably very imposing.

Fan Ju and Li Si's eyes focused on Di Renjie for a moment, and they didn't move for a long time until a person stood behind Di Renjie and lifted his hood.

"I used to think that you left because you felt guilty or didn't want to face me, but now it seems that I am being sentimental!"

Bai Qi looked at Fan Ju with complicated eyes for a while, and Fan Ju also looked at Bai Qi and sighed: "General... Long time no see."

It seems that there are too many things to say, but at this time the two of them are facing each other but they can't say anything.

Seeing this, Bai Qi shook his hands, "Needless to say, you go, leave Daqin, I'll pretend I didn't see you."

Fan Ju smiled and said: "The general is really loyal to the Emperor Qin, even after death, it is admirable."

"Be careful what you say, Qin Huang just became a part of the way of heaven with the power of rule, if you talk nonsense, believe it or not, heaven will punish you!" Bai Qi snorted.

"Hehe, if you merge into the Dao of Heaven, you will lose your human feelings, so what's the difference between dying and dying?"

"Since you know that going to the top of the list will be the same as dying, why are you still obsessed with it? Why don't you just leave, as Bai Qi said, I have never seen you either." Di Renjie interjected, looking at Li Si.

Li Si looked away and sighed: "Qin Emperor is indeed a great talent. Although he did not make it clear to outsiders when he ascended the celestial list, but I am not far away, but he can't hide it from me. I should also thank him. If it weren't for him He, I can't think of how to get to the top of the list!"

"However... After all, you have only a half-knowledge about the Tianbang. In fact, you don't have to die to climb the Tianbang, nor do you have to merge with the way of heaven."

Di Renjie frowned in puzzlement, "According to Qin Huang's example back then, the most direct way to reach the Heavenly Ranking is to inject rules into the Dao of Heaven, such as the power of unification. And if you don't integrate with the Dao of Heaven, how can you inject rules?"

Li Si didn't seem to be hiding anything, "The reason why Emperor Qin needs to integrate into the Dao of Heaven to instill the power of unification is because there are very few people in this world who are ambitious to unify the world and have the ability to do so. Even if it's us reincarnations Even the God of Heaven! That is to say, Emperor Qin himself is the best carrier of the unified will, and only when he himself has integrated into the Dao of Heaven can the power of unification become part of the rules of the Dao of Heaven.”

Di Renjie understood what they meant, "So, you not only have to inject new rules into the Dao of Heaven, but also found a carrier to carry the rules?"

"Di Renjie deserves to be Di Renjie, it's really easy to talk to you!"


Di Renjie was silent, and everyone around him was silent, so what should I say?If the other party succeeds, and a group of living masters of the heaven list exists in the world, I am afraid that the whole world will be changed!
Di Renjie's expression became more and more weird. He scratched his cheek and didn't know what tone to use to speak. After all, the other party's ambition was too exaggerated, so he was a little embarrassed to destroy it.

At this time, the dark wind in the void became even more exaggerated, almost forming a storm in the sky, followed by endless vengeful souls stirring, flying out densely, and piercing screams filled the entire space.

Di Renjie frowned, "Would you mind asking? What kind of rules are you trying to instill in the Dao of Heaven? It seems like you don't want good things!"

Li Si's expression turned serious, "Do you think that good people are not rewarded, and you think that bad people are not punished. There is no reward for good and evil in this life, and death is too easy for desperadoes. This is what we want to change."

Di Renjie squinted his eyes, "Ten Temples of Yama... so you are going to rebuild a hell! Then I wonder, why do you think that people will be under your control after death?"

Li Si smiled, "Just like Emperor Qin, we want to, and we have the ability to do it, so what do we have to do with those incompetent people?"

Di Renjie didn't raise an argument in this regard, looked up to see more and more ghosts flying into the sky, and asked again: "How to build a hell?"

Li Si replied: "If you make people turn one part of the world into ghosts and ghosts, they can naturally be used as hell."

Di Renjie suddenly said, "Sure enough, there is a way to kill them, fuck them!"

(End of this chapter)

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