Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 608

Chapter 608
The puppet giant and the Dharma Aspect are both very large and powerful, but there is actually a difference. The strength of the Dharma Aspect is based on the artistic conception of martial arts, that is to say, its so-called 'power' is actually a mixed injury.If the opponent's true energy is very strong, it can actually be hard-pressed.

But the puppet giant is different, that power is a purely physical attack, even if you use all your true energy to defend, that force will still injure you severely, after all, if pure energy cannot be solidified, then its defense against physics It is to be discounted.

So after the puppet giant climbed out, Zuo Zhou began to back away to distance himself from it, but the more he retreated, the less room he had to move.

Lin Pingzhi deserved to be highly expected by Yama of the Ten Temples. His speed was extremely fast. Even if Zuo Zhou could run Lingbo microsteps to the extreme, he could always flash in front of Zuo Zhou, and stab out from time to time. The sword, every sword is aimed directly at the vital point, making the scene dangerous for a while.

While Lin Pingzhi slowed Zuo Zhou down, the shikigami summoned by the crow also caught up. These shikigami were similar to those described in the Dongying ghost stories that Zuo Zhou had heard. Horror, the body is either entangled with tree vines, or insect-like tentacles, but overall it is quite traditional, not too gnarly, if it is all eyeballs and tentacles, it will be very annoying.

"Hmph, what time is it, are you still sneaking away? It seems that you are very confident in yourself!"

Lin Pingzhi's voice floated around, and his figure was already a bit beyond Zuo Zhou's visual range. Fortunately, the martial artist's intuition was there, and the spiritual power of the Dibang was enough to lock him in.


There was a sound of air explosion, and the blades of divine weapons all over the sky began to fall towards Zuo Zhou.

Zuo Zhou was depressed. It turned out that he felt so uncomfortable facing this kind of attack!
Eleven Nirvana!

It was the same move again, but this time Zuo Zhou used the sword shadow formed by his own unique move.Although the texture of these sword shadows is not as good as countless magical weapons, they will not be easily broken after bumping into them several times unexpectedly.

Seeing this, the Montenegrin old demon sneered, "How does it feel to be attacked by your own trick?"

"Usually, when you were Yu Zhenzi, you still had a bit of sword intent, but now you don't have any at all. It's shameful! Even the little girl in my neighbor's house is worse than that."

Anger flashed in the eyes of the Black Mountain old demon, "Well, let's see this trick again!"

The corner of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched. Although this move was not what he expected, it was quite disturbing when it happened.

I saw that the mountain of knives that was originally floating in the air was spinning and smashing towards him. The strong pressure even made the surface of the mountain of knives ablaze.

Zuo Zhou had no choice but to put his palms together, and he used the magic seal wave move, and the vortex, which was violent and unreasonable but also contained some great truth, met Daoshan.In just a moment of contact, the flame on the mountain of swords was extinguished, and then the mountain of swords began to shake around.

The black mountain old demon in the dark clouds was a little confused, he gradually lost control of Daoshan!

However, there is a price for Zuo Zhou to use this move. He can't move anymore. Next to him, Lin Pingzhi, various shikigami, and ghost spirits are all approaching. The most troublesome thing is the puppet giant, who left viciously. come over.

Seeing that Zuo Zhou seemed to be in danger, Dorgon and Tang Ruowang, who had been watching the battle from a distance, looked at each other.

If you don't make a move now, you don't need to make a move. They want to turn most of the Qing Dynasty into ghosts, and they have nowhere to escape.

"help him!"

Tang Ruowang slapped Dorgon's body directly. He didn't attack, but carved a series of simple symbols on Dorgon's body.Dorgon swelled again into a big man over three meters tall, and rushed towards the puppet giant. He also saw that the puppet giant was the one with the most lack of means, but its attack power was also the purest and most troublesome.

Tong Huang naturally saw Dorgon's action, and snorted coldly, "I'm overthinking my strength, I originally thought of letting you be the jailer of hell, since you are looking for death, you must know that I am not to blame."

There is a difference between being prepared and not being prepared, especially for a puppet master like Tong Huang.

He flew up and stood on the giant puppet, and he didn't know how to operate it. The giant puppet's body began to split open, and a series of narrow secret doors opened, and densely packed mechanism beasts jumped out of it.

Dorgon was dumbfounded, every one of the tide-like mechanism beasts seemed to have innate abilities, how should we fight?Is it still too late to call the army?

Zuo Zhou also saw the situation over there, hey, I was touched for a moment, I didn't expect Dorgon to be very knowledgeable, anyway, this time the Ming and Qing battles won't kill you.


Zuo Zhou was keenly aware that the Arhat and Shura figures protecting his front and rear were a bit damaged, so he shouted out without hesitation, and the vortex formed by the magic wave immediately reversed and hit the ground sideways.

No, it didn't hit the ground, but directly into the universe bowl!
This is something that no one has thought of. In other words, shouldn't this kind of suction-type magic weapon stand in the air and absorb other people's magic weapons by suction?Why did Li Yuanfang become smashed inside?

The black mountain old demon was stunned for a moment, and after returning to his senses, he hurriedly contacted Daoshan desperately, trying to pull Daoshan out of the Qiankun bowl, but Zuo Zhou stepped forward with two steps and stepped on it, knocking the Qiankun bowl upside down on the ground.

Montenegro old demon: "..." You're just playing around.

However, Li Si and the others were not discouraged. They temporarily lost the mountain of swords and the blade of the magic weapon, but Zuo Zhou also lost the universe bowl at this time, and they were not at a loss.

The fact is also the same, the Arhat Dharma Xiang without the Qiankun Bowl is already riddled with holes, and is about to be leaked by Lin Pingzhi.

And Shura's Dharma Aspect also sluggish a lot, if it wasn't for the flames of the evil god still burning, it might not be able to withstand the series of berserk attacks of the Underworld Yin God's Dharma Aspect.

Zuo Zhou looked back at the situation of the Arhat Faxiang, and put it away with some distress, at least he had to keep a seed, otherwise it would be difficult to make a new one in the future, after all, repairing and recreating are two concepts.

Perhaps Zuo Zhou's concentration was shifted, Shura's dharma became a little more active, and he unleashed the three-headed, six-armed and nine-sword style, and the whole body turned into a whirlwind of blood-red flames and began to touch porcelain everywhere. Those hooks and sticks of the ghost gods of the underworld couldn't hurt him, but he It is also impossible to go beyond these things and hurt Yama of the Ten Temples.

Such a scene became weird, like a group of people around the ice rink smoking a blood-red ice cream.

"Don't think that the war can be won by delaying time. Although the Reincarnation Channel restrains all the souls, we have collected so many souls for decades. Besides... hehe, these souls will attack everyone indiscriminately. Those who are killed will become new innocent souls, with such a large number, how long do you think it will take for reincarnation to devour them?"

Li Si seemed to understand Zuo Zhou's calculations. In the final analysis, turning into a ghost requires the use of unjust souls to complete the formation, and unjust souls must be the most important thing.Of course Zuo Zhou's tactics were fine, but after all, he underestimated the number of souls they had accumulated.

Zuo Zhou's expression changed, the Scarlet Shura stopped spinning, and stood still behind him.

"What? Did you give up?" Li Si teased.

Zuo Zhou's face was gloomy, and he swept over Yama's face one by one, "Yama in Ten Halls is here, but Ksitigarbha is not there, I guess... the ability to store these wronged souls belongs to Ksitigarbha, right? "

Li Si didn't hide it either, after all, in his opinion, he already had the chance to win, "This is not the first time that rules have been instilled in the Dao of Heaven, and it is not enough for a person like Qin Huang to dare to think and do it alone, and the division of labor should be clear. "

"What a pity!"

"What's the pity?"

"It's a pity that we can't catch them all!"

"...The old man has never seen such an arrogant kid in two lifetimes, but I want to see what else you can do."

Zuo Zhou let out a long breath, and the bloody knife in Shura's hand disappeared, replaced by six shields, which were woven together to form an unbreakable cover to protect Zuo Zhou.

Yan Luo of the Ten Palaces laughed wildly when he saw this, "I thought you had such a brilliant trick, but I didn't expect that you just shrank like a tortoise."

Zuo Zhou didn't have any intention of responding to them, he let all kinds of attacks fall from outside, even when the puppet giant was about to come over, he didn't take a step back.

With a kick, he turned the Qiankun Bowl over, and then drew Yong Weixian and the treasured sword from it.

The turning of the Qiankunbo gave the old demon of Heishan a chance, and he immediately communicated with the Daoshan in it to rush out of the magic weapon.

Zuo Zhou didn't care about it either, even though a black spot began to move out of the Qiankun Bowl a little bit, he just looked at the brave one in his hand.

"Although I have re-refined it with Zhu Rong flames, but... I'm still not sure if you can withstand this trick, are you sure you want to try it?"

"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

Being the first to be brave is originally the soul of the sword, and the sword is to go forward without regret!
"Okay! Get acquainted, you and I will fight this battle together, if you really disappear, I can only promise that they will die worse than you!"

Zuo Zhou was swallowed up by killing intent in an instant, his long hair surged with true energy, and bright light bloomed from his hands.

His true meaning of martial arts, courage to be the first, and Baodao reached an unprecedented synchronization at this moment, and then the three merged into one.

All of a sudden, the sky was in chaos, the thunder was rushing, the wind disturbed the Jieyun, and the black mountain old demon was directly photographed from the dark clouds.

"Uh, what happened?"

The old black mountain demon got up from the ground in a daze, looked up at the sky, Jieyun formed a thunder beast above Zuo Zhou's head!
This Thunder Beast looks like a dragon and a unicorn, like a combination of countless creatures in the melting pot of the wilderness, it looks up to the sky and roars with rushing currents in its eyes, staring straight at the big knife in Zuo Zhou's hand.

A big knife that can attract thunder!

(End of this chapter)

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