Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 609 Slash!cut!cut!

Chapter 609 Slash!cut!cut!
'I probably know where the original Qinglong Yanyue Dao Dao Hun went! '

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, looked at the thunder robbery in the sky and understood everything, indeed, in fact, he should have thought of it a long time ago, whether it was Chao Gai's broken Linglong Pagoda or the one used by Changmei in Guangmingding. Both Ziqing swords can prove one thing.

That is, the restrictions imposed by the Dao of Heaven on the gods are not limited to individuals, but also apply to magic weapons and soldiers.

It's just that Guan Yunchang was not a god but an upright person back then, so they subconsciously ignored it.

Now looking at the thunder calamity condensed in the sky, one can roughly understand the treatment of Qinglong Yanyue Dao Daohun back then.

Yi Yun once said that this saber was formed after being tempered to perfection by people constantly using their true qi and martial arts true intentions. Among them, the right time, the right place, and even a little bit of luck were out of the question.But today's Yong Wei was first carefully tempered by the famous sword villa, coupled with Zuo Zhou's true sense of martial arts, and then refined by Zhu Rong's flame. There is no doubt that the texture is infinitely close to the former Qinglongyanyue knife.

Yong Weixian is originally the soul of the sword, and he cannot exert his full strength in the stick. When he fuses with the treasured sword, he regains his identity as a sword and ushers in a qualitative change. So far, he has finally touched the The limit of heaven.

"Hahahaha, you also said that I was going against the sky, and now who is going to be killed by the catastrophe?"

Fan Yao was the first to burst out laughing. He was pissed off by Zuo Zhou at the beginning, but now he is out of breath.Similarly, when they realized that the thunder disaster was about to come, the rest of Yan Luo also wisely gave up their positions and stopped attacking. After all, Tianlei doesn't have eyes. If they misunderstand that they are helping to overcome the disaster, wouldn't they also be struck by lightning? ?

Dorgon and Tang Ruowang in the distance were already full of despair. What's wrong with this Li Yuanfang, the battle situation is so anxious and uncomfortable, why did he commit such suicide?
Those martial arts people were even more unbearable, most of them were unable to move due to the aura of Heavenly Tribulation, and the other part felt that the situation could not be changed, so they started to run away.

Looking back at Zuo Zhou again, he didn't face up to the Jieyun in the sky, but continued to lower his head, speaking slowly, as if whispering in his lover's ear.

"Are you ready?"

'I didn't expect the enemy to have one more catastrophe. If I disappeared, it would be enough! '

Zuo Zhou is happy, as a sword soul, this guy is much more heroic than him.

"Okay, then kill all these enemies!"

This sound was very loud, which made the Yamas of the Ten Temples not far away quite dissatisfied, hum, those who dare to go against the sky will have no good end.The way of heaven has changed a long time ago, and today's thunder catastrophe is not like the past.

Zuo Zhou didn't care about it, he waved his hand to put away Shura's dharma, and at the same time, he held his hands horizontally, and the blade behind him was clearly an upward slash.

"This knife can kill Yama!"

'cut! '

"This knife can cut through hell!"

'cut! '

"This knife can destroy the heavenly tribulation!"

'cut! '

"Love in the Alluring City·Ten Days Turn the Sky!"'Love in the Alluring City·Ten Days Turn the Sky! '

The sword light streaked across the sky from bottom to top. Although Zuo Zhou was standing on the ground, the sword light had already penetrated the sky and the earth. It was silent, invisible and invisible. It seemed that there was a moment of time stagnation, and the sky and the earth began to change.

The Jieyun Thunder Beast stopped roaring, and the face that was completely composed of thunder seemed to have changed, becoming...frightened?
Li Si and the others didn't understand what was going on, and subconsciously wanted to ask, but they found that they couldn't make a sound!

No, it's not that they can't make a sound. They clearly felt the vibration of their vocal cords, but they didn't hear anything. Could it be that there is a problem with their hearing?

No, not only hearing, but also vision!

Something incomprehensible appeared in the picture they saw. It was ten black dots, which appeared in the air without any rules. Some were high and some were low. , and the Black Mountain old demon who is so immortal is right next to the low black spot.

He seemed to be flustered, turned around and wanted to leave, but his figure seemed to be stiff, the veins on his already ugly face were exposed, then congested, the blood burst from the blood vessels, then the eyeballs, and then the flesh began to peel off little by little Body.

It can be seen that the old Black Mountain demon is struggling with all his strength, and his hands have already dug into the ground, but it is only two piles of soil.

The darkness began to expand, and the black spot behind the old Black Mountain demon swelled. This time, Yan Luo finally knew what it was, a black hole, or in other words, a death talisman!
All Yan Luo panicked and turned around and ran away desperately. As for the old black mountain demon, his flesh and internal organs have been completely stripped, and he was crushed into powder before entering the black hole, and then the huge skeleton, um, it seems very hard, just like Like the original Linglong Pagoda, half of it sank into the black hole, but its texture was obviously not as strong as the Linglong Pagoda, and soon all the bones became ashes.

Li Si and the others had long since neglected the old Black Mountain demon, and they used all means such as puppet giants and hell gods to delay time.

But at this time, what hangs in the sky is no longer ten black dots, but ten black holes, ten existences that illuminate everything in the world like the sun.

Together they form a chaotic force field in which nothing survives in the center, not air, sound, or even light.


Jieyun Thunder Beast... No, Jie Yun had already been sucked, pulled, and torn apart in an instant, leaving only Thunder Beast, flailing its teeth and claws and waving its limbs, not knowing whether it was insisting on fulfilling its duties or trying to escape.

But this is not important anymore, half of Ultralisk's body has already entered the black hole, and the other half has also unfortunately been caught in the force field.

However, the Thunder Beast is a Thunder Beast after all, and it is indeed the incarnation of Heavenly Tribulation. In this case, Zuo Zhou could still vaguely hear its unwilling roar. Out.

On the other side, the largest puppet giant suffered first. Its originally extremely hard exterior was torn apart, and a bunch of gear transmission rods were pulled into the sky, and they were all torn apart before entering the black hole.

Then the ones who suffer are the three yin gods of the underworld... Oh yes, there are also some shikigami playing side drums, but they don't even have the qualifications to struggle, and they disappear without a sound.

"Use teleportation to escape, or you will die today!"

Li Si is worthy of being the prime minister, and he is definitely responsible for wisdom among these Yamas. He thought of the only way out at the critical moment.

That's right, except for Ding Chunqiu, Tong Huang and Fan Yao, the rest of the people came to besiege Zuo Zhou through teleportation, as long as the teleportation is turned on again, they can escape.

What?What do you ask the three of them to do?who cares!
However, Li Si's words were not heard because the voice could no longer be transmitted, but Li Si also showed his actions with actions.I saw him pinch the formula very quickly, it was really fast and ruthless, I really wish I could install a motor in my hand.

All the Yamas understood the formula when they saw it, but they were a step too late. When Li Si fell into the transmission channel in a panic, the violent suction force had already descended on them, and those magic tricks unexpectedly came together one after another. There was no delay at all.

The dark look flashed across the crow's eyes, he stretched out his hand, grabbed Ding Chunqiu and threw it back, and then slapped him. Ding Chunqiu didn't expect it at all, and subconsciously waved his palm to meet the enemy, but this palm was equivalent to using The reaction force helped the crow to speed up, and he crashed into the transmission channel and returned to Japan.

But Ding Chunqiu was torn half of his head by the force field in the blink of an eye, the light in his eyes disappeared, and finally he lost his eyes.

Lin Pingzhi was the fastest of all, but under the power of this force field, any speed became a joke. Seeing that his transmission channel had been opened, he couldn't move.As soon as he gritted his teeth, he looked at Tong Huang with a vicious look in his eyes.

Tonghuang knew something was wrong but it was too late, Lin Pingzhi's sword swept across, and if he didn't block his true energy, he would die, but if he blocked it, he would not only help Lin Pingzhi run away, but also be torn to pieces by the black hole.

"I will hold you back even if I die!"

The child emperor was completely insane, and there was a great terror between life and death. This horror was enough to tear apart the masks of many people, and so did the gods!
Bang, Tonghuang's whole body was blasted by the sword energy, and the thrust of the explosion briefly pushed Lin Pingzhi into the transmission channel, but just when Lin Pingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, a black shadow landed on the ground. on his forearm.

Lin Pingzhi exhaled in pain, but saw that the black shadow was actually a villain the size of a palm, and it was Tong Huang's real body.

At this time, the Tong Huang bit Lin Pingzhi's forearm fiercely, and the black toxin quickly spread throughout the entire forearm and upwards. What's more, he actually dragged Lin Pingzhi into the black hole behind him!

But Tonghuang is ruthless enough, but he doesn't know that Lin Pingzhi is also a ruthless character, after all, he is the one who dared to cut himself, how can he not be ruthless?

Lin Pingzhi made a quick decision, cut off his arm with his left palm as a knife, and then disappeared into the transmission channel amid a spray of blood, while Tonghuang and the arm holding the sword were killed without any suspense. Black holes squeezed into powder.

Fan Yao and Sheng Tingyu on the other side were going to be lucky. The positions of the ten black holes were irregular, which made their place the place with the weakest force field. Sheng Tingyu entered the transmission channel smoothly, and even looked back with lingering fear. Look, looking back, I can't help sighing, this Fan Yao is really smart, he has successfully found another lifeline, the channel of reincarnation!

Yes, it is the channel of reincarnation that the sky has been trying to absorb wronged souls.

Speaking of which, Shiri Hengkong couldn't affect reincarnation. Zuo Zhou had discovered this when he was in charge, but now Fan Yao had seized the opportunity.

I saw him frantically exploding the true qi in his body, and even using means such as the yin qi at the bottom of the box, in order to be able to escape the gravity of the black hole and rush into the reincarnation channel.

Although such a price is very high, after all, he will die, and he will not be able to restore his memory in the next life. Perhaps it is always better to live, at least his soul is not annihilated!
Zuo Zhou frowned slightly. Those who used the teleportation channel to escape were fine. After all, when they set up the trap, they set up the trap repeatedly, so there was no way around it.But this person who used reincarnation to escape was very annoying. Of course, this was also related to Zuo Zhou's soft heart.

Zuo Zhou had some concerns when he swung his move just now. Those innocent souls were all killed, and they were innocent. He was greatly affected, but he didn't expect to let Fan Yao go.

However, just as Zuo Zhou was sighing, he saw Fan Yao stop. No, he didn't stop on his own initiative, but was surrounded by countless innocent souls!
This overwhelming number of wronged souls was originally set to attack indiscriminately. If it were normal, then Fan Yao would naturally not be afraid of mere wronged souls, but not now.

In order to resist the black hole, he has used all his abilities, even to the point where his true energy is about to be exhausted, how can he use it to resist the wronged soul?
So... one mouthful, two mouthfuls, three mouthfuls... The innocent souls seemed to realize something, and grabbed Fan Yao's body one after another, tearing, gnawing, and even screaming in his ears!

"Ah, beasts! Ants! I killed you..."

Fan Yao struggled crazily in pain, and before the yelling and cursing ended, his mouth and tongue had already been eaten by several innocent souls.

Ears, lips, nose, eyeballs, brain... everything about Fan Yao was eaten up by innocent souls in just an instant.However, Fan Yao, who has just died and became a soul, is obviously incompatible with wronged souls. His strong spiritual power and divine soul are destined to prevent him from easily becoming wronged souls.

But... such a soul is in the sea of ​​wronged souls, which is equivalent to a fatal temptation for all wronged souls, so the same tragedy happened again, and Fan Yao desperately marched towards the channel of reincarnation, like a person in a sea of ​​sand. Freestyle idiot, that move is stupid as hell.

Then he was really dead. When Fan Yao was about to touch the channel of reincarnation, he found that he only had a head left, and then a wronged soul who was about to be sucked into reincarnation was attracted, and he slammed at him, Then he hugged his head and kept eating, and kept eating. Seeing that the channel of reincarnation had sucked half of the wronged soul into it, he still held his head and ate it persistently. He was not satisfied until he had eaten it completely. entered the reincarnation channel.

Zuo Zhou, who was watching the whole process, swallowed rawly from below, good guy, I am so direct, good guy, you have worked so hard to avoid me, you all died so badly, I can’t say anything up!


In a forest on the border of the Ming Dynasty, Lin Pingzhi fell to the ground, looked at it with lingering fear, and then tapped an acupoint to stop the bleeding.Before I could take a few breaths, I found that the entire formation was on the verge of collapse, which was not surprising, so many of them had died, no one was in charge of the formation, and the reincarnation was constantly absorbing innocent souls, so the formation naturally also……

and many more!

Lin Pingzhi looked around blankly, except for the few skeleton giants summoned earlier, many people in the martial arts world looked at him with strange expressions.

Hey, why is your hand gone?Aren't we going to take advantage of others?

"Everyone in the martial arts channel, you don't need to follow any rules to deal with this kind of scum, let's stand shoulder to shoulder!"

(End of this chapter)

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