Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 621 Seeing a Skull

Chapter 621 Seeing a Skull
The siege battle is still going on, the sky is full of arrows and rain, the top of the city is already bleeding, and the stumped limbs and arms are splashed everywhere. Even the corpses of the companions are thrown down as rolling stones to knock down the enemies who climbed the ladder.

At this stage, lightness kung fu is no longer useful, relying on internal strength and strength, climbing ladders with shields, hitting the city with shields, and shields... the shields are broken, the wood is broken, the iron skin is broken, what? The moves were transformed into the simplest moves in such a chaotic situation.

prick!hack!So simple and straightforward, but every move and every style has life disappearing with it.

"Huh, war is really cruel. You said that Dorgon and the others have become numb?"

"It's not numb, maybe it's just bad! You don't have to be so sentimental, in fact, there is no shortage of such people on the next door to the earth. Other people's suffering belongs to others, even if those sufferings are due to the orders of a small number of people, but for those few people Said it was just a bunch of boring numbers."

Li Yuzhu looked at him very strangely. Although these words sounded correct, in his perception, ordinary people would seldom feel this way. After all, the earth next door has been peaceful for so many years, and occasional sporadic crimes It's all small fights, and there are basically no such siege warfare level.

What does this guy do on the next door earth?

Zuo Zhou didn't have time to answer what the other party thought. He had already turned left and right to leave the Qing army, and he wanted to enter the city from another direction.Through the layout of the Ming army, it should be possible to see how long this siege battle can last.

Although Dorgon seemed to be full of confidence, Zuo Zhou felt that this time he would not make another victory so easily.

And when Zuo Zhou saw a teenage boy rushing to the top of the city, he knew that the Qing army would not win this time, at least not so easily.

The people of Tongcheng also participated in the battle. Instead of taking up weapons, they took up ropes and poles, carrying bundles of arrows and weapons to the city wall, and when they came down, they also carried arrows, but it was the Qing army. The kind that shoots and breaks.

Occasionally, of course, a few wounded were brought down, and those who had been bandaged soon returned to battle with their arms drawn.

This is the first time Zuo Zhou has seen the concept of 'battlefield logistics'. Although it is not unusual in the next-door earth, it is the first time he has seen it in this world.

"Why are you in a daze, take this wounded man out!"

An old man thought that Zuo Zhou was stupefied by the brutality of the battle, so he handed a shelf to Zuo Zhou, and kindly said to him: "You don't have to be afraid when you're busy."

Zuo Zhou looked down at the stretcher in his hand. He was the only one pulling the stretcher. In the final analysis, it was because the soldier on the stretcher had died.It's not good to just throw aside people like this who died before they persisted in the treatment, so they exist in a unified place.

And the old man in this place also pointed out that it was a coffin shop, um, it was considered appropriate.

Zuo Zhou dragged the corpses into the coffin shop, and sure enough, he saw that there were many corpses here and there, because the war was so intense that almost all the people in the city participated in the war, and there was not a single living person in this place.

He casually placed the corpse in the corner. Although Zuo Zhou was not from the Ming Dynasty, he felt a little excited seeing this scene of people uniting as one.

However, there are always some people who will do things that spoil the fun. Just when Zuo Zhou was about to leave, he suddenly discovered a problem.

These corpses were unknown before, but the corpse left by Zuo Zhou had just died, that is to say, his soul should have just come out and went to reincarnation.

There is no doubt about this. These soldiers did not practice any spiritual power skills, nor did they have any special adventures, so they could not escape the attraction of reincarnation.

But... after this soul came out, it drifted to somewhere in the city in a daze!


Naturally, Zuo Zhou would not let go of such a weird thing. He moved Lingbo Weibu and followed the soul in a flickering figure. He had to be careful, if he alarmed the other party, the loss would not be worth the gain.

The soldier's soul did not float too far. It was in a small courtyard at the corner of the city wall. The location of this small courtyard is a bit awkward. It is very close to the city wall and very remote. The weeds were gone, and even a faint smell could be smelled.

"Ugh, who is so useless to defecate everywhere!"

Zuo Zhou's face darkened, and he lost all latent interest. He kicked open the courtyard door, and he saw a small courtyard and a house.

There is nothing special in the yard, even from the state of weeds, it has not been lived in for a long time.

Zuo Zhou frowned slightly and gently opened the door. Sure enough, even the room was empty, even covered with a thick layer of dust and cobwebs.

Zuo Zhou was a little puzzled for a while, so he looked along the soul, only to see that the soul drifted into a dry well in the courtyard.

"Hiding is concealed!"

Zuo Zhou didn't jump down recklessly, but showed Shura Dharma, then protected his whole body and jumped in again.

Doing so really paid off, as soon as he jumped off, a gust of dark wind rushed out, whining and taking his soul away.

Zuo Zhou's mental strength is as stable as Mount Tai, so naturally he doesn't care, and the Shura method that the dark wind hits the blood flames is also ineffective.Just like that, he started to explore inside with the Dharma image on his face.

This dry well, which looks ordinary, actually has a hole in the sky!
Stretching out his hands and silently on the stone walls on both sides, the traces of man-made ax chiseling are quite clear, and even a little bit of the true meaning of martial arts can still be felt from the traces of ax chiseling.

"Is this... the true meaning of Buddhist martial arts?"

Zuo Zhou also has an arhat figure, and he is very familiar with the true spirit of Buddhist martial arts.

Walking along the stone wall, this long passage is not too complicated, basically it will end after two turns.

At the end of the passage is an empty stone house. There are not many furnishings here, only two stone benches and a stone table.

There is a skull on the stone table...

"Such a hell?"

Zuo Zhou didn't know what to say for a while, and he didn't know who created the secret room just to put a skull?
Zuo Zhou scratched his cheek, could he be too sensitive?Thinking about looking at the soul, he saw that the soul paused for a moment, and then seemed to have encountered some kind of terrified natural enemy, his face showed fear, and he was about to run back instinctively, but a gust of wind turned him up and sucked him up. into the mouth of the skeleton on the table...

"Ah... I missed my eyes!"

Zuo Zhou reached out to pick up the skull. The skull was white and light as nothing. The texture was as smooth as marble. There was no pattern pattern on the surface, and there was no trace of magic weapon at all.

Just as he was thinking about how to deal with it, he saw another soul floating slowly from the outside. Zuo Zhou threw it into the hell way and placed it behind Samsara.

 There is another chapter tonight, but it may be a bit late

(End of this chapter)

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