Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 622 What shameful things did you seal again?

Chapter 622 What Shameful Things Did You Take Back?

People are sometimes very complicated. Zuo Zhou regretted throwing that skull into reincarnation just now. Wouldn't it be a surprise if he did it like this?The person who arranged the skull may not easily come and take it back.

But thinking of the way the skull absorbs souls, he feels relieved. Although he is not a holy mother, he also feels very uncomfortable seeing so many innocent souls being swallowed.

As for whether someone will take back the skull in the end, it depends on God's will!
With a clear idea, Zuo Zhou got up and left the mouth of the well. This time he entered the city on a whim, thinking about what to do, but accidentally found a skull, um, how should I say it?It's a bit predestined. As a master who has seen many catastrophes, he has keenly discovered some of the problems.

After thinking for a while, Zuo Zhou turned around and entered a brothel. There was no one in the former Gold Selling Cave. It must have retreated to some unknown place.

Randomly found a fragrant room, Zuo Zhou took out his bravery, and raised his hand to input all the merits into it.

'How did this give me all the merit?How much do you save! '

"Hey, why are you being polite to me? I don't need any merit to be so strong. But you, don't wilt after a few tricks!"

'...' To be honest, Soul Blade was touched for a moment.

Zuo Zhou stretched his waist, not to mention, at the moment when he gave all his merits and virtues to the brave, he was a little bit reluctant and nostalgic, but now he felt a little refreshed when he took a closer look.

There wasn't much time to input merit. When he came out, Zuo Zhou looked up at the direction of the city wall. The battle over there was still fierce, and looking at the scene of surging qi in the sky, it seemed that Shangguan Jinhong and Dorgon were fighting?

This has to be seen, after all, it's been a long time since I saw him, I miss him!
Phew, Hurricane leaped directly from the direction of the city wall, and the wind howled at that moment made the whole city wall silent for a moment, but both sides were professional, and soon entered into a crazy battle.

But Tang Ruowang, who was sitting in the Qing army camp, shivered in fright, what the hell!Li Yuanfang is actually in Tongcheng?No, if he should have made the move a long time ago and only made the move at this time, he must have just arrived.Hmph, it must be that the cat was in Weicheng back then, luckily they didn't kill them before.

Tang Ruowang thought for a while, turned around and chased in the direction of Dorgon. Sometimes the battle between countries is very particular, and face must be saved.It is one thing to secretly attack and ambush, but it is another thing to declare war openly, especially for someone like Li Yuanfang who has the position of a general.

At this time, Dorgon and Shangguan Jinhong didn't know that Zuo Zhou was about to arrive, and they felt a bit evenly matched when they fought together, but it was just a feeling.In fact, Dorgon is already a little stressed.

"Your body training skills are good, but it's a pity that the internal organs are still not good enough!"

Shangguan Jinhong teased her so much, her whole face was full of sarcasm, and when she raised her hands, her true energy kept rising and contracting like breathing, converging on her palms so that the golden light shone as if possessed by a demon.

Dorgon's breathing was a little short, not because there was any drawback in his body training technique, but because the opponent's true energy was too strong and too pure!
Speaking of things like true qi, there are many functions. Some of them are attached with the power of nature and can deal a variety of special damage, such as freezing, burning, etc., but there are also some true qi that are very pure, which is to enhance strength, such as the dragon elephant Prajna .

Among them, the higher the level of unique skills, the higher the correction of strength, such as the Dragon Elephant Wisdom Skill, which can even increase the strength tenfold!

But it is too difficult to practice Dragon Elephant Prajna Kungfu, so it is quite rare. After all, it takes so much time, even if people live longer, it is not so wasteful. Why don't they do other things?Gold list titles, bridal chamber flowers and candles, so many beautiful lives have not been experienced?What's more, if you practice other unique skills at the same time, it may be more efficient.

So basically no one would practice this kind of exercise foolishly, but there is something wrong with Shangguan Jinhong's attack, his strength is too great!

Not only is it powerful, but it even has the effect of restraining Yin and evil skills because of its continuous innocence and grandeur. What kind of unique skill is this?
Shangguan Jinhong didn't give Dorgon too much time to think, and turned his head to see the direction of the military camp, "It's almost time, the warm-up is over."

Dorgon frowned, "Warming up? You're really brazen!"

Shangguan Jinhong shook his head and sighed: "You don't understand, how can I show my strength if I take a shot and instantly kill it? It will take some time to get more benefits from Zhu Wushi!"

"Ahahahaha, don't use this kind of skills in dealing with people to make jokes. If you are this kind of person, I'm afraid you won't be able to achieve what you are today." Dorgon shook his wrist with a smile. Knowing what kind of unique skills Shangguan Jinhong has, but he does not lack that kind of explosive skills.

"Hehe, it used to be the Azure Dragon Club, but now it's a guest official of the Ming Dynasty. The business partners are different, so the things they need to do are naturally different." Shangguan Jin Hong didn't feel embarrassed at all, it was all business after all.

He tightened the golden ring on his arm, which made Dorgon nervous, but instead of using the double rings, he smiled cruelly at Dorgon: "People who have seen this move of mine have never living!"

Dorgon became even more nervous. No one in the circle of strong men in the local list is so arrogant. Well, Li Yuanfang doesn't count, and he is not a strong man in the local list.


The air wave exploded suddenly, and layers of black air filled the flying sand and rocks. It is very mysterious and puzzling that the seemingly terrifying exercises still maintain the integrity of the righteous exercises.Those who don't know may even regard him as an authentic Taoist hero!
"This is……"

"Black-level Buddha!"

The real trick is to roar out to gain momentum. Suddenly, three black marks appeared on Shangguan Jin Hong's grinning face, deep black, two in the eyes and one in between the eyebrows, like some three-clawed animal on his face Scratched hard.

What kind of magic is this?
Dorgon's complexion changed drastically. After being angry, he had increased so much. The huge pressure almost made him unable to breathe smoothly.

Papa, just when Dorgon had a hint of retreat, a figure landed on the ground, but it was Tang Ruowang, another master of the Qing army!

Dorgon breathed a sigh of relief, if it was two against one, he would dare to touch Shangguan Jin Hong.

But Shangguan Jinhong was not afraid at all, hum, two of them came to kill together!It's not Li Yuanfang's exclusive to be able to instantly kill the masters of the local rankings.

Tang Ruowang glanced at Shangguan Jinhong. Although he was surprised, he didn't start the fight. Instead, he cupped his fists and bowed to the small jungle on the side: "I made the general laugh. I'm just passing by here. Please forgive me for disturbing you."

Dorgon: "???"

Shangguan Jin Hong: "???"

Zuo Zhou saw that he had nothing to hide, so he had no choice but to go out. He obviously came to watch the excitement later, but he was stunned to let you say that they disturbed me. Well, I am so polite that I am too embarrassed to hit you.

Then he looked at Shangguan Jinhong who had suppressed the black energy, "You thought it was WeChat? Take back the shady things and pretend you can't see them? No wonder Zhiruo and Liuliqin never found the Yijinjing, but So it was taken away by Jing Wuming and given to you!"

 I don’t know if it’s because of the medicine. I’ve been sleepy lately, and I can fall asleep while sitting and typing.
(End of this chapter)

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