Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 623 It's Business, You Can Talk About It

Chapter 623 It's Business, You Can Talk About It

Zuo Zhou glanced at Tang Ruowang with dissatisfaction. It was a good time to watch the excitement, but Shangguan Jinhong is about to perform a unique trick. Aren't you curious?

At Zuo Zhou's level, there is very little blind worship for such things as unparalleled skills. He deeply understands a truth, there is no most powerful unparalleled skills, only more powerful people.

However, some of the thunderous skills still have their own unique features, such as Jiang Yuyan's soul-searching hand, Xiaoyaozi's Beiming magic skill, Bai Qi's sky-wrath mental method, etc., and the Yijinjing undoubtedly belongs to it. This type, but its effect is not as exaggerated as rebirth or turning into a zombie, it is more inclined to slowly improve the level of life.

Previously, Zhou Zhiruo and Liu Liqin didn't show much when they were practicing, but when it was Zuo Zhou's turn to practice, he felt the problem to some extent.

Yes, Zuo Zhou also practiced Yi Jinjing before. Last time, he exchanged the Six Meridians Excalibur from Sister Liuliqin. Kung Fu removes all kinds of additional effects from the beginning to the end, leaving only the effect of increasing the true energy and strengthening the body.

Although this is more pure, but it also discards many special advantages, but he can't be blamed. To put it bluntly, he is still scared by the Huimeng Heart Sutra, so he is wary of these "weird" effects. .

"It's not good to steal other people's things!"

"The Yi Jin Jing is not yours."

"Oh, how dare you talk back!" Zuo Zhou pinched his fingers and cracked, "Although it's not mine, the little girl has a good relationship with me!"

"Hmph, is it because she's a girl that she has a good relationship with you?"

Zuo Zhou nodded, and said very seriously, "I would like to borrow your good words!"


The scene was a little out of control for a while, at least Dorgon thought so, but this should be a good thing.Li Yuanfang seems to have a grudge against Shangguan Jinhong, or has a good impression of me, the Qing Dynasty?

Dorgon had the uncontrollable idea of ​​wooing, but Shangguan Jinhong on the other side was very nervous. He naturally knew Li Yuanfang's strength, but it wasn't necessarily true how deep it was. After all, Zuo Zhou really killed the Quartet He happened to be away at the time.

"It's only been a few years, you have already cultivated the Yi Jin Jing to the level of a black-level stupa, and you have three battle patterns, let alone martial arts, your talent is very enviable what."

Shangguan Jinhong's complexion changed, the other party was able to call out all of these, which shows how much he understands the kung fu of Yi Jin Jing.The desire to try and become famous in my heart faded instantly.

A trick that no one has ever seen is a trick, and what everyone knows is a conventional method. If you still regard conventional methods as a unique skill, you will only be targeted by others.

"Don't flinch, and don't be cowardly, I will definitely beat you up today, otherwise I won't be able to make you pay compensation willingly."


As soon as these words were said, the expressions of several local masters became strange.

No killing intent?How should I put it, I felt relieved, but then I thought, this is going to kill me, and I was beaten in front of the other two masters of the local list.Looking at the other two people, the integrity of these two guys is likely to spread all over the world soon. This is the rhythm of social death digging out a villa with its toes.

"Black-level Buddha!"

Shangguan Jinhong immediately got angry again, with the Yi Jin Jing, he might not be able to lose!

Three black battle patterns appeared, Zuo Zhou was amused, and a huge sword appeared on his shoulder. He also wanted to see what was so special about the Yi Jin Jing.Liuliqin's sister may be too optimistic, so the effect of cultivation is not so much tricks at all, and there is no mark on her pure face.

On the contrary, Zhou Zhiruo felt very similar to Shangguan Jinhong after practicing.

Boom, Shangguan Jinhong jumped over with black energy all over her body, swiped her palm and slapped it straight, it didn't seem to be a very delicate palm technique, but due to the blessing of Yi Jin Jing, it was accompanied by the faint sound of wind and thunder.

Zuo Zhou had the intention of probing, so he swung his huge sword and greeted him!

Bang, the fleshy palm collided with the extra-large sword. Although the extra-large sword is not known for its sharpness, it is a bit unreasonable to use a fleshy palm to catch it.

What's even more unreasonable is that Zuo Zhou felt an irresistible force. You must know that Zuo Zhou's exercises also have the effect of body training. It has a very good strengthening effect, but I didn't expect to be suppressed by Shangguan Jinhong in this respect.

But from Shangguan Jinhong's point of view, this temporary advantage made him feel insulted. Who doesn't know that Li Yuanfang's dual skills in swords and swords have nothing to do with comparing strength, is this looking down on him?

"I don't know what you're thinking now, but I want to say, you're right!"

Zuo Zhou clearly saw the anger in Shangguan Jinhong's eyes, although he didn't quite understand it, but he's on top, so let's go along with the flow and make a favor!


Shangguan Jinhong had obviously broken his defenses and entered a state of fury. The black energy all over his body instantly formed a dragon-shaped force, occasionally accompanied by a shocking dragon chant.


This time Zuo Zhou was really shocked, this is outrageous, how did you learn how to subdue the dragon... Oh, Wang Jiantong taught you, right?

How fast Zuo Zhou's thinking was, he had roughly understood the ins and outs in just a split second. He was able to exchange martial arts training with Zhang Junbao, so naturally Shangguan Jinhong could also exchange with Wang Jiantong.Moreover, the Yi Jin Jing is obviously more inclined to internal strength or body training, and its offensive moves are lacking. After all, Shangguan Jinhong's original dragon and phoenix double rings are a bit incompatible with the Yi Jin Jing.

It's just a pity that Wang Jiantong died inexplicably, so far there is no evidence pointing to who the murderer is. The people from the Six Doors once raised the possibility that it was Li Si, but he thinks this possibility is not great. After all, Li Si is the head of Yama One, it seems that it has nothing to do with the Qinglong Society.

"This move of yours, I know, generally the louder you roar, the more powerful it will be. In addition... oh, I roughly understand why you turned to Zhu Wushi, because you also wanted to use your luck to bless the Dragon Subduing Eighteen palms!"

Shangguan Jinhong's erupting anger seemed to have been poured with cold water. How much did this Li Yuanfang know about the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon? He had seen through him just after he made a move?
As I said before, a trick that is clearly known by others is not a trick.

Especially such a unique technique like the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, once the heart is shaken, its power will definitely be greatly reduced, not to mention...he didn't roar too loudly, at least it was far worse than Qiao Feng.


The scalding heat wave created a vortex, and the blood flames stood up from behind Zuo Zhou accompanied by Shura Dharma, and a long blood knife emerged from his hand, aiming at the black air dragon.

Zuo Zhou obviously felt a resistance from the feedback, but the resistance was not very strong, as if you were cutting a piece of tofu.

puff!The black air exploded, and Shangguan Jinhong pierced through the black air and bypassed the blood knife. The speed was extremely fast and even faintly surpassed Lingbo Weibu.

He finally managed to get close to Zuo Zhou, completely ignoring the protection and damage of Blood Flame Shura, he had caught the dragon and phoenix double rings in his hands at some point, and smashed them on Zuo Zhou's forehead.

"Huh? So reckless?" Is this because he has confidence in his Yi Jin Jing, or is there some special material mixed in the dragon and phoenix double rings, which can penetrate the dharma?
Zuo Zhou was extremely curious, staring straight at the dragon and phoenix double rings, and met them!bumped into!Touch... Tch, I thought it was so powerful, but I didn't even break through the Dharma, which made me wait for so long in vain.

Zuo Zhou settled into Shangguan Jinhong's arms with ease, and began to greet Shangguan Jinhong with various punches.The muffled sound of bang bang radiated out continuously, and Shangguan Jin Hong's body kept retreating, but the hard touch let Zuo Zhou know that this guy didn't suffer any injuries.

"No wonder Dorgon can't beat you!"

Dorgon: "..."

Shangguan Jinhong's heart couldn't be more frightened at this time, and he no longer had the thought of fighting in his heart. Li Yuanfang didn't see through it at all. He was actually lucky in this double ring of dragon and phoenix!
He is a businessman after all, if Zhu Wushi had only used verbal promises, he would not have worked so hard for Ming.In fact, in order to prevent the Qing Dynasty from taking away all the luck, Zhu Wuwei hastily launched a palace change to seize power. Among them, in order to get Shangguan Jinhong's hole card, Zhu Wuwei paid a little bit of national luck.

And this bit of luck was attached to the double rings of dragon and phoenix by Shangguan Jinhong, maybe he didn't mean to use it to smear Li Yuanfang, but now it seems that this certain amount of luck can't even break Li Yuanfang's dharma.

This is outrageous, what kind of dharma is this?It doesn't make sense that even a weapon with luck can't penetrate it, right?
Bang, bang, bang, Zuo Zhou hit Shangguan Jinhong with a set of Arhat fists, and found that the effect was not very good. Sure enough, he was a little weak in hand-to-hand combat.

Reluctantly, he drew back the extra-large sword and smashed it at Shangguan Jin Hong's side.

"Wait a minute! Let's talk!"

The huge sword suddenly stopped beside Shangguan Jinhong's waist, and a gust of wind blew Shangguan Jinhong very close to his body.

Shangguan Jinhong breathed a sigh of relief, her waist was saved.

In fact, from the very beginning, he felt that there was a problem. This Li Yuanfang didn't seem to have much killing intent, and he probably wanted to get something from him.Therefore, Shangguan Jinhong was ready to go bankrupt!

"Look, as a businessman, kindness can make money!"

"..." Shangguan Jinhong glanced at the huge sword in his hand, he was really kind!
Not far away, Dorgon and Tang Ruowang looked very solemn. Although the battle just now was not as exaggerated as the previous battle against Shidian Yama, the doorway was not small. Now that the two suddenly talked about business, would this be possible? A threat to the Qing army?

"You're a lion talking!"

"Then why don't you return the Yi Jin Jing to me?" Zuo Zhou asked with a smile, his expression becoming more and more kind.

"Why can we still talk about it!"

The sudden arguing made Dorgon and the two feel inexplicably irritable, and a bad premonition arose.

(End of this chapter)

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