Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 624 Daqin has become a sieve

Chapter 624 Daqin has become a sieve
The only things in Shangguan Jinhong's hands that interested Zuo Zhou were some internal channels of the Azure Dragon Club, and these things obviously couldn't be explained clearly in one or two sentences.

Zuo Zhou originally thought that Shangguan Jinhong would be very resistant, but the process was unexpectedly smooth. He gave in after only a symbolic struggle, and seemed to be very anxious to break up with Qinglonghui.

"How can you say that you are also a comrade-in-arms who fight together, so you are so eager to get rid of it?"

"The general doesn't know something. According to my opinion, there have been three stages from the establishment of the Qinglong Society to the present, and now I have no choice but to do so!"

"Oh? Tell me." Zuo Zhou asked with great interest, he felt that he must have played a big role in it.

Shangguan Jinhong glanced at Dorgon and Dorgon who were watching from a distance but did not dare to come over, "The first stage is the peak of the Azure Dragon Society. Several leaders are powerful and powerful, and even once had the ability to overthrow Daqin!"

"Hehe." Zuo Zhou just smiled and said nothing. When he first came into contact with the Qinglong Society, he did find that this group of people was rampant. It's just that Emperor Qin has more important things to do and is too lazy to talk to you.

But Shangguan Jinhong continued: "At that time, we were all full of confidence and felt that we could change the world, and we did start to run the plan separately, and the big leader adjusted in the middle, so that each link could achieve the effect of mutual cooperation. It's just... none of us I thought about it, you actually appeared in the Jiannan Road incident!"

Shangguan Jinhong took a deep look at Zuo Zhou, and sighed: "Who would have thought that a pioneer of Jiannan Road would have such an achievement, and overcame all the thorns and thorns along the way to destroy the plans of each leader, and killed all the masters? And return."

"Hey! Correct me, it's not that they returned home, but they were all killed. There are not many people under my command."

Zuo Zhou's correction made Shangguan Jinhong's eyelids twitch wildly, and he agreed wisely, "Yes, it can be said that the peak period of the Azure Dragon Club was ruined by your hands."

Zuo Zhou said modestly, "You can't say that, in fact, it's all the contributions of everyone. The medals are half of mine and half of theirs."

Shangguan Jinhong choked up for a moment, and said with a smile: "Then comes the second stage. It's a bit of a struggle. As the masters and undercover agents were found and eliminated one by one, the strength of the leaders of the Azure Dragon Society was greatly weakened. At this time, we In fact, the plan has already lost its role in overthrowing Daqin, and can only use the previous arrangement to achieve some other purposes. Of course, the overall decline of the Azure Dragon Society is also directly related to Xianwang's inaction."

Zuo Zhou nodded. He had heard of this before. Originally, Di Renjie and others had planned to solve the problem of the Azure Dragon Club after he returned. Unfortunately, there were many things to do when he came out, and he didn't know when he would be able to go back.

"Then let's talk about King Xian."

Zuo Zhou casually mentioned that Shangguan Jinhong would not hide it. He thought for a while and said, "Dedicating the king is definitely an amazing and brilliant task, but... such people are very conceited. In his eyes, I am afraid that only Qin Let Huang Pei be his opponent. So after Qin Huang transformed into a dragon, he had no goals, and then devoted all his energy to seeking longevity."

Zuo Zhou nodded. This was not the first time he had heard others praise King Xian. They all spoke highly of him, which made him want to meet him now.However, he knew that history had proven countless times that any emperor seeking longevity would inevitably become insane, and this offering to the king was obviously not exempt.

"The second stage is debilitating, what about the third stage?"

Shangguan Jinhong's face changed a little ugly and said: "The third stage is now, there is a person named Di Que beside King Xian, this person is very talented but also very annoying, he wraps himself in a big In the cloak, the occasional faces are all different faces, I met him once, and I shuddered when I saw him, as if I felt infinite malice from him."

Zuo Zhou frowned, He Ran's information echoed in his mind, this Di Que was an outcast, so he would naturally be hated by others.However, Shangguan Jinhong is a master of the local rankings, so his feelings cannot be ignored, at least Zuo Zhou doesn't think he will be unable to distinguish the difference between disgust and malice.

Only Shangguan Jinhong said again: "This place seems to have learned quite a lot and is very strange. The big dragon head is concentrating on the way of longevity, and he has practiced himself to be neither human nor ghost, and it seems that the so-called method of longevity needs to be used vigorously. People sacrificed, making everyone in Qinglong feel in danger. I went to him after I was repelled by Bai Qi that time. Who knew that his people would put a voodoo in my food, but fortunately, I never did it arbitrarily. The habits of the food served by others, and noticed the strangeness from the waiter's speech and behavior, so he ran out in time."

"So you are falling out with the Qinglong Society now?"

"It can be said that, but the Azure Dragon Society is indeed not a good place to go now. The exposure and death of the various dragon heads have already determined that the Azure Dragon Society will only have the big dragon head alone."

"Hey, no wonder you explained so simply." Zuo Zhou curled his lips.

Shangguan Jinhong said with a smile: "In business, naturally there are losses and gains. I can give you all the connections and power of my line, but let me first say that there are likely to be many big leaders among these people." My spies, if something goes wrong in the future..."

"I definitely won't trouble you!" Zuo Zhou patted his chest like "I, Li Yuanfang, keep my word." Of course, if something goes wrong, it won't be me who is looking for you, it should be Jiang Yuyan !

"Tell me about this land shortage, don't hide anything." Zuo Zhou smiled, he always felt that this land shortage might be a big deal.

"I don't know much about this person. I just heard that he seems to be in contact with a senior official in Daqin. His information is more accurate than ours."

Zuo Zhou was not surprised at all when he heard the words. If King Xian wanted the spies to play a huge role, he must have information to help him. As for who it is, it’s really hard to say, after all, even Li Si can be the leader of the Ten Temples of Yama. One, what else is impossible?Hmph, thanks to myself, I also gave him the merits left behind by Emperor Qin!

However, hehe, fortunately, it was given to him. The cause and effect between himself and Emperor Qin was gone, and because he prevented the conspiracy of Yama of the Ten Temples, this merit has come back a lot after going around, and it is related to Emperor Qin and Da Qin. It doesn't matter.

"Do you know who this senior official is?"

Shangguan Jinhong thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "We don't know about this, but we just realized that Di Que's attitude towards that senior official is a bit ambiguous. Well, by the way, this Di Que seems to be a woman!"

"Huh?" Zuo Zhou's eyes lit up, gossiping... Well, this world is either men or women, and there are people who sometimes lack something, so it's not surprising, "So she and this high-ranking official are probably lovers!"

Shangguan Jinhong sneered, "I don't know exactly what it is, but I heard that this person has great energy."

"Can you say that he has great energy? Then what did he do?"

Shangguan Jinhong finally looked at Zuo Zhou with a hint of sarcasm, "General, you might as well guess."

"My sword doesn't like the Riddler!"

"...Hahaha, just kidding."

Shangguan Jinhong laughed a few times and continued: "If the general returns to the Great Qin Emperor now, he should find that Zhao Ji's mutated corpse is gone, and the corpse of Wei Jinzhong's zombie from back then is also gone!"

Zuo Zhou was stunned for a moment. Xu Fu shouldn't have stolen this corpse... No, Xu Fu doesn't seem to be in the capital now!
This piece of information was actually told by Yi Tianfan. At the beginning, Xu Fu pretended to be the daughter of Li Si who was married and got into the procession.In fact, Yi Tianfan knew it long ago, he is not really stupid, it's just that people speak lightly and it's hard to expose anything.Later, he married Sword Sword Villa for the sake of his family, and Zuo Zhou was kind to their family, so he told him the news.

Now that I think about it carefully, Li Si is one of the ten halls of Yan Luo, and the whole process of seeing off his relatives may have been calculated, and Yi Tianfan was also tricked enough.Fortunately, he gave up clinging to Li Si at the beginning, otherwise he might be implicated now.

Xu Fu took the corpse, and Hu Hai should know this, so he should not be short of a good friend. I'm afraid that person stole the corpse while Xu Fu was leaving.

Well, by the way, why did Xu Fu leave?Did he bring it up himself?If someone is bewitching, then this person is very suspicious, this is all a trap!
The clues given by Shangguan Jinhong are actually a little bit less, the only one is related to Xu Fu, and Xu Fu is now Hu Hai's person, he really doesn't bother to investigate.

Shangguan Jinhong left with Zuo Zhou. The two wanted to find a special place to write information about Shangguan Jinhong's department. Although this was not a big project, it couldn't be completed in a short time.

Dorgon and Tang Ruowang in the distance were just left behind. They waited for an hour in fear but no one came to take care of them. They didn't breathe a sigh of relief until they confirmed that Zuo Zhou had really left.

"This is a good thing. Shangguan Jinhong was taken away by Li Yuanfang. When we attacked the city, the enemy lost a main force!" Tang Ruowang was overjoyed.

Dorgon thought about it, and it was true, so the two immediately returned to the barracks.

At this time, the first day of the siege battle was over, and the corpses of the troops from both sides piled up into hillocks under the city.

As night approached, the two sides tacitly sent people to collect the corpse, but in the Qing army camp there was a bloody atmosphere. The reason was simple. Dorgon told the news that Shangguan Jinhong was entangled.

This naturally aroused the ecstasy of a large group of generals, and several even clamored to attack immediately, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

Although Dorgon was a little worried about the state of the soldiers, he still agreed. He was not sure how long Zuo Zhou could detain Shangguan Jinhong.

However, when the Qing army was preparing to attack at night, the sky suddenly changed drastically, and a heavy and invisible pressure suddenly fell on all the Qing troops. The ordinary soldiers were still insensitive, but Dorgon was so shocked that his jaw dropped. And Tang Ruowang fainted out of help!

(End of this chapter)

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