Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 632 The President of the Safflower Club

Chapter 632 The President of the Safflower Club

"Since you know so much about martial arts in the Qing Dynasty, why not guess who these people are?" Jiang Yuyan looked at the approaching ships with great interest.Judging from the perceived situation, there are no local masters among these people, and the two with the highest realm are the masters of the human list.

For a moment, Jiang Yuyan felt that she was too low-key, if Xie Xun could not let out the aura of a top player in the field, it would save some trouble.

Wei Xiaobao glanced at the boat, "How should I put it? This boat has a petty air from inside to outside, which obviously contains a low-key truth. There should be many people who covet luck in the martial arts world, but they dare to come out to snatch it, but they are very low-key Yes, it should be the Red Flower Club!"

"Oh? The Red Flower Society, I thought it was the Heaven and Earth Society!" Jiang Yuyan was quite disdainful.

"The style of the Tiandihui is somewhat different from that of the Honghuahui. The headquarter of the Tiandihui is located overseas. Even if the Qing Dynasty wanted to encircle and suppress them before, they would not be able to do so, so they would be even less considerate in their actions. But the Honghuahui is not so unscrupulous. So I guess it should be the Red Flower Club!"

Jiang Yuyan nodded and asked again, "Then is there anyone worth mentioning in Honghua?"

"Uh, their leader is called Chen Jialuo. I heard that he was originally a scholar, but later focused on rebellion... Well, there is nothing worth mentioning."

"Scholar!" Jiang Yuyan looked bored, what should I say?What she said in the past may be of some interest to the scholar, because many stories are the protagonist of the scholar, and she was once a simple girl.It's just that after seeing a lot of world situations with Zuo Zhou, she changed.

In her mind, the limitations of a scholar are too great. Unless you can read the truth of changing the world, you will be sold to the emperor's family after all, and you will never get any freedom in your life.In the world, there may not be one scholar who can read the truth of heaven and earth in hundreds of years. She doesn't think she will be lucky enough to meet it.

Just as she was thinking, a handsome young man walked out of the cabin in front of her. Not to mention, Jiang Yuyan felt that the other party could compare with Hua Wuque in terms of appearance alone.

"I am Chen Jialuo, may I please..."

"No need to ask, I don't know you well, get out of the way!"

Jiang Yuyan had absolutely no interest in chatting with the other party. No matter who the other party was, as long as he was thinking about luck, using force was robbing, talking was threatening and bewitching, so there was really no need to talk to him.

When Jiang Yuyan opened her mouth, Chen Jialuo's eyes lit up. Such a beautiful girl is actually the leader of this team?

"This girl..."

"Luck is useful to me, and I won't give it to you. No matter what your reasons are, I advise you not to speak."

"Girl, I..."

"I'm already a married woman, so I won't talk about romance with you, get out of the way!"


Chen Jialuo was a little confused, he didn't want to talk about romance, he just wanted to talk about cooperation and joint anti-Qing.

Jiang Yuyan looked at Chen Jialuo and shook her head in disdain suddenly, "As the president of the Red Flower Society, he has no luck, yet you still have to find someone to cooperate with such an enemy? You have no courage!"

Chen Jialuo looked bewildered and a little bit at a loss, isn't it normal to be in a row?When did it become the point of being despised?

Not only Chen Jialuo was confused, but also the masters of the Red Flower Club in the cabin were dumbfounded, they seemed to be despised, the key is... It seems that what the other party said seemed to make sense!

If they really...wait a minute, they are just trying to get lucky, whoever cooperates, what kind of cooperation is the person on the opposite side!
They had just reacted, but Jiang Yuyan had already made a move.

On the rivers and rivers, it is natural to use exercises related to the water attribute, such as cloud-dispelling palm and Tianshuang fist. The water column rises from the sky and explodes. Every drop of water turns into ice and falls from the sky like a thousand arrows piercing the heart.

Chen Jialuo was shocked, the attack was so violent that he couldn't even think of how to deal with it for a while.

Yes, he was a little flustered, and he didn't seem at all the decisive ability that a master of the list should possess.In fact, he is less than 30 years old this year. If he has cultivated to this level through his own efforts at this age, he can undoubtedly be said to be the proud son of heaven.

In Jiang Yuyan's cognition, only Ximen Chuixue, Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Jian Chen, and Jiang Yuyan can be counted as the proud sons of heaven and hope to reach the consummation of the master list before the age of 30 and even step into the earth list. Xiaoyu, Hua Wuque and others were just a few people, of course, including Li Yuanfang and Zhang Junbao who she couldn't understand.

But no matter who it is, there is an arrogance that does not allow people to blaspheme in their hearts. Just like what Jiang Yuyan said just now, if they are the president of the Red Flower Society, they will never think about it when the enemy loses their luck. Unite with others or defeat the enemy by robbing luck.

In fact, Jiang Yuyan was a little curious at first, but when she saw Chen Jialuo, she understood at a glance that this guy's skill was improved through some special methods, this kind of person, hehe, is not worth mentioning.


A one-armed Taoist priest rushed out from behind Chen Jialuo, and threw a shield in front of Chen Jialuo with a wave of his hand.

In the long series of tinkling metal sounds, Jiang Yuyan glanced at the one-armed Taoist priest. He is not young, and although he is also a master of the list, he can't see any powerful sword intent from him .

Shaking her head, Jiang Yuyan didn't even bother to say, why are you Honghuahui so pure... Wait, is there a possibility that I and the people I came into contact with are too strong, and their situation is the only one in the martial arts world? normal?
For a moment, Jiang Yuyan was stunned. People who were born at the finish line can't imagine the hardships of those who are still preparing at the starting line. Although Jiang Yuyan was once in danger, after a long time, she might be able to ask questions like "why not?" Mincemeat' words.

"What a vicious girl!" The one-armed Taoist shouted to wake Jiang Yuyan up, and then attacked with his sword.

This one-armed Taoist's swordsmanship is really good, the sword shadow shuttles one after another, like a drizzle, but it is full of chilling ghostly air, as if he will die in the next second.

Jiang Yuyan narrowed her eyes slightly, and subconsciously wanted to use the gloves made of dragon scales to catch the move and learn it secretly, but suddenly she remembered Zuo Zhou's words, sometimes it is not good to learn kung fu too complicated, not to mention, this sword technique is also difficult. Nothing special.

With a pause under his feet, endless cold air spread from the boat, and the river surface froze in an instant. There were three consecutive bangs, and three icicles flew from the ice to the one-armed Taoist.

The one-armed Taoist didn't seem to have fought against this kind of attack before. He was not sure about the attack power of the ice thorn, so he could only turn in mid-air, and the sword blade swept across to smash the ice thorn into pieces.However, his figure also fell on the ice with all his strength. This landing felt a biting cold, and there was a sharp pain in the soles of his feet, but he saw layers of ice needles standing on the ice and spreading towards him. come over.


The one-armed Taoist yelled, he didn't care that his feet were pierced, he endured the pain and rolled back onto the boat.

At this time, Chen Jialuo finally started to make a move, and as soon as he raised his hand, Long Yin slapped him!

Jiang Yuyan frowned in surprise, "The Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms? Isn't this the best technique of the Beggar Gang? Are there too many people who know it?"

Well, there was one more reason for the other party to grab luck, but she didn't take the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms seriously. I remembered the general said that the louder the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms screamed, the more powerful they would be.Look at this scholar, he obviously still has burdens that he can't let go of, so he didn't call out at all.

Dispel the cloud palm!
Jiang Yuyan slapped him not stingyly, she wanted to see how powerful this guy could use the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but who knew that Chen Jialuo would start to use boxing skills after getting close to him.

So... where did you learn the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms secretly?
Jiang Yuyan does not reject people who steal from others, after all, she has also learned from other people's martial arts by stealing, but what he despises is that you, a thief who didn't even learn the essence, are stupid.

Jiang Yuyan, who was quite bored, took over a dozen moves from Chen Jialuo in a blink of an eye, and found that this person seemed to be proficient in a hundred styles of boxing, and he was a bit like Mr. Zhou Tong.It's just...all the moves are specious, as if they were designed to catch you by surprise.

"Hmph, what a mess!"

A muffled groan sounded in everyone's ears, but it was Xie Xun in the cabin who spoke. Originally, he wanted to let Jiang Yuyan warm up and play casually, but who knew this nonsense punching technique.

Chen Jialuo's heart trembled, this is the aura of a master of the local list, you... some of you have already said that, why are you still being chased by the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty and running around?Isn't this a scam!

Xie Xun snorted and stopped talking, but Jiang Yuyan began to evaluate while fighting.

"Your kung fu seems to be proficient in a hundred schools of martial arts, but it seems to be unexpected. It is faintly regarded as a powerful attack method. In fact, it doesn't make sense!"

puff!As Jiang Yuyan said, she pointed her finger under his ribs, which immediately made her heart ache and felt unbearable. What was even more surprising was that this finger was a technique of the powerful Vajra Finger. He understood it, but why couldn't he dodge it?

"Almost all martial arts are summed up by the predecessors after thousands of tempers. You think this kind of specious thing is unexpected, but in fact it has changed from the essence to the dross!"

Jiang Yuyan said every sentence, but she also began to use a hundred martial arts in her hands. Her moves were extremely standard, and every move was mastered by Chen Jialuo, but he couldn't stop him, and was slapped again after only a few moves.

At this time, a few masters came out from the back boat. Seeing that Jiang Yuyan had the upper hand on Chen Jialuo, they were anxious and didn't say any rules of the rivers and lakes, and they were going to surround and beat him.

Jiang Yuyan sneered, "It's a coincidence that I wanted to find the Tiandihui and you after the Shenlong Cult was eliminated, but I didn't expect you to join us. Forget it, the martial arts of the Qing Dynasty will be named Jiang from now on!"

 In Jin Daxia's book, the protagonist I hate the most is this guy

(End of this chapter)

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