Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 633 Old Legends

Chapter 633 Old Legends
The president of the Red Flower Society was gone, and after confirming his death, Jiang Yuyan threw him into the river, clapping his hands as if he had done a trivial thing.But it was also a major event that seemed to have a profound impact on the world of the Qing Dynasty, and a rumor spread from nowhere.

It is said that this group of them wants to dominate the world and dominate the martial arts world!
Jiang Yuyan heard the news when the sailors went ashore for supplies on the third day. Jiang Yuyan didn't care about it, so she asked Wei Xiaobao a question, "In the Qing Dynasty, are there any martial arts masters worth noting?"

Wei Xiaobao pondered for a while, naturally there are martial arts masters in every country, but the 'master' Jiang Yuyan said should at least be at the top of the list.

"Uh, Dorgon and Tang Ruowang are the only masters on the list that the imperial court can command. As for the martial arts... Yu Zhenzi who was killed by the general a while ago is one, and... I don't know anymore, yes It seems that Chen Jinnan, the chief rudder of the Tiandihui, has made a breakthrough in his skills recently and has advanced to the top of the list."

"Oh? Chen Jinnan? I remember that Feng Xifan's junior!"

Jiang Yuyan raised her eyebrows. The reason why she knew this person was because Zhao Zhenglai assassinated the general in Song Dynasty.To say that although Zhao Zheng is a bit stubborn, he is not lacking in demeanor. Seeing that the general has no weapons, he found a sword for him, and that sword was snatched from Feng Xifan.

Wei Xiaobao nodded, "There were rumors in the world that this Feng Xifan was also the master who had the best chance of advancing to the rankings in the next ten years, but he never thought that he would fall into the hands of Zhao Zheng. But Guan Zhongjian can roughly tell that Feng Xifan is Feng Xifan's junior brother. Strength, so I think there's a good chance it's true."

Wei Xiaobao changed his voice again as he spoke, "Of course, the reason why I mentioned Chen Jinnan is more because the Tiandihui and the Honghuahui are different. Although they are both against the Qing court, one is headquartered overseas and the other is inland. The Tiandihui also has a fleet, I think we should be careful."

Zhao Min agreed after hearing the words, "It is indeed worth noting that although the warships of the Ming Navy Navy are very strong, don't forget that our manpower has not experienced serious naval battles, and may not be able to win naval battles. It is better to be safe and subtle!"

Jiang Yuyan curled her lips in disdain, "How could I make this kind of mistake? Our people are in charge of commanding the warships, but those in charge of the control are the survivors of the original navy, or the backup sailors of the Ming army. As long as my strategic intentions are conveyed, those sailors will know how to do it. Besides, do you think that there are fleets in the world, and they know how to fight naval battles?"

Wei Xiaobao was stunned by this question, yes, whether it is Tiandihui or Shenlong Island, their fleets are at best just transporting goods, how can they have any experience in water warfare?

The Qing Dynasty did have a navy, but they couldn't even fight against the navy of the Great Qin Dynasty, let alone fight against the navy of the Ming Army.You know, the navy of the Ming army went ashore to confront the Dorgon cavalry and caused a lot of trouble for it.

"However, it's not unreasonable for you to worry. Although I have the confidence to win, it's good to lose as little as possible." Jiang Yuyan said with a smile, "Since there is still a short distance from the mouth of the sea, you Go ashore once, and take my letter to find some reinforcements."

"Reinforcements? Do we still have reinforcements?"

"Of course, no one has a few friends in the rivers and lakes. Even if there are no friends, there must be some bad friends who do bad things together."

Wei Xiaobao felt a little helpless, he had no choice but to be driven ashore by Jiang Yuyan, after that the boat continued on its way, and it didn't take long for Jiang Yuyan to notice someone following him from the shore.

"Some people seem to be impatient. Do you think there will be some rivers and lakes sects who are good at water warfare to take advantage of this opportunity?" Jiang Yuyan said with a hint of anticipation.

Zhao Min looked at her with a little fear, "If I didn't know that you were like this, I would have been frightened by you and thought you were possessed."

Xie Xun didn't care about it, and thought for a while: "It is true that there are many sects that rely on water for their livelihood, such as Cao Gang, Haisha Gang, etc., but in the end, these sects are just masters of water transportation, and they can truly show their strength in water. They didn't. On the contrary, there are some hidden sects, which seem to have some water skills, which are worth noting."

"Oh? Let's hear it."

"It is generally recognized in the world that Shenshui Palace is the most powerful underwater kung fu. However, Shenshui Palace is too mysterious and low-key, so it is rarely known to outsiders."

Zhao Min was surprised, "Since it is very low-key, why is it recognized by the martial arts?"

"Because of achievements!" Xie Xun said helplessly: "People can't help themselves in the Jianghu, even if it is a low-key sect, there will still be grievances and grievances. There are two achievements that made Shenshui Palace famous, because they both happened a long time ago. , so you don’t know. One of them is the jellyfish Yinji vs. Chu Liuxiang.”

"Who is Chu Liuxiang? This name sounds very aggressive." Jiang Yuyan laughed.

Xie Xun said with a smile: "Not only is his name flamboyant, but he is also a romantic person. Chu Liuxiang can be said to be the most iconic person in the first 20 years of martial arts. He is a well-known thief in the world, but it is said that he is loyal and meddles in other people's affairs. So The popularity of Jianghu is very good."

"Well, it's very similar to Lu Xiaofeng."

"Yes, it's very similar to Lu Xiaofeng, the difference is that Lu Xiaofeng doesn't flaunt himself as a 'thief', he is more accurately a detective. The two can be said to be black and white, each has its own merits!"

After Xie Xun finished speaking, Jiang Yuyan curled her lips in disdain, "Although one black and one white look similar, I'm afraid the ending is very different!"

Xie Xun nodded regretfully, "Although this Chu Liuxiang is a big thief, he has many problems. For example, he is not far from being stained with blood, and even the enemy will not kill him. Hehe, it's a bit ironic to say that Lu Xiaofeng has the status of a white Taoist But he is not soft-hearted, and knows who deserves to die. Chu Liuxiang is a gangster, but he is soft-hearted and has the principle of not killing."

Jiang Yuyan seemed to have lost interest in Chu Liuxiang after hearing the words, "So he died in the hands of Shenshui Palace?"

Xie Xun nodded, "I don't know why Chu Liuxiang had a gap with the Shenshui Palace, so he had sex with the jellyfish Yinji and died afterwards! It is said that Chu Liuxiang came up with a trick to lure the jellyfish Yinji into the water for a decisive battle, relying on I was good at water and wanted to take advantage of the geographical advantage. But I didn't expect the jellyfish Yin Ji to divide the lake directly, so he was defeated and died."

Jiang Yuyan frowned slightly, "The jellyfish Yin Ji you mentioned... sounds familiar, forget it, you can continue."

"If it's just that, it's not a big deal. After all, Chu Liuxiang is just a master of the human list, and he can't reach the level of the local list. But Chu Liuxiang has many friends. After his death, a group of people from three mountains and five mountains gathered together to avenge Chu Liuxiang. They After struggling with more than a hundred masters, the grand masters went to Shenshui Palace. Unfortunately, they took the wrong route and took the waterway. The jellyfish Yinji left the lake by herself and set off a huge wave, smashing everyone to death , Drowning, so far become famous in one battle!"

"Set off a huge wave, the more you say it, the more familiar it becomes, forget it, you continue, what about the second one?" Jiang Yuyan wanted to laugh, this jellyfish Yin Ji, who sounds awesome, seems to have been teased by the general die!
"There was another conflict between the Five Poison Sect and Shenshui Palace. At that time, the Five Poison Sect had not yet been swept away by the Daqin Iron Cavalry, and its strength was at its peak, especially its poisonous and voodoo techniques. However, this Shenshui Palace seems to have another inheritance. There is actually something called Tianyi Shenshui, which seems to be the nemesis of all Gu arts, so the Five Poison Sect naturally couldn't bear it, so they attacked the Shenshui Palace in a large scale."

"Five Poison Sect defeated?" Zhao Min was curious, she had also heard the reputation of the Five Poison Sect.

"It can't be said to be defeated, it can only be said to have retreated. After a battle between the two sides, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, indeed won, but because of something, she didn't commit any crimes. The Five Poison Sect seems to be restrained , so the two sides took a step back and stopped fighting. But this is enough for Shenshui Palace to stand out in the arena. It’s just that Shenshui Palace still seems to be so low-key, and there is no change from before. Know them."

Zhao Min was a little worried, "We have good luck now, will there be people from Shenshui Palace to fight for it?" He said and looked at the river outside, hehe, if the river is separated and pressed back, what's the use of it? ?
Jiang Yuyan covered her mouth and suppressed a smile, comfortingly said: "Don't worry, Shenshui Palace will not be a threat."

Zhao Min and Xie Xun looked at her puzzled, so sure?


Tianchi, here is located in the former Turkic territory, but now it is the sphere of influence of Daqin. The altitude is quite high, which makes this place look a bit desolate, but even this kind of place still has people coming and going to make a living.Some sects even took root here, in the final analysis, because of the rich forestry and mineral resources nearby.

However, this place is still on the edge of the jurisdiction of martial arts and the imperial court, so the folk customs are free and sturdy, but it is really hard to say how strong it is.Because things like martial arts cannot be done behind closed doors, and a certain amount of communication and understanding will allow you to overcome the bottleneck.

And on this day, a team ushered in here. There were not many people in this team, only seven of them, but each of these seven seemed to be troublesome.

"Shu Geerjia, where is the boat I asked you to prepare?" Qu Xiuyun looked around curiously, she liked the natural scenery of Tianchi very much.

A young man with someone at the level of a master next to him bowed and said: "Master, it's right in front, it's ready, but it's just in a hurry, there's only time to prepare a small boat, and there's not much room in it..."

"It doesn't matter, we should be done soon."

Jian Xin, who was in the middle of the team, spoke slowly, his voice was very magnetic, and Shu Geer looked at Qu Xiuyun in a daze.

Qu Xiuyun casually waved her hand to let the other party prepare, and then complained a little: "It's rare to go out for a stroll, don't you make the basic necessities of life perfect?"

The saint behind her wanted to pinch the back of her neck, but Jianxin smiled and said, "Shenshui Palace has to go through a secret passage under the water to enter. Whatever you plan to do will be destroyed in the end, why bother?"

(End of this chapter)

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