Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 634 Shui Dexingjun

Chapter 634 Shui Dexingjun
"Your Majesty, is there anything special about this jellyfish Yin Ji? Which former fellow Taoist?"

Lu Junyi followed Jianxin step by step. He has been following Jianxin since the death of Huo Qilin. Although the people of the Five Poison Sect found it a bit inconceivable, neither the saint nor Jianxin had any objections, so they didn't say anything up.

"I don't know Yin Ji, the jellyfish. She's just the inheritor of the Shenshui Collection. What's really important is the Shenshui Palace itself." Jian Xin didn't say any more, and jumped into the water first.

Seeing this, everyone hurriedly followed, and there was a series of plopping sounds, and the lively boat disappeared in an instant.

The waterway leading to the Shenshui Palace is in a hollow at the bottom of the Tianchi Lake. Inside is a long corridor, and the other side is connected to a vast space.It doesn't see the sun inside, but it doesn't make people feel stuffy at all.

And when everyone broke through the water, the first thing they saw was an arch bridge, which spanned a small river, which was the moat of a city.

This city is Shenshui Palace!
"Who is coming?"

After shouting several times, it was obvious that not only one person had noticed the arrival of Jian Xin and others.

Lu Junyi landed on the shore with a big jump, his true energy easily evaporated the water stains on his body, and the aura belonging to the ground list slowly dissipated. It was not aggressive at all, but it just made the vigilant female soldiers not dare to step forward.

He looked up at the city, and became more and more sure that it should be the site of a fellow Taoist, because its style is different from the current buildings, it is grand, brilliant, and oppressive, a bit of arrogance that gods disdain for people!
"Did you consider waterproofing when you made the puppet? I mean, will we rust?"

Lan Kui asked weakly, since the last time they met with Zuo Zhou, they have been wandering around with the holy lady, saying that they want to find their elder brother but they just don't know what to do.

The holy aunt laughed and said: "Don't worry, I was careful when I made you two puppets."

Jian Xin smiled and asked: "Is the puppet I asked you to prepare ready?"

"It's ready, but... really don't need to set up some traps or weaknesses?" The aunt nodded but was still worried.

Jian Xin shook his head, "If there are obvious flaws, he won't use the puppet to parasitize."

All the people went ashore, but more and more people gathered at the gate of the city. After a while, a person in gorgeous gauze came out.With a beautiful appearance and a very respectful attitude, he smiled slightly at Lu Junyi, "I have seen the senior, but I don't know why the senior came to my Shenshui Palace?"

Lu Junyi frowned slightly but slowly backed away to give way to the sword core behind him, the other party was surprised, it turned out that this was the leader.

Jianxin smiled and said: "You don't need to be nervous, we are only here to visit an old friend, and we will not disturb Shenshui Palace."

"I wonder who this senior wants to visit?"

"I don't know how you call him, but he used to let his followers call him God!"


As soon as Jianxin said this, a group of women looked at each other in blank dismay, and looking at Jianxin's appearance, it was like watching a psychopath.Shenshui Palace only has female disciples. On the one hand, it is because the master of Shenshui Palace has been emotionally hurt and hates all men. On the other hand, it is also because most of the Shenshui Palace's Shenshui Collection is more suitable for women to practice.

However, Shenshui Palace is not a simple sect, there is also a kind of belief in it, and what they need to believe in is the god!

These female disciples used to be orphans, or lost their relatives because of the war, or were abducted by human traffickers, in short, they have no relatives.Jellyfish Yin Ji is their mother, and that deity is their father.It's just that all the female disciples understand that this so-called deity is actually just an existence of nothingness, an existence similar to immortals and Buddhas.

The jellyfish Yin Ji didn't seem to mind this, but they had never heard of the daily worship, even after the jellyfish Yin Ji died, they never relaxed.Now a group of people have come, saying they want to see their gods?

Seeing the strange expression on the opponent's face, Jian Xin roughly understood, and couldn't help sighing, "It seems that his condition is not very good!"

Jianxin didn't delay anything, but just walked inside, and those female disciples all looked at the leader.The woman smiled wryly, "There is nothing worth coveting in Shenshui Palace. Since you are here to visit old friends, then I will be your guide." What else can I do?I can't afford it!

Jian Xin didn't make things difficult for her either, just smiling lightly at her was like a spring breeze blowing on her face, which made her feel at ease, and immediately let the other party put down his guard.

"What's your name?"

"Back to the seniors, the younger generation's flowers are not white."

"Hua Feibai? Very cute name." Jian Xin didn't want to touch the other party's privacy too much, but just looked up and down, and said: "Your talent in martial arts is good, but the hit is not in line with the water attribute. Although there will be no hindrance, the understanding of the natural power of the water system has obviously entered a bottleneck, and it is difficult to break through."

Hua Feibai was surprised but didn't know what to say for a moment. This person... could see her plight at a glance?

"This... Master didn't mention the Divine Water Collection..."

Hua Feibai couldn't continue speaking halfway through her words. She thought that although Yin Ji the jellyfish didn't say much at the beginning, she had been looking for someone who was suitable for practicing the Shenshui Collection. If she was really suitable, then Yin Ji the jellyfish would still Will it do so?
Jianxin smiled and comforted: "You don't need to be depressed, your aptitude is good, but you are born with life, and talent is a manifestation of life. How your physique is often related to the blood of your parents' family is something you can't do yourself. I chose it. From my point of view, you are smart and changeable, and you are more suitable for cultivating light and agile weapons."

Hua Feibai didn't know how to reply for a while, but just smiled embarrassingly, and soon everyone walked to an auditorium-like building in the city.This building looks very prominent in the city, and it even gives people the impression that the whole city was built for it.

Hua Feibai looked at them in shock. She didn't lead the way but just accompanied them throughout the whole process, but these people came here directly as if they had lived here for a long time.

But when he got to the door, Jianxin turned back to her and asked, "Where do you go from now on? Do you continue to live in seclusion in Shenshui Palace, or do you have other ideas?"

"What do you mean, senior?"

"If you want to live a peaceful life, then don't go in with us. If you want to know the secrets of Shenshui Palace, then you can follow us in. It's just that it's up to you in the future!"

Hua Feibai's face changed, "How do seniors plan to deal with Shenshui Palace?"

"It's not how we want to deal with the Shenshui Palace, but the Shenshui Palace doesn't belong to you. When your gods wake up, your lives don't belong to you anymore. If you don't follow in, I can make an exception Take your gods away."

Although Hua Feibai didn't understand what she said, she still turned her head to look at the rest of the disciples. These female disciples all had rough backgrounds, and Shenshui Palace is a kind of shelter for them. If there is no place for this place, I'm afraid...

"I... will not send senior off!"

Jianxin nodded in satisfaction, "Knowing how to advance and retreat, emphasizing friendship, good!" He reached out and tapped Hua Feibai's forehead. The whole process was so fast that the other party couldn't react at all.

"The changes in these sets of swordsmanship are just in line with your talent. If you can fully comprehend the ranks that can be promoted, you can come to me when the time comes. Of course, you don't have to come."

After Jianxin finished speaking, he turned around and entered the lobby. Everyone behind him filed in, but Lu Junyi was the last one to enter. Take your chance."

Hua Feibai didn't care about anything anymore, just sat cross-legged to digest his feelings, and Lu Junyi saw a huge statue as soon as he entered the lobby.

This statue carves a heroic man, and he still recognizes that face, Mr. Shui De Xing!

"whispering sound!"

Lu Junyi snorted in a low voice, Shui De Xingjun was very famous in their time, and he was ranked among the top three in the world for his superb water skills. Except for thinking that he was not as good as his empress, no one was convinced.

It should be noted that the present Daqin was under his jurisdiction at the beginning, but after the great change of the world, everything is different.

"Xingjun's condition doesn't look very good!"

There was a hint of playfulness in Jianxin's voice, as if a melon-eating girl saw some big melon.

Rumble!The huge statue shook, but only for a while, and nothing happened except a large cloud of dust fell.

Jian Xin raised his eyebrows, and smiled again: "Why? It's hard to even move, so it's okay to talk."

"Your Majesty doesn't seem to be the kind of person who sees people making jokes, but I don't know what's worth my Majesty's trip?"

The voice was a bit dry and hoarse, as if it was squeezed out of a bellows. Although it was not pleasant to hear, Lu Junyi could still tell that it was Shui De Xingjun.

Jian Xin sighed, "At first I just wanted one thing, but now it seems that your condition is very bad, I can ask for more things!"

"Hmph, what you said is ridiculous. I know what you want, but why should I give it to you? Ever since Emperor Qinhuang transformed into a dragon, I have also realized the importance of that thing. Do you think I will give it to you?"

Jian Xin was not in a hurry, and looked around up and down with his hands on his hands, "There are two serious injuries on your soul, the first is caused by the punishment of heaven, and the second is caused by being attacked. Well, this first The second injury is still very serious, and you are lucky to be able to live. I remember that you were able to resist the punishment of the heavens by hiding in Dinghaizhu. Logically speaking, the injury should not be serious. Then who caused the second injury? The gods are no longer there, and it is possible to hurt you like this..."

"Enough, how do you want to trade?"

(End of this chapter)

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