Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 635 Nine-ring tin rod and purple gold bowl

Chapter 635 Nine Ring Tin Staff and Purple Gold Bowl

"Actually, when you planned to use Dinghaizhu to bear the punishment of the Heavenly Dao, I already knew that you would fail, because those treasures are actually within the scope of the Heavenly Dao's punishment. It can be said that unless these treasures have changed the Heavenly Dao merits, otherwise none of them would be left behind.”

Jian Xin said with a smile, but Shui De Xing Jun's voice fell into a wave of mania.

"Since you clearly knew this would happen, but you just watched quietly?"

It can be seen that Shui De Xingjun was so angry that the whole hall began to tremble, the muffled rumbling sound even Hua Feibai who was practicing outside changed his complexion drastically, Shenshui Palace has never had an earthquake before!
Seeing this, everyone in the lobby went on alert one after another, ready to attack if something went wrong.However, Jian Xin seemed to have expected it long ago, and said with a smile: "Then I have to ask you, why did you hang out with those people? Am I treating you badly?"


Shui De Xingjun fell into silence, and after a while, it seemed that his anger gradually dissipated.

"Cooperating with them will not harm your interests, not to mention, many people cooperated at that time, such as Buddhism, Taoism, Yaozu, etc.!"

Jianxin pouted, like a little girl ready to start, "How do you know that it won't hurt my interests? Are you me? And don't mention the Yaozu, everyone's ideas are correct, and no one thinks about it." If you want to ask my opinion, is it because I am too nerdy that I have no sense of existence, or do you think that the way of heaven has changed and I am no longer as intimidating as before?"

"Your Majesty was joking, who would be so rude, we all respect you in our hearts!"

Shui De Xingjun's words suddenly softened, and Qu Xiuyun even conjured up a sweaty emo expression.

Jian Xin smiled and nodded, "It doesn't matter, anyway, these idiots are already dead, so I'll forgive them for their rudeness."

There was a strange silence in the lobby, and after a long while Shui De Xingjun exclaimed in disbelief: "You knew they would die?"

Jianxin smiled as a matter of course: "As one of the most powerful people in the world, I have some understanding of the methods of heaven, which is reasonable! In fact, they should all thank me, but if I am careful, they will not even have a soul left. "

"..." After a brief silence, the voice echoed in the lobby again, "So the empress is here to see how I die, right?"

Jian Xin covered his mouth and smiled lightly, "Don't say it, judging by your current situation, I'm afraid it's really possible. Well, it's better to come early than coincidentally. You really don't have a long life!"

"Listen to your mother's tone, do you have any advice?"

Hearing this, Jianxin winked at Shengnu, who stretched out his hand to unwrap Shugerjia's bundle, only to see a delicate puppet standing up.The delicate skin is rosy and rosy, which is no different from real people, and there is a domineering look between the brows.

"The mechanism puppet carefully prepared for you is built according to your original appearance! And it uses materials that can nourish the soul, which is enough for you to heal your wounds for a long time."


Weak mental fluctuations gradually filled the entire hall, and then lingered on the puppet. After a long while, Shui De Xingjun's voice opened again, "What does your lady want?"

"You still have the key props they had planned. Although that plan looks ridiculous now, since Qin Huang transformed into a dragon, they should restart the plan again. I'm just a step ahead... You said, if you start It's not me, what will happen?"

Shui De Xingjun asked with some doubts: "Isn't your empress despising that plan? Now that you come to ask for something, don't you want to get involved?"

"I really didn't like it before, but now the meaning is different." Jianxin didn't seem to be hiding anything.

There was another silence, a ray of light suddenly emerged from the statue, and entered into the puppet with a whistling sound, the puppet that had been standing quietly suddenly had a more temperament, like a mountain like a sea, as if it would be landslide and a tsunami in the next second .

"Look, isn't this very suitable!" Jianxin smiled, and stretched out his delicate little hand, "Where's the thing?"

Shui De Xingjun didn't say anything but turned around and left the lobby. When Hua Feibai outside saw him, he knelt down with a plop, "Greetings to God!"

Shui De Xingjun nodded, "Since the empress promised you freedom just now, Shenshui Palace will be yours from now on."

Hua Feibai froze for a moment, she didn't break down and cry like a fanatic, shouting something, 'Are you abandoning us? ' and so on, and I didn't ask to follow desperately, but I was relieved and a little complicated. She or other people were not believers in the first place.

Shui De Xingjun ignored her, but walked slowly towards the group of disciples who had been watching the scene with trepidation.

Jian Xin frowned slightly but suddenly said: "No wonder I didn't find it just now. It turns out that you hid it in someone's body, hehe, you are really..."

Shui De Xingjun was quite proud when he heard the words, "It's not aimed specifically at the empress, it's just that the empress is kind and won't hurt living beings at will."

"What if someone else comes?"

"It is fused with the soul. If the comer kills them wantonly, that thing will enter the reincarnation with the soul and will never be found again. Unless the comer will take the trouble to kill their souls one by one, otherwise It will definitely not be found."

Jian Xin didn't speak any more, she wasn't surprised, in fact most of those gods didn't take human life seriously before.The people behind Jianxin didn't have much emotion, after all, this matter has nothing to do with them, but Hua Feibai's face changed drastically, similarly, the disciples of Shenshui Palace were also in danger.

However, Shui De Xingjun walked into the crowd, and stretched out his hand to attract a woman. His palm seemed to have some kind of magic power. When he pressed it on the woman's forehead, the woman immediately lost consciousness.Then a ray of light emerged from between the eyebrows, gradually getting bigger and longer, and when the ray disappeared, it turned into a golden Zen stick.

The whole body of this Zen staff is golden, with three strands and nine rings, nearly two meters in length, with Sanskrit script engraved from top to bottom, it is extremely extraordinary at first glance.

The woman fell to the ground with a plop, and Hua Feibai, who had been crying at the end, rushed to hug her into her arms, "October! October! How are you? You..." Her face instantly fell into despair, because she found The woman in his arms was already silent.

"Nine-ring tin rod, you want it!" Shui De Xingjun naturally didn't care about Hua Feibai's crying, but turned around and handed the Zen rod to Jianxin.

Jian Xin frowned slightly, and took the nine-ring tin stick with a sigh, "You must correct this problem. Human life should not be taken lightly. It was fine in the past, but it can't be done now."

Shui De Xingjun snorted disdainfully, "You and I are clear, the future will depend on our own means, I wish you all the best wishes."

Jian Xin didn't answer, but Shui De Xingjun turned around and left, crossing the whole city in the blink of an eye, jumping into the waterway and leaving Shenshui Palace.

Jianxin looked at the crying Hua Feibai and shook his head, "I advise you to leave here first, Shui De Xingjun is a bit honest, but there will inevitably be people coming here, and you may not be able to resist at that time."

Hua Feibai raised her head, her cheeks were already wet with tears, "Ma'am, can you save her?"

Jian Xin looked at the corpse in her arms and shook his head, "Shui De Xingjun hid the nine-ring tin stick in the child's soul, and he wanted to use her soul power to nourish the nine-ring tin stick. Now her soul has Not enough to go back to the body and support the movement of the body, all I can do is protect a little bit of her true spirit into reincarnation."

Hua Feibai's pupils gradually turned gray, and he gently put down the corpse and kowtowed to Jian Xin, "I beg your mercy!"

Jian Xin stretched out his hand to wipe the nine-ringed tin rod, and a flickering fluorescent light floated out, small, exquisite and cute, and its dazed appearance was exactly the same as the corpse next to Hua Feibai.

Seeing this, Hua Feibai burst into tears again, but that bit of true spirit seemed to understand something, and wanted to touch the palm of the sword core but couldn't fly out.

"Her soul is too weak now, and she can't stand the wind. If you have anything to say, hurry up."

Hua Feibai looked at the dead body on the ground, then at that bit of true spirit, and tried to force a smile, "I will find you, I will!"

Seeing this, Jian Xin shook his head regretfully, and with a wave of his hand, a little of the True Spirit shot into the void, and a black hole the size of a fist appeared out of thin air to contain the True Spirit.

Seeing this, Hua Feibai lowered his head again, his whole body seemed to have lost his strength, and he sat slumped and looked at the corpse on the ground without blinking.

The rest of the people didn't know how to comfort them when they saw it. Jianxin turned and left, and a group of people also jumped into the waterway. I also know that it is useless to say anything at this time.

After everyone had left, the disciples of Shenshui Palace gathered around one after another, one by one finally dared to cry loudly, and the already barren city seemed even more desolate.

It's just that no one noticed that Hua Feibai, who had been bowing his head, had bloodshot eyes, and endless resentment and hatred seemed to swallow everything up.


Jian Xin and the others returned to the waters of Tianchi, and after steaming the water stains all over their bodies with true energy, they ordered the sailors to return.

However, when the boat reached the middle of the water, it encountered a big boat blocking the way.

This boat is quite luxurious, different from the ones usually used for sailing, it is more like a flower boat popular in the land of romance.

"Yo, you little guy is quite good at enjoying it!"

Jian Xin didn't seem to be surprised, he jumped onto the big boat, and everyone followed, but he saw a young monk walking out of the cabin, holding a bowl in his hand to salute slightly, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty is willing to enter the game, how dare I neglect you?" ?”

Jian Xin stretched out his hand and squeezed the monk's face, "You are still very considerate, but this purple gold bowl has made you blind. If you let go of all the souls in it, maybe you can still be saved."

The monk said modestly: "Thank you for your guidance, Madam, it's just that it's not the time yet."

(End of this chapter)

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