Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 650 Don't talk about love and moon, talk about career

Chapter 650 Don't talk about love and moon, talk about career

Signal flares are either fire or smoke. If you want to say that there is any harm, it is nonsense.But the opponent was not human, so Yang Tiexin took advantage.

The monster was obviously taken aback by the flare. Not only was its tongue burned, but its mouth also smelled of smoke.

Yang Tiexin turned around and ran away, and immediately realized that this monster had never seen a signal flare?
For many people, if they are concentrating on it, their thinking is very sensitive, and they can often see a lot of things in a small matter, such as the problem of the signal flare.

Since there is no means of instant communication in this world, and the risk of interception of carrier pigeons, the use of flares is very mundane.Not to mention that people are used to it, even animals don't care about it.

But this monster is not only startled, but even a little anxious and stagnant, which is completely an expression of fear, and the only explanation that can make a monster fearful of harmless things is the unknown.

Hmm, so who made this monster artificially?

Yang Tiexin ran out for less than 100 meters, the monster seemed to have finally confirmed that the signal flare was not a threat, and started chasing after it started, with its bloody mouth open all the time, as if it wanted to eat him without stagnation and incomparably smooth.

"Release the arrow! Release the arrow!"

Yang Tiexin almost used all his zhenqi to bless his voice, and since it was a city that had just been taken over, the army had not been too scattered, so countless soldiers rushed out after hearing Yang Tiexin's order.Then it's numb...

Fuck!what is this?

Fortunately, the soldiers were battle-tested, and after a brief pause, they started attacking one after another.

The rain of arrows fell right behind Yang Tiexin, but here comes the problem, this kind of rain of arrows must not be shot directly, what if it hits Yang Tiexin?But if it is thrown, the power is somewhat reduced, and the result is that the monster is full of arrows, but it is still running vigorously, and even almost catches up with Yang Tiexin.

Yang Tie didn't even turn his head, just hearing the footsteps behind him made him flustered!

"Shield wall! Shield wall! Spear!"

Yang Tiexin yelled very smoothly. When defending the city in the past, due to limited supplies, the common people and soldiers mostly used spears cut out of tree trunks. Now that they have the support of the imperial court, they all use long spears with metal tips. .

Weapons such as spears and long spears are very useful in wars. Let’s take Japan as an example. They keep preaching the spirit of bushido and practicing kendo, but the weapons they use in battle are getting longer and longer. !

The soldiers obeyed the orders, and one by one, they lined up with shields and began to approach him.

Yang Tiexin almost lost his control over his expressions, and he leaped as if hitting his head against the shield wall, but the soldiers cooperated well, and the shield array opened and closed to let him pass.

Then it was the monster that hit the shield wall. Boom, the dull and loud sound was like a drum beating. long gun.

But what is surprising is that the spear penetrated at least half a meter into the flesh, but the monster is still alive and well!
"This monster is too strong! Push the ballista out!"

Yang Tiexin gained confidence when he was surrounded by small soldiers, and he quickly surrounded the monster. However, because the monster was very fierce, he didn't urge the soldiers to go hard. Basically, he poked here and then there , is completely a pull, and the monster was wounded all over in a short while.

"My lord, the monster's blood is green!"

Yang Tiexin frowned, green?This is not a naturally occurring creature!
Since cultivation is the mainstream in this world, people's research on the body far surpasses that on the next-door earth, but the method of explanation is different.As for red blood, people generally have a perception that the blood of mammals is red.Although not necessarily absolute, but it also has a certain guiding role.And the bigger the creature, the more likely it is a mammal, so it can be deduced that the blood of a huge creature is red!
Yang Tiexin didn't specialize in researching these things, but this was enough for him to judge that this monster was man-made.

"The bed crossbow is here!"

Heavy siege equipment is still very heavy, and fortunately the soldiers have cultivated internal strength, otherwise they would not be able to carry it in a short time.

"What are you waiting for, it's numb to shoot!"

Boom, boom, boom, the muffled sound of the bow string being released made the ground vibrate, and the huge crossbow arrows hit the monster instantly, easily dragging the monster's body for several meters.

The scream of the monster was no longer just ferocious. Yang Tiexin and all the soldiers were relieved by that scream. Fortunately, the monster still knew the pain.

To know that it hurts means to be able to do harm, which means to be able to kill!




After waiting for a long time, I kept wailing endlessly, but I didn't see death!

"What are you waiting for, while it can't move, go up and chop up the corpse with knives!"

Yang Tiexin lost his patience, and regardless of whether there would be any danger due to the monster's dying counterattack, he grabbed a knife from his subordinates and took the lead to charge forward.

The soldiers naturally followed closely behind. The monster might really want to fight back when he was dying, but the problem was that there were too many soldiers. Before he could do anything, the wounds on his body increased exponentially, and he knew he was alive in the blink of an eye. no.

"Huh, I'm so tired. Killing a monster is more tiring than fighting a battle."

Yang Tiexin was sitting on the ground listlessly, and the soldiers beside him felt the same way.This is not to say that this monster is really difficult to fight, but that there will be an invisible pressure.This kind of pressure comes from the fear of the unknown, which will keep soldiers under high pressure for a long time.

"Give me the belly of this monster. He has eaten the corpses of many comrades in arms. We cannot let our people be buried in the belly of the monster."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the soldiers changed. What is the most important relationship these days?Naturally, it was a friendship that had been fought together, and now that a monster ate the body of his colleague, he wished to cut the monster alive, although it was almost the same now.

Soon, the monster was dismantled by the soldiers. Yang Tiexin had already made preparations. After all, the monster had eaten so many corpses, and there might only be a pile of minced meat left in its stomach. The stomach was surprisingly clean.

"Oh? Why not?"


The atmosphere gradually became quiet and strange, but the soldiers did not suspect that Yang Tiexin was lying. After all, the image of the monster was extremely ugly, and the fleshy skin hanging between the corners of its mouth and teeth could prove what it had done.

Even if it has been digested, there is always something to be found, why is this?

"Take it apart completely for me, I don't believe I can't find anything!"

Yang Tiexin's voice already sounded a little annoyed, he was chased by a monster for no reason, this day was already very unlucky, and even a little thing didn't go well with him?
The soldiers are not serious, and they don't know how to perform an autopsy. They simply use a knife to peel off the skin and bones. This takes a lot of time. The green skin of this monster is very tough. So it took half a moment to disassemble this monster.

"My lord, look!"

The guard reached out and handed over a round bead, which looked smooth and translucent, exuding a strange crystal color.

"Is this a clam essence? What the hell is it that produces pearls?" Yang Tiexin picked up a bean-sized bead, with question marks in his head.

"My lord is joking, we will never admit that there is such an ugly clam spirit!"



The sea breeze at night is always very disturbing. What happened in the distant Ming Dynasty is not worth mentioning to many people, and it is not even qualified to be a topic of conversation after dinner.And this 'many people' naturally included Zuo Zhou.

Although the current Zuo Zhou is not number one in the world, he is the only one in terms of attack power. A mere monster that can kill even small soldiers is not worth his second look.

So what can make him look more often?

"Hiss! You're still wearing black silk!"

Zuo Zhou was a little surprised, and his mouth was watering.

Jiang Yuyan stroked her calf lightly, and said with a smile: "There is a clothing store in the Qing Dynasty, which was opened by exiles, and there are many interesting clothes in it!"

"Hmph, this general is a decent person, how could he be seduced by mere beauty! What tricks do you have? Just use it, it's up to this general...Why is Zhao Min outside?"

Zuo Zhou's mental power was already at the level of the local list, so Zhao Min couldn't escape his perception when he appeared outside.

"The general lives with Zhan Shiqi and others in the imperial capital, can he enjoy the happiness of sleeping together?" Jiang Yuyan said with temptation.

Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, a little unnaturally, "They have thin skins."

Jiang Yuyan disdainfully said, "The general can actually be domineering and coercive to make proper resistance more interesting!"

"You really understand!" Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "Ask you why Zhao Min is outside, don't talk to me about those useless things!"

"Does the general think Zhao Min is a beauty?"

"Forget it, and there is a city with ideals, and she is very you brought her here?" Zuo Zhou looked at her in disbelief. The name Jiang Yuyan didn't seem like he would share a man with other women. of.

Jiang Yuyan's smile froze for a moment, she could see lust in Zuo Zhou's eyes, but she could also see anger, although the anger was not much, it still made Jiang Yuyan feel bad.

"Now that the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom has died inexplicably, Zhao Min is already the only royal bloodline. In addition, she has good luck. If she can give birth to an heir at this time, the Yuan Kingdom will be ours in the future!"

Not talking about romance and career, Jiang Yuyan responded quickly, Zuo Zhou's anger gradually dissipated, and he was a little dumbfounded, "The logic is such a logic, but did you forget one thing, this child, didn't he say If you want to give birth, you can give birth~!"

(End of this chapter)

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