Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 651 Moonlight

Chapter 651 Moonlight
It is not easy for a master to have a child in this world, it means some kind of trade-off.

Maybe it's a natural choice, the more powerful a person is, the harder it is to leave offspring.This "difficulty" has a different meaning from the usual "difficulty". The stronger the ability, the finer the control over one's own energy. Of course, there is no absolute problem in the world. But if you want to bet on that little chance, it's really up to God's will.

So Zuo Zhou has never had the idea of ​​having a child. Now Jiang Yuyan wants to rely on his descendants to get involved in the Yuan Kingdom. From a logical point of view, there is indeed no problem with this set of plans, but from an operational point of view, there are huge loopholes.

Well, but it's not Jiang Yuyan's fault, the point is, she's not a man, so she doesn't understand this!
"Ah, this... This... Isn't there a one in ten thousand chance, maybe you can do it a few more times..."

"We were also crazy at Guangmingding, but we haven't seen any movement in your stomach. Do you think Zhao Min can compare with you in terms of physical strength and endurance?"

Jiang Yuyan opened her mouth and looked shocked, damn it, her calculation failed again, and she herself was a little dumbfounded, after all, although childbearing is more a woman's problem, the part about the man is indeed hers blind spot.

Zuo Zhou saw Jiang Yuyan wilting at a speed visible to the naked eye, comfortingly hugged her to the bed, and at the same time shouted to the outside: "You go back first, we have some things to discuss privately later."

Zhao Min was flushed with shame from head to toe, like a cooked crab, she didn't know how she walked back to the room, um, did she turn around when she just came back?
Jiang Yuyan's room was soon filled with heart-pounding sounds, but not far from Zhao Min's room, Xu Fu quietly stepped out of the shadows. He originally wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to attack, but he heard the sound on the roof just as he wanted to kill him. there's noise.


It seems to be clinking glasses?
Xu Fu's expression changed drastically, and he slowly sank into the shadows and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Xie Xun on the roof was a little upset, he had two wine glasses in his hand, and just after touching them, he invited Xu Fu to go to the house for a drink, but this guy didn't have any sense of grandeur, so he turned around and ran away.
"However, it's Dongpu's ninjutsu, which is a bit interesting. This old boy has learned quite a lot."

Xie Xun sighed and crushed one of the cups, fearing that there will be no one to accompany him tonight.

Inside the house, Jiang Yuyan was very cooperative tonight, acting very docile and proactive, with the intention of making an apology.After tossing for two hours, the two were finally able to talk quietly.

"If there is no way to leave an heir, then Zhao Min is of no use. Kill the general after he enjoys it!"

The corner of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched, but then he didn't care about it. Jiang Yuyan usually behaved very well-behaved, but this kind of ruthlessness could be displayed without reservation in front of him.

"There are tens of thousands of beauties in the world. If you can't see a good-looking one, just drag it to the bed. General, I'm not so hungry." Zuo Zhou stretched out his finger and flicked Jiang Yuyan's forehead.

Jiang Yuyan rubbed her forehead against Zuo Zhou's chest, "Didn't she want to waste it? Zhao Min has the luck of the Qing Dynasty and the Yuan Dynasty on her body, so she naturally wants to hold it in her hands. It just so happens that she is good-looking. You can’t make it cheaper for others.”

Zuo Zhou raised his eyes to look at the window, and waved the window open, a crescent moon hung high, the moonlight tonight was very bright.

Jiang Yuyan raised her head curiously, revealing her silky shoulders under the moonlight, "What's wrong, General? Are you looking at the moon?"

"No, what I see is... Zhao Min don't move yet, take her back to Ming Kingdom, I have some ideas, don't be in a hurry."

Jiang Yuyan frowned, "The general is still reluctant, hmph, yes, the princess of a country! Unlike others, but from a brothel..."

Zuo Zhou pushed his waist and hips fiercely, "What nonsense are you talking about? Qingping is still a princess, who cares about that? General, I just thought of a way to have children, but I'm not sure yet, I have to think about it."

"Huh? What method, can others do it?"


Zuo Zhou obviously smelled a sour breath, "Weren't you so active before?"

"People think that giving birth to a child is easy. Who knew that giving birth to a child is so difficult and meaningful for a warrior, so naturally this eldest son cannot be given to outsiders!"

Jiang Yuyan said it with confidence, all good things should belong to her, is there anything wrong with that?
Zuo Zhou was funny, "According to the first-come-first-served basis, it should be Axiang!"

"Then it doesn't matter, who told them not to be here?" Jiang Yuyan turned over and rode on Zuo Zhou's body, "Hey general, tell me quickly!"

"There are some things in me that I want to give up, but I still don't know the essence of those things. If it is not bad, it should be a different kind of life essence. At that time, I only need to input it into Zhao Min with the help of luck. In the body, it is very likely to make it pregnant. But..."

Jiang Yuyan frowned slightly, she didn't know what Zuo Zhou was talking about, but she could tell, although such a child was born with good luck, might not be the general's child!
In an instant, Jiang Yuyan lost interest, and Zuo Zhou continued: "I'm not sure whether it will be a blessing or a curse after this child is born. If you want to invest in him, you must be mentally prepared. I'm afraid it will be a disaster in the future." There will be a lot of trouble, after all, not everyone will end up well with the Child of Destiny."

Jiang Yuyan blinked and said mischievously: "The general is wrong. He is not doing it with that child, or the child of destiny. Yuyan belongs to the general!"

"...that makes sense!"


Great Qin, the imperial capital

Di Renjie finished his official business, looked up at the night outside, and suddenly smelled alcohol.

"You're here again. Isn't it okay to teach your disciples if you have nothing to do? If you're really bored, go find a woman. What are you chatting with a certain family here?"

"You never know what it's like to have a smart disciple? Alas!"

Li Bai was carrying the jug and piled it on the chair next to him with drunken eyes. Di Renjie sighed. He knew who Li Bai was talking about, and it was the disciple named Zhou Zhiruo whom he had accepted a while ago.

This little girl is amazing, she has a very high talent in martial arts, and she also has a foundation in the Yi Jin Jing. With a solid foundation, it can be said that she is advancing rapidly. A few days ago, she even showed signs of breaking through the list of people!
However, this also made Li Bai very embarrassed. He had spent a long time thinking about the principles of many moves, but Zhou Zhiruo could figure it out almost in the blink of an eye, which made the master feel very embarrassed.He even boasted that he was "a little less talented than a teacher, back then I..." Well, it's outrageous to lie when you are a lot of age.

"You can compete with her in poetry, isn't it a sure win for you?"

Li Bai turned his head away when he heard the words, thank you for being so old and not ashamed, you can still say it, Li Bai bullied a little girl with poetry for the sake of face?

Di Renjie didn't care, just lowered his head and put all the official documents aside, then closed his eyes in a daze, and after a while, the two of them almost said in unison: "The result of Tang Guo is about to come out!"

There was another long silence, this time Di Renjie seemed to have made up his mind not to speak, Li Bai reluctantly continued: "Guo Ziyi... Shi Zhixuan and the others are afraid that they will lose, more and more gods have recovered their memories, and their strength is increasing every day growing every moment."

Di Renjie nodded, "Didn't Li Chunfeng be counted back then, Tang Guo... At least we don't see any hope."

"It's not like... Li Chunfeng actually left a book at the beginning, you know, I recently... found it, it's just..."

Di Renjie shook his head amusedly, "You mean that, it's a wordless scripture."

Li Bai was depressed, "You've seen it before? Then why didn't you say it?"

"It's useless to say it. The book itself has no meaning. What is really important is the spiritual power he left in the book, but that is a one-time thing, and you can't understand it even after talking about it."

"So, have you experienced it?" Li Bai waited with his eyes.

"I have experienced it, and I know what method Li Chunfeng said, but I can't do it, because... I need to take advantage of it!"

"By whom?"

"Take advantage of those demons and gods!"


Of course Li Bai didn't understand, but because of Di Renjie's meaning, he had no intention of answering.

"So, you came to Daqin because you have to wait? Waiting for those immortals and Buddhas in the Tang Kingdom to become powerful? They will soon control the Tang Kingdom. When will your power come?" Li Bai's voice was a little dry, and he was very anxious.

Di Renjie shook his head, "Don't worry, they are more anxious than us." He pointed to the sky outside.

Li Bai glanced, "The moon? What's the matter with the moon?"

"It's not the moon, it's the sky!" Di Renjie sighed. "To put it bluntly, it's the way of heaven! If you still want to dominate, then you must do something they must do before the fusion of Heaven and Dao."

"The way of heaven is completely integrated? There are still many years left, and it is not certain whether we can live until then!" Li Bai discouraged.

Di Renjie was very casual, "There's nothing we can do. If we don't catch up, we can only leave everything to future generations."

"You can see it!"

Seeing Li Bai's dissatisfied look, Di Renjie thought for a while and suggested, "If you really can't wait, you can do some preparatory work."

"What preparatory work?"

"For example, go to Tang country and wait. If Shi Zhixuan and the others are defeated, we will rescue them. We will need a lot of power in the future."

Li Bai was silent for a moment, then raised his head and threw the jug in his hand, "Forget it, I'll just go for a walk, I hope this Guo Ziyi won't let me down!"

 Congratulations to RNG for winning the championship!

(End of this chapter)

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