Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 655 A new storm has appeared~~~~~~

Chapter 655 A new storm has appeared~~~~~~
Lu Xiaofeng was more anxious than the court ministers about the Qinglong meeting, yes, this is true, although it sounds a bit unbelievable.

The existence of the Azure Dragon Society is a challenge to the power class of the Great Qin Dynasty. According to logic, the court should pay more attention to it, and should also pay more attention to the elimination of the Azure Dragon Society.

However, this 'imperial court' does not seem to include most of the officials. To put it simply, not only is it Hu Hai or King Xian sitting on the dragon chair, but they should still be officials. Interests.

Well, from this point, it can be seen that the value of Hu Hai is really worthless. After all, he has achieved the throne, but he has not been able to make the courtiers feel that you are indispensable, and even think that anyone can replace you , This is enough for Hu Hai to reflect on it.

However, it is estimated that Hu Hai will not reflect on it, because it seems that even he himself has not actively said that he wants to destroy the Blue Dragon Society!

Speaking of this, it is very puzzling. Before Zuo Zhou left Daqin to go to Ming, Hu Hai was still a little afraid of King Xian, and said that he would come up with a charter as soon as possible, but when Zuo Zhou came back, everything would be settled. It seems that everything has changed again, he is not active anymore!

"You shouldn't be looking for me, you should go directly to Di Renjie and the others?" Zuo Zhou looked at Lu Xiaofeng strangely.

Lu Xiaofeng picked up the teacup again depressed and felt that there was no wine. It was very unpleasant, but just when he looked up, he found Ximen Chuuxue staring at him coldly, "What are you looking at? To set a good example for a child, I don't know how to drink of."


Lu Xiaofeng put down the teacup boredly, "Your Majesty's attitude suddenly became ambiguous, neither agreeing nor disapproving, and the Azure Dragon Society has a large number of people, without the participation of the imperial court, it would be very difficult to get it done once and for all. After all, I alone That little network of people can't pull hundreds of people."

"Hehe, a few hundred people are not many." Zuo Zhou teased, and at the same time secretly admired Lu Xiaofeng for being able to eat a lot, and he was able to pull out a team of hundreds of people. You must know that these hundreds of people are not ordinary people, and they can become Lu Xiaofeng's network. At least they are all innate masters.

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head, "Xian Wang is a serious prince, he has his own personal guards, and his way of thinking is different from Jianghu sects, so there must be a large number of troops under his command."

"Then you shouldn't look for me. You know, Hu Hai has suspicions about me. Although I have the status of a general, I don't have real military power. There are only three girls under my command. There is no way to attract many people from the rivers and lakes." Zuo Zhou suddenly didn't want to care about this matter, after all, everyone had been targeting the Qinglong Society before, but as soon as he turned around, Hu Hai went to study the Yuan Kingdom, but he still kept it from everyone. People use Xu Fu, but they don't take them seriously at all.Since you don't care, why should I rush?
"You don't need to use your connections, as long as you use your domineering side, it's fine to say that you and that Qinglong will have a deep hatred, and the Qinglong will be a disaster for Daqin, and it needs to be wiped out."

Zuo Zhou scratched his cheek, "It's really easy for me, but the problem is, no one knows what Hu Hai is thinking now, if he doesn't want to kill him anymore, then I will jump out to take the lead at this time, but it is a blatant act." I'm oppressing the emperor! He's probably going to hate me to the bone, and think about it, if Hu Hai really doesn't want to destroy the Qinglong Society anymore, even if he agrees to destroy the Qinglong Society under pressure, he will probably stumble on various things Hold back, and there will be more problems by then."

Lu Xiaofeng shook his head, "No, I've thought about it for a long time, and Hu Hai has no reason not to advocate the elimination of the Azure Dragon Society!"

"Then what if I tell you that he secretly asked Xu Fu to kill all the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom to gain luck?"


Zuo Zhou's words startled both Ximen Chuuxue and Lu Xiaofeng, and the latter even blurted out, "The previous luck...was not because of you!"

"Hehe, what a joke, I don't seem to owe Daqin anything, do I? Why give Hu Hai something with such good luck?" Zuo Zhou was very disdainful.

Lu Xiaofeng fell silent, the whole yard seemed to be paused, even breathing was harsh.

"This Daqin, how did he become like this?"

After being silent for a long time, Lu Xiaofeng didn't say anything shocking, he could only express his emotion.

But Zuo Zhou had a different opinion, "What is it like? Daqin is still pretty good now. Although there are many more hidden dangers than before, after all, the army is strong and the government is clear. At least the emperor can't see anything yet. With this foundation, it is no problem for Daqin to continue for more than a hundred years."

Lu Xiaofeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looked at Zuo Zhou and asked, "Are you satisfied? Do you just want to lie down and eat your money?"

"It's not me who lives on my laurels. There is never a shortage of talented geniuses in this world, but why did the Ming and Song countries come to where they are today? Isn't it because they lack a leader! The one at the top has no fighting spirit, and the one below The minister is naturally not interested. Think about it before, when Emperor Qin was still there, when did Lao Di and Bao Zheng relax in order to investigate the case? Bao Zheng and Di Renjie almost drowned in their saliva when they joined their mouths together in the court. Wei Jinzhong! Look at the present, Lao Di is lying down and spending his days."

Lu Xiaofeng also understood Zuo Zhou's complaint, thought for a while and said: "If that's the case, we can test it out first. As subjects, Lao Di and Bao Zheng can't force the emperor to do anything. They know this and Hu Hai also knows it." , you can ask them to write a letter to urge this matter, if Hu Hai himself does not want to wipe out the Azure Dragon Society, then he will definitely reject the memorial of the two of them."

"What if Hu Hai agrees but starts to delay?" Zuo Zhou asked with curled lips.

Lu Xiaofeng frowned, "If that's the case, it means that he has his own plans, but he didn't give up on destroying the Azure Dragon Society, he just wanted to procrastinate for a while."

"And then? What are your plans?"

"If that's the case, we don't have to force anything, otherwise it may spoil His Majesty's affairs."

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes amusedly, and "broke His Majesty's business", what serious business can Hu Hai have?If it was serious, would Xu Fu be sent to assassinate the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom?

You know, it is a very taboo thing to directly shoot a killer to assassinate the leader of an enemy country.

Zuo Zhou drank the tea in one gulp, stood up and said, "Success, you can talk to Lao Di and the others. As for the final result of the trial, it depends on God's will. But I also remind you, for Daqin, you don't It's too deep, after all, the one above is not the original Emperor Qin. And you are not an official of the court, but a Jiang Hu!"


Three days later, the Imperial Capital Wharf
A large boat was about to go ashore, but several people in the cabin were still confronting each other with sneers, and the first person was Xu Fu who hadn't come back for a long time.

On his left hand is a middle-aged man with a sturdy temperament in a golden cloak. His neat short hair and domineering mustache give people a very unfriendly feeling.

On Xu Fu's right is a young man in a gray long gown. His skin is fair and weatherless, but there is a kind of vicissitudes between his brows that does not match his age, and his brows are always frowning.

On the opposite side of Xu Fu is a man with messy afro hair. If Zuo Zhou can definitely recognize him again, isn't this the crow that slipped through the Ten Kills Gate?

"Hehe, the ship will be docking soon, have you guys made up your mind?"

The crow looked at the three of them and asked slowly, that sense of confidence was quite annoying.

Xu Fu narrowed his eyes, and said with a sneer, "How much power can the Ten Killers use? I'm afraid they have already been killed by Li Yuanfang!"

"That's right, the Ten Killing Gate is really hurting your vitality, but you still have the ability to help you get what you want!"

"Big words, if I hadn't let you go that day, you would have been smashed to pieces, how can you still speak nonsense here?" The middle-aged man sneered.

The crow was not annoyed, but bowed slightly with his hands clasped in his fists, "It was thanks to the palace lord's noble hand before, isn't this just to repay you?"


After a cold snort, he didn't say anything, the default meaning was already obvious.

Seeing this, Crow looked at the young man again, with a earnest look, "Your Majesty, the Qing Dynasty is in need of luck now. Besides here, can you find any other opportunities?"

The young man's face was slightly sad, he took a deep breath and raised his head to ask, "Are you telling the truth?"

The crow laughed and said, "I believe Mr. Xu Fu is the clearest about this point."

Xu Fu paused for a moment and said lightly: "Daqin is the most powerful country in the world, and its luck already accounts for a huge proportion, and because of the relationship between Qin Huanghualong, the keel is also the treasure of luck. If you want to steal Daqin's luck, this Keel is the only chance."

The young man was a little worried and said: "But I heard that Hu Hai built a complicated underground palace to protect the keel, and there are many masters guarding it. I'm afraid we may not be able to see the keel even if we add one piece."

"Don't worry about this. Our ten-kill gate has long been arranged. As long as Mr. Xu Fu cooperates, it will be easy to transfer Daqin's power away. At that time, what we will face is just a complicated maze. It’s just a little more time, it’s not a problem for everyone!”

Crow Zuozhou took a look, his smile became wilder and wilder, who agrees?Who is against?Ever since Li Yuanfang did it the other time, this was the happiest he had laughed in recent times, and it was very sad to think about it!

Crow seemed to have seen Zuo Zhou's expression when he was deflated in his mind, it must be very wonderful, hum, although we can't kill you for the time being, but when all the dust settles, you will be targeted by the Dao of Heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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