Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 656 Find yourself some trouble

Chapter 656 Find yourself some trouble

Xu Fu finally came back, Hu Hai couldn't bear it anymore, and immediately summoned him into the palace.

Xu Fu himself knew Hu Hai's character very well, this scene did not exceed his expectations, and he had already prepared his speech.

"Your Majesty, it's a good thing that your humble position does not disgrace your life. Have you received luck?" He looked eager to confirm, really like a loyal minister.

Hu Hai laughed and said: "The feeling of being lucky is really intoxicating. This time, you should be the first one. The position of Great Qin State Teacher is yours."

Xu Fu was overjoyed, knelt down and kowtowed and shouted for His Majesty's mercy, but he didn't have the dignity of a master of the field at all.

Hu Hai likes such people. Before he became the new emperor, he had dealt with many exiles. He heard that there was no such thing as a personal force deterrent on the next-door earth, but he was envious.

In his heart, the perfect world is one in which those in power can do whatever they want. Hmph, how can one's personal cultivation be able to threaten such a big empire like mine?This is completely unreasonable!

Now Xu Fu's performance like this magnifies this procedure, and also affirms Xu Fu's core more and more.

"Get up, um, you did a good job this time, so far no one knows that you did it, but how did I hear that... you didn't do it all?"

Xu Fu's face changed slightly and he sighed: "I'm guilty. I thought I could wipe out the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom, but I didn't expect that Zhao Min from Ruyang Mansion accidentally escaped because he was on a mission outside."

"Zhao Min?" Hu Hai frowned slightly and then thought of the other party's identity, "So, you don't have to worry about it. Although Zhao Min is a descendant of the royal family of the Yuan Dynasty, she doesn't have much luck for a woman, let alone There's nothing she can do."

Xu Fu secretly rolled his eyes, if that was the case, then he wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to hunt him down.

In fact, what Hu Hai said was not wrong. With so many people in the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom, Zhao Min didn't have much luck. Yuan country is very important, so she will get a little more luck than ordinary people.

But this is not the reason why Xu Fu must chase and kill Zhao Min, but because Yuan Guo's luck is a whole, and the result of each part is that there will be a causal connection between you.Maybe they will be involved in the future. This is the rule of heaven, and it is not so easy to break it by just avoiding or chasing and killing.

Even Xu Fu himself included the encounter with Li Yuanfang this time.After all, in such a vast sea, how could he be so unlucky to be discovered by Li Yuanfang, it is obvious that the rules of heaven are causing trouble according to the cause and effect of both parties.

Because of this, when Xu Fu was sure that he couldn't kill Zhao Min, he retreated neatly. Hmph, although I also have the luck of the Yuan Kingdom, it's more about Hu Hai. If you want to find something awkward, go to them.

Of course, from this point of view, in fact, Zuo Zhou, Li Yuzhu and others will have a cause and effect with the Ming Dynasty in the future, but then Zuo Zhou injected his luck into Zhao Min's body, that is to say, among all people, only Zuo Zhou The boat was picked clean.

"Your Majesty, in fact, I had a chance to kill Zhao Min, but... was stopped by Li Yuanfang, General Li!"

As soon as Xu Fu said this, Hu Hai's face changed drastically and he hurriedly asked, Xu Fu naturally expressed what he had seen and heard.

Hu Hai was afraid of Li Yuanfang early in the morning, but he didn't care about the huge fleet of warships in Jiang Yuyan's hands. After all, the fleet originated from the navy of the Ming Dynasty. It's nothing more than the cheapness of the teacher, Daqin is not afraid of this.

But it would be bad if Li Yuanfang united with the other party!

"You mean, they used a beauty trick on Li Yuanfang? And Li Yuanfang fell for it!"

"That's right. Before I left, I did see Li Yuanfang chatting with the woman in charge. I think I was addicted to it. However, based on my understanding of the strong people on the earth list, Li Yuanfang may also have the intention of actively cooperating. After all, the will of the earth list level It cannot be underestimated."

"Hmph! Traitor and traitor!"

Hu Hai yelled at him, and with Xu Fu's affirmation, he imagined Li Yuanfang's ambition almost instantly.

"Your Majesty, Li Yuanfang is ambitious, we have to guard against him!"


Hu Hai's face became more and more ugly, and he said coldly: "Make a list of those who have made good friends with Li Yuanfang, I have to think carefully."


Hu Hai is already an emperor, so his thinking has gradually entered the mode of ancient and modern emperors. He is still very confident in his army. As long as there are no problems in the army, there will be no troubles in the court, even if Li Yuanfang took advantage of the navy of the Ming Dynasty Don't even think about shaking anything.

But today's army is mostly the group of old people who followed Qin Huang to sweep the world. That is to say, there will be no problem in terms of their relationship with Qin Huang or their own loyalty to Da Qin.

Then the only thing to worry about is the inside of the imperial court. He remembered that there were several people who had a good relationship with Li Yuanfang during the imperial examination, and even Li Yuanfang's nominal apprentice.

This was something Hu Hai couldn't tolerate, and while the other party was fledgling in the officialdom, he must kill him at the first sign!

Xu Fu lowered his head slightly and remained humble, but even if he didn't raise his head, he could guess Hu Hai's expression at this time, hehe, of course this is not part of the plan, it's just to cause trouble for that Li Yuanfang. Take your time.

the next day, morning
Although Zuo Zhou is a great general, he has never been in the early court, and no one will care about it.But today he knows that this morning is very important, because today is the day when Lu Xiaofeng asked the adults to test him out.

Outside the palace gate, Zuo Zhou and Lu Xiaofeng were sitting in an elegant seat in the Zuiyue Tower, and no one seemed to care about exchanging drinks with each other.

Zuo Zhou even had the leisure to ask Guan Shanhai, who was accompanying him, "Where is your shopkeeper? Are you still wandering outside and haven't come back?"

Guan Shanhai is Zuo Yaoqing's confidant, and she usually controls business and intelligence matters, but now she hears Zuo Zhou's question and smiles and answers: "The shopkeeper is traveling around the world with Hero Yun, I really don't want to miss it! "The international situation, um

"Oh? Traveling around the world, hehe, it's really interesting."

Zuo Zhou didn't believe that woman would travel all over the world. From the beginning of their dealings, he actually knew that she was quite ambitious and cunning. After comparing it, he didn't care much about Zuo Yaoqing.

What's more, he gave up the system before, and suddenly understood the significance of the system to the exiles. It can be said that it is not only a help but also a shackle.Zuo Zhou can say with certainty that before the two wills of Heaven and Dao are completely fused, none of the exiles will become the most powerful person in the world, and it is afraid that there will be very few people who can become the leader of the earth.

Well, of course, the current Zuo Zhou should not be considered an exile!


Lu Xiaofeng suddenly made a sound, and floated out of Zuiyue Tower in a flash. Zuo Zhou was so funny, but he still couldn't help it.

In fact, just looking at the expressions of Bao Zheng and others, he probably already knew the result.

Lu Xiaofeng floated in front of Bao Zheng and Di Renjie, and asked in a deep voice: "Not going well?"

Bao Zheng and Di Renjie looked at each other and walked towards the Zuiyue Tower at the same time as Lu Xiaofeng. After entering the private seat, they said, "Your Majesty's attitude...has changed!"

"How to say?" Lu Xiaofeng asked anxiously.

"He said that the Qinglong Society will naturally be wiped out, but it is not a serious problem. Now that the situation in various countries is complicated and turbulent, we should focus on the overall situation!"


Lu Xiaofeng was silent, Zuo Zhou laughed directly, "Hahaha, is he setting the tone for the international situation? A bunch of clichés are really interesting!"

Lu Xiaofeng was not in such a good mood, he let out a long breath, and suddenly relaxed his nervousness, "Ah, the international situation, this is not something that me, a charlatan, can get involved with. It seems that there will be no need to It's up and down."

Zuo Zhou looked at him, did he feel disheartened?
Di Renjie said with a smile: "Just get used to it, life will still be the same."

Lu Xiaofeng looked at Di Renjie, and suddenly remembered that Zuo Zhou had said that Di Renjie would find time to be lazy every day, he didn't believe it before, but now he seems to understand.

There is a saying that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuchs are in a hurry. I don't know whether this is a compliment or a derogation. The emperor who should be in a hurry is not in a hurry, so what is the use of their ministers if they are in a hurry?

At the same time, in the palace

Xu Fu's eyes widened and he looked confused, "Your Majesty, why didn't you agree to encircle and suppress the Qinglong Society? Aren't you the one who feared King Xian the most before?"

Hu Hai snorted as a matter of course: "This morning, all the yamen came out to propose to wipe out the Qinglonghui! Hmph, these ministers had to argue about a trivial matter before, why were they so united? Think about the leader Bao Both Zheng and Di Renjie are friends with Li Yuanfang, this is clearly their conspiracy, I am afraid there is some shady trick, how can I let them do what they want?"

Xu Fu made great efforts to prevent himself from rolling his eyes or twitching his face, hiss! "Then you don't care about offering the king?"

Hu Hai said disdainfully: "I really heard that King Xian is now obsessed with the way of longevity, and he is no longer afraid of threats." There was a lot of contempt and disdain in his words.

Now Xu Fu will not be able to fix it all at once. By the way, weren't you also intoxicated with longevity before?Otherwise, you wouldn't have been urging me to attack the royal family of the Yuan Kingdom!
But this kind of complaint is useless at this time, Xu Fu is in a mess in his heart, which has already affected the plan. If the masters in the imperial capital don't go to encircle and suppress the Qinglong Society, how can they turn the tiger away from the mountain?Could it be that he is going to fight against several masters to grab the keel?
This is probably not enough to lose a few lives!

Nima!I didn't add oil and vinegar before I knew it...

(End of this chapter)

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