Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 666 Still use provocation?

Chapter 666 Still use provocation?

"Tell me, which part are you from?"

Zuo Zhou reached out and pulled off the man in black's mask, um, it's a bit ugly.

Then he picked up the dragon fruit-like medicine in the hands of the man in black, and the true energy covered it and easily crushed it, and a thick mist was firmly sealed into a ball by the true energy.

The soldiers around became nervous when they saw this, but Zuo Zhou didn't care about it, he leaked a hint and provoked it with his fingers, well, he suppressed his blood just a little bit boiling, but he soon discovered the problem , this bit of affected blood is not simply burned, but changed by something!

Zuo Zhou doesn't have the ability to go back in time, so what has been changed cannot be recovered, that is to say, to a certain extent, this thing may also work for him!
His brows were furrowed, would there be a poison that even someone as strong as him could check and balance?This seems to be contrary to the mainstream rules of the Dao of Heaven today, right?

This world and the next-door earth actually have the concept of positive and negative balance of yin and yang. If you convert it into strength, it means that you cannot be truly invincible in the world, because you always have a nemesis.

However, this world is not exactly the same as the next-door earth, because the rules of the Dao of Heaven are to practice and become stronger, and the priority of the strong is above everything else. If there is anything that can become the nemesis of the strongest, it can only be the Dao of Heaven.

So it was very unreasonable for such a toxin to appear. After thinking for a moment, Zuo Zhou gently let go of the suppression of his true energy, and soon he was happy.

His own blood would still be infected at the beginning, but in just a few seconds, that part of the toxin was adapted by the blood without even going beyond the elbow.And after adapting it is strangulation, crazy strangulation!

After a few ticks, drops of black blood landed on the ground, repelling all the toxins.

"Interesting stuff, you haven't answered me yet? Which part are you from?"

The man in black seemed to be startled by Zuo Zhou's operation. How could someone force the toxin out with true energy?After returning to his senses, facing Zuo Zhou, he shouted sharply again: "The Azure Dragon Club!"

Zuo Zhou stopped talking. I asked which part you belonged to, but didn't ask if you belonged to the Azure Dragon Club. This means that you didn't even distinguish the composition of the Azure Dragon Club?Well, unprofessional!

"Take it back and torture it. Use whatever criminal laws you have. When they don't bite to death, they say that Qinglong will meet before stopping." Zuo Zhou turned to Dufeng and said that the people from the six doors didn't come too fast. There are many vicious prisoners in the six-door prison, and they must take care of their own place first.

Dufeng nodded and waved his hand to tell the police to capture all the men in black, and the rest immediately returned to fight the fire.

Zuo Zhou originally wanted to leave directly, but Madam She on the other side slowly approached, Zuo Zhou could only wait politely after seeing it.

"General Li's strength has improved again, congratulations!"

Li Yuanfang replied with a smile: "I have won the prize. Seeing that the old lady is blushing and energetic, I guess the breakthrough is just around the corner. Your Majesty will be very happy when the time comes."

"Ha ha."

"Ha ha."

There are very meaningless awkward chats, very ridiculous compliments to each other, and I don't know how sincere each other is.

The relationship between the two families is complicated. Although they are not considered enemies, they don't have any good feelings either.

However, in the eyes of outsiders, the two seem to have a really good relationship, and what they said just now is also very true, because Zuo Zhou can suppress those men in black with coercion, but She Taijun is also a master of the list, but he can't do it.As for whether Taijun She can break through the top rankings, hehe, since Li Yuanfang said it, it should be credible, at least after today, many people will spread this word to Hu Hai's ears.

"Old Madam, are you really going to make a breakthrough?" Aunt Gongsun said in surprise, she had been by Madam She's side all along but she didn't notice it at all.Similarly, all the female generals and soldiers beside her also looked at her expectantly.

Madam She watched Zuo Zhou go away and snorted a little unhappily, "This kid is really narrow-minded, I think His Majesty will come to ask later... I have already achieved the Master Consummation of the People's List, and I am one step away from the Land List. It is not false to be able to break through, but many people have never crossed this step in their entire lives..."

Everyone is speechless, understand, there is a bottleneck, what needs to be relied on is chance, and everything is difficult because of chance, who knows when the chance will come?


Zuo Zhou didn't care about the entanglements of the Yang family, he went to Song Ci with those dragon fruit-like poisons.

He is not a scientific research talent, and he can't understand things that are too professional, but he does know who is more professional.

"Yo, is Old Joe eating?"

Zuo Zhou greeted him casually, and Qiao Feng put down the bowl and chopsticks helplessly when he heard the words, "I went to protect Mr. Song as soon as the fire broke out, and I haven't even finished the meal. Are you...what's the matter?"

Zuo Zhou was happy, "It's getting cold, come with me to see Mr. Song, and I'll treat you to a good meal later. By the way, where is Mr. Song?"

Qiao Feng got up, turned around to lead the way, and said at the same time: "It's not because of you. His Majesty said that Mr. Song's research has no effect, so he stopped the subsidy and gave all the original funds to Xu Fu, the Qin Tianjian. Song The husband resigned in a fit of anger, and now he is lying in the backyard every day."

Zuo Zhou didn't take Qiao Feng's complaint seriously, and said with a smile, "Oh, it's my fault. I'll invite you to the best restaurant in the capital later."

Qiao Feng had clearly seen through Zuo Zhou's tricks, and snorted, "I'm afraid you have brought something weird and weird. Once you study it, Mister, you won't stop easily. I'm afraid you don't know when you'll have to wait until it's ready." Eat your meal!"


Song Ci heard Zuo Zhou's embarrassing laughter from afar. At this time, Song Ci was indeed at leisure as Qiao Feng said, but it wasn't really lying on a chair to enjoy the cool and doing nothing. A book that is so densely packed that I don't know what to record.

"Oh, it's Yuan Fang, what wind brought you here?"

Song Ci was all smiles, she seemed to be a little fatter, and she was really light without an official.

Zuo Zhou took out the poison and handed it to Song Ci, and then briefly described the information he knew.

Song Ci suddenly became interested, took the poison and went to the basement, where Song Ci worked, there was a workbench and many tools.

Zuo Zhou even saw a lot of beakers and flasks, and couldn't help being surprised: "These things... must be obtained from the channel of Zuiyue Tower!"

Qiao Feng nodded, "Everyone knows that Zuiyue Tower is a power of exiles. Although the world next door is different from ours, many researches have some similarities. What Mr. Song likes most is being with some people who are also good at researching. The exiles communicate with them. These utensils are also made with their help, oh yes..."

Qiao Feng continued in a low voice: "I found that those exiles respect Mr. Song very much."

Zuo Zhou was not surprised, "Don't be too nervous, it's not normal to be disrespectful!"

Qiao Feng felt relieved. After all, he was also from the Jianghu, not to mention he came from a place like the Beggar Clan where good and bad people mixed together. To be honest, it's a bit unbelievable that such a hero can be born in such a complicated place.

This is also why Zuo Zhou is willing to get close to Qiao Feng, not only because of the bonus of the original book on the next-door earth, but also because he knows too well what the beggar gang in this world is like.

"Interesting poison, but unfortunately, this is destined to be an endless and doomed direction."

The chat between the two of them here was interrupted by Song Ci, who only heard him say: "This kind of toxin spreads through contact or breathing, and it can be defended by true energy and internal energy, so it's not worth mentioning in terms of attack power, as long as you don't be careless. But The effect of it is kind of interesting."

"How to say?"

"Using one of the exiles' explanations about genes, this poisonous mist contains a mess of different genes, which may be plants, animals, or insects. When these genes that are different from humans enter the blood It will destroy the genes of human beings, and then produce mutations. However, because this mutation is abnormal and forbidden by the law of heaven, the result of all mutations is inevitable destruction. But this is also the shrewdness of this poison , not only can kill the enemy but also make the enemy crazy for a while, achieving the effect of destroying the enemy's formation."

Zuo Zhou frowned, "Inner energy can be restricted, and body refiners can resist it with their powerful blood-making ability, so this kind of poison is really meaningless, except that it can scare people for the first time... and There are too many alternative poisons of this power to make sense."

Song Ci shook his head, "I can perceive the original intention of the creator from this medicine. He probably didn't make it for the purpose of making poison."

Zuo Zhou suddenly realized that it was like some kind of grass. Some people used it as an anesthetic to save people, but some people used its addictive properties to make a profit!
"Of course, what I must remind you is that the situation of this very similar to that of Zhao Ji back then, but it is not as mature as that of Zhao Ji back then. If the two were made by the same person, then this drug should be born Before Zhao Ji's incident, it may be a defective product."

Song Ci's reminder made Zuo Zhou understand a little bit more, and then recalled the behavior of those men in black, oh, is this trying to blame the Qinglong Society?

In the imperial palace, Hu Hai was furious. How dare someone act so wildly in the imperial capital?

When the guards brought up the fallen soldiers, Hu Hai became even more upset, and turned to ask Xu Fu, "What kind of poison is this?"

Xu Fu, as the inspector of the Qintian Supervisor who had just taken office, won the trust of the emperor and he knew how to make alchemy, so all the civil and military officials in the Manchu Dynasty looked at him.

Xu Fu came out and bowed: "The appearance of the poison used by these men in black is very similar to that of Zhao Ji in the past, but I still need to study the details, and I must give His Majesty an answer as soon as possible."

Xu Fu's words made many ministers feel complicated, because they had heard about those men in black before. To be honest, they also felt that someone was provoking conflicts between the imperial court and the Azure Dragon Society, but now even the Azure Dragon Society has medicines. This is a bit...

Xu Fu looked at the dubious look of the officials around him, and cried out in his heart, yeah!
(End of this chapter)

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