Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 667 Do I Hate?you suck

Chapter 667 Do I Hate?you suck

In the imperial palace, after listening to today's court meeting, Yin Man felt like a frog in hot water, knowing that something was wrong, but she couldn't jump out of the pot.

She hurried back to the house, looking around for the figure, until she really saw it, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I thought you……"

Standing in front of Yin Man was a delicate woman in palace maid attire, maybe because she went to many places today, there was some mud on her skirt.Yin Man glanced at it casually, but raised her heart that had just let go, "You... where did you go?"

"I went to look at the dead men in the six gates, and I have to say that the six gates is indeed a yamen that makes people's faces change. There are indeed a lot of horrific punishments inside."

As the woman spoke, she took Yin Man's hand, and the two walked slowly to the edge of the bed and sat down, and Yin Man's tense expression finally calmed down, "I thought..."

"Do you think those people were sent by me?" The woman shook her head and said leisurely: "However, it can't be said that it has nothing to do with me."

"How to say?"

"The poison in their hands was indeed refined by me back then, but they were all waste products thrown out during my experiments."

"Then how did these dead men get it?" Yin Man frowned.

"I think of that as useless garbage, but some people think of it as a powerful poison. Well, but in a way, it is not wrong to say that. There is no cure for those poisons. The best way is to use true energy to suppress it, and then expel it."

Yin Man rolled her eyes, "I didn't ask you how to detoxify, I mean, how did those poisons get into other people's hands? Nowadays, no one in Qinglong Society should care about the prince asking for poisons, right?"

The woman bowed her head in silence for a moment, then shook her head bitterly, "My lord is getting more and more obsessed with eternal life, and... I chose the route I have given up..."

Yin Man anxiously said: "What did you experiment with back then, why did this kind of poison appear?"

A trace of sadness flashed in the woman's eyes, but she didn't mean to hide anything, "The level of this world is very strict. As the level of life increases, the more you will be favored by the heavens. Take humans and monster races as examples. With the title of the Spirit of All Creation, we will receive more and better treatment than the Yaozu in Tiandao. And we... I am afraid that our status is not as good as those Yaozu!"

Yin Man choked up when she heard the words, and was also a little frustrated. Although the body of a zombie can live forever, it is more like a punishment.

"I want to change this situation, but I don't know how to change it, so I started an experiment. I want to see if we can replace our own genes with other organisms' genes. If we can succeed, it may change you and me. Even if you still can’t compare with the orthodox human race, it’s better than being abandoned or hated by Heaven!”

"Failed?" Yin Man hardly had any surprises. Even with the 3333 years of technological strength in the world next door, she dare not say that she could completely understand the mystery of life.

"Successful, but also failed!"


"The medicine I made can break the rigid racial barriers of human beings, and the genes of other creatures can indeed be fused in, but the problem is... this kind of fusion has not only failed to improve the view of heaven, but has even reached the level of anger. The level of heaven."

Yin Man was also happy when he heard the words, "I have already been cursed by the Dao of Heaven, but I don't want the Dao of Heaven to be jealous all the time!"

The woman also smiled bitterly, "That's why I gave up this research direction. Until I met you..."

Feeling sullen, she stretched out her hand and pinched the opponent's lower back, "Go on, let me see what else is hiding from me?"

The woman clasped Yin Man's arm and said with a smile: "Have you ever thought about a question, zombies are cursed by Heaven, and those alienated creatures are even more disgusted by Heaven. But even though Heaven hates those alienated things very much, but he There is no direct thunder or some natural disaster to destroy those things."


"It's because there is a certain rule that restricts the way of heaven, so that the way of heaven can't directly send down thunder to destroy the things it hates."

"Doesn't the way of heaven mean rules? How can you limit yourself?"

The woman smiled and said, "Don't forget, among the rules of the Dao of Heaven today, there are not only those made by the Dao of Heaven itself, but also some foreign ones."

Yin Man suddenly realized that there is only one foreign rule, "You mean, the power of unity infused by my father when he transformed into a dragon!"

The woman sighed and nodded, "It's the power of unification. Speaking of it, although Qin Huang's actions are great, it doesn't mean that there are no loopholes to exploit. For example, it doesn't have to be human beings who can unify the world. It's the monster race, it could be those gods, or... those monsters!"

The woman's words made Yin Man take a long breath, "Can you still...can you understand this?"

"Why not? Although everyone subconsciously thinks that each country's hegemony is a matter between human beings, that's just inertial thinking. Of course, it is also difficult for other races to achieve unification." The woman's voice turned and began to appease Yin Man, "The number of monster races is too small, and there are not many top masters. They don't have the strength to unify the world. Those gods know best how to obey God's will. They have collectively reincarnated into humans, and now the pure gods have long since disappeared. But monsters It’s different, both in terms of strength and number, there are ways to increase sharply in a very short period of time. So they also have the possibility of unifying the world, so according to the rules, Heavenly Dao cannot directly attack monsters.”

"So what does King Xian want to do? To become a monster to unify the world?" Yin Man looked at her in disbelief.

The woman was silent, "I don't know, maybe, but the possibility is not high, because you have also heard about the performance of those poisoned people, they just controlled their behavior and have become lunatics. So, if King Xian really becomes If he becomes a complete monster, then there is a great chance that he will completely lose himself, so how can he unify the world? What I am even more afraid of is that King Xian has been controlled by others and has become a tool for some people to achieve their goals!"

Yin Man knew women too well, "So what do you want to do?"

"I want to go back and have a look. If King Xian loses control...I will personally help him out!"

"I'll be with you. If King Xian is really controlled by someone, it will be too dangerous."

"Don't go, you have to watch over here, Hu Hai is moody, no one can tell when he will let the army clean up the Qinglong Club when his head gets hot."

When Hu Hai Yinman was mentioned, his face turned ugly, "I can't control this idiot. He didn't believe it because he was born in the same line, and he would believe an outsider."

But the woman persuaded him as a matter of course: "Xu Fu and Hu Hai have the same goal as us, they both want luck, so with the same interests, they will definitely feel that he is trustworthy. But you don't have to worry, Hu Hai is still nothing to you reserved."

Yin Man was helpless, "I only hope that this time, the six gates of Dali Temple can find some strong evidence to prove that it has nothing to do with the Qinglong Society, otherwise Hu Hai, who is angry, may send troops to the Qinglong Society."

"It's very difficult. Those people have insisted that they are members of the Azure Dragon Society, and these people are dead men. I am afraid that the punishment of the six doors can only make them die, but it can't make them change their mouths. No matter how suspicious the evidence is, However, for an emperor who is engaged in the way of balance, this kind of suspicion is even more deadly!"

Looking at the way the other party looked, Yin Man knew that it was useless to say anything, "Then I will go back with you."

"No, you still have to watch Hu Hai here. It's thanks to King Xian that you and I know each other. We can't let him really die in Hu Hai's hands." The woman said as she got up and walked out the door. His temperament quickly turned into humbleness, just like the countless maids in the harem.

If a court lady wants to leave the palace alone, she will definitely attract attention, but she seems to be an accident, she can't be said to be swaggering, but not even a single soldier questioned her, most of the people in the palace seem to have no eyes.

Soon, she crossed the street and came to a horse dealer. She chose a good horse with great endurance, but the owner of the horse dealer asked her for three taels of silver.

However, she seemed to have gotten used to it, got on her horse and headed straight out of the city, and started to speed up when she got out of the city gate.As the distance from the imperial capital got farther and farther away, the wide avenue became narrower and narrower, and the jungles on both sides gradually became more lush.

"Come out, it's getting late. There's no one around anyway, it doesn't make any difference whether it's early or late."

The woman stopped the horse slowly, after thinking for a while, she got off the horse, and then the horse ran away in a very angry manner, looking at the happy expression on her face, it seemed that the mare gave birth to him a foal.

The woman was a little helpless, and shouted towards the forest with a hint of resentment: "If you don't come out again, I can leave, and you may not be able to find me."

"In the past, I only heard about the existence of people who are abandoned by heaven, but I didn't expect to see them now. It's really strange!"

A figure in the jungle is like a ghost, and the sunlight shines on the other person through the forest, but it doesn't show any human flavor at all.

This figure was just an introduction, and soon a figure appeared, some smelled like dirt, some were wet, and some people rode horses from the front and back roads to block it.

The woman looked around, a little dumbfounded, "I'm not strong, so I don't need to send hundreds of people to surround me?"

"It's really not strong, but you are mysterious. It is said that no one knows who you are if you are not a man or a woman. Of course, we should be more cautious." The leader of the shadow walked slowly into the sun, it was a short man with an afro man.

The woman didn't know him, she just looked at the style of the robe on his body, "People from Dongying?"

She quickly went through her experience, but she couldn't find any part that could be related to the Dongying people, "You are not the leader, let the person who talks and manages come out."

"Hehe, why do dying people know so much?"

The woman frowned, and waved her hand to sprinkle a red mist on her head. The mist dissipated in a blink of an eye, but her eyes were different. Just now, she was harmless to humans and animals, but now she was as sharp as a lone wolf beyond the Great Wall.

"Be careful, she is very good at using poison, and she will use all her inner strength and true energy." The leading man shouted loudly, and launched an attack with a wave of his hand.

The dense hidden weapons fell like rain, and no matter where the woman hid, she seemed to be enveloped in it.

She raised her hand and threw a dart in the sky, the dart would explode, and the blasted air wave would blow away all hidden weapons, and at the same time, a piece of yellow mist would descend to cover herself, and then it would be the same as the red mist just now. Disperse.

Teams of men in black surrounded them, and each of them formed a formation, but they mixed all kinds of gossip, Liangyi, or eighteen arhats at the first glance, as if to cover up their own backgrounds, Anyway, women don't see anything unique.


The woman suddenly let out a roar, but the roar echoed in the air like the roar of some ancient monster, and the rough voice almost startled the men in black.

No wonder she is neither male nor female, there are such people in the world?

All kinds of formations were about to be encircled, and the woman's appearance changed. The originally heroic beauty gradually turned into a tougher, more angular, and then the whole person fit and bumped into it, bang bang, the dull impact shook the eardrums , just relying on her physical body to bear the power of the formation, she knocked dozens of people away.

And when she stopped, everyone found that she had completely turned into a man!
Seeing this, the leader in black couldn't help sighing, "People who are abandoned by the sky really have their own uniqueness. This kind of thing that doesn't distinguish between yin and yang is indeed not tolerated by the law of heaven. Hehe, the land is short of land, do you lack a way to make people feel better? Is it something that is determined by gender, or is it behavior? Hehehe."

The leader of the Dongying man smiled obscenely, and he didn't know what he was thinking of. He saw that the people in black began to change formations. The meat grinder started to spin inside with a clatter.

Di Que stared at these formations coldly, he wanted to find some rules from them, but the problem was that he didn't know much about formations, so after thinking about it, it's best to use his own advantages, and waved his hand and smashed them on the ground Two poisons were injected, and a bunch of maggots exploded with two bangs!
The maggots are disgusting and miraculous. Everyone has seen that the pill is only the size of a thumb, but why can the exploded maggots cover the ground with a radius of more than ten meters?
Naturally, such a disgusting method was also targeted, and the power of the sword array began to move downwards to exert force on those maggots!

Suddenly there was a crackling sound, and countless maggots splashed with their juices and were crushed, but more maggots came out after crushing one piece.

"Damn it, it's all illusion, so be sober!"

The Japanese men outside the circle clearly saw that there was nothing on the ground, but those idiots stirred up a large cloud of dust with their swords.

"You see the maggots too!"

Di Que waved his hand and came over with two pills. His concealed weapon technique is very poor, but this thing is so powerful that it doesn't need to be hit at all. As long as it is broken, it can explode the fog and form an illusion.

"Humph, interesting!"

The Dongying man didn't make any movement and let the two pills fall under his feet, and the mist and illusion exploded, but Di Que's face changed. He found that the other party was still looking at him with a cheap smile, and there was no change at all.

Di Que's face changed drastically, "You have a very strong mental power!"

At this time, the Dongying man looked in the direction of the imperial capital thoughtfully, "Well, the distance is almost very far, and those experts probably won't be able to perceive this place."

After the words fell, the aura of the ground list slowly permeated, and behind him stood up a giant tengu holding a naginata with wings on its back.

Di Que suddenly remembered some information that Yin Man had shared with him, and revealed the other party's identity in one sentence, "You are the crow that once attacked the imperial capital!"

The crow sneered, "I remember that there used to be an animal called ricefield eel in nature. It was female at first, but it would turn into a male after giving birth. I don't know what happened to you?"

The killing intent in Di Que's eyes was obvious, and the other party's ridicule pierced his heart like a steel knife. In fact, Crow's guess was correct. If he wanted to fix his gender, he could actually do it, and the conditions were very simple. But it's not easy in some ways.It doesn't matter whether it is the punishment of heaven, or what, anyway, he is very entangled.

Hey, hey, Di Que took out another bottle and started to spray it, the bright blue mist seemed to be controlled by someone to float over.

"Hahaha, broke the defense? Yatengu, blow it away!"

Yatengu's wings flapped violently behind him, and the strong wind swept across the entire jungle, not only blowing away the blue mist, but also waking up those men in black who had fallen into the illusion.

However, the strong wind also mixed all kinds of mist, and the flames directly ignited the entire forest. The poisonous mist seemed to react violently after contact, which shocked the crow.

When he came back to his senses, he saw that Ji Que had already jumped into the depths of the jungle. He seemed to ignore the flames, jumping and walking in the flames, like an elf... well, he became her again.

"No, he changed by drugs."

Crow is also a drug player, and soon discovered the problem of lack of land. Although many medicines are time-sensitive, it makes no sense that he just blew away the medicine and the enemy recovered a female body. It could only be that the medicine was just blown away. Sancai has the current situation.


The people in black who had recovered from the illusion turned into black shadows and chased after them. They seemed to have learned a lot of special light skills, and they were flying very fast in the jungle.

On the other hand, the lack of land is a bit worse. After all, her talent in martial arts is not good, and she relies more on poison.But she didn't go into the jungle to escape.

"Catch up? Let's bury them all here!"

The slender and slender fingers of the ground shortage began to wipe the trees as soon as they walked by. At first, there was no change in the trees, but when the men in black walked by the trees, the trees seemed to suddenly go crazy, frantically waving their branches to move Men in black slapped the ground one by one.

Maybe it's because the aura in this world is too strong, so the trees grow taller, and the branches are also strong, and it hurts and hurts when you slap someone. If you hit it with all your strength, you really don't even have the energy to cry.

Many men in black were so unlucky, their flesh and blood splattered and their bones smashed to pieces.

"Stupid, don't go where he walked!"

The corner of Crow's mouth twitched, what a bunch of idiots!In other words, is it because we are disgusted by the heavens, otherwise why are all the guys so stupid?

Di Que ran for a while, stopped when he felt a little tired, and then sprayed out a thick green mist, the trees touched began to go crazy, the flowers on the ground even began to swell unreasonably, and then sprayed out more There was a lot of green fog, and the crow's face changed drastically.

What kind of messy method is this?

Those green fogs are not very good at first glance, so many people in black naturally want to avoid them. When they use formations to destroy the green fogs, they find that the land is missing!

"Huh? Underground, let's see where you go!"

The crow waved his hand and summoned a monster again, this time it was a black-haired mouse that looked full of lifelessness. This mouse was very huge, and the hair on its body was falling off in many places. It was obvious that it had been dead for an unknown amount of time.

As soon as the giant rat came out, it started digging down, boom boom boom, the soil was piled up next to it in just a few seconds, and then gave the crow a feedback that there was no one underground!

"Huh? Maybe it's still in the sky..."

As soon as I looked up, I saw a beautiful figure in the distance with a huge flower like wings spread out behind it, it was really flying!
"It turns out that the flowers that suddenly swelled just now were used for this purpose, and there are quite a few tricks. But... you want to compare flying with me? Hehe!"

The crow waved his hand proudly, and the crow tengu next to him immediately squatted down and let him step on his back.

"You try to keep up! Capture her in a while, let you help her change gender, hahaha!"

After speaking, Yatengu flapped its wings fiercely, and they chased after them with the strong wind.

Seeing this, Di Que in the distance didn't say to run anymore, but hovered in the sky with a soothing expression, and the wings formed by the petals allowed her to glide and land quietly when they were not flapping.

"Hehehe, why don't you run away?"

Di Que shook his head, "I just think that if you are left alone, I should be able to handle it."

"Hey, although they are not fast enough, they will arrive in a few minutes. What's more, you are not proficient in martial arts at the level of your personal list. Why do you think you can beat me?"

"It wasn't him who won you, it was me~! Besides, you don't have to wait for your subordinates, they are already dead."


A chill crept up his spine, and the crow felt that the sound was so annoying. Turning his head slowly, he saw a young man standing in the jungle at some point.

He was dressed in short taupe-brown clothes, no different from a farmer and a woodcutter, but that disgusting force was like a big saw pulling the crow's nerves.

"Where did you come from?" the crow scolded, looking across the opposite side to the depths of the jungle. He said that just a few minutes after he flew over, the noisy jungle before was silent. This guy killed people so fast?
"Don't worry about it, they actually collided with me with a sword formation. I just fulfilled their request. Who knows, they fell down before I used any force."

He Ran teased and looked at the crow, "It seems that you can't help hitting me anymore, hey, Yuan Fang has been able to get rid of the influence of heaven and treat me normally, but you gods of the past can't escape the guidance of perception, At this level, I really don’t know where the courage came from to dare to fight against him.”

(End of this chapter)

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