Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 675 Wait for me to go far, then you can do it again

Chapter 675 Wait for me to go far, then you can do it again

The atmosphere in the cabin was very depressing. Thinking back to the beginning, they came to the imperial capital full of confidence, thinking that even if they could not overthrow Daqin, they could at least turn the imperial capital upside down.Fortunately, in a sense, they have not really started to fight against the enemy, but they have already been severely injured, and even the ultimate goal has been seen through!
Bitterness, there is a kind of suffering called being an enemy of Li Yuanfang...

"Ahem, well, actually, we don't have to be so depressed. Maybe Li Yuanfang didn't see through our arrangement. We just didn't expect him to notify Hu Hai." Kangxi looked at a few people and felt that if the morale was low, there was nothing to do. Conspiracy, before you die, why don't you just go home.

Xu Fu sighed, "Actually... there is nothing wrong with our calculations. Li Yuanfang did have conflicts with Hu Hai. He didn't directly tell Hu Hai and the others any specific information, but through this obscure method, it seemed more obvious on the surface. It's like making trouble for Hu Hai."

Kangxi immediately continued: "That's right, Hu Hai and the others may not be able to figure out the key point."

Crow glanced at the two of them, "Don't be lucky, Di Renjie and the others are less intelligent than Li Yuanfang?"

Absolutely Wushen's entire face was gloomy, "We must be prepared that the enemy already knows everything, either suspend the plan and wait, or prepare to fight the opponent to death."

The crow shook his head, "It's unrealistic. This opportunity is once in a thousand years. Bai Qi left, Li Yuanfang and the army conquered the Qinglong Society, and the defense of the imperial capital can be said to be empty. I'm afraid it will be very difficult to have this opportunity next time. Apart from other things, Li Yuanfang, who of you dealt with it?"

"So, we should fight or fight, and even prepare for a tough fight. Sometimes, decisiveness has a higher success rate than hesitation!" Kangxi slapped the table as a statement. Of course, everyone knew that he was Really can't wait.

Jue Wushen thought for a while and put his hands on the table, "In this case, I also agree to implement the original plan, but... the situation has reached this stage, shouldn't you be more honest?"


Crow pretended to be puzzled and looked at Ju Wushen, who sneered, "Xu Fu provided the most detailed information, His Majesty provided the most manpower, and this seat brought the most experts. It can be said that we share common needs." .Luck, we all need luck! Xu Fu needs to practice, His Majesty needs to continue the country, and I want both. Only you, your purpose has always been a mystery, so you should say it now understand!"

The crow sensed the sight of the three people, and snorted coldly: "The palace master is a bit guilty of saying that, of course what I want is luck. Although my plan of ten kills failed at the beginning, it doesn't mean that we don't need to practice. !"

The three of them expressed their dissatisfaction almost at the same time, and they were not stupid, how could they fail to see that this crow or ten killing gate must have a special purpose.


Jue Wushen was obviously not satisfied with this kind of perfunctory, but when he was about to continue asking questions, his expression suddenly changed, and at the same time, the expressions of other people also changed drastically.


"Go first, then follow the signal and act!"

Then the four of them turned into four black shadows and disappeared with a whoosh, some directly dived into the water, and some directly shot into the air.

It was almost like fighting with the crowd, one after another silhouettes flew into the boat, the leader was dressed in a black robe and held a sword in his hand, followed by an old man with a long beard and a spear.

Dufeng reached out and touched the teacup, "We are a step late, they just left."

Zhuge Zhengwo frowned slightly and released the perception, but there was nothing to gain. He just sighed: "From the reaction of the remaining true energy, there should be some masters from the local list participating in it, and... Li Yuanfang's suspicion is correct. Although this reaction It's very faint, but it does have the feeling of Xu Fu."

Dufeng shook his head in embarrassment, "It's useless to rely on feelings, you must have solid evidence, even if we can see it." He said and looked at the arresters around him, he didn't know how many of them were there. They are from the Demon Sect, but as long as there is one, they will be able to report back to His Majesty when they see Xu Fu. With Hu Hai's character, he will definitely be suspicious.

Zhuge Zhengwo said with regret, "It's not that simple. Instead of expecting from Your Majesty, we should prepare well. There is no doubt that the enemy will attack after the army is deployed. Now it seems that Zhou Tong's side is very We may not be able to make a shot, our strength has been weakened, and the most urgent task is to ensure that other top players can make a shot."

Dufeng looked dignified, paused and continued: "I have sent people to Muming Town since Li Yuanfang knocked on Dengwen Drum, and Senior Wuming should have arrived in the imperial capital soon after calculation."

Zhuge Zheng felt a little relieved when I heard that, and said with a smile: "If Wuming also comes, then with Huang Chang and Xiong Ba, I have the confidence to stabilize the situation. When the time comes, I will personally watch Xu Fu, although I will never be able to enter The ground list, but Xu Fu himself is not good at melee combat, I am sure to contain him!"

"Thank you, Mr. Zhuge."

"The place of righteousness!"

Dufeng understood how difficult it is for a master of the personal list to contain a master of the local list, and he admired him more and more.


Almost at the same time, in Dali Temple, Li Bai leaned on the chair in a very disfigured manner, "I was going to leave, but this happened to you again, how can I rest assured!"

Di Renjie chuckled, "Don't worry, I won't try to kill you. If something happens, I'll hide with Li Yuanfang. With you and Zhou Tong in charge, no one would dare to mess around."

Li Bai turned his head away angrily, and flicked his sleeves, "It's boring to play with me. You are just someone who wants to use my hand to protect Li Yuanfang."

Di Renjie did not deny that Li Yuanfang was going to attack the Qinglong Society, but the enemy had already started to threaten him, so it was very possible to attack the General's Mansion when the incident happened.

"Hmph, you're worried about Li Yuanfang, but I don't think he was in the slightest bit anxious when he beat Dengwen Drum before."

Di Renjie didn't say much, this is actually what he was confused about. Did this kid have a plan long ago?
"grown ups!"

Yuchi Zhenjin came back from the outside and shouted loudly from a long distance, "My lord, I'm back, General Li... He said that you don't need to go there, just protect the old man Zuo."

Yuchi Zhenjin's words made Li Baile speak out, "Look, they don't need you at all."

Di Renjie shook his head amusedly. Although he didn't know what Li Yuanfang relied on, he knew that Li Yuanfang would never trust her.If there is real danger, he will never be polite.

"You don't need to worry about Li Yuanfang, how about I help you take care of Hu Hai?"

Di Renjie didn't even think about it, "Don't make trouble, I know you don't like him."

Li Bai hummed a little aggrieved, "You know me well, I am a person with clear grievances and grievances, Hu Hai never offended me, but he made Qingzhao waste nearly two years in the Imperial Academy, this account can't just be settled like this. "

Di Renjie leaned on the chair and was a little speechless, "Then what do you want to do? Write a poem to scold him?"

"Call him? You ask him if he is worthy! And scolding a person who is not capable of writing poems to scold back, that's so boring." Li Bai laughed wildly, as if he really thought of something, his eyes were very charming. people.

Di Renjie understands at a glance, I just don't ask 'why', don't say it if you have the ability!
Li Bai also lost his temper. Hey, I won’t tell you unless you ask me. When the matter is over, I will take my disciples to the Ming country.


There is tranquility before the storm, and this tranquility often passes very quickly. This morning, the military parade began.

This time there are two people in command, and the commander is Taijun She of the Yang family, who has seniority and strength, and all the imperial guards are not dissatisfied.The deputy commander is naturally Li Yuanfang. Although he has no qualifications to lead the army, his status and strength are sufficient for this battle.

Especially in terms of strength, with him around, the soldiers are at ease!
After that comes the role of supervising the army. The royal princess Yinman is very suitable for this role, and as a noble princess, it is reasonable to have a maid accompanying her.

Then there are various vanguard generals, these are mainly Yang family generals, Yang Paifeng and others, plus Aunt Gongsun and Yue Yinping.

In the early morning, a thousand generals and elite soldiers were inspected by the emperor in the Imperial City Square. Hu Hai held a wine bowl and drank with all the soldiers in a very 'bold' manner, and then threw the bowl.This scene almost made Zuo Zhou burst out laughing, why did he act like Liang Shang's "hero".

However, it is estimated that Hu Hai himself does not know what method to use to encourage the soldiers. After all, his father was the imperial conscript, and Qin Huang did not hold any military parade when the other generals were fighting, because those enemies were too worthless. After all, there is no possibility of losing.

After throwing the bowl, it was time for the whole army to kneel down and worship for allegiance. Zuo Zhou stood out from the crowd at this time, but everyone subconsciously chose to be blind.

After completing a set of procedures, the crowd and a thousand soldiers went out of the city to join the army.

This time, in order to crusade against the Azure Dragon Society, Hu Hai ordered a full 3 people. This number can only be regarded as a small fight in the previous battles of Daqin. However, since the enemy is not a large army, this number is not bad, and 3 people There are not many cavalry, and more are scouts and masters who are good at mountain warfare.

"Seventeen... are you okay?"

Zuo Zhou swayed casually on his horse, but it was Yue Yinping who came over to chat first.

Zuo Zhou glanced at Aunt Gongsun who was not far away, pretending not to care but always paying attention to here, and replied, "Okay, every night can be happy."

Yue Yinping (;¬¬¬)
Zuo Zhou didn't care about them either, as Zhan Shiqi's man, when she could really not care, he would give them some good looks.

Of course, what he's thinking now is that he followed the team for a day and a night, and after confirming that he can't make it back, the other party probably should make a move.

(End of this chapter)

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