Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 676

Chapter 676
"Well, the seventh day the camel left, I miss him!"

Ximenxiang pouted and acted like a baby with Qingping, there was no longing in her eyes, only impatience, those enemies are too conservative, the general has been away for seven days, and they haven't made a move yet, it must be like the general said' There's an insider, abort the deal' right?
Qingping was funny, and Zhan Shiqi next to her rubbed her wrist, she was actually steady, anyway, she practiced boxing every day, it would be nice if an enemy came over as a target, but it's okay if there isn't one.

Zhou Tong crossed his legs on the recliner and yawned, "Xu Fu, we saw that he was a coward when we fought Pudu Cihang. But the chance for Li Yuanfang to stay away is once in a lifetime, no matter how cowardly they are, they probably won't." Let it go."

Perhaps in order to highlight the old man's foresight, there was a knock on the door immediately.

The whole yard fell silent, and even Tan Yunxian, who was holding the child, came out of the house curiously.

Ximen Xiang looked at the crowd in surprise, "This... came to fight and knocked on the door? Friends, please be polite!"

Qingping frowned slightly and called softly, "Who is it?"

"I'm taking the liberty to visit, I have important information to convey, is the general there?"


Zuo Zhou has been with the army for seven days, and this one actually asked if the general was there?If they were here to find fault, then this reason is too stupid, Xu Fu and the others are so stupid?

But if it wasn't for the enemy, this person might not be from Daqin, or he might not care about political affairs.Is it a foreigner?Listening to the voice is a beautiful girl!

A picture suddenly appeared in Ximen Xiang's mind, Zuo Zhou whipped a certain beauty piapia with a whip in his hand, and then the beauty knelt down and licked him while crying...

Ximen Xiang shook her head violently, feeling that she had changed color since unlocking a lot of knowledge with Zuo Zhou, she swung her true energy and pushed the door bolt down, the door slowly opened, and a woman appeared in front of everyone.

This woman was dressed in a simple and elegant green dress, her appearance was soft and elegant, and the feeling of being stared at by many people seemed to startle her as soon as she opened the door. The natural force of the rippling water system surprised Ximenxiang a little.

After all, they are all people who play with water, and the mutual attraction is similar to that of Ximen Chuuxue Ye Gucheng.

"My husband's house is not here, I wonder if the girl has something important to do?"

Qingping asked, and the noble temperament of the former princess was brought out again, and a feeling of alienation but not annoying spread spread.

The woman was a little confused. Although she didn't feel hostility, she also felt the other party's vigilance, vigilance?

She thought for a while and cupped her fists and said: "The little girl is not white, she comes from Shenshui Palace, I have something important to ask to see the general today."

Shenshui Palace?
Everyone's eyes immediately focused on Ximen Xiang. Speaking of which, the only connection between them and Shenshui Palace should be the guy Zuo Zhou looked down upon.

So, is the enemy?
Ximen Xiang frowned, feeling very upset, could it be that I caused trouble?

"If you have anything to say, just say it, his master, we can do it!"

Qingping knows Ximenxiang too well, although she has no expression on her face, she is actually angry.She raised her eyebrows and stepped back, letting Ximenxiang be the master of the house.

Hua Feibai understood it just by seeing Ximen Xiang, "So that's it, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, came to look for you!"

"You want to avenge her?"

Hua Feibai cupped his fists again and said: "Your Excellency misunderstood, I am the new Palace Master of Shenshui Palace, this time I came here just to remind you that someone wants to harm you!"



Hanlin Academy

Several Hanlin scholars looked at each other, and hid out with their books very tactfully.

When they got outside, the tense expressions of each of the bachelors finally relaxed. One of the bachelors asked, "Who is that? They have been here for six days in a row."

"Who knows, but he is looking for Mr. Huang, and his status must be unusual. Let's not be too troublesome. If there is a problem, Mr. Huang will solve it himself. If Mr. Huang can't solve it, then we are even more useless." One is not important replied the bachelor.

The rest of the people quite agreed with this statement. Speaking of which, there is a great god in the Imperial Academy, that is, Huang Chang, who was unknown before, but later became a blockbuster after he made the list of places, and has since become a signboard of the Imperial Academy.

"Look, what did you scare them into?"

Huang Chang didn't listen deliberately, but the conversation outside still fell into his ears, and he couldn't help complaining to the guy opposite.

Li Bai curled his lips, "It's because those bachelors are not on the road. We were officials before, and we also have a bachelor's title. Who is more noble than who? In the end, they told the guards that there was a villager who broke into the Tao. Come on, tell me you are angry or not!"

Huang Chang smiled, "That was sent by His Majesty to serve me. You will be suspected by others if you swagger around the guards and appear in the Imperial Academy."

"Servant? Monitor, that Hu Hai is a little dazed by high-end power, always thinking about controlling, and if he can't control it, he will be on all kinds of precautions." Li Bai looked disdainful.

Naturally, Huang Chang didn't need to defend Hu Hai. He glanced at Li Bai who was exuding a boring air, "I know you don't like Hu Hai, but you shouldn't be so specific."

"Hey! I don't want to talk nonsense. I don't have any conflicts with Hu Hai. It's just that he made me a little angry at Lao Di." Li Bai corrected with his eyes wide open.

"Whatever you say, at first I thought you had taken refuge with Xu Fu, but you have been here for six days in a row, but I have denied this idea again."

Li Bai shook his hair, "No one thought that Xu Fu's gang would be so cowardly. Li Yuanfang must have already reached the foot of the Qinglong Society's main altar, and they didn't even make a move."

Huang Chang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, since six days ago Li Bai came to chat with him with a jug, with a posture of sitting and discussing the truth, but the chats were all romantic gossip and gossip.Huang Chang was not stupid, and soon realized that this guy was here to block him.

Because Li Yuanfang beat the drum once, the smart ones probably knew that someone was going to attack, and if there was a master of the local list among the attackers, Huang Chang would inevitably make a move, and this guy was here to stop him.

At that time, Huang Chang was always surprised. Li Bai and Di Renjie had a very close relationship. If Li Bai got involved with the enemy, what would happen to Di Renjie?
As a result, this guy has been here for six days in a row, with a posture that I will move around even if the enemy doesn't move, so Huang Chang understands that this is just to make Hu Hai feel uncomfortable!

A loud noise suddenly came from a distance, and a thick black smoke column shot straight into the sky. The violent shock soon spread to this side, and the feet trembled uncontrollably.

Huang Chang frowned, raised his head and said, "That direction seems to be the palace gate!"

Li Bai's eyes lit up, and he said perfunctorily, "Oh, it's just an ordinary volcanic eruption, a natural phenomenon is nothing to mention, come and drink!"

Huang Chang: "..."


palace gate

Jue Wushen, Kangxi and Wu Ya led thousands of people through the palace gate swaggeringly, the originally wide and tall palace gate had been blasted to pieces at this time.

A man with the appearance of a general stepped forward and cupped his hands, "Guys, please follow me!"

This order was Xu Fu's arrangement. As Hu Hai's most trusted subordinate, it was not for nothing that he spent so much time in the palace, and he bought a lot of people.

In fact, they waited a full seven days before taking action. On the one hand, they were afraid that Li Yuanfang would not go far enough and could fly back again.

Now that the time has come, everyone suddenly raised their voices.

This time they brought in 3000 people, including 500 warriors from the Qing Dynasty. These people knew that the fortune of the Qing Dynasty was lost and planned to fight with Kangxi.There are also 1000 to 300 Japanese warriors, but they are generally short in stature and also have chainsaw sickles and shurikens in their hands. It seems that there are more ninjas.Then there are [-] onmyojis. These onmyojis are not the kind of bachelors who seriously study the way of yin and yang, but practitioners who play with shikigami, souls and various spells.

To be honest, this number of enemies is enough to cause huge losses to the palace under the arrangement of the inner ghost.But if you want to do more, it's not easy, after all, the guards of the palace are not weak.

Whoosh whoosh!
Thick flying spears fell from the sky, and the general leading the way was almost nailed to death before he even walked 20 meters. If Juewu hadn't pulled him quickly, he wouldn't have to lead the way at this time.

However, many people behind them suffered, and many warriors were nailed to the ground before they had a chance to show their bravery.

The general who led the way sullenly said, "Damn it, I used to think they were maintaining etiquette, but I didn't expect..."

The attack was carried out by more than a hundred guards of honor holding flags and flags. Soldiers holding long flags and flags can be seen everywhere in the palace. Their task is to keep the flags and flags fluttering with the wind every day. The better they look, the better.

The maids and servants in the palace all know that they are just doing superficial skills, it's just for face, who knows that they have a beautiful spear-throwing technique after taking off the flag.

"Don't be careless, kill!"

Jue Wushen snorted coldly and gave an order, and nearly 3000 people rushed forward with a whimper.

However, the guards of honor turned around and ran away wisely after losing their spears, and what these enemies encountered became many inner court guards who came later.

The breaking of the palace gate was obviously beyond everyone's expectations. It would be wrong to say that the guards in the palace were unprepared, because Li Yuanfang knocked on the Dengwen drum, and with the reminder from Bao Zheng and others, the power in the palace had already increased Defensive force.

It's just that they didn't expect that a traitor among their own people would open the door for the other party, and it was still during the time when the defense was empty.As a result, the inner court guards could not gather their manpower in a short period of time, but they also could not allow the opponent to advance unimpeded. Therefore, the beginning of the battle was a desperate scene of fighting more with less.

"Daqin's army is really elite!" Kangxi praised the bravery of the guards, more like the tears of a crocodile, and then stepped forward step by step over the corpses of the guards.

"According to the original plan!"

The crow nodded, turned around and led a group of Onmyojis in another direction.

The general who led the way said: "Most of the forces in the palace are guarding Hu Hai now, we should not confront him head-on."

Jue Wushen laughed and said, "Whoever has nothing to do to touch Hu Hai, it will do no good. Did Xu Fu give you the map?"

"It's already given to me. Let's go faster. If it goes well, we should be able to get the keel before they react." The leading general pointed to his brain, then turned and ran.

Seeing this, everyone naturally followed.

At the same time, at the moment the palace gate was broken, the tolerances of all the yamen in the imperial capital knew that something had happened. Just as Di Renjie had ordered before, except for some forces left to guard their important parts, the rest were directed towards the palace. Support passed.

Of course, the six doors had the most combat power, but they also encountered obstacles as a matter of course.


With strange roars, strange shikigami emerged from the preset formations.

The detectives of Six Doors had never seen anything before, and these strange monsters could not frighten them.What's more, the martial arts of the six-door arresters are better than ordinary government servants, and the two sides collided very quickly.

All of a sudden, blood of various colors flew across, and the arresters formed a formation to surround and kill one of them, and quickly suppressed these shikigami.

Dufeng glanced at those shikigami disdainfully, "Tch, if shikigami work well, Dongying will be more than just an island country. The rest of you will follow me to help the palace!"

The police immediately sent more than half of them to follow behind Dufeng, but before they could take a few steps, a large number of monsters suddenly rushed out from the houses on both sides of the street.

These monsters are obviously different from the shikigami just now. They are covered in iron blue with a metallic luster, their heads are huge but they are full of bloody mouths, they run and jump on all fours, they are usually more than two meters high, and they look ferocious and bloodthirsty.

Dufeng's complexion suddenly changed, these monsters rushed out of the houses, those houses were occupied by people before, that is to say...

The eyes of the policemen turned red in an instant, but they still had reason. Although each of the monsters seemed to be less than congenital, there were too many of them. There should be over a thousand of them at once, and they were irrational. If you see a live one, you will bite it. In just this moment, many people have suffered.

"Protect the people! Set off a black flame!"

Dufeng gritted his teeth and temporarily gave up the idea of ​​supporting the palace, let's help the civilians first!

Ministry of Industry
Logically speaking, it would not be affected by the battle, because neither monsters nor Jue Wushen and others had any reason to come to the Ministry of Industry to make trouble.At this time, Gong Shuchou, who was studying the blueprints at his desk, rushed out, looking at the black thousands of miles of fire in the sky with a look of surprise.


The color of the thousands of miles of fire is also exquisite, and the meaning of the black thousand miles of fire is not simple. It will only be released when there is a large army overwhelming the situation or when there are rebels in the city and the situation cannot be controlled.

And there are only a limited number of people who own the Black Thousand Miles Fire. Gong Shuchou knows the direction at a glance, the six doors.

Without hesitation, he turned around and entered a secret room, and opened a lever. This lever seemed to be connected to some special mechanism, and when he pulled it, there was a rumbling sound, as if countless mechanism structures had been opened.

On the other side, the detectives of the six doors who were entangled with the monsters fell into a hard fight, because there were too many monsters, and they were too ferocious. The most troublesome thing was that they seemed to have such strong vitality that they couldn't be killed no matter what.

The long sword in Dufeng's hand shook, and the dense sword shadows pierced a monster, but it kept opening and closing its bloody mouth, as if it wanted to bite something.

"Damn it, cut off their limbs and hide from their mouths."

Dufeng could only order this way, how could they have time to stay and chop the monsters into meat paste, they could only make them lose their threat first, and wait until everything was resolved.

However, it is not easy to cut off the limbs of monsters, because often a catcher has to face three or five monsters. If the monsters don't know light work and footwork, these catchers may not be opponents.

Of course, the more reason is that the monsters did not form a lineup, they seemed to be attracted by the flesh and blood, wherever there was action flesh and blood, they would go there, so the monsters soon began to move around the imperial capital.

All of a sudden, he collided with the servants of other yamen, and it is still unclear what is going on in the palace.The leaders of the various yamen saw the situation and made the same decision to protect the civilians and kill the monsters.

So soon, one after another, black thousands of miles of fire rose into the sky, and Gong Shuchou, who was waiting for the news from the Ministry of Industry, turned around and opened all the other organs in the secret room without hesitation.

Bang bang bang bang bang!

There was a long series of gigantic rubbing sounds in the air, and the people who were evading in a panic looked up following the sound, only to see countless watchtowers starting to...transform!
The rumbling sound lasted for more than a dozen breaths. They watched the watchtower slowly stretch out two stone arms from an ordinary high-rise archery tower, and then spread out two thighs below, and then slowly stood up, becoming There are stone giants that seem to be more than 50 meters high.

The first thing the stone giant did after standing up was to pour down the rain of arrows on the street below. The crossbow arrows mixed with the arrows blinked to form the rain of arrows, covering a range of [-] meters around, forming a vacuum zone after another almost in the blink of an eye.

The people hugged each other and closed their eyes one by one, only to find that the rain of arrows did not hurt them, the rain of arrows bypassed them as if they had eyes, and the ones they hit were all monsters.

how did you do that?
Before the common people could react, those monsters who fell down from the arrows struggled to get up again. Looking at the monsters that had turned into hedgehogs, people couldn't help but despair, can't they be killed?

Buzzing, whistling down, countless spears fell to the ground and pinned the monsters to the ground.

Seeing this, the people dared to stay where they were, and ran out of the city one after another. They were not stupid enough to see that the enemy's purpose was to besiege the palace, so it was safe to stay away from the palace.

Awow, the monsters don't seem to be really brainless. They opened their mouths to help each other pull out the spears on their bodies, and then they seemed to smell the meat inside the stone giant, and began to attack the giant.

And the stone giant is not angry at all. When he lifts his leg and falls, a large pool of meat sauce and blood appears, and the monsters fight against the stone mechanism giant. The painting style of the entire imperial capital is a bit wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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