Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 677 I'm slack

Chapter 677 I'm slack
"I need support here, there is a monster climbing up the knee."

"Don't panic, fire a signal flare and let the other organs launch a rain of arrows!"


A yellow and inferior signal flare was fired, and then a watchtower not far away... the stone giant began to shoot arrows and spears here, and the two monsters that had just climbed up the stone giant's knees It was forked down with a click.

The appearance of the stone giants quickly gained the upper hand. If it weren't for the short distance between the observation towers, these stone giants might have trampled all the monsters to death as long as they stomped together.

And the number of just over a thousand monsters cannot maintain an advantage under the siege of the stone giants and the fast yamen servants.

Maybe it was controlled by someone, maybe it was because the monsters' low IQ finally occupied the high ground. They no longer competed with the stone giants, and they no longer confronted those yamen servants, and turned around and started scurrying around the streets of the imperial capital.

Dufeng and the others subconsciously stopped. They still remembered that their duty was to support the escort of the palace. However, although the stone man had sufficient attack power, his speed was not up to standard, and he couldn't catch up with the monsters running around.

In other words, if they don't catch up and kill the monsters, countless civilians in the imperial capital will suffer!
Dufeng seemed to be struggling, his face trembling slightly, but after only ten seconds of thinking, he shouted: "All the six gates should be ordered quickly, and a team of five should chase the monsters according to the warning arrows from the watchtower, and protect the civilians! "


Dufeng's orders seemed to be highly valued by the arresters, their morale did not decrease because of the life-and-death fight just now, but it was going crazy, as if they wanted to press anyone to death.


Dufeng was startled, and suddenly realized something was wrong. The fighting spirit of these policemen, no, it should be said that the fanaticism has far exceeded the scope of reason.

The true energy in the body immediately began to circulate and self-examination, and a faint strange feeling was found out, and the source... Dufeng looked down at the green blood stained on his body.

"Be careful, monster blood is poisonous!"

Dufeng yelled loudly but no one heard him, and all the police officers had obeyed his order and ran away without a cigarette.

"Damn it!" Dufeng reached out and took out a thousand-mile fire. This is a thousand-mile fire used by the six doors for emergency assembly. As long as it is released, all the arresters will come over immediately no matter what they are busy with.

laugh!Dufeng raised the Thousand Miles Fire, and just as a dazzling flare was about to take off into the air, several cold lights intersected in the air suddenly, and the flare was instantly smashed into pieces.

Dufeng frowned, holding a sharp sword in front of him, and there were four more men in black in front of him.

"Why do you need to be in a hurry to catch the gods. The effect of those blood is just to make people go crazy, at best it is a bit bloodthirsty, and it can't reach the level of harming the body or killing each other."

The four men in black are fat, thin, tall and short. Although they look different, they all have big dark circles under their eyes and look very sinister.

"A rebel sign up, a nameless ghost who will never die under a certain sword."

The four men in black seemed to be annoyed immediately, why are Li Yuanfang's friends so crazy?One hit four, do you think you are Li Yuanfang?
"What a big tone, you..."

"Do you want to tell me your name? If you don't tell me, I can go. Your grandfather and I don't have time to accompany the mouse to dig holes."


Dufeng turned around and was about to leave, with the kind of eyes that glanced at you, leaving with disdain, instead of running away, he even hooked his eyes, as if to say, are you going to fight or not?

The four men in black immediately unified their expressions, and said almost simultaneously, "I am Hei Wuchang (Bai Wuchang, Bull Head, Horse Face)!"

"What's the name? Just sign up if you sign up, what a steal!"


The four men in black were about to explode with anger, but when they were about to speak again, they saw Dufeng rushing over suddenly, no, it was the fusion of body and sword!

Like a daytime shooting star, Hua Guang flashed past the four of them in the blink of an eye.

Ding ding ding ding, it was clearly four metal sounds, but they seemed to fuse together.

Dufeng frowned, and his heart sank. He should know the person from the Ten Killers just by his name, so he could only make the other party relax with his words, and then suddenly attacked.

He succeeded, yes, he succeeded, but the problem also came, and he felt that the situation was not good just because he succeeded.Obviously he had already killed four people, but what came from him was a metal clang.

Could it be...these are four organ people?

It's no wonder Dufeng thought so, after all, he was shocked by that huge stone giant just now.

"Hahaha, do you think you can hurt us with your sword?"

The four men in black laughed triumphantly, and then lifted their black robes, revealing that the inside was indeed a metal-like organ man!
Dufeng found it tricky, the Yi Shui song he concentrated on practicing was a great achievement in the transformation of swordsmanship, but the attack power was not so simple, and he was somewhat restrained to deal with such an invulnerable enemy.

"Hmph, I said why the four of you don't seem very smart. After a long time, it turns out that the one on your shoulder is not a head, but an iron bump."

The expressions of the four of them suddenly changed, and there seemed to be a little more resentment in their embarrassment, but it wasn't against Dufeng, and they didn't know who it was.

"I wanted to give you a whole body, but you uttered wild words, it seems that I want to teach you some lessons!"

The four of them were about to strike as they spoke, and tended to surround him.

"Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

The four of them stopped and looked at him vigilantly. There is something wrong with this person, why is he so confident and laughing wildly?
Dufeng saw that the trick of laughing was useful, as soon as the opponent stopped, he immediately switched to him, hmph, it's my turn!
Dufeng used all his strength to strike. Countless sword shadows originated from the sword in his hand. They were sharp and clear, and they were the shadows of unnamed thousands of swords returning to their ancestors. However, in his sword shadows, there was not a king of swords who could subdue all swords in the world. It is a sword shadow derived from various swordsmanship, each with its own splendor, beauty, and contention among a hundred schools of thought.

The four trappers were also stunned for a moment, and they didn't expect that this catcher would know so many sword skills. If they didn't pay attention, they would be surrounded by countless sword shadows, and the clanging sword shadows would touch their bodies. Countless sparks bloomed from the body very quickly.

"Hahahaha, this is your ability? How long can you maintain this intensity of attack? As long as you relax a little, we can kill you!"

The dense sword shadows have already filled the entire line of sight. Although he didn't learn Wan Jian Gui Zong, he really showed the demeanor of Wan Jian Gui Zong!
However, as the four said, although such an attack is dazzling, it is not effective in terms of pure attack power. They are invulnerable!

"Hehe, I'm slack, come on."

Dufeng seemed to be really tired, and then he put away his sword, and the sword shadows all over the sky were empty. Because it was so sudden, the four of them were stunned for a moment, and then they only felt the shadow above their heads approaching.

The stone giant's big feet firmly trampled them down...and crushed them...

(End of this chapter)

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