Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 678 Liu Sheng kills God passing by

Chapter 678 Liu Sheng kills God passing by

Chaos, cries, fireworks, the bleak scene seemed to converge into a beautiful picture slowly formed in his heart.

He enjoyed it, opened his hands, and a monster with no eyes pounced on him, and then he was dismembered by an invisible and intangible blade, and the green blood exploded into a blood mist.

Some civilians thought they had met the savior, and approached him one after another, but what greeted them was indiscriminate killing.

Puff puff puff, the sound of the blade piercing the flesh, the sound of the bones separating, and... the breath of fear!

"It's intoxicating!"

Liu Sheng Shashen opened his eyes, he didn't care about the blood mist and everything else, in his heart, these weak people and even monsters were just clowns to please him.

He walked slowly, and a quiet courtyard came into view not far away. The General's Mansion has arrived.

Just as he lifted his leg, he was already outside the door, but he stretched out his hand but stopped again, huh?Liu Sheng's killing god frowned slightly and slowly turned to the other direction, glanced at the door with disdain, "Hmph, I'll let you live a little longer."

After the words fell, the whole person became a streamer shooting into the distance.

"Huh? Why are you still leaving? Could it be that my name is too famous?"

In the courtyard, Zhou Tong was already moving his joints to prepare for exercise, who knew that he couldn't enter through the door, what's wrong?Cowardly?

All the female family members in the courtyard were also a little confused, Ximen Xiang simply said to Hua Feibai: "Go on."

Hua Feibai regained his composure, oh my god!This imperial capital is too dangerous, it is a monster and a giant institution, the Shenshui Palace is still safe.

"As the lord of the palace for many years, I can't understand the character of Shui De Xingjun very well. The reason why he spread the book of divine water is to choose the body that is most suitable for him. He couldn't move before, so he just I can rely on the help of the masters of the Shenshui Palace and the people in the Shenshui Palace. Now he has a puppet body, although this body is also very good, but he will definitely come to you!"

Ximen Xiangxiu frowned slightly and then stretched it out, "Tch, it's not a special technique to seize the house. Those geniuses that Luo Tuo once said are awesome!"

Hua Feibai shook his head, "It's not an ordinary seizing house, the divine water book is indeed a rare skill in this world, not only has a miraculous effect on the understanding of the natural power of the water system, but also can subtly change the body, making you understand the natural power of the water system. It is more friendly and closer to the level of the god body. These effects are beneficial on the surface, but because of this, when you face the Shui De Xingjun, you will have no resistance. After all, compared to the natural water system The understanding of the power, who can be stronger than him? And because your body is closer to the body of the gods, the feeling of repulsion that the soul does not match will be weakened by the intervention of natural forces. It can be said that every step is counted by him. arrive."

Only then did everyone turn serious. The so-called traps are the most feared ones. Obviously, what you get will not do you any harm or even have a lot of benefits, but the more you immerse yourself in the benefits, the closer you will be to death.

"That's not right. Since the Shenshui Collection is so powerful, there's no need to come out to find someone. Just let your disciples from Shenshui Palace come by themselves." Qingping asked suspiciously.

Hua Feibai smiled wryly, "Do you think he didn't do that? It's just that the disciples of our Shenshui Palace didn't live up to their expectations. Hmph... All of Zhenge Shenshui Palace practice the Shenshui Collection, and the best ones will be the palace masters. But this does not mean that the owner of the Shenshui Palace is qualified to be the body of Shui De Xingjun. Although the Shenshui Collection is miraculous, it also has requirements for the root bones. Simply put, the unique knowledge itself determines the lower limit, the root bones It determines the upper limit, and how far your divine body can evolve depends on the practitioner himself."

Ximenxiang suddenly realized, "That is to say, the criterion for Shui De Xingjun to choose the object is not whether the god body has been accomplished, but the one with the best root bone qualification! Well, so to speak, my root bone is the best one !”(ω)
Hua Feibai is confused, is this a good thing?What are you happy about!
Qingping pushed Axiang amusedly, "Be more serious." Then she turned her head and said, "Thank you for reminding me, may I know why you did this?"

Hua Feibai paused and did not hide anything, "He killed my lover, so I want revenge."

Everyone suddenly didn't ask any further questions, Hua Feibai said again: "I also practice the Divine Water Collection, so I don't have any resistance to Shui De Xingjun, so I need to borrow a knife to kill people. Therefore, you don't need to thank you, after all, you just get each other. needed."

Qingping expressed her affirmation to this statement. Li Yuanfang valued love and righteousness, so they couldn't make karma with others casually. After all, all these grievances and grievances were likely to fall on Li Yuanfang in the end.

Zhan Shiqi pondered for a moment and asked again: "So the master who was outside the door just now is Shui De Xingjun? Why didn't you come in?"

Zhou Tong first denied it: "Probably not. According to my perception just now, the other party is using a knife, and that anger has faintly turned into substance. Shui De Xingjun should have stronger natural power of the water system!"

"Ah, what happened to that one just now? Did you pass by?"


Sitting on the side of the road, Dufeng breathed slowly, and couldn't help muttering in his heart, how did Li Yuanfang manage to hit the top ten rankings as a master of the people list?He was so tired that he would die from beating four, even if they were four organmen.

"Are you alright, my lord?"

Dufeng raised his head, and the archer among the stone giants poked his head out and asked.

Dufeng waved his hand casually, "No problem, thank you just now, if it weren't for this giant mechanism, it would be really difficult to deal with those invulnerable ones.

The archer rubbed the back of his head, a little embarrassed, "We didn't expect to have the opportunity to trample on a master of the death list, hehehe."

Dufeng nodded cheerfully. This time the monster suddenly appeared. If these watchtowers hadn't turned into mechanism stone giants to turn the tide, I don't know how many civilians would have suffered.

"Oh, by the way, how did your arrow rain be so precise?"

The archer replied: "The transformation of the watchtower is the ultimate defensive method for city defense and street warfare. This matter is extremely secret and only the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Housing know. The Ministry of Industry is responsible for construction, and the Ministry of Housing is not only responsible for providing funds, but also responsible for recording the imperial capital. The identity breath of all residents. The general breath record is very cumbersome, and it takes at least one year for everyone to be remembered by the institution giant. Therefore, the attack of the institution giant will protect those recorded residents. If you are wandering around If you are a merchant, then I’m sorry, but you must live within the perception range of the institution giant for a year before you can be recorded.”

Dufeng was a little funny. It turned out that the record information made by the Ministry of Households had this function, which he didn't know before.

"So that's the case, the technique of mechanism is extensive and profound, it's impressive!"

"Yes, yes..."

Everyone was stunned, but they saw a dazzling blade slashing horizontally, as if a 40-meter broadsword swung horizontally, across the stone giant's waist.

The originally mighty and domineering stone giant suddenly began to tilt to the other side, the kind of tilt where only the upper body moved!

"No, come out!"

A slightly flustered voice came, and a dozen black shadows were ejected from the inside of the stone giant. Their lightness skills were not very good, and they were quite embarrassed when they landed.

The stone giants who had killed the Quartet a moment ago were directly destroyed at this time.

"Hehe, it's amazing that such a big stone giant can be manipulated by just a dozen people." Liu Shengshen said slowly, and applauded affirmatively, which made the archers who jumped out hate their teeth, but they They're not stupid, the fluctuations in the ranking made them a little weak.

Dufeng put the blade across his chest nervously, without turning his head, he said, "Leave here first, he is not something you can fight against."

Liu Sheng Shashen smiled faintly, "Don't worry, they don't even have the right to die at my hands."

A group of archers listened to their anger and blood, but they still had no impulsiveness. For archers, drawing a bow calmly is a necessary quality, and they will never get excited easily.

"My lord, take care!" All the archers said in unison, then turned and ran towards the other stone giants.

Dufeng breathed a sigh of relief, staring at Liu Sheng's moon-white kimono, "Eastern swordsman? Do you and I have any grudges?"

Liu Sheng Shashen shook his head, but said with admiration: "You are not bad, Xiongba is lucky to have a descendant like you. It's a pity that I don't have that life!"

Dufeng said again: "Senior, I'm afraid that I was misunderstood and deceived by the villain. Since we have no enmity, why don't you rely on me, Da Qin, with the ability of senior, you can definitely..."

"Oh? Is Hu Hai so generous that he is willing to share luck equally?"


Liu Sheng Shashen's words left Dufeng speechless, and he said helplessly, "So your purpose is to gain luck in the Great Qin Dynasty, but what are you doing against me?"

Liu Sheng Shashen smiled and said: "Naturally it has nothing to do with you, but who made your father a Xiong Ba? He is always an obstacle in the palace, so he must be called out! I thought four masters would be enough to deal with you." But I didn't expect the Crow's people to be so useless, and I would be involved in my own actions."

Dufeng was shocked when he heard the words, and couldn't help looking in the direction of the palace. There were Huang Shang, Xiongba and Xu Fu sitting in the palace, but Dufeng knew that Xu Fu had a high probability of betraying him. Only Huang Chang was left beside His Majesty.

If there is a master of the land list who defends with all his strength, even if the opponent has a lot of land lists, it will not be so easy to threaten His Majesty.It's just that in this way, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop the enemy from doing other things!
Dufeng looked up in silence for a moment, "You want to use me to lure Xiongba out? It's not that easy!" After saying that, he turned around and ran away, the fool was just facing the front, anyway, it's just a matter of delaying time.

Dufeng's qinggong is good, he ran a long distance in the blink of an eye, but Liu Sheng Shashen was not in any hurry, and said with a smile, "Can you pass the sword light quickly?"

(End of this chapter)

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