Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 679 Your intelligence power is not good!

Chapter 679 Your intelligence power is not good!

There is a kind of knife with a natural texture, polished by a peerless craftsman, and it blooms with dazzling brilliance.There is a kind of knife, which was ordinary at the beginning, but then conquered from east to west to seek the unity of soldiers and soldiers, and jointly biochemically.

The former is the magic weapon, which is the object of people's pursuit, and the strength of the magic weapon makes the man stronger.The latter's name as a magic weapon is not obvious, but it has been passed down through the ages along with the fame of others.

The Yitian Sword, the Dragon Saber, etc. are all the former, and the latter is the most obvious Qinglong Yanyue Saber, while the brave first in Zuo Zhou's hands can be considered a combination of the two.Its texture is derived from Xiao Yu's Wuji Knife, and after various recastings and the joint battle with Zuo Zhou, it has the powerful appearance it is today.

But there are no absolutes in the world, besides the above two, there are always some evil methods that can create even more peculiar magic weapons, for example, Liu Sheng kills the gods!
Yagyu Shashen is definitely the strongest person in the history of the Yagyu family, and the now-famous unique move of Shashen One Sword is named after him.And he himself found a different way, and practiced a kind of evil knife... But normally speaking, the martial arts created by himself would not use the word "evil", but Liu Shengshashen said it bluntly, and the reason is as follows The reason is that this kind of martial arts is too weird and evil, even he himself feels 'evil'.


"Can you run past the knife light?"

Liu Sheng's voice of killing the gods seemed to be entangled with every inch of Dufeng's bones. The numbness made his movements slow and his brain stagnated. This feeling was too familiar. It was the killing intent, and he was shocked by the killing intent!

He is the catcher of the six doors, with a lot of blood in his hands, how could he be frightened by killing intent?
However, sometimes the truth is so unreasonable, Dufeng knows that he can't run away, if he leaves his back to the enemy at this time, it will undoubtedly be his own death.


The sword blade came out of its sheath and roared, and countless sword shadows gathered like a tide, turning around and stabbing.


The tip of the sword met the blade, and Dufeng turned pale with fright, "Damn it! There's a ghost!"

Facing him is a blade, but this blade has no handle, not only is it without a handle, there is even no one to hold the blade!
Where is Liu Sheng killing God?Stealth?Or is it remotely operating in some corner?

"Hehe, you dare to lose your mind when confronting me?"

Dufeng's heart trembled, and he looked at the knife with horror on his face, the voice actually came from the knife, ah...

Ding bang bang!Countless sword shadows were shattered, and the huge tsunami-like wave of swords was slashed into pieces by a knife, and approached Dufeng little by little, and it was about to pass through his chest!
Dufeng's eyes were about to split, and the hairs of his whole body stood on end. He didn't know how everything happened, whether the person entered the knife, or the person turned into a knife. He only knew that if he didn't think about it, he would will die!

Abandoning the sword, fisting with the left palm and the right, the cold air mixed with the black cloud air hammered on the blade at the same time.

Whoops, red blood rose up, and both the cold air and the cloud air collapsed in an instant, but the thrust of the air wave exploded and successfully lifted Dufeng out.

"Huh? You actually... oh yes, you are Xiongba's son, it's normal for you to know Paiyunzhang and Tianshuangquan."

Here Liu Sheng paused for a moment, while Dufeng crashed into a small courtyard with a bang, overturning countless tables, chairs and benches.

But Dufeng didn't dare to delay at all, a carp stood up straight, turned around and ran, this time he learned his lesson, maybe he can resist other top players, but this Liusheng Shashen obviously can't deal with it by himself Yes, you can only run.But he couldn't run like just now, he had to use the way of walking through the streets and alleys.

In fact, martial arts practitioners all understand that there is no absolutely omnipotent kungfu in the world, and that Liu Shengshashen's kung fu is so evil and his attack power is so high, so he must have disadvantages in some aspects.

Dufeng has already had an idea since he received the move just now, he will take a risk this time, if he succeeds, he might escape with his life.

"Where to run?"

The blade transformed by Liu Sheng's killing god flew out with a whistling sound, piercing through the walls and layers of furniture to appear in front of Dufeng, and was about to split it in half.

At this moment, Dufeng farted suddenly, and with a strong force, he bounced his body up into the air, narrowly avoiding the blade.

After landing, Dufeng continued to turn around. As a catcher who has been living in the imperial capital, he is too familiar with these streets, but Liu Sheng is not good at killing gods. Don't look at the incredible speed of his blade, but if he escapes along Dufeng Route chasing will still be thrown away.

Therefore, Yagyu Shashen could only perceive Dufeng's position by relying on mental fluctuations, and then walked straight through.

Just like that, Ling Lie's cold light touched his body again, but this time Dufeng let out a burst of energy from his palms, then pushed his body to speed up and dodged again...

This time even Liu Sheng Shashen felt that something was wrong, and Dufeng laughed even more, "I know the weakness of Ni's move, although I don't know what evil method you used, but you should have turned yourself into Knife!"


Dufeng continued to shout while running: "True Qi is something unique to human beings. It doesn't matter whether you are a monster or something else. If you shrink yourself into a knife, you are still human in essence, so you must You can use sword energy. But when I was fighting with you just now, you didn't use any sword energy, and you relied entirely on the blade itself to inflict damage. Even when you were a little bit worse than me, you didn't activate the knife energy. There is only one possibility, that is, after you transform into a knife, you can no longer display the knife energy!"

Liu Sheng, who wanted to continue chasing him, stopped, and regained his human form in the blink of an eye, with a complicated expression on his face.

Just listening to Dufeng's voice, he continued: "I admit that this move of yours is overwhelming, and few people will be your opponents, but this mode of only relying on the blade to injure the enemy is too monotonous. Master, is there anyone who is not the director of the Expo? The attack trajectory of your big knife is easy to judge, and the attack distance is not as long as the knife energy. Although it is so fast that the human eye may not be able to keep up, but my internal energy reaction speed is enough Coping, it only needs to change direction suddenly when the danger is approaching to be able to entangle you!"


Liu Sheng's clothes fluttered and slowly landed not far from Dufeng, and he returned to his human body, looking at Dufeng with envy.

"This old Xiongba didn't expect to have such an outstanding junior. It's so rare." Liu Sheng Shashen sighed, "I wanted to use my unique skills to kill you, which was regarded as respect for you, but I didn't expect it to be invincible. But you have seen through his unique trick. Anyway, it’s all God’s will.”

Dufeng looked up at the sky, "God's will? God doesn't care whether you become a knife or a furnace hook."

Yagyu is not angry at killing gods. In their Japanese culture, duels between two people can use any means to interfere with the opponent's victory. It doesn't matter what is mean. Therefore, it doesn't matter whether it is greeting the female relatives of the whole family or expressing your desire to communicate with each other in a friendly manner. , The mere taunting is just the rest of his play.

"Hehe, even if you don't use the evil knife, I can kill you!"

Liu Sheng's killing claws grasped falsely, and a broken screen was sucked into the palm of his hand. With a swipe of both hands, a long wooden strip turned into a wooden knife.

Dufeng subconsciously glanced at the street, his sword had just been let go, and now it fell in the middle of the street, "Ahem, since the senior intends to test the junior's swordsmanship, please wait for the junior to find a sword before coming. "

Whoosh buzz!

Kill the god with one knife!Although it looked like he was smashing Mount Hua, it was driven by authentic Japanese martial arts. The ominous sense of oppression made Dufeng's face tremble, and even his teeth began to rub against each other.


Dufeng hit the ground with a heavy blow, the strength of Fengshen's legs penetrated into the ground and exploded layers of gravel, while the sword light of Killing God's slash passed through countless gravels and mud without slowing down at all.

However, Dufeng's purpose was not to block the knife light with gravel, but to let the ground collapse, and he could avoid the knife by lying down on his own.

Well, because the relationship with Xiongba was not harmonious in the past, although he knew the three martial arts skills, he didn't concentrate on practicing them. In terms of Fengshen legs, he was even inferior to his younger sister Youruo, but some weird little skills But there will be a lot, but these skills also mean embarrassment and helplessness.

"What a fierce knife technique!"

The sword glow smashed a piece of wall, Dufeng jumped in along with it, and picked up a clothes drying pole with his hand, you can draw a knife out of wood, can't I?Hmph, everyone understands the saying that all plants and trees can be swords!
Countless sword shadows flew out, but this statement is actually ridiculous, because existence is existence, and existence is linked to strength. Maybe you can bully those who are weaker than you, but when you meet someone who is stronger than you Even people of the same level, this is very unreliable.

Of course, you can also say that it is a state, and it is naturally very powerful to be able to reach this state, but it is a bit contemptuous to use it against the enemy.

Dufeng's sword shadow encountered a problem as soon as he went out. How could his clothes-horse stand up to such a display, even with the support of true energy, it was chopped into pieces by the wooden knife after just a few bumps in this high-intensity confrontation.

"The swordsmanship is good, but it's still a few decades too early to fight against me, let's get promoted first!"

After smashing the clothes-drying pole, the wooden knife broke Dufeng's forearm bone with a swipe. The crisp bone fracture made Dufeng's eyes instantly red and painful.

There was another wave of air under his feet, and he quickly stepped back. Looking at the abnormally bent arm, he had no choice but to start running away again, but the current Liusheng Shashen didn't need to be like that just now, he just jumped up, and the sword aura clattered like The waterfall pours.

Puff puff!
Tianshuangquan and Paiyunzhang kept resisting, but three blood flowers still bloomed from his body, and his whole body was also blown away. Seeing that he slid on the ground for more than ten meters, he happened to stop at his own sword , They actually called back to the street.

Liu Sheng's killing god was funny, "It's rare to be able to avoid the vital point. But can you still stand up and hold the sword? I thought you would call your father to save you if you couldn't stand it, but you didn't want to die. You are really loyal to Hu Hai Geng Geng."

Dufeng staggered to his feet, his shirt was already soaked with blood, loyalty is a ghost, if the relationship between father and son is not good, there is no fixed method of contact, can't you be more rigorous in intelligence?

(End of this chapter)

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