Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 680 I know, you will come

Chapter 680 I know, you will come back

"Your family is really cruel and loyal!"

Liu Sheng Shashen sighed and said, look at the blood-soaked Cultivator in front of him who can't even stand up, the pain is comparable to Ling Chi, but you see he still hasn't signaled to Xiongba.And Xiongba didn't even have any intention of coming to support, just... a tiger's poison doesn't eat its children, is it true that Hu Hai really deserves your loyalty?

Liu Sheng Shashen didn't quite understand it, but he was greatly shocked, and his tone was a little admirable, "If it wasn't for the different standpoint, I wouldn't kill you even out of love for talent, but it's a pity... Anyway, I will give it to you." Have fun!"

The corner of Dufeng's mouth twitched slightly. At this time, his body was covered with dense wounds, and he was basically disfigured. However, he also knew that if Liu Sheng wanted to kill the god, he would have died long ago.The opponent's purpose is nothing more than to force him to summon Xiongba, but he doesn't know that Dufeng has no way to summon him at all.

If the enemy was something else, then Dufeng would probably be interested in explaining, but he still knew about Liu Sheng's killing god.

The status of this Willow God of Killing in Dongpu is not low. Whether it is in terms of martial arts or power, he is enough to stand up to Jue Wushen. If his evil sword has a huge disadvantage, I am afraid that Jue Wushen would not be his opponent.

Such a person is naturally number one in Daqin's intelligence agency. According to the intelligence, this guy is very cruel, not only for the enemy, but also for his own people.

In Yagyu's house, if you are useless, no matter how much credit you have made, you will be expelled by him.Of course, this is still an ordinary man, if it is a woman, it will be a bit miserable, and he will pick him up and turn him into a mummy!

So just listen to the words of "love talent", don't take it seriously.

In the same way, Dufeng knows how cruel the enemy is to the useless, so how dare he say that he can't do it?He just gritted his teeth and endured the torture-like torture of the other party, looking eager to die heroically.

It's been so long, someone should come to the rescue, isn't it so popular with my buddies?
Dufeng stood up staggeringly, and glanced at him in a daze. The stone giants in the distance should have noticed their situation long ago. Is it so difficult to call for help?

Disaster!It's really difficult, let's not talk about this full-level monster who was expelled and scurrying around. He is not the only place that needs support.

But his waiting was rewarded, and reinforcements arrived.

"Yuan Fang once told me that the masters of Dongying know etiquette but have no righteousness. They like to say one thing with their mouths and another thing with their hands, and another thing with their hands behind their backs. They haven't touched it before, but now they have some experience." .”

Liu Sheng Shashen paused the wooden knife in his hand, turned his head slowly, a large group of people ran past him, and quickly helped Dufeng up.

Yagyu Shashen didn't have any obstacles, those were nothing worth mentioning, and the real value was the speaker.

"I have fantasized about who will come to support me, from Xiong Ba to Huang Shang or Zhou Tong, but I have never thought that it is you, Di Renjie!"

Di Renjie let out a long sigh of relief, "Do you believe it? I actually don't want to come, but my sister loves my brother dearly."

Liu Sheng Shashen glanced back, You Ruo and the policemen had already helped Dufeng up, and glared at him fiercely.There was a gleam in Liu Sheng's Shashen's eyes, and he said with a smile: "A virgin? It's rare, and it's suitable for nourishment."

You Ruo was stunned by this sentence, she shrank her neck and crawled behind her brother.Dufeng rolled his eyes, as if I could protect you.

"Your Excellency is an expert in the local list, why bother to frighten a little girl, besides, there are many virgins in our Daqin. If the husband intends to seek refuge, I believe His Majesty will be able to give a satisfactory reward."

This time it's Liu Sheng's turn to kill God, ah... so Di Renjie is jealous of evil?How can we say that we are also bad guys, why don't you just solicit on the spot?
Di Renjie still smiled, "What? There's no reason to hesitate. Do you doubt our Daqin's sincerity, you have no confidence in yourself?"

Liu Sheng Shashen looked at him strangely, "Looking at Master Di's expression, it seems to be questioning my cruelty?"

"Hehe, it may be true that martial arts are high, but cruelty is not necessarily... I saw your sword skills from a distance before, and I was a little disappointed. The archers on the watchtower said that Mr. The melting blade is unstoppable, presumably they are too scared that they have hallucinations, uh huh."


Liu Sheng Shashen was underestimated. You must know that when it comes to taunting, he is considered a professional from Japan, and he will never break his defense and lose his mind because of mere taunting.But... I don't know why, Di Renjie's words, his tone, his expression, his movements... so flirtatious!

angry!angry!Still angry!

Liu Sheng was angry for no apparent reason, and said with a sneer, "Master Di, as the minister of Daqin, has the qualifications to die under my evil knife."

Di Renjie's expression changed slightly when he heard this, but it was not fear, but a kind of 'Oh, you are angry!I didn't mean to' look.

Liu Sheng's murderous spirit rushed out, his arm shook, and the wooden knife was instantly turned into sawdust, and then he closed his hands, and the boundless murderous aura gushed out like a tide.

A big living person, under everyone's gaze, gradually flattened into an evil knife of the level of a magic weapon!

What I heard before is definitely different from what I saw at the scene. The sound of gasping for the whole half of the street is spectacular.

"Lord be careful!"

"My lord, be careful!"

"Escort! Escort!"

Amidst the chaotic shouts, countless yamen servants rushed over, trying to block the knife for Di Renjie, but the evil knife transformed by Liu Sheng's killing god was as fast as lightning, and no one could react except Di Renjie, who had been prepared for a long time.

Even before some yamen servants took off, the evil knife transformed by Liu Sheng's killing god had already arrived in front of Di Renjie.

Then Di Renjie moved, he was already prepared, he stretched his arm behind him early, turned his wrist lightly, and a piece of rag wrapped around something fell down.Then he swung his arm fiercely, and he didn't know what kind of weapon it was, and he threw it towards the evil knife.


The roar came before it was touched, it was an aura unique to divine soldiers.

But Liu Sheng is not cowardly at killing God. As an existence that can transform into a divine weapon, he knows such things as a divine weapon too well. He has unparalleled confidence in the evil sword he transforms, so he meets it without dodging or avoiding it. go up.

In his heart, he wanted to smash the magic weapon and behead Di Renjie!
Ding yin bang!
Liu Sheng Shashen vomited blood, no, it should be Xiedao vomited blood.

The originally complete blade broke open, and then a blood stream as thick as a little finger spurted out from it.

Instinctively, Liu Sheng wanted to quit the evil knife state, but when he raised his eyes, he found that Di Renjie had raised the magic weapon again... No, he couldn't exit the evil knife state, because his own evil knife was smashed to pieces , if this magical weapon hits a person, is it okay?
Liu Sheng Killing God stiffly maintained the state of the evil knife, and then turned around in the air to escape, but the delay in the blink of an eye was enough for the prepared Di Renjie to strike a second time.


Dense cracks instantly covered the entire evil knife!

People say that a sword is the courage of a hundred soldiers. If a swordsman does not have the courage to fight against the enemy, then the sword will naturally be blunt.

It's ridiculous that Liu Sheng has been using the sword for decades, but he has become more and more immersed in evil methods, but he has forgotten the most basic and purest thing in the sword.

However, the master of the ground list is the ground list after all, whether it is the strong mental strength, or because of some reason, although the cracks covered the entire Xie Dao, it still failed to completely shatter the Xie Knife.But Liu Sheng Shashen could no longer maintain that evil sword state, and fell to the ground in a state of embarrassment.

Di Renjie was shocked back a few steps by the counter-shock force from the weapon, but the matter of chasing and making up swords is no longer in his hands. After all, his Hyper-Dragon Mace really has no special effect on pure flesh and blood.

Just as Di Renjie wrapped the Kanglong Mace in cloth again, two figures shot at Liu Sheng Shashen one after the other.

The lightness skills of the two figures are excellent, and they are already afterimages all over the sky in mid-air.There are countless hidden weapons attached to it, such as caltrops, locust stones, mother-child chain darts, shuttles, steel needles, iron lotus flowers, etc., densely packed with cold light flashing randomly, almost dazzled Liu Shengshen's eyes.

The other person held a treasured sword in his hand, this sword was quite level, it seemed ordinary but showed the essence of swordsmanship, and it had at least ten years of skill.

Of course, whether it is a hidden weapon or swordsmanship with more than ten years of skill, if you change it to ordinary times, you will not put it in Liu Sheng's eyes, but not now, he has just fallen from the state of the evil knife, and Di Renjie has already done a lot of damage to the evil knife feedback to himself.

I can't lift my anger, and I don't even have a wooden knife in my hand, so what a fart!

In an instant, Liu Sheng Shashen's eyes turned red, "What is given today, will be repaid twice in the future!"

The palm of Liu Sheng's killing god swung down, and his left arm was cut off by himself with a crack, and then billows of blood floated in the air and wrapped the broken arm, forming a smaller evil knife in the blink of an eye.


Due to the final madness of the trapped beast, an evil knife bloomed thousands of blades in his hand, which was even more magnificent than the sword shadow that caught the gods just now.

Ding Ding Ding!
The air blade knocked down countless hidden weapons, and the stabbing sword light was also abruptly blocked.

However, Liu Sheng Shashen found that these two people looked like they were in a position to be unrelenting. After being blocked, not only did they not retreat, but they even took a step closer, trying to take him down despite their injuries!

This frightened Liu Sheng Shashen, sometimes the older the person, the more afraid of death, once the enemy showed the courage to perish together, he would be the first to give up.

Liu Sheng Shashen stabbed the small evil knife in his hand hard into the ground, and countless blood-colored energy blades burst out from the ground, and then the evil knife shattered and exploded with a loud bang, stopping the two pursuers abruptly.

And Liu Sheng Shashen shot towards the sky with red eyes, "Di Renjie, I will be back!"

(End of this chapter)

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