Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 685 Where's my big keel?

Chapter 685 Where's my big keel?

"Xiong Ba is right. Nights are long and dreamy. Get the keel first!" Kangxi's words annoyed Hu Hai in the distance. He didn't think that Xiongba was helping the other party to remind him of something, because the current situation is indeed that the other party has the upper hand , and Xiongba, as a master of the ground list, has the sword of the emperor, even if the three of them beat him up, he can still run away.So in Hu Hai's view, Xiongba's words were more like delaying time, but no one thought that the other party's goal turned out to be the keel!
"Stop them! Stop them!"

All the emperor's dignity had been lost, Hu Hai yelled like crazy, and the sunflower eunuchs beside him who had originally protected him all rushed out.

The strength of these sunflower eunuchs is generally between the human list and the innate, and the difference is different, but the advantage lies in the tacit cooperation with each other, even the masters of the local list can resist for a while.

And their opponent is Xu Fu who just jumped back!
"Hey hey, do you think it's worthy to confront me?"

The tone was extremely haughty, and he straightened his cuffs indifferently, as if to say, 'Come on, kill me if you have the ability'

The eunuchs also had a temper, one by one turned into ghosts in the daytime, and shot towards Xu Fu, blocking all directions from various angles, up, down, left, and right, and then densely packed steel needles sprayed.

Although these steel needles are ordinary metal steel needles, they are not ordinary hidden weapons. The special yin attribute zhenqi of the Sunflower Book is firmly attached to the steel needles, which can not only enhance the toughness of the steel needles, but also make the wounded The victim is in pain like a silver thread wrapped around his bone.

However, Xu Fu seemed to have been prepared for a long time. With a sneer, he took out a silver thread from his cuff and waved it in the air, a palpitating cold overflowed.

"Let you see my true strength!"

Xu Fu almost gritted his teeth and said this sentence, full of emotion, it is really wronged!
He was beaten by Jiang Yuyan because of carelessness before, and then he didn't even dare to speak loudly in front of Li Yuanfang. Is this how people live?No, this is not at all in line with the respect that a master of the local list should have!
This time, he counted everything, let you see how strong a ready mage is!
Hiss, silver thread turns into two, two turns into three, three turns into five... More and more threads block a large area of ​​space at an extremely fast speed, and each thread splits out a lot to wind the steel needle , Frozen everything in the air, even those sunflower eunuchs who hadn't fallen yet.

"Haha, their skills are too yin and evil, and they haven't comprehended the true meaning of martial arts of yin and yang, which is the best match for this yin and cold attribute!"

Xu Fu's loud laughter shocked Hu Hai. Those sunflower eunuchs were not dead, and they could be seen struggling desperately. take off.

At this moment, a rain of arrows seemed to come from the sky, pressing down like a dark cloud.

Xu Fu's laughter stopped, he was a little confused, so he exploded his true energy and pushed aside all the arrow rain, but the people of Jue Wushen and Kangxi were not so lucky, no matter how brave they were, they were still flesh and blood, and they were not strong The strength, suddenly facing the arrow rain, lost dozens of people in an instant.

Everyone looked along the arrow rain, only to see three giant stone men struggling to climb over the palace wall. After finally landing, the first wave of arrow rain greeted them first.

Speaking of which, these stone giants are all transformed from watchtowers, but the same watchtower was not built in the palace. After all, even the Emperor Qin couldn't let a group of archers monitor his usual activities.

The stone giant walked over with heavy steps, and the ground trembled, fully proving that tonnage is everything.

At this point, Xu Fu and others finally understood, no wonder the level of chaos outside did not meet expectations, it turned out that these stone giants suppressed those monsters.

"Retreat to the underground imperial tomb, even the stone giant can't enter the imperial tomb. Our people can use the narrow terrain to delay us."

"it is good!"

Kangxi decisively entered the entrance of the imperial tomb first. Everything about this palace was provided by Xu Fu, including the secret entrance of the imperial tomb of course.

"Stop them!"

Hu Hai shouted anxiously, Qin soldiers began to organize charges again and again, one side was chasing and the other was retreating, even if there was an orderly retreat, there would be some obstacles in the end, so Qin soldiers could take away dozens of enemies every time they charged .

However, this situation changed after all the enemies withdrew into the underground imperial mausoleum. The terrain was too narrow, and the soldiers and the enemy fought frantically at the narrow intersection. Dry mouth.

"Why don't those masters come here? Quickly, send someone to the Imperial Academy to invite Huang Chang, and Zhou Tong from the General's Mansion. If the keel is lost, everyone will have a hard time!"

The two teams left and galloped away from the palace towards the Hanlin Academy and the General's Mansion.

Xiong Ba wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, but said calmly: "Your Majesty, don't lose your sense of proportion, the route of this underground imperial tomb is complicated, you probably didn't tell Xu Fu the specific route!"

Hu Hai shook his head, "The underground imperial mausoleum was rebuilt after the battle of Purdue Cihang, and I never told anyone about it. But even if I have executed all the builders, there is no guarantee that Xu Fu will not Learn some specific information from craftsmen during the process."

Xiong Ba thought for a while and then asked: "If this is the case, there is no need to worry. There should be only one entrance to the underground imperial tomb, that is to say, even if they really got the keel, they should come out from here. We can prepare to sit on the sidelines completely. .”

Hu Hai froze for a moment, nodded and sighed: "What Aiqing said is correct...but if they destroy the keel in the mausoleum, then... I have no words to face the late emperor!"

Xiongba looked sympathetic when he heard the words, and said righteously: "Your Majesty, that is the worst situation. Fortunately, even if they destroy the keel, the luck and merits they get will still be on them. You just need to kill them , my Daqin luck is not considered lost. As for the keel... I believe the former emperor will understand His Majesty!"


Inside the underground tomb
The three of Kangxi kept running wildly, and Xu Fuke was not at all unfamiliar with the route of the imperial tomb as Hu Hai said.

"Sure enough, Mr. Xu didn't disappoint me, but I don't know how did Mr. know the specific route?" Kangxi asked with a slight smile, and Jue Wushen beside him was also quite curious.

After skillfully dodging sharp arrow traps, Xu Fu said with a smile: "Little Hu Hai has been domineering and domineering in the imperial capital all his life, so he doesn't know the sufferings of the lower classes. Since ancient times, building mausoleums for emperors has been a high-risk occupation. If the people in power are confident enough, they will send heavy soldiers to guard them That is to say. If the emperor is suspicious, it becomes routine to bury all the craftsmen with him. As a craftsman, he also has his own way to deal with it, which is to secretly build a secret escape passage in the imperial tomb, so as not to have no way out when he is buried. escape."

Kangxi and Jue Wushen were stunned for a moment, "Is there such a thing?"

Xu Fu looked at the two of them, and was amused. Both of them were powerful figures, and if there were no accidents in the future, they would both be the ones who would build mausoleums. How could those craftsmen tell them such things?Even if this kind of thing is already an open secret in the artisan circle.

"The purpose of this underground imperial mausoleum is to hide the keel, so Hu Hai will definitely have a move to silence. How could those craftsmen fail to understand such a simple truth? So I just need to look at the families of those craftsmen, and there is no need to go to Contacting craftsmen will naturally not arouse Hu Hai's suspicion."

Xu Fu smiled triumphantly, "Those craftsmen did not disappoint me. On the day the mausoleum was built, Hu Hai sealed all those craftsmen and buried them in a stone room. On the second day, I blocked a few of them from escaping. The artisan who wanted to run away with his family forced him to find out the secret escape exit and the specific route of the underground imperial tomb."

Kangxi froze for a moment, and asked with a strange expression: "In this case, why don't we enter secretly through the escape entrance?"

"Because they are craftsmen, not tomb robbers, the secret escape path is only for escape. The switch is only inside and cannot be opened from the outside. It is just industry rules and professional ethics, and they are also afraid of God's punishment."

"So that's it, hum!" Jue Wushen's face was slightly cold, with a sense of substitution. If he died in the future, then burial must be a routine operation.If a craftsman left an escape route, he would be very angry!
Kangxi's expression is also very bad, he has already planned to go back and check the tombs of the ancestors, hehe, to put it bluntly, although he hates the death of people, and even banned it, but sometimes he has to compromise After all, when the clan grows up, there are all kinds of people, and you can't be too tough, otherwise it may cause a backlash and cause instability in the court.

The three of them entered the depths of the imperial mausoleum without stopping, and after turning around the two formation eyes that were obviously formations, their eyes brightened.

This is a rather magnificent palace, Hu Hai is really willing to build his father's mausoleum, the steps are made of moonlight white marble, clear and clear, it looks holy.

The stone pillars and the gate are all black and solemn, even Jue Wushen, who is a top player on the ground list, feels awe-inspiring standing outside.

"Qin Huang, it's a pity that fate is on the side!"

Kangxi and Jue Wushen sighed almost in unison, and Xu Fu also closed his eyes slightly, as if expressing his final respect to Emperor Qin.Then he climbed up the steps first, stepped into the main hall, and the two followed closely behind.

The interior of the main hall is also very wide, the ground is also black, and at the end is a huge dragon chair, which is much bigger than the one outside where Hu Hai usually sits facing up.

"Hmph, Hu Hai is not without merit." Kangxi curled his lips, not sure whether it was a compliment or what.

The three of them rushed towards the dragon chair at the same time, no longer waiting. The one sitting on the dragon chair, even though it was already a dry bone, still faintly domineering, was their target, or more precisely, his spine!

However, when the three of them boarded the dragon chair at the same time, they all froze in place.

"This keel... is fake!"

(End of this chapter)

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