Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 686

Chapter 686
Underground royal tomb, now your name is silence
With two ground rankings and one personal ranking, he stared blankly at the keel, or more precisely, the fake keel.

It has to be said that the spine supporting the remains of the Emperor Qin was so lifelike that it was no different from the spine of a normal person. They even had reason to suspect that the imitator had restored it one-to-one based on the real keel.

But it is precisely because it is the same as the original that there is a big problem. After all, the keel is not replicable, because the world knows that the keel contains the merits of luck, unless you can instill both into the spine. But where do you find a human bone that can store luck and merit?
The three of them looked at each other again, and none of them destroyed Qin Huang's remains. Since the keel was gone, it would be meaningless for them to move again.

"Could it be Hu Hai who hid the keel?"

"Look at his nervous appearance's not like that!"

"This is the imperial palace, who can take away the keel without anyone noticing it? As long as that thing leaves the imperial palace, it will probably be sensed by all the masters in the imperial capital!"

Kangxi looked at Xu Fu and pondered for a moment, "So...there are only two ways, either cover the keel with other objects with merit and luck and take it away, but since you already have that kind of thing, what to do with the keel. Or... ...the keel had been transferred before the mausoleum was completed, but outsiders didn't know it."

Xu Fu frowned, and kept thinking about people who could do these things, and replied after a long while: "There is one person who meets the requirements."


"White up!"

Jue Wushen and Kangxi were slightly stunned, and immediately understood Xu Fu's meaning, "That's right, Bai Qi, as an old official who was left behind by the Qin Emperor, lived in the imperial palace, so he knew the route of the underground imperial tomb is very likely. He also had the Sword of the Son of Heaven in his hand at the very beginning, and it is entirely possible to cover the aura of the keel. Well, no wonder he doesn’t miss the Sword of the Son of Heaven at all. If it was replaced by you and me, who can say that he has no complaints? Compare your heart with your heart, There must be something better that made Bai Qi willing to give up the Sword of the Son of Heaven, and... Bai Qi was originally a zombie, and he really needs luck and merit more, which is the same reason Yin Man wants merit .”

Sometimes this is the case, a result with little evidence is assumed, and then the reason is pushed back and it becomes more and more possible!

"So, we still need to find Fusu's location, so that we can find the keel."

Xu Fu snorted helplessly, "Let's get out of here first, fortunately, Fusu's position is not difficult to find. As far as I know, Yinman once gave Fusu a lot of blood coagulation pills, the original intention was to help Fusu improve his strength, but they I don't know, the refining process of Congealing Blood Pill is full of resentment and cause and effect. Although the resentment was absorbed by the Beastmaster, the cause and effect remained, and I can completely calculate Fusu's position through this cause and effect."

Absolutely Wushen is a little upset, but it can only do so now. It seems that their alliance will continue for a while.

Xu Fu didn't delay either. Those Qing warriors and ninjas at the gate of the underground tomb were almost dead, and they shouldn't stay here for a long time.Soon, Xu Fu led the two of them to a corner of a stone wall, stepped on two characteristic bricks, and a thick trap door rumbled open.

The three of them walked out of the underground imperial mausoleum one by one. After jumping down a long corridor and opening a secret door that was hidden and covered with turf, the three of them appeared on the edge of the palace wall.

"Unfortunately, it's due to failure." Kangxi shook his head regretfully, and then said dissatisfied: "If the crow can act together with us, then at least we can try to kill Hu Hai."

Xu Fu's face was also not good-looking, "The crow acted without authorization, obviously he or the target of the Ten Killing Gate is not a keel."

Jue Wushen snorted coldly, "The fluctuations at General Li Yuanfang's mansion are even stronger than those at the palace, and he may not be able to live well."

"It should be you who are having a hard time!"


The three of them paused, and turned their heads to look strangely. They were discovered.

It was a young servant, dressed in dark brown palace attire, with a whisk in his hand, he looked of high grade.Without any hesitation, the young servant directly took out a thousand-mile fire from his arms, hit it in mid-air with a swoosh, and exploded, instantly making Hu Hai and others who were about to enter the underground imperial mausoleum aware of it.

"No, the enemy is over there, how did they get out of the imperial tomb?"

Hu Hai didn't understand, but arresting people was the most important thing at this time, and they couldn't care less about thinking. A group of sunflower eunuchs who had just escaped from trouble shot towards that side, while Xiong Ba hurried over there to protect Hu Hai.

However, when they saw Qianlihuo, the first ones who rushed over were not the imperial palace guards, but a group of arresters who had just experienced many lives and deaths, and the leader was Di Renjie who came in from the outside.

"Since you're here, don't leave!"

Jue Wushen has always been suppressed by a wave of anger. When he found the fake keel, he was so happy when he found the fake keel. Now he just needs to vent. Seeing Di Renjie being so arrogant, he rushed over first.

Two fists burning with flames fell hard, and the heavy force formed an effect similar to the collapse of space. Di Renjie even felt that there was an invisible force pulling him.

Two figures appeared at the right time, Lu Xiaofeng's phantoms flashed and turned to Ju Wushen's back, as a light kung fu master, it is very reasonable to look like a ghost in a battle.However, Sikong Zhaixing adopted the concept of fighting a wave, and all kinds of hidden weapons flew out, aiming at the absolutely godless eyes.

Jue Wushen hadn't noticed that there was such a person hidden in the arrester before, so he put away his fist in desperation, and the huge pressure disappeared, but a golden spherical air mask rose around his body.

Ding ding ding, a series of metal sounds, the hidden weapon hit the spherical air shield without two ripples, and Lu Xiaofeng's sword full of true energy also returned in vain, and what was even more exaggerated was that Lu Xiaofeng's long sword It shattered with a click!

"Hiss! This is the Immortal Golden Body? It's really amazing!"

Sikong Zhaixing reminded loudly that he has traveled all the year round and has a general understanding of the intelligence of masters in various places. There are not many people worth noting in Dongying, and Jue Wushen must be the most representative one. It is said that Immortal Gold The body has never been breached since it was created.

"It counts as you know the goods!"

Jue Wushen roared loudly, his fists seemed to be blessed by magma and retracted, the strong gravitational effect just now appeared again, as soon as Pu appeared, he captured Sikong Zhaixing and Lu Xiaofeng firmly.The air in all directions formed a huge vortex and gathered, pulling the two of them in the direction of Absolute Godlessness.

The two were so shocked that they couldn't escape at all, they couldn't help but glanced at each other and started to clap each other's hands. However, what they didn't expect was that the force generated by the two clashes did not push them away, but instead made their footing unstable. Qi Qi flew to Absolute No God.


Jue Wushen yelled, and both fists blasted out at the same time, which was about to land on their chests.

No matter how you look at this punch, it was a killer move, Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zhaixing could only defend with their true energy helplessly.

bang bang bang!
The huge semicircle of energy exploded, and a pair of fleshy palms ruthlessly caught the pair of fists. The vast infuriating energy entangled and tore crazily in a small area, the sleeves were turned into pieces, the ground stones flew, and the lawn instantly became It was barren.

Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zhaixing fell to the ground with a thud, and the two of them rolled over with a lazy donkey in perfect synchronization, and quickly left the danger zone. When they turned around, they saw the young servant's aura soaring, Ren Bang... Ren Bang Master... Ren Bang The Grandmaster is perfect... on the ground list!
"Hiss! Eunuch Cao is mighty!"

Sikong Zhaixing stretched out both thumbs to give a thumbs up, with a cheap look of 'do you lack pendants on your legs'.

Lu Xiaofeng was also stupid, Cao Zhengchun was still a genius when he was in the rivers and lakes, it's only been a few years, why did he make it to the list?Even if he is a peerless genius, the zhenqi needed to make the list can never fall from the sky, right? Li Yuanfang is still dangling on the list, isn't it because he lacks the support of zhenqi, why are you?
Lu Xiaofeng, who was always open-minded, smiled wryly and shook his head. To be honest, he was a little jealous.

Absolutely dumbfounded, what's going on?There is actually a hidden master in the palace?

Even Xu Fu was a little silly for a moment, what the hell, have we been tricked?This Cao Zhengchun plus Xiongba might stop them all, plus those sunflower eunuchs, now there is no dead man to delay time.

"No, let's go!"

Kangxi was also a little anxious, and he obviously thought of the worst.

Jue Wushen's brows were furrowed, and he felt that the zhenqi forced by Cao Zhengchun from the opposite side was huge and surging. It was by no means comparable to the kind of cultivation level that can be improved by stacking medicines. Yes, even if your bones are exquisite, it will take 40 to 30 years. Are you [-] years old?
Outrageous!It's too ridiculous!
Xu Fu saw that Jue Wushen seemed to be unable to get away from him, so he immediately stamped his palm, the magic power contained in his palm and the help of wind and thunder.

Bang, although the blow seemed unexpected, it was blocked by a qi shield outside Cao Zhengchun's body, and the wanton electric current was cruising on the qi shield, which looked very similar to the indestructible golden body just now.

Jue Wushen's eyes were all stared out, and it felt like Li Kui met Li Gui but fought for hundreds of rounds, but fortunately, the impact of this palm was still there, Cao Zhengchun was pushed more than three meters and finally passed Absolutely no god was liberated.

"Come on!"

The three of Jue Wushen jumped over the sky above Di Renjie and the other arresters without looking back, and rushed out of the palace gate, but after this short confrontation, Xiong Ba had already rushed over.

Xiong Ba's lightness kung fu is very good, his body is also surrounded by an air mask, wrapping himself as if he could fly, and moved to the front of the three of them first.

"You can't escape... poof!"

Xiongba didn't even finish his pretentious words, but someone slapped his waist from behind, forcibly suppressing the internal injury. Looking back, he saw that the person who did it was a delicate woman, and behind her were four masters of the ranking list !
(End of this chapter)

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