Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 687 So, stop being human?

Chapter 687 So, stop being human?


Youruo cries and calls Xiongba, and your heart tightens. Your brother didn't even come with Di Renjie. What are you doing in the palace if you have nothing to do?Leaving aside the danger, if that bastard Hu Hai takes a fancy to him, do you agree with me?
Although Xiongba dotes on his daughter, but there are so many strong fighters in the local rankings before and after, the key is that he has never seen a master of the local rankings who is different from warriors, and he is also frightened for a while.

How to do?How to break this game?
Cao Zhengchun and Di Renjie were also taken aback. Top players on the list... are they so worthless?
Cao Zhengchun couldn't help clenching his fists as he looked at the five masters outside the palace gate. He knew best how he made the list. There were so many calculations, patience and grievances in it. Probably no one could really empathize with him. .

Now is the time for him to become a blockbuster, there is no reason for this sudden appearance to destroy him!
Cao Zhengchun's side was full of fighting spirit, but Di Renjie's side had already begun to observe Kangxi, Xu Fu and the others and the five masters of the local list.

They... don't know each other?

It's no wonder that Di Renjie had this guess, because Xu Fu and the others subconsciously paused, and doubts appeared on their faces!
"The crow called us."

Xu Fu and the others immediately felt relieved when he said something empty, even if he had a conscience, he even knew to let the masters support us.Of course, Xu Fu and the others were already suspicious, so there was no reason to believe them easily.

But Qiao Kong's next sentence immediately made them let down their vigilance, "The crow has already snatched the baby from the General's Mansion, so it's always dreamy, let's go!"

The first one to express his trust was Jue Wushen, and he frowned and said: "I once secretly had someone stare at Liu Sheng Shashen, and he was once invited by the crow to deal with the general's mansion. Since these people know that the target of the crow is the general Mansion, that should be our own people."

Xu Fu and Kangxi were stunned, but Xiong Ba, who was closest to them, felt his scalp tingle when he heard that, the confession of relatives is over, I am still surrounded by you, what's wrong?Is the next step going to beat me up as an old man?

"Your Majesty, these people are in a hurry to retreat. Although they say they are taking advantage of it, they must have used a dirty trick of sneak attack. Hurry up to the General's Mansion. Only there is the safest place in the imperial capital today! My minister is going all out." Life will stop them for a while, Your Majesty, let's go!"

Holding the Sword of the Son of Heaven, Xiongba clenched his fists hard, weeping, his expression as sincere as that of Taoyuan's three knots.

The city gate suddenly fell into a dead silence, and then Kangxi was the first to break the silence, "Kill Hu Hai, and you will have luck!"

Xu Fu and Jue Wushen acted at the same time, while Liaokong and the others looked at each other and found the reason why Hu Hai should be damned in a very short time.

'This product seems to often cause trouble for adults? '

'This guy seems to have influenced the adults to get married back then, even though the adults were not adults at that time. '

'Killing him can make Daqin confused for a while. '

"Your Excellency is going to the Ming Dynasty, why does the emperor of Daqin keep it?" '

'Kill him! '

The scene of five masters rushing forward at the same time is very shocking. One of the seven masters is attacking you from all angles. Hu Hai is completely dumbfounded. Men also followed...

"Stop!" Di Renjie's eyes were about to burst, and he rushed over, yelling, no matter what level he was.

Xiongba Fengshen came first with his legs behind, and swung the Tianzi sword crazily to stop the woman who had just sneaked into his waist.Originally, he wanted to stop another one, but Shangguan Jing'er's moves were full of electric currents, which made him uncomfortable for a while.

Cao Zhengchun is also the first to come first, but his lightness kung fu is not particularly famous, but if you are a martial artist, you will be able to find that his lightness kung fu contains many schools, such as flying on the grass, swallowing kung fu, and stepping on the snow. No trace, floating on the water, anyway, it is to highlight a mastery.

The thick qi mask blocked Jue Wushen, neither of them attacked, but they collided fiercely in a defensive posture, like two goats pressing against each other with their horns, neither of them would retreat Even one step.

At this time, Di Renjie was still running...

Lu Xiaofeng and Sikong Zhaixing were not as unscrupulous as they were just now, one of them sprinkled hidden weapons all over the sky but only stopped Kangxi who was also on the top list, well, Sikong Zhaixing on the top list didn't dare to make a move.

Lu Xiaofeng met Xu Fu, with his lightness kung fu, he was the only one who was not good at hand-to-hand combat among the top players, so besides him, who else could he choose?
In this way, the three people who originally insisted on Hu Hai's death were all stopped, but Guo Kong and others have now fully entered the role of "crow's accomplice". Hu Hai was smashed to death.


A group of sunflower eunuchs rushed forward fearlessly, but what they were facing were some of the most fierce body-training people in the world. How could their steel needles and silk threads be able to fight against them?
It was obvious that the silk thread and the steel needle were wrapped around the double hammer, but the hammer still smashed towards Hu Hai's forehead without any sign of being sluggish.A group of eunuchs shouted helplessly and pushed Hu Hai away. Boom, the double hammers fell to the ground, killing three eunuchs with broken tendons and bones. It looked extremely bloody and cruel.

Yin Ruiji's speed was extremely fast, as if a gust of wind was rushing through the eunuch's interception gap, and arrived at Hu Hai's side before everyone else in the blink of an eye.

Yin Ruiji's appearance was extremely gorgeous, and her charming smile made Hu Hai forget her fear, and when she came to her senses, a slender hand was wrapped in a faint wind and inserted into his chest.

Uh, the sudden pain made Hu Hai's entire face numb, and his eyes moved down slightly. Yin Ruiji withdrew his hand, the white palm was not stained with a single drop of blood, but there was a beating heart that kept rising. shrink.

"It's done!"

Xu Fu and others are overjoyed, can people live without heart?Live a fart!
Yin Ruiji raised her heart in front of Hu Hai with a wicked sense of humor, and her body exploded with a bang, splashing all over Hu Hai's face.


A shout came from the sky, Yin Ruiji was too familiar with this voice, maybe it was Zhou Tong who had fought against them in the General's Mansion.

Needless to say, they must have already dealt with Shui De Xingjun, and then came to support, well, it is not bad that Shui De Xing Jun can delay for such a long time.


Xu Fu and others laughed and left together. When they turned around, they saw Huang Chang drawing formations in the hole in Hu Hai's chest, which actually temporarily saved Hu Hai's life.

"Hey, even if you have the ability to go to heaven and earth, you can't save a heartless person!"

Amidst the rampant laughter, a group of people disappeared into the sky.


Gouwu Mountain, accompanied by Di Que and Yin Man, Zuo Zhou went deeper into the mountains step by step.

With their kung fu, they easily passed those secret sentries, but when they entered the depths of the mountainside, they stopped.

Zuo Zhou couldn't believe it but looked at the scene in front of him, and slowly asked the two women who were also confused: "You Xian Wang... you are very good at giving birth!"

As far as the eye can see is a huge and exaggerated mountainside space, and the end is invisible from afar. It seems that the entire mountain range that stretches into the distance has been hollowed out.

And inside this huge mountain range are all monsters, a monster that crawls on all fours and sleeps like a dog, a monster with a bloody mouth but no head, the whole body is like bronze and even has strange patterns engraved on it.

These monsters are sleeping at this time, or... can't wake up?

Zuo Zhou frowned and kicked out a stone with disgust on his face. The stone was extremely fast and powerful, and easily broke a monster's front leg, but even so, the monster didn't wake up.

"It seems that these monsters can't wake up!" Zuo Zhou is extremely sensitive to soul fluctuations. He just feels that there are some mental fragments in these monsters, but they don't have a complete soul.

The three walked through the group of monsters, and soon saw more than a hundred different monsters.

These monsters are quite majestic. Ordinary monsters are at most three meters high. Looking at these monsters, they are more than ten meters long. The huge claws seem to be able to pick up ordinary monsters easily.Unlike those monsters that seem to be underdeveloped, these giants have complete eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and even fish fins with unknown uses behind their heads?

"Hey, the biceps of this monster are bigger than Hu Hai's whole body."

Yin Man looked at Zuo Zhou dumbfounded, "What kind of metaphor are you talking about?"

The giant beasts seemed to be in a deep sleep. Zuo Zhou had nothing to be afraid of. He casually took out a lantern from the Qiankun Bowl. What is surrounded by stacks.

"What is this?"

In the center of the giant beast is a cocoon that is more than five meters high, with a white base and layers of black and bloody textures crawling.

Yin Man and Di Que looked at each other, there was shock and anger in their eyes, but more of sadness.

"what happened?"

Di Que looked at the cocoon and at the confused Zuo Zhou, and stopped hiding, "Since the death of Emperor Qin, King Xian has no goal to pursue, so he put everything on seeking longevity. How difficult it is to live forever, the two methods currently known are nothing more than achieving the heaven list and becoming a zombie. But the difficulty of the former goes without saying, and the latter can only be regarded as a curse from heaven."

Zuo Zhou glanced at the cocoon, "So you don't want to be a human anymore?"

Di Que sighed: "Because the former is too difficult, we put all our energy into the latter. We use Gu, spells and other means to try to create a new life that is similar to zombies and has no more side effects. achieve longevity."

Zuo Zhou glanced back, "Needless to say, it must have failed."

"No, we succeeded, but... it can also be said to have failed." Di Que looked regretful, "I have created a species that can continuously feed back energy purification and purification to increase lifespan. In theory, as long as the food continues to You can use energy to live forever!"

Zuo Zhou leaned back, "So awesome? What are the side effects?"

"There is no problem with the ability, but the appearance cannot be maintained, and... in addition to the energy that the body needs, the energy that is not needed will be turned into those disgusting monsters and be born."

The corner of Zuo Zhou's mouth twitched unconsciously, "I feel a little sympathetic to King Xian."

(End of this chapter)

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