Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 696 The Monsters Spread Out

Chapter 696 The Monsters Spread Out
Ah gurgling...

Bang, Zuo Zhou rushed to the surface of the water with a big jump. Looking down, the tumbling river had already rushed to the bank, and willow trees on the bank fell into the water because of the ground collapse.

He couldn't find the Beastmaster anymore. Although this animal no longer has the rationality to offer a king, its intelligence still seems to be online.

While using giant beasts to delay, it let ordinary monsters dig through the underground river and widen the passage, and then used the momentary backflow of the river water to block Zuo Zhou's pursuit.

Caught off guard, Zuo Zhou had no choice but to rush up the river, and then followed the trail of the Beastmaster.

Of course, the most important point is that the Beastmaster can breathe underwater!

This point is something that no matter how high a master is, they are not fish after all.Recall that when Zhao Ji turned into a monster and attacked the palace, Song Ci also found organs similar to fish gills on Zhao Ji's body.

"It's a little troublesome!"

Just when Zuo Zhou was at a loss what to do, the monsters who had been resisting the cavalry suddenly scattered and fled. They no longer bit the enemy to death as before, but used their bodies to punch out exits one by one, and then countless monsters It will use these gaps as the target to expand continuously, and then scatter into the jungle and disappear.

The entire change process only took a few minutes, and even before Mrs. She got the reward from the front line, those monsters had already hidden.

And Zuo Zhou and the frontline returned almost at the same time, and Taijun She was also experienced in many battles, and she understood one thing almost instantly, there was an incomprehensible means of long-distance communication between the beast king and the monster.

"The king of beasts can dive, can escape from the ground, can reproduce infinitely quickly and without harming the body, and can also shoot true energy cannons through his mouth. It's not top in the ranking list, um, if it's a one-on-one fight, Xiongba can hold it down. But its talent is obviously focused on energy absorption efficiency and reproduction speed, um, maybe it has resilience!"

In the handsome tent, Zuo Zhou brought all the information he knew.

Taijun She frowned, hesitated for a moment and asked again: "Is there a possibility of evolution? Or the possibility of becoming stronger?"

Zuo Zhou shook his head resolutely, "I can guarantee that there will be absolutely none. Of course, what I'm talking about is the realm. The Beastmaster now only has animal nature and no rationality, and he acts on instinct. In this case, it is impossible for his realm to increase, but considering Beastmaster's attack mode, if it gets enough energy supply, its body will become stronger and stronger until its own talent can't support it."

She Taijun understood what the other party meant, that is, if they didn't catch this Beast King as soon as possible, what they would face in the future would be a body-refining beast at the top of the list.

"How to find it?" Yue Yinping spread out the map on one side.

Yin Man continued: "The Beastmaster can only act on instinct now, that is to say, he will keep eating and giving birth, and at the same time strengthen himself. Our top priority is to protect the people and evacuate!"

Yue Yinping opened his mouth but felt a little helpless, they only brought tens of thousands of people this time, and the monsters would still hide, there was no way to intercept and block the entire Mount Gouwu mountain range.

As for protecting the people from evacuating, that's even more nonsense. Mount Gouwu is located in a remote area that extends in all directions. You can go to the Western Regions, you can also enter the Great Qin Dynasty, and you can even go to the Ming Dynasty. Of course, if they can all cross the sea If so, you can even go to the Qing Dynasty.

How can this population base be evacuated by tens of thousands of people?
"Report back to the imperial capital urgently. We need reinforcements. I'm afraid the court will have to make a decision on how to exterminate the monsters next." Madam She was a little tired, and the situation was far beyond their control.

Di Que thought for a while and drew an X in the sea area of ​​the map, "The king of beasts can dive, but those monsters don't have the ability to survive underwater. If you want ordinary monsters to evolve such organs, it will take energy and time. Absolutely not much. It cannot be done until the Beastmaster himself is strengthened to the limit."

Zuo Zhou raised his eyebrows, "I can prove this point. When the Beast King escaped, all the monsters that helped him open the river were drowned."

She Taijun nodded, "Now that is to say, rivers and oceans can become our natural barriers, allowing the army to rely on rivers to set up camp, so as to avoid monsters' sneak attacks."

Zuo Zhou looked at Madam She, is he ready to fight the monster for a long time?
She Taijun asked again, "The Beastmaster already knows, what's the weakness of that monster? Now the Beastmaster can only wait for the imperial court to support more masters from the local rankings if he wants to kill him. Otherwise, if he can escape once, then he can escape the second time." Twice."

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, is it my fault?
She Taijun said again: "The top priority is that our ordinary soldiers are not opponents of monsters. If we can't find the weak point of monsters, then we need at least five people to deal with each monster. In this case, we also need to protect civilians and retreat, this task is too heavy If it's a street battle, then our small army will have no chance of winning. What's more, we can't even send out scouts, because the scouts can't escape, so there is no sense of investigation."

Di Que shook his head in embarrassment, "These monsters don't have any obvious weaknesses. Their skin is almost bronze, their muscles are solid and tight, and their bones are also very hard. Unless you use magic weapons, ordinary weapons don't have internal power. It is impossible to harm them."

As soon as the words came out, everyone's faces were ugly. Those monsters were like elephants in size, and their attack power and attack desire were super strong. If they didn't have weaknesses, they couldn't beat them. They couldn't keep sending troops to put out fires.

"Is it possible to use bait to kill the king of beasts? For example, poison their food!"

A general suggested that this seemed like a good idea, but it was a pity that Ji Que rejected it, "It's useless, I can guarantee that this method can make the beast king eat poison, but it can't kill him. Because there are two ways for the beast king to eat, One is to eat by itself, and the other is to be fed by monsters. When there are monsters around, it will never eat by itself. And the monster itself also needs to absorb part of the nutrition from the food, that is to say, these monsters will become a Layer filtering system, any toxins will be blocked by this layer of filtering system, and they will not be able to reach the Beastmaster at all. What's more... What kind of poison can kill a monster at the level of the list?"

This made the proposed general a little embarrassed. The method is the method. Although it can be successful in theory, it is not necessary to implement it in reality.


Just when everyone was looking sad, someone outside had already announced loudly.

Taijun She took the passbook and followed Tieqing. A nearby town had already been attacked by monsters. Fortunately, there were only three monsters attacked, and they had already been wiped out by the young and strong people in the village. But because no one had wiped out the monsters The village and town paid the price of 25 lives, and it is hard to count the rest of the injured, and it is even more difficult to estimate the damage to the houses.

"This should be the monsters that ran out."

"This is even more terrifying. These monsters are preying separately in twos and threes. It is impossible for us to follow suit. That would be giving up our advantage."

This is a very real problem. If a group of monsters meets a regular army, then the human side will definitely win when the two sides charge.But if they are scattered and entangled, the individual strength of the monster will prevail.

"So, unless we give up some people, and then concentrate our efforts to remove the rest of the people..."



Xinying's speed was very fast, and the news was sent back to the court almost on the third day.

At this time, all the ministers of the court gathered in the main hall. In the past, this was the place where Hu Hai went to court, but now Fusu moved a table in front of the dragon chair, which is regarded as the position of supervisor of the country.

Although Fusu doesn't have much identity now, but at this time, no one would foolishly touch this bad luck.

"What do you think should be done?"

"The monster is located close to the Western Regions, which is the garrison area of ​​General Wang Jian, and the garrison can be transferred to help evacuate the people."

"However, the Western Region has a vast area, with deserts, neighbors and other terrains, and the people's settlements are scattered, so it's not easy to evacuate!"

"What's more important is that our enlightenment of the Western Regions has just been on the right track for a few years. Many people may not necessarily stop the court and move away from their homeland and concentrate in the big cities."

"And how should the people be resettled after they are concentrated?"

"There are too many various problems. If we want to cure the root cause, we still need to solve the Beastmaster."

"How about building a huge protective wall to defend the controllable area?"

"It's useless. Didn't you read the information? These monsters can hide in the ground. It is very troublesome for us to prevent and control the underground every day. Building a defensive wall is purely thankless."

"These monsters used to wreak havoc in the imperial capital. It's really hard to deal with. I think it's better to..."

Some ministers did not say it clearly, but everyone understands what they mean, and they all know that it is useless to treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Who can say it?
"Okay, all the ministers go back and think about this matter. We will make a decision on this matter tomorrow morning, so let's go back now."

After all the ministers saluted and left, Fusu sat on the chair and suddenly smiled wryly, "There is no free pie in the world, it seems that this karma still falls on me."

"I've said long ago that the kind of elixir that can improve strength but has no side effects is definitely not simple."

Bai Qi's figure appeared behind him in a flash, and Fu Su didn't look back, "Do you have any suggestions?"

Bai Qi thought for a while, "Why don't you take Gongshuqiu with you? I think mechanism beasts seem to be quite useful against monsters."

Fusu rolled his eyes at him angrily, "I don't have time to build mechanism towers for Gong Shuchou!"

(End of this chapter)

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