Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 697 The Inescapable Protracted War

Chapter 697 The Inescapable Protracted War
"The benevolent and righteous die from softness of heart, the loyal die from betrayal, and those who care about the world die from politics. In the communication between people, it seems that only the despicable can survive better. It's just that the despicable can't save this country, so when the big When the environment completely collapses, their only result is to be destroyed along with the world."

"So, the end of the world is destruction? Then how do you want to die?" Bai Qi took a sip of tea, without any special sigh because of Fusu's emotion.

Fu Su also poured a cup for himself in a funny way, "I don't want to accompany a country to be destroyed. Back then, my father didn't care, and I finally got out, so I don't want to be buried with any country."

Bai Qi nodded with a smile, "Qin Huang can see it openly, there is no country in the world that can last forever."

"So, I plan to go directly to Mount Gouwu to end this cause and effect."

Bai Qi felt a little helpless when he looked at Fu Su, and he must follow after Fu Su went. This was the mission Qin Huang entrusted to him at the beginning, and it was also the only mission.

"Hmph, it's all good deeds done by your imperial sister."

"Hehe, Yinman was also deceived." Fusu didn't care too much about this matter. Ever since Shangguan Jinhong and others attacked last time, Fusu was also a little obsessed with strength, so he accepted the medicine given by Yinman.The refining principle of the pill is actually the same as the growth principle of the Beastmaster, which is to absorb energy and eliminate dross.Even this kind of medicine is made in the monster's body, but the negative substances in it are absorbed by the monster.

However, there is another problem. Negative substances can indeed be absorbed, but the resentment that kills living beings cannot be absorbed.So when Fusu took the elixir, those grievances would split like luck, part of it would be entangled with the monster, and part of it would be entangled with Fusu.

Fusu didn't feel it before, he just knew that the medicine had no side effects and could improve his cultivation, but when he was only a step away from the list, his sensitivity to luck and the cause and effect of resentment was greatly strengthened up.

Therefore, the karma between him and the monsters must be settled. If he always wants to escape, he may not have any room for initiative when Tiandao makes another move.

"Tomorrow those ministers will have an answer, have you thought about it?"

Bai Qi's inquiry made Fu Su fall into silence, and sighed with a long breath: "I just glanced at the map and found that if we want to escort all the people in the Great Qin territory, we must have enough manpower."

"How many?"

"Three million fighters with combat effectiveness must be equipped with supporting ordnance."

"300 million?" Bai Qi also sighed a little. He was also a soldier and knew what this number represented in Daqin.

In Daqin, there are many army numbers, but most of them are stationed in various cities or fortresses, river banks, etc. There are four special armies. They are stationed at the border. The backbone and leader of the army.

And these four armies are led by the four generals, and each of them has 100 million soldiers. Of course, this number is not a hard and fast rule, and the specific number depends on the actual situation.

Just now Fusu said that at least 300 million soldiers are needed, which means that at least three generals must be dispatched to the front line of Mount Gouwu to effectively curb the spread of monsters and help the people evacuate from the dangerous area in a short time.

Among the five great generals, the Yang family is already at Mount Gouwu, and Li Yuanfang is among the remaining four... Well, I will talk about this later, among the remaining three generals, Wang Jian is in the Western Regions, and he should be there just because he is nearby. him one.The remaining one... can only choose between the Meng family and Zhang Han.

This choice will be decided by the officials of the entire court, but... now Meng Tian is in the imperial capital, but Zhang Han is not.This result is known even without a meeting!
Bai Qi hesitated for a moment, "Is it worthwhile to transfer the three generals to the front line for the sake of the monster? You know, if the three generals lead the army to Mount Gouwu, then facing the threat from the Tang and Ming kingdoms, it will be difficult There is only one army left. This pressure is a bit too much, and the burden on the defenders in each city will be even heavier!"

Fusu didn't hesitate, "The monster's reproductive ability is too strong, and there is no limit. Therefore, the sooner the better, the better, otherwise the monster will easily enter Ming and Tang through the springboard of Daqin, unless all our countries can Let's unite and contain them, otherwise, it won't take a hundred years for the monsters to eat up [-]% to [-]% of the people in the world."

Bai Qi stopped talking, and if he wanted the three countries to work together on something, it would be faster in his dream.

Fusu leaned calmly on the chair, "There is no room for negotiation on this matter. No matter whether it is a conspiracy of heaven or what, Daqin has no choice. It is foreseeable that after this incident, the troops that Daqin can mobilize will be reduced in a short period of time." You can no longer do what you want as before. This is a challenge for Daqin today!"

"You don't have to worry too much about this matter. In my opinion, the court officials will handle all kinds of diplomatic and internal affairs. I am more worried about the impact on the economy of Daqin." Bai Qi looked serious, "These three legions The various expenses are not small. If the entire Western Regions become a battlefield, then the business of Daqin will definitely be hit. The military expenditure will increase correspondingly every year, but this military expenditure cannot be reduced, otherwise the payment will be It will be the lives of the soldiers. If the losses of the three armies are too heavy, the damage to Daqin will be permanent."

Fusu seems to have thought about this issue a long time ago, "So I was thinking, whether to increase commercial exchanges with Ming and Tang. If this is the case, it is equivalent to boosting the economies of the two countries. We The resources were spent on the three major armies, but the Ming and Tang were all used for themselves, so if one goes up and down, the future of Daqin will be jeopardized!"

Bai Qi took a sip of tea, "It's probably God's will. The decline of Daqin seems to be unstoppable. Under the influence of unification, other countries will start wars sooner or later."


"This situation is not easy to break!"

On Mount Gouwu, in the general's tent, Zuo Zhou looked at the hanging map and was a little dazed for a while.

Although he doesn't have as strong military accomplishment as Bai Qi, he still understands the general comparison of military strength.The hands and feet of the three major legions are bound, which is equivalent to severely weakening the strength of Qin Qicheng.

All of a sudden, Daqin, Tang and Ming were on the same starting line again...

"This is probably the adjustment of the Dao of Heaven!"

Yin Man’s words are a bit frustrating. This world has many similarities with the earth next door. It is not an exaggeration to say that there are inextricably linked. After the fusion of the two worlds, the similar manipulation of history will become stronger.

Although Qin Huang, the first heaven-defying man, succeeded, and to a certain extent broke Da Qin's fate of "death to the second generation", but Da Qin's defeat still seems to be possible now. At least this weakening of Da Qin's power made them feel Very puzzled.

Zuo Zhou glanced at her and the consoling Di Que behind him, and said with a smile: "Don't be discouraged, Qin Huang was able to find an opportunity to succeed in one fell swoop, which shows that there is no absolute in this world, and there is always a chance. Look, You are a zombie and an outcast, and my daughter and buddies are also like this, and the fact that our combination can live a stable life until now is already very self-explanatory."

Yin Man looked at him with resentment, "You said it easily, as if you have something to do."

Zuo Zhou said with a smile: "It's not enough if I can do it myself. The Qin Emperor prepared for a long time to infuse the power of unification against the sky, and he still needs a group of officials to help him deal with the government affairs. Otherwise, how can he have the energy! The act of heaven has never been a matter of one person.”

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, we need to wait for the right time. After all, I'm not the only one who intends to defy the sky. Besides, I don't take the Beastmaster too seriously."

Zuo Zhou's haughty and smug look made the two girls look confused, Yin Man suddenly seemed to be enlightened, and smashed his fist, "Oh, I see, we can use the fortune teller to find out the location of the beast king, we will go out immediately Many masters of the local rankings beheaded him~!"

"You can pull it down!" Zuo Zhou gave a blank look with disgust, "The Beastmaster himself is lucky, so it's not easy to calculate. Besides, since this is the method of heaven, it will definitely be given to the fortune teller when he uses it. Block it. But don’t count yourself in, but let yourself be fooled.”

Yin Man was very discouraged when he heard the words, "Then what do you say?"

"Wait, wait first, as long as the court moves fast enough, as many people as possible can be withdrawn, and the number of monsters will inevitably decrease if they can't eat enough blood. So the victory of this protracted war must be the Great Qin Yes, the key is whether other countries will launch a war and bring down Great Qin during this period of time."

"Other countries will take advantage of others? Are they not afraid that we will banish monsters to their territory?"

Zuo Zhou laughed, "So, I guess they will modify the river channel as soon as they learn about the monsters to form a natural barrier to prevent Daqin from using this method of extinction. In the future, you will see Lots of canals extending in all directions!"

Yin Man was stunned for a moment and was a bit dumbfounded, "So... this is actually an opportunity to speed up the basic construction of people's livelihood?"

Zuo Zhou smiled and waved his hand, "No way, it's not so easy to open the river, not to mention that the resources are used elsewhere, but it affects the rapid development of the Tang and Ming countries? So, I think they will also Sending troops to join in the siege of monsters, but they will not really use their strength, and may even cause trouble for Daqin's army. In short, the longer Daqin is dragged, the longer it will take for them to develop."

Yin Man and Di Que were relatively speechless, but Zuo Zhou was very sure of this speculation in his heart, because... Whether it is Zhao Min's Son of Heaven, Jiang Yufeng's Son of Qi Luck, or Xiao Chan who was snatched away, it will take time to grow up what!

(End of this chapter)

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