Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 711 Our Dock Collection

Chapter 711 Our Dock Collection
"Your Highness, His Majesty told you to go back, you see..."

"He asked me to go back, but he didn't say when he asked me to go back. Now the prince is going to inspect the border defense in the coastal area. Is there any problem?"

Cheng Shifei raised his head and chest, leaned back and stared at Lu Jianxing from an angle of looking down, not to mention, he looked quite majestic suddenly.

Lu Jianxing's waist had never been straightened before. Hearing this, he could only smile wryly but couldn't say anything. The only thing he could do was to follow behind him step by step and wait for orders.

"When did the informer leave?"

"It was in the early morning that a flying arrow was used to nail the secret letter to Mr. Fu Yin's bedside. We don't know who the informer is."

Cheng Shifei's face trembled, who else could it be? Look, Shangguan Haitang has already left!
"Let me ask you, when will Dongpu's merchant ships dock?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, there are a lot of business contacts between Dongying merchants and Ming Dynasty. In order to facilitate management, we will issue corresponding docking permits. Merchants without permits are not allowed to dock merchant ships at the dock. However, due to the extremely long coastline, smuggling is very difficult. Rampant, because of our limited manpower, we can only catch a few..."

"That is to say, there is no way to know the exact time?"

Seeing right and wrong, Lu Jianxing hurriedly said with a cold face: "If you only talk about merchant ships with licenses, there will be a batch the next morning. Since the licenses have to be reopened every time, most of the Japanese merchants will unite and dock together."

Cheng Shifei took a look at Lu Jianxing. In fact, he knew that Lu Jianxing hadn't finished what he said just now. In fact, the smuggling in the past was not very serious, because the navy of the Ming Dynasty was patrolling and guarding the coast. But before the battle with the Qing Dynasty, Zhu Qizhen sent the water The teacher has been cheated, which is why today's problems are caused.

Cheng Shifei thought for a while and asked again: "Apart from the merchant ship docking the day after tomorrow, will there be any more in the next month?"

"No, there will only be one docking on the next day in the next month."

Cheng Shifei's eyes flashed brightly, "Ahem, as a prince, I order you to mobilize heavy siege weapons to the coast to assist in city defense, and at the same time strictly control the docks!"

Lu Jianxing was a little confused, "This...Your Highness, according to the rules, did you..."

"Is there no way to mobilize heavy siege weapons? Then it will be no problem to mobilize some strong crossbows and manpower. As a prince, I am also the only prince in the Ming Dynasty. There are more than 50 people guarding the city. I feel very uneasy!"

Cheng Shifei stared at Lu Jianxing, anyone who could read air would understand what he meant, "I'm very angry!"

Lu Jianxing swallowed, and hurriedly lowered his head and clasped his fists, "There are two brothers in the humble position, one is the general flag and the other is the small flag, and they can transfer more than 50 people. They will definitely protect His Highness to the death!"

"It's better not to be so early, old Lu, you are too determined, you don't know how to please the superior, how will you be promoted to a hundred households in the future?"

Cheng Shifei patted Lu Jianxing on the shoulder, making him dumbfounded for a while, and said happily, "Thank you for your cultivation, Your Highness!"

Cheng Shifei didn't talk any more nonsense, but took the map of the coastal area, and he was almost sure that Guihai would land in the next few days.The reason is also very simple, the decisive battle between Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng is less than a month away, not to mention anything else, Yagyu Shashen will definitely come by this time on a merchant ship.

Liu Sheng Shashen is a master of the local rankings, and has also cooperated with Zhu Wushi, so he will never come here like a stowaway.

In the same way, the sword masters of the island countries will definitely not miss this grand event. When foreign masters arrive, there will be no shortage of masters from the Ming Kingdom. With so many people, it is the best opportunity for the enemy to control Guihai with a sword. .

As long as Guihai kills enough people, it will be a diplomatic incident between countries, coupled with the turmoil in Wulin, it will definitely be enough for Zhu Wushi to have a headache for a long time.

The most important thing is that if Shangguan Haitang is mixed into it, there may not be any good fruit to eat.

Don't forget, if Gui Hai goes crazy with one sword strike, those martial artists and swordsmen from all over the world will definitely attack back. Can you still expect them to show mercy?Impossible, so he could almost think of what Shangguan Haitang would do.

The first step is to prevent Guihai from killing people indiscriminately, because if there are too many deaths, the country will be in turmoil, which Shangguan Haitang does not want to see.

In the second step, she must return to Hai Yidao to live, and then she will become an enemy of those martial arts people and swordsmen from all over the world, which is too nonsense.

Which of these two steps is easier?It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an enemy of half of the martial arts world. If Shangguan Haitang is now at the top of the list, it is possible to save face, but she is not!
Taking a step back, whether Shangguan Haitang can stop Gui Hai Yi Dao is a problem, because Gui Hai Yi Dao without emotion, how strong should A Bidao's three swords skills be?
It is conservatively estimated that at least three to five grandmasters must be successful in order to stop him without killing him.

Therefore, Cheng Shifei has to do something. The most basic thing is to bring the official people to the scene. This can at least prove that Guihai Yidao and the official are not in the same group. superior.

What's more, if necessary, they would have to kill Gui Hai with their own hands!

"O man of ten kills, I Gan Lin Nong!"

Lu Jianxing paused at the back, and looked at Cheng Fei in surprise, did you swear just now, Your Highness?It turns out that the prince can also swear, he has learned a lot.

The Jin Yiwei behind were also very surprised, a group of Jin Yiwei stationed abroad seemed to have never seen the world.


On the sea, a 30-meter-long building boat sailed slowly, and there were two men standing at the bow.

An unremarkable one, dressed in a common fisherman's dress, with a harpoon behind his back.The other has blond hair hanging loose, and slightly closed his eyes to enjoy the sea breeze, but from time to time he felt majestic and fierce when he opened his eyes.

"You don't pay attention to your disguise technique. How can there be a fisherman as white as you? Besides, the harpoon is not the way to recite it. You don't have to worry about breaking your own ass."

Xie Xun shook his head amusedly, but Sikong Zhaixing didn't care, "I don't play disguise to hide anything, it's just because I like it. And the way to recite the harpoon, I'm learning from you!"

"But my sword is wrapped with cloth and then carried on my back. It's not as bare as yours. If you damage someone's gate and wall when you turn, don't expect me to pay for it."

Sikong Zhaixing didn't care, but asked rather curiously: "Let's not talk about why you changed to practicing big swords, I just want to know how you became Zhao Min's guard? I heard that Zhao Min often followed Mingjiao is looking for trouble!"

Xie Xun thought for a while, "It can only be said that Zhao Min gave too much, um, that's it!"

"Tch, it's no wonder I believed you." Sikong Zhaixing glanced at him, he never expected that the letter of introduction from Li Yuanfang was directed at Xie Xun.

This aroused great curiosity of Sikong Zaixing, and those who can become friends with Lu Xiaofeng are more or less a little curious.So Sikong Zhaixing began to wander around the Yuan Kingdom in the middle of the night. Today's Yuan Kingdom is not what it used to be. A large part of the Qinglong Society's power is concentrated there, so he was discovered not long after. Of course, this is also related to him. careless about.

When he found out that his whereabouts were exposed, Sikong Zhaixing could only come out to do business, but this experience made him miss it.After that, you have to quietly check what you say!
"The management of the Mingguo Wharf is very strict. We don't have permission and can only dock at night." Sikong Zhaixing said as a matter of course. He is a thief, so naturally he has to sneak around, and he is playing with this character design.

But Xie Xun was obviously not happy, "No need, I have permission, just drive at a normal speed, and we still have enough time to catch up with the duel after we dock."

"How did you give permission?"

Xie Xun chuckled and stopped talking, just continued: "Last time I saw you, Ye Gucheng should already be a top player in the local rankings, is Ximen Chuuxue sure of victory?"

"To be more precise, it's a half-step ranking. Well, that's what Ximen Chuuxue said."

Xie Xun wondered, "Have they met?"

"No, but Ximen Chuuxue said that it is precisely because Ye Gucheng can't guarantee that he can maintain the pure sword intent, so he needs to go through a duel to prove it to each other. In order to achieve the purity of the sword intent!" Sikong Zaixing shrugged, "Lu Xiaofeng In fact, Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng have long been able to cross the list at any time, but there are more or less impurities in their sword intent. After all, they are human beings, and they have various experiences. The moods of these experiences are more or less A little will affect the sword intent."

Xie Xun nodded knowingly, "So the two have to testify against each other, and then use pure sword intent to advance to the ranking list. The result of this duel is already determined, the winner will be promoted, and the loser...death! It seems that the good story of simultaneous promotion It's a little harder, of course, and more likely, to die at the same time."

"Oh, I didn't expect that the Lion King also knows so much about swordsmanship."

Xie Xun won't explain much, and continues to close his eyes to feel the turbulent waves. He has obtained all the essence of Yan Nantian's kendo. Like a landslide and a tsunami, the whole one is a walking natural disaster!

Therefore, from time to time, Xie Xun would come to watch the sea, or climb mountains, etc. He only started practicing sword again after he achieved the place list. Now he is making rapid progress, but he is about to reach the bottleneck period.

"Ship spotted on port side!"

A sailor suddenly yelled, and the two of them looked around, only to see a speedboat advancing at high speed. It was still far away from them, but it didn't take long for it to get closer.

"Ship spotted on starboard!"

It was the same sailor who shouted again, and Sikong Zhaixing turned his head again, only to see a big ship more luxurious than theirs slowly approaching.

Xie Xun looked around and suddenly became amused, "This is two groups of people who are not dealing with each other, we accidentally got involved, um, let the boat stop and let them pass first."

Xie Xun hadn't finished speaking, but he saw that the speedboat suddenly bloomed with the coercion of the local masters, and the heavy pressure went straight to the luxury ship, and they were unfortunately included in it.

(End of this chapter)

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