Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 712

Chapter 712

"I go!"

Sikong Zhaixing let out a strange cry, and shot the harpoon behind him directly. It's a pity that he didn't have any martial arts to match the harpoon, let alone the fusion of sword intent and saber intent. None, but he miraculously achieved his goal.

I saw that the true energy was scattered by the sword intent, and the exploding air wave pushed the ship's side, causing the boat under his feet to twist suddenly, and happened to avoid the sword.

Xie Xun was a little surprised, and exclaimed, "Your control over your true qi is so precise! It's amazing!"

Sikong Zhaixing didn't have any complacency, he just looked at the sea surface with reluctance, "The harpoon is gone!"

The sword intent blasted directly into the big ship with undiminished power. Although the big ship seemed to have an extremely strong structure, it couldn't hold up under the attack of the ground list level at all, and it burst into countless pieces in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the breath of the same ground list soared into the sky, sharper than the sword intent just now.

"Hahahaha, I thought it was someone who intercepted and killed the old man halfway, but it turned out to be just a little doll!"

The voice is thick and majestic, and people can tell that he is a person who has been in a high position for a long time, but the sharpness that seems to be emanating from the front, back, left, and right of a hedgehog makes people uncomfortable, like a person wearing an armor full of spikes.

He is not trying to protect himself, but to hurt others!
He made two circles in the air, wearing a toga and kimono from Japan, with a skinny face as if recovering from a serious illness, slender hands without swords or swords, and some protruding eyeballs seemed domineering.

"Fu Cailin died under my knife, yet you still have the guts to provoke this old man? Could it be that you want to recommend yourself as a pillow!"


Sikong Zhaixing rolled his eyes. If he thought this person was a bit magnanimous just now, he would feel that he was a mess when he opened his mouth now.

Xie Xun frowned even more, he was so shameless and so strong, in his impression, only Yagyu Sasami seemed to be suitable for Dongpu.Their luck is really good enough, they can be seen in the vast sea.

"By the way, who is Fu Cailin?" Sikong Zhaixing asked in a low voice.

Xie Xun also shook his head, but behind them a sailor from the Blue Dragon Club quietly came behind him and whispered in his ear for a while.

Xie Xun was stunned and replied: "Fu Cailin is a top player in Goryeo. He once fought against Liusheng Shashen before, but Liusheng's Shashen skill was superior. Fu Cailin was wounded and returned, passed on his skills to his disciples and died. "

Sikong Zhaixing nodded, glanced at the sailor quickly, then pretended not to mind and continued to watch the fun.

"I heard that Senior Liu Sheng was smashed by someone with the evil knife. I don't know how much strength he has now?"

The speed of the speedboat slowed down, and a tough female voice came slowly. At the same time, three female figures walked onto the deck. They were not wearing Korean costumes, but skirts common in the Ming Dynasty. If you want to say that they were not there to watch the duel No one believed it.

The most surprising thing is that the faces of the three women are [-]% similar, and their appearance is three times as beautiful as triplets!

Liu Sheng's killing god's eyes lit up instantly, like a wild wolf preparing to steal a chicken at night, all of them glowed green.

"Ahahaha, if I had known that Fu Cailin had such beautiful three disciples, I would have spared his life, but it's fine now, you are exactly what I want."

The three women are of different ages and personalities, and they naturally react differently when faced with ridicule. The leader is calm, while the latter two have pretty faces.

"Senior seems to be seriously injured. This state of mind has been broken. Can't you maintain that venerable appearance?" The woman said at the time, her eyes became more murderous, as if she wanted to take the opportunity to kill him .

Sikong Zhaixing asked in a low voice: "Who does the Lion King think will win? Even Fu Cailin is not the opponent of Liusheng Shashen. Can this master of the local list who has been forcibly pulled up by skill really win the opponent? Even if Liusheng Shashen is seriously injured."

Xie Xun frowned, he looked up and down the three women, and after a while he suddenly shouted, "I know why Fu Cailin was beaten to death by Liu Shengshashen."

"..." Sikong Zhaixing smiled wryly, "Brother, you know it if you know it, don't scream!"

The three women on the speedboat and Liu Sheng Shashen, who was stepping on the debris, all turned their heads to look over, but Xie Xun didn't care, and was even a little eager to try.

"Tell me, don't say half of it!" Sikong Zhaoxing shouted, scratching his head, how can you be so out of context?
Xie Xun looked at the three women and said, "I have never met Fu Cailin or fought against him, but from their bodies, we can see each other's martial arts skills. The three of them have very flexible bodies, but they don't have the feeling of being strong and powerful." , indicating that he is not a person who refines the body. The sword around the waist is also a regular standard, indicating that it should be a light and agile way. In addition, there are faint powerful mental fluctuations in the true energy, this feature will only appear when you think too much. A master who has the ultimate number of moves. From this, it can be seen that their master, Cai Lin, should also be a master who has studied the moves thoroughly."

When Xie Xun's words fell to the ground, the expressions of the three women really changed. Sikong Zhaixing knew that Xie Xun had hit the mark.

But I heard Xie Xun continue: "Generally speaking, it is very difficult to cause casualties in a one-on-one battle between the masters of the local rankings and the local rankings. Everyone has a lot of means to fight their lives. However, there are two exceptions. , so they fought each other to the death, and they would not let it go if no one died. In the second round, one of them's skills were completely defeated by the other party, so there was no chance of winning."

Sikong Zhaixing looked at Liu Sheng's smug look, "So Fu Cailin's kung fu has been mastered?"

Xie Xun looked at Liusheng Shashen, and recalled the information that Zuo Zhou had sent back in his mind, "Since he is an old-fashioned strongman, his strength will not be crushed, and there is only the latter situation. But considering Liu Shengshen He is not a master of body training, let alone a person who specializes in moves, he will definitely not be able to win Fu Cailin in ordinary battles, and the one who can form an overwhelming advantage can only be his evil knife!"

"Hahahaha, I didn't expect to meet people who know the goods on the vast sea. The three young ladies have also heard it. Why don't you just hold your hands and share with the old man..."

"I heard that Liu Sheng's killing god was wounded by Master Di Renjie, and I don't know if it's alright." Xie Xun's voice suddenly rang out again, even with a bit of murderous intent.

Xie Xun had already known the information about the first battle in the imperial capital. Although he didn't understand what was going on, it didn't affect him knowing that Liu Shengshashen was the enemy.

As for Fu Cailin's matter, a person who has been playing tricks all his life will probably vomit blood depressed when he meets someone who can turn himself into a knife to slash you!
For this kind of person who can turn himself into a magic weapon, hiding is useless. The best way is to hit it hard with a magic weapon or a hard and heavy blunt weapon.

Don't you think it's a coincidence, the giant sword Yan Nantian left behind was a magic weapon, or a heavy magic weapon, just in time for Liu Sheng to kill the god as the enemy, but he was still seriously injured, what if you don't If he took the opportunity to keep him, wouldn't Jiang Yuyan blame him when he went back?
"Who are you, this muddy water is not easy to navigate!"

Liu Sheng's killing god was furious, his eyes almost popped out, but Xie Xun felt that he was stern, and said with a smile: "Don't hesitate, the three girls, this guy must be seriously injured, otherwise he wouldn't be in such a hurry to go to the capital to plot against him apprentice."

The three women seemed to have been bluffed just now, although they were relieved after hearing the words, they didn't know Xie Xun after all, so they didn't know what to do for a while.

Xie Xun didn't care, anyway, he didn't think of relying on others to complete the work.

Gently unfastened the giant sword on his back, and the wrapped cloth strips fell down, Liu Sheng's eyelids twitched at the sight of the heavy soldier, boy, can you restrain me a little more?

Ever since he was knocked by Di Renjie last time, he was a little apprehensive towards those people who carried their weapons behind their backs and wrapped them in cloth.

Xie Xun waved it twice casually, and the buzzing wind whistle made people feel cold, "Since Mr. Liu Sheng can defeat the masters who study the moves, he must have reached the realm of the moves. Xie will learn a thing or two." !"

As soon as the words fell, the huge sword had already been raised above the head and slashed down. The violent waves suddenly rose to a height of tens of meters, and the huge vortex covered the sea area in the blink of an eye.

Liu Sheng was in a daze, didn't you mean to compare moves?Your family's trick is to shoot people with tens of meters of sea wall?
Yagyu Shashen secretly hated him, he stretched out his hand to extract the fragments of the big ship to form a sword, and used the move of Shashen to slash against the sea wall.

However, the huge saber aura hadn't collided with the sea wall yet. Xie Xun had already turned the giant sword round and round. Thousands of miles of dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and violent wind and rain mixed together to form an all-round momentum and began to squeeze. Press Liu Sheng to kill the god.

"Hiss!" This is Nima's move!
At this time, Liu Sheng Shashen already understood what kind of enemy he had encountered. This was an opponent whose skill was not inferior to him, and who took advantage of the right time, place and people!
Yan Nantian's giant sword swordsmanship emphasizes a big opening and closing, grandeur, and arrogance. To put it more bluntly, it is to overwhelm people with power, and the more vast and vast the environment, the more powerful it will be. big.If you practice to the extreme, the kind who dare to pierce the sky with a little arrogance!

In fact, it is not uncommon to meet this kind of opponent Liu Sheng Shashen. The most important thing to deal with this kind of person is to break his state of mind. As long as the state of mind is not satisfactory, the aura that can be raised will naturally be incomplete and there will be flaws.

But here comes the problem, he doesn't even know who Xie Xun is, how can he break the mood of dealing with him?

Seeing that the surrounding space has a tendency to keep shrinking, Liu Sheng Shashen was completely discouraged, "Today's gift will be repaid in the future!"

Xie Xun didn't get used to him, his body was like a cannonball, piercing through the sea wall, and the giant sword slapped his face.


The ear-piercing sword chants came, and the person who was still fine suddenly seemed to be two-dimensional, directly turning into a knife.

Xie Xun was also very surprised. He couldn't imagine it when he heard the information at the time, but when he saw it now... he felt like laughing.

I didn't pull back, just kidding, the sword in my hand is so big, am I afraid of your knife?

However, the sword was emptied, and the wind pressure brought up was like a cannonball, but the blade transformed by Liu Sheng's killing god fell into the water one by one.

Sikong Zhaixing's exclamation came at the same time, "It doesn't make sense, he didn't turn into a fish, so why can he swim so fast?"

(End of this chapter)

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