Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 714 Everyone Condemned Him Together

Chapter 714 Everyone Condemns Him Together
Wharf, as a country with a strong navy in the Ming Dynasty, the construction of this coastal area must be very advanced. This is not only reflected in the large scale, but also in many aspects such as the improvement of basic measures and so on.

But when the navy is gone, this perfection will become a loophole in the eyes of the enemy. Hostile forces will take advantage of it, pirates will take advantage of it, businessmen will take advantage of it, and even the people of the Ming Dynasty will take advantage of it.

This caused great difficulties to Jinyiwei's work. Even though Cheng Shifei had mobilized nearly 2000 people in Jinyiwei, he still couldn't keep an eye on all the places.

It was in this atmosphere that the first caravan with a proper license came.

Cheng Shifei cheered up, good guy, it looks like a caravan, but it's actually a human smuggling smuggler!You can see that there are so many people on board, even the mast is almost full.

"The boatman has earned a lot!" Cheng Shifei asked meaningfully.

The captain's smiling eyes almost narrowed into slits, "Hehe, as my lord said auspiciously, the villain also rode the huge waves of the duel!"

"Have you paid your taxes?"


Cheng Shifei didn't make things difficult for the captain. After all, according to the evidence collected on the ship, the cargo was at most just transporting Jianghu people who wanted to watch the decisive battle, and there was no malice.

"All ships must be strictly inspected. We have received reliable information that there is a vicious murderer hiding among the passing ships! Anyone who harbors criminals will be punished by the three clans!"

Cheng Shifei took on a leader's demeanor, his eyes swept across everyone present, especially the people from the rivers and lakes who passed by or stayed to watch the excitement in the distance, he shouted with all his true energy, and his voice could almost cover half of the city .

Well, this is his method, turning the deer into a horse, and making Gui Hai a criminal first, so that no matter what damage Gui Hai caused, the court can say, 'Look, we have warned you a long time ago! ', even if someone knew that Guihai Yidao was a former secret agent of Hulong Villa, it wouldn't make enough waves.

He also has no choice, at least with his IQ, there is really no way out!
Bang bang bang!
"what sound?"

Cheng Shifei stood up from the chair abruptly, and when he looked up, he saw three thousands of miles of flames leaping into the sky, and when they exploded, they looked like a knife.

His nerves jumped up violently, and as far as the eye could see, a ship appeared at the junction of the sea and the sky after the thousand-mile fire exploded.

It was a dilapidated ghost ship, with mottled traces and incomplete masts. You didn't even know how such a ship sailed on the sea without being swept into the sea by the waves.

There was no one on the deck, but a heavy and oppressive ominousness instantly enveloped the guards in brocade clothes!
"This pressure...damn it, it's the breath of the ground!" Cheng Shifei swallowed stiffly, "All Jin Yiwei, the crossbows are cocked, and the ballista is fired to sink the ship. It must not be allowed to dock!"

As Lu Jianxing reported before, because there was no order from Zhu Wushi, only fifteen large-scale siege equipment were dispatched. Therefore, at Cheng Shifei's order, fifteen huge crossbow arrows flew out and crossed the sea. Fifteen water marks were formed and nailed straight into the ghost ship.

With the sound of bang bang, countless sawdust flew, and several large holes were opened in the dilapidated hull. People could even see the internal structure of the hull through those holes.

There was no one, really no one, but the feeling of oppression became more and more serious!
This kind of oppression drove all the Jinyiwei to the edge of madness. Fortunately, the Jinyiwei today has not become a place where the clan's children earn their qualifications. None of them escaped, but they poured out their arrows in a somewhat disorganized manner.

The rain of arrows all over the sky can be regarded as making the people in the surrounding martial arts grow arrows. No wonder people say that the people in the martial arts are unable to fight against the army, not to mention the cavalry charge. block?
So, being strong is what this world needs to pursue most!

Crack, crack, the wooden planks that make up the ghost ship were shattered, and the whole ship finally couldn't hold on any longer. A large amount of sea water poured into the cabin, and the sea water quickly pulled the hull into the sea. There seemed to be no accidents in the whole process. What everyone wants to see.

However, that pressure was already a bit of Huawei's essence, and even suppressed many Jin Yiwei's bodies so that they couldn't move.

"Damn it! Lu Jianxing, take someone to track down the source of the three flares. If you encounter resistance, I will allow you to die!"


Lu Jianxing was grateful at this moment, because he also knew that the person he was going to face next was definitely not something they could fight against.Cheng Shifei asked them to investigate other things, obviously to save them!

Cheng Shifei took a deep breath, most of the Jin Yiwei left, now he should worry about himself, how can he stop Gui Hai Yidao who is denied by his relatives?
Cheng Shifei looked left and right, and shouted loudly: "The alien invaders are determined to kill us and the Ming country, and this murderous repeat offender is their conspiracy. As the prince of the Ming country, he naturally has to shoulder the heavy responsibility of resisting the invasion and expelling the Tartars. Please leave, don't want to kill everyone!"

Of course, everyone knows who the so-called foreign race is. After all, the war between the two countries has not ended for a long time.But even if everyone understands it, they can only let him go, after all, everyone wants face.

Well, since you want face, you have to do enough of it. Sure enough, soon there will be several people in the martial arts, I don’t know which village or sect they are from, and they will stand up and say that they are loyal to the country. , To help Cheng Shifei defend against the enemy.

Cheng Shifei was moved, and forced out a few tears, "Okay, my Ming country man is so heroic, why worry about the country's prosperity!"

Boom boom boom, a loud noise like rolling thunder came, pouring a basin of cold water on the excited people.

I saw a sea wave suddenly formed. This sea wave was quite strange. It didn't appear to be moving horizontally, but it seemed that there was a sudden bump on the sea surface. The sea water seemed to be squeezed away by the bump where it passed.

"Here we come! Come on everyone!"

No one kept their hands, and one could tell from the oppressive feeling that this must be a master. If he didn't take the opportunity to press him to death in the sea, who knew how many people would be killed or injured.

So all kinds of hidden weapons and all kinds of strange kung fu were smashed, as if someone gathered wind, thunder, rain and electricity in a square inch, and even the space seemed to be chaotic for a while.

The bulge seemed to be suspended for a moment, and then a blade shot out of the sea and struck the shore.


This knife was so big that it was outrageous, the sea water was divided, a trench was added on the beach, and the docks everywhere were also divided into two halves.

Wow, a figure in black finally rose from the water. In his hand was a thick-backed ghost knife.

For a moment, Cheng Shifei breathed a sigh of relief, he was able to recognize this figure, it was Gui Hai Yi Dao.But the good news is that he is wearing a mask, a grimace mask carved out of black wood, as if a layer of old bark was pasted on his face.

"Oops, the enemy is a master of the local list, everyone retreats, leaving the green hills without worrying about no firewood, waiting for the court to send masters to solve it!"

Cheng Zhengfei saw that the situation was almost over, after his nonsense, it would not be so simple for the enemy to put Guihai's sword on Ming Guo's head again.

The excited masters just now were honest at this time, turned around and ran, as for who the ghost face master was, they didn't care, as long as they ran faster than the people around them.

Cheng Shifei also ran away, but he was stunned after a few steps. He found that Guihai Yidao did not pursue blindly, but walked slowly towards the town step by step.

Since his speed was not fast, none of the people in the martial arts who fled in all directions were injured.This strange situation was also observed by them.

Many people stopped because of this, only to see that Gui Hai's saber suddenly exploded, and the ghost-headed saber slashed out countless blade lights, chopping to death those people in the martial arts who had stood still.

The blood exploded in an instant, and successfully cleared a road paved with blood.

Cheng Shifei shuddered, followed by countless cries, many people were killed by this move, many of them were brothers and lovers.

However, none of the crying people dared to go forward to collect the corpse, they just watched Guihai stepping on the corpse step by step.

Soon everyone discovered the problem, and after a few more unlucky ghosts died, people found out the attack range of Gui Hai Yi Dao.

It seems that as long as he appears within his warning range, he will attack, and if he goes out of the warning range, he will stop chasing and killing.

Cheng Shifei's eyes lit up, he knew that the other party was being controlled, but judging from this dull action, the controller didn't seem to be nearby.This is actually an opportunity, if it can be awakened...

But in an instant, Cheng Shifei was dumbfounded again. He just said that the other party is a weapon of hostile forces, a murderer, and now he wants to wake up the other party?Wouldn't that be a waste of all previous work!
Cheng Shifei is in a hurry, he is looking for Shangguan Haitang, if anyone can wake him up, it must not be him.But his heart became more and more bitter, big sister, you must be unprepared, at least you should wear a veil.


The loud noise at the pier soon spread into the city. In a restaurant, Shangguan Haitang threw a human head on the ground, then raised his head slightly with his fists in his hands, "Shangguan Haitang has seen City Lord Baiyun."

On the third floor of the inn, above a private seat, dressed in white and holding a sword, Ye Gucheng was still as dazzling as Zuo Zhou had seen him before.

He glanced down, his body was not too large, "It turned out to be one of the four former secret agents, what advice do you have?"

"I don't dare to advise you. I just remind the city lord to be careful. Someone wants to sabotage your duel with Ximen Chuuxue. This is the person who just released Qianlihuo. It's a pity that the little girl is weak and can only catch one."

"Well, is that the lunatic who killed the Quartet at the pier?"

"Yes, he used to be my friend, but he was brainwashed by the enemy. Please move the city lord to another place, and the little girl can stop him with confidence." Shangguan Haitang replied respectfully.

Ye Gucheng didn't move, and Shangguan Haitang didn't seem to be in his eyes, but he just faced the direction of the pier, "Before the duel, it would be nice for someone to sharpen his sword intent?"

(End of this chapter)

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