Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 715

Chapter 715

The development of the matter was somewhat beyond Shangguan Haitang's expectation, yes, it was you, Ye Gucheng, it was you!

Shangguan Haitang, as the person who used to be in charge of the intelligence of the entire Hulong Villa, is far from being able to analyze the situation. Even Cheng Shifei can understand that the enemy is going to use Ye Gucheng to make a fuss. How could she not see it?
So when she learned that Cheng Shifei not only did not go back to the capital but went to the pier, she knew what she should do.

According to the information obtained by Shangguan Haitang, Ye Gucheng is somewhat different from Ximen Chuuxue. Although they both have the same sincerity towards the sword, the latter separates life from the sword, and has a sense of combining work and rest.But the former is fully devoted to the sword, which is an obsession in pursuit of perfection.

For this kind of person, once he sets his goal, there will be no change. Anyone who stops him is his enemy, and he will never die.And when he knew it was the enemy's conspiracy and there was a solution, he would never delay the duel because of it.

However, Shangguan Haitang miscalculated, Ye Gucheng saw that Guihai was getting closer and closer to entering the city, but he didn't leave!

"Ximen Chuuxue is very strong, if you go to a duel with injuries, you will definitely lose."

Shangguan Haitang had to remind again, big brother!Don't be a moth, although I didn't beat you to win or lose, but because of this, all the martial arts are in chaos!

Ye Gucheng finally turned his neck slightly to face Shangguan Haitang, "You let me go, which shows that you have the confidence to stop that person. But now you are only the master of the list, and I don't feel any outstanding martial arts from you True meaning. If you put it this way, you should have a cross-boundary cultivation technique."

Shangguan Haitang paused for a moment but did not answer.

Ye Gucheng nodded knowingly, "So, you can't be regarded as a master in the local rankings, and you don't understand that the duel between me and Ximen Chuuxue has nothing to do with my status. We have no grievances or enmities, and we are just pursuing! Before, I thought that helping The person I practiced will be Li Yuanfang, and later found out that he doesn't know swords at all."

Then he stared at Shangguan Haitang again, "I will give you the same thing, you don't know swords either!"


Hey, you're amazing, you're noble, the whole world doesn't understand swords like you, okay!

Shangguan Haitang resisted the urge to complain, "I don't care if I understand swords or not, I just know that there is no logical error in my words, won't a fight with him affect your duel with Ximen Chuuxue? Besides, you may not can beat him."

Please general is not as good as aggressive general, Shangguan Haitang's move is not new, but she believes it will be very useful.

But this time she obviously miscalculated, or as Ye Gucheng said, she didn't understand swords.

Ye Gucheng seemed to lose interest in chatting with her, and looked up towards the gate of the city. The ominous coercion belonging to the master of the local list was getting closer and closer.

"A Bi Dao's three knives, in itself, started from hatred into the knife, which can be regarded as the pinnacle of emotion. It is powerful in itself, but the person who controlled him was an idiot, who actually turned him into a walking dead and turned him into a heartless knife The heartless sword intent looks very strong and sounds terrible. However, anyone who really understands swords knows that the result of the heartless sword intent can only be destruction, but it is not pure destruction. This is actually a Planting the true meaning of martial arts that I most disdain to practice."

Shangguan Haitang was a little surprised that Gui Hai's unique trick of cutting the bottom of the box with a knife was so unbearable!

"Whether it is a god, a demon, or a human being, desire and emotion are the basis of life, but the unfeeling sword intent makes people forget their feelings and nature, which fundamentally deviates from the way of humanity and also deviates from the way of heaven. Therefore, Now his strength is nothingness, he looks fierce, but in fact he is the weakest on the list!"


Shangguan Haitang was speechless, the weakest on the land list?Why is she so unbelievable?Besides, even if the local ranking is the weakest, it is better than your personal ranking!
The gate of the city has been opened, and the one who came in first was not Guihai Yidao, but Cheng Zhengfei, who galloped wildly, holding the token belonging to the Jinyiwei in his hand, and shouted loudly: "All civilians quickly gather at the gates on both sides. Those involved will be dealt with by military law!"

Shouting one after another, repeating the reading over and over again, it is heartbroken to become casualties due to cheap laughter.

Shangguan Haitang almost understood the problem after glancing at the chaos at the city gate. She couldn't wait anymore, so she left Ye Gucheng and rushed out against the crowd.

Although Shangguan Haitang is not all over the country, she can be regarded as stunning. Now, without any disguise, she is running wildly in the crowd and is recognized by right and wrong at a glance.

"Don't go, you are no match for him!"

Cheng Shifei shouted anxiously, he had already thought it over, let Guihai go on like this, as long as the crowd is dispersed in advance, no casualties will be caused.When the imperial court sends a master, he will naturally be able to deal with him, but you will not be able to tell when you go.

In desperation, Cheng Shifei immediately turned his horse's head to catch up, but he was too late after all, Shangguan Haitang was already standing in front of Guihai Yidao.

The appearance of Shangguan Haitang made Guihai Yidao feel an instinctive threat. The eyes under the mask of the evil ghost glowed a strange red light, and he raised the knife with both hands and slashed down.

Ah Bidao's three swords moves are actually very simple, very similar to Zuo Zhou's Spring and Autumn Swordsmanship, similar to ordinary vertical and horizontal chops, but the real key is the saber intent.

The first move is to arouse one's own hatred, the second move is to use one's own hatred to induce the hatred of both the enemy and all the people present to merge into the knife, and the third move is to condense the hatred of the world.

And hatred is an extreme emotion. Personal hatred can already affect one's mind, let alone the world's hatred?

Therefore, most of the people who practiced the Three Swords of Ah Bi Dao became lunatics.

But now Guihai Yidao has no hatred, what is left is the coldness of the heartless sword intent, this is a sword intent with no potential for development, if you major in this thing, it means that you will never be able to progress.

When Zuo Zhou was in the Ming Dynasty, he saw the disadvantages of the unfeeling sword intent, so he persuaded him to abandon the sword, but as Ye Gucheng said, Zuo Zhou actually didn't know much about swords, let alone the three swords of Ah Bidao It's a secret, otherwise he might not bother to pay attention to this kind of skill that makes a fuss about hatred.

However, although the unfeeling sword intent is looked down upon by the masters of the earth list, it is the true meaning of the earth list martial arts, so no one thinks that Shangguan Haitang can survive this knife.


The metal clattering formed visible waves of sound, and the surrounding houses couldn't even bear it and collapsed one after another.

But at this time, no one cared about those houses. They looked at the golden woman in disbelief, and said, why can't they shine because they are also human?

Vajra Immortality Magic Art is a very miraculous martial art. Once it is activated, it is like a leap forward from the level of life.You will be covered with golden light, and even the hair on your body will become golden, just like a golden Buddha enshrined in a Buddhist temple.

This was the last resort that the ancient three links passed on to Shangguan Haitang, and it was also the first time Shangguan Haitang used it, and it was also the reason why she dared to take the initiative to stand up and intercept Guihai's knife.


The huge shock force made Guihai Yidao unstable and fell on his back in mid-air.

Shangguan Haitang is not retreating and advancing. In this state, she can be promoted to the rank of the ground list, but if her original energy is calculated, she can only maintain it for 30 seconds at best. Now she has the ancient three links. True Qi can be used relatively freely.

"One knife, wake up..."

"This sword block is good, the master of the imperial court is well-deserved!"

Shangguan Haitang's call was directly blocked by Cheng Shifei who rushed over. She was stunned when she heard the words and understood the reason in the blink of an eye.

Guihai Yidao didn't hold back at all because the opponent was a former colleague, and he just stabbed straight at Shangguan Haitang's Tianling Gai.


Shangguan Haitang didn't care about it, and started running out of the city holding Guihai Yidao, all she wanted was to find a place where no one was around and try to wake up Guihai Yidao.

It's just that she underestimated the methods of Crow and the others after all. Although they don't know swords, they know magic.

Guihai Yidao, who was struggling to get rid of it, suddenly had blood burst out from his body, and an extremely evil aura began to spread towards the streets and alleys.

This kind of situation was never imagined by Shangguan Haitang. She only felt that Gui Hai's knife had been forcibly detached from her fingertips with a slip of her finger. At the same time, the big knife began to sweep wildly, and the light of the knife flew aimlessly in all directions. .

"Oh help..."

"Crazy crazy!"

"Everyone, run!"


Shangguan Haitang's eyes were about to burst, this was the scene she didn't want to see the last time, the whole body hit Guihai down like a cannonball.

It seems that her fighting style has changed a little since she practiced the invincible magic of King Kong.

A girl, even though her whole body is golden, her slender figure has not changed, but now she is entangled with Gui Hai's sword like a snake, locking her tightly to prevent her from moving.

"One knife, one knife, wake up, I am Haitang!"

There were no onlookers around, so she could try it with confidence.However, at this time, she felt a little unable to lock it. Anyone can see at this time that what he is using now is no longer the unfeeling sword intent, but something else.

A ghostly howl was visible to the naked eye, and the civilians and martial arts people who had just died turned into ghosts and threw themselves into Guihai Yidao's body.Shangguan Haitang only felt that the opponent's strength had increased illogically, and even kicked her away with one kick.

"His change comes from manipulation, which means that the person who controls him is nearby. This is your only chance. If it doesn't work, let me give him a relief."

A reminder came from upstairs, and Cheng Shifei suddenly realized, "Lu Jianxing! Lu Jianxing, it's time to use you. Dig three feet and find him!"

 Have you watched Jay's new MV?People who don't feel a little settled really don't understand

(End of this chapter)

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