Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 730 The big event of solving the problem of food and clothing

Chapter 730 The Major Event of Solving the Food and Clothing Problems of the People

Let me tell you first, Zuo Zhou is absolutely not jealous, let alone mad with jealousy.From the bottom of his heart, he agreed with what Ye Gucheng said, and even expressed his hatred for the shameless behavior of Feng Wubei and other exiles who cheated and went ashore.

As the respected general Li Yuanfang, of course he would not ruin his future.It's just that as a realm, he has already surpassed the top rankings, but for him who lacks true energy, this opportunity to easily leapfrog can only be described in two words, oh my god, it smells so good!

Zuo Zhou looked at Feng Wubei, but couldn't tell the difference for a while.Is he considered the kind of martyr who endured all kinds of torture without changing his mind, but then he thought that since they killed Li Yuzhu, they must not have firm faith in their hearts.So I asked straight to the point: "How did you achieve the rank of this local list?"

Feng Wusai sneered: "You can get nothing from me."

Zuo Zhou also sneered: "If you kill him, you can always get it."

Feng Wusai was still doing nothing, and Ye Gucheng next to him was already full of question marks.Is this order wrong?If you kill someone, what information can you ask for?

Shangguan Haitang and the others who locked Guihai's knife in the distance were also surprised by Zuo Zhou's logic at this time.They have been doing intelligence work for so many years, and this is the first time they have heard such a weird logic.

Not only them, but also those defective products on the ground list who were struggling felt a chill.

Good guy, is this the program for your interrogation?Whipping, insulting, SM dripping wax, binding these things, you don't fix anything, you're going to kill us when you come up?
All the defective products on the ground list panicked.I can't fight and I can't fight, I can't run and I can't run.Look at Li Yuanfang's expression.They just wanted to tell the truth, but they didn't seem to be able to survive.

Xie Xun took advantage of the gap between the wild thoughts of a few defective products to knock out two of them with the giant sword, and at the same time made the other defective products react.Finally, at the intersection of life and death, they finally chose to escape.

Brush brush brush.

Countless sword shadows gathered like a river.Surrounded by the whole forest.Crazy scour wash.Those defective items on the ground list scattered and fled are like dirty things in a clear river.Just one impact left them covered in bruises and blood.

Seeing that all the enemies had been put to death, Hu Sanniang didn't relax at all.He looked in the direction he had come.His eyes were gloomy, like black clouds coming from a storm.

But Zuo Zhou didn't care what Hu Sanniang had to worry about, he just took out his huge sword and slapped Feng Wusai.

The heavy blade whistled in the wind, and the invisible pressure instantly fell on Feng Wubei's shoulders.The muscles of his face swelled like waves under the pressure.It was as if 1000 needles were irritating his eyes at the same time.It made his eyelids hard to open like rocks.

Not even the sound of metal clanging.Obviously, Feng Wubei has raised his sword to fight.But the heavy whistling even overwhelmed the brittle sound of metal snapping.

Feng Wubei didn't feel the pain, because everything happened too fast.When he opened his eyes again, he saw it.It is endless darkness and cruelty.

"What is this place?"

"Don't be afraid, this is just hell. A sunny place, hehehe."


Zuo Zhou shot Feng Wubei to death, but his mood was not very comfortable.I used to think that this person had an important role to play with this name, but it turned out that he couldn't help hitting him, and he didn't even use his strength!
Immediately afterwards, he thought of Lin Chong again.If that is to say, if Chao Gai and Hu Sanniang had stayed on Lin Chong's side back then.With the strength of the three of them, can they lead Li Yuzhu out of the chaos and come to Ming Kingdom, and ask him for help?
Although Xie Xun didn't know what happened, since he saw Zuo Zhou, he killed the enemy so carelessly.He didn't want to keep anything alive.The giant sword's swordsmanship is running to the extreme.It's like heaven and earth working together, easily crushing a large number of defective products on the ground list to death.

After that, the only thing left to pay attention to was Guihai Yidao who was locked on the ground.

Shangguan Haitang was in a very bad mood right now.There are no outsiders here, so it started from the time when Gui Hai Yidao was just locked.She kept calling for Gui Hai Yi Dao.But just like everyone discovered, there is no feedback at all in this body.

A group of people slowly approached Guihai with a knife, and Sikong Zaixing couldn't wait to pick up a magnifying glass to study this unreasonable person who didn't even wear clothes.

"Oh, your skin is quite tender." Sikong Zhaixing knelt down and poked Guihai Yidao's belly.

Xie Xun looked down at Guihai Yidao's palm, and said in a deep voice, "There are no calluses on the palm. It really doesn't look like a knife player."

Ye Gucheng still maintained the coldness on his face, looking at the ghost knife in his hand. "In my opinion, only this arm and this knife in his whole body are interesting. If the enemy did it, it should be the seed."

Zuo Zhou instantly understood what he meant.With a turn of the huge sword, Gui Hai was smashed into a meat paste.Only the arm and the ghost knife were left behind.

During the whole process, he didn't hold back his strength at all, and he didn't know whether he wanted to kill Gui Hai, or to test how tough Shangguan Haitang's body was?
"Are you crazy? What if he is the real Guihai Yidao?"

"Hehe, what's the matter with me?"


Shangguan Haitang's eyes turned red instantly, and she stared at Zuo Zhou as if she was about to cry.Cheng Shifei just wanted to pull a sideways frame.But he was surprised to see that the arm gap on the ground was actually sprouting.Those granulation buds are like silk thread, blood red and sticky.The mutual entanglement soon formed a new layer of flesh.Then the shoulders, chest, belly, legs and finally the head.In less than half a quarter of an hour, a severed arm turned into a new Guihai Yidao at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Everyone is stupid.Even Ye Gucheng, who has seen a lot of sinister and vicious spells overseas, is not so outrageous.

This time Zuo Zhou was really merciless at all, the sword shadow shuttled back and forth, and completely smashed the newly appeared Gui Hai into a pulp.Not to mention the broken arm just now, not even a little finger was left.Seeing the ghost-headed knife fall aside abruptly, everyone's eyes were focused on the lump of rotten flesh, for fear that he would turn into a living person again.

However, this time was different. First, silky gray gas came out of the ghost knife. The gas first entangled the rotten meat, and then the rotten meat began to churn.Like boiling water, Gululu made disgusting sounds and smells.A large lump of rotten meat unexpectedly started to grow again, and it didn't take long for a brand new Guihai Yidao to appear.

"Do you think his meat is poisonous?" Zuo Zhou's expression was very strange for a moment, as if he had thought of something weird.

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm here, what if this ability is used on chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep? Does it mean that it directly solves the problem of food and clothing?"

"Hehe, I thank you on behalf of all the people in the world."

"You're welcome, I didn't do it either."

Zuo Zhou once again used the huge sword to smash Gui Hai into a meat paste.Then he reached out to pick up the Ghost Head Knife on the ground, and the black energy really rushed out again.It's just that it didn't get close to other people, and it still drifted slowly towards Guihai with a knife.

Zuo Zhou felt playful, and stretched out his hand to throw the ghost knife far away.The black air also seems to have a range problem.After floating in the sky for a long time, he didn't find Gui Hai Yidao.Instead, he rushed towards the unconscious Guihai who had been taken care of by Shangguan Haitang.

Zuo Zhou didn't stop this time.It's just to release Shura's dharma image and use the blood flame's ability to scorch and destroy the rotten flesh.

But Shangguan Haitang became impatient, after all, they managed to get Gui Hai Yidao to leave Guitoudao.Who knows what's going to happen with re-contact?But obviously no one cares what she thinks at this time?Everyone's eyes widened, anticipating what was about to happen.

When the black mist came into contact with Broken Arm Guihai, the wound that had stopped bleeding and was about to close up burst into blood again.Then it was also the entanglement of red silk thread blood vessels, and a brand new arm was reborn.It is still the same as holding the Ghost Head Sword.

"On the bright side, he has another arm now." Sikong Zhaoxing shrugged, his tone couldn't tell whether he was gloating or not.

Slowly opening his eyes, Gui Hai Yidao's eyes were instantly sober, but in the blink of an eye they were replaced by blood.

"Go and lock him up." Zuo Zhou pushed Shangguan Haitang from behind.You are shining golden, if you don't come at this time, when will you wait?

Shangguan Haitang didn't say anything else, and directly locked Gui Hai who had just woken up and had no time to swing his knife from behind like an octopus.

So Zuo Zhou and others surrounded Gui Hai Yidao again.

He snapped off Gui Hai Yidao's fingers one by one, and pulled out the ghost knife abruptly.And the moment Guitou Dao left his hand, Gui Hai Yi Dao fell into a coma again.

The black mist dissipated, and Ghost Head Knife seemed to still be struggling.But Zuo Zhou took out Yong Weixian and lightly knocked the ghost knife.The ghost knife was completely settled down.

So far, all contradictions seem to have come to an end.Zuo Zhou greeted everyone and walked towards the capital together.It wasn't that far away.Everyone has kung fu.With a mournful face, Cheng Shifei followed closely behind Guihai's back.Finally entered the capital after half an hour.

So far, Feng Wusai, who suffered in hell, seems to have finally ushered in his own results.

"Why do you die when you die?" Zuo Zhou said that he could not accept this fact.

He has long seen that Feng Wubei is not a martyr, and it is unreasonable to survive under torture.Of course, the torture in the hell realm is aimed at the soul, and if it is not done well, the soul will be scattered.So the torture he chose was nothing in terms of intensity, even an ordinary person's soul could bear it, but he never thought that Feng Wubei would be so dizzy.

But precisely because of this, he seemed to be able to get some clues about the mastermind behind the scenes.

But these things are not in a hurry, the most important thing at the moment is to listen to what Hu Sanniang has to say.

(End of this chapter)

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