Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 731 Vulnerability of Heaven's Way

Chapter 731 Vulnerability of Heaven's Way
"Three Niang's trip went smoothly." Chao Gai showed a concerned smile on his face.Although it sounded sincere, Hu Sanniang didn't take this seriously.Looking at Zhu Wushi and the others in the meeting hall.Her tense mind seemed to finally relax.The first sentence he spoke made everyone turn pale with shock.

"There are at least 3000 strong people in the Fangla faction!"

A deep chill swept across the depths of the meeting hall. Even if the invisible sense of oppression did not exist, it made everyone feel like a mountain was crushed.

It's a pity that those who are defective in martial arts do not have enough true meaning and spiritual strength, even if their true energy meets the requirements of the earth list.But it's not that powerful.However, when the number reaches the number of 3000, it is an irresistible force.

"Uh, Sanniang, what are you talking about? How could there be so many strong people on the list?" The smile on Chao Gai's face finally cooled down.

Among all the people, if there is one who can keep calm and rational, then only Zuo Zhou is left.He leaned back on the chair and raised his legs thoughtfully.He asked softly, "How did you discover this number? Tell me in detail."

Zhu Wushi waved his hand and asked the servant to bring the chair to Hu Sanniang.Hu Sanniang felt really tired from running and fleeing all the way.Now when my butt is on the chair, I feel like I'm about to fall asleep.Seeing her appearance, it is not easy for everyone to force her.I also know how heavy the number 3000 will be on a person.

In this way, everyone waited for about 5 minutes, and Hu Sanniang seemed to finally recover.Slowly said: "At that time, Li Yuzhu used the opportunity of getting married to let me escape. I thought that the thirty or so strong men who besieged Juyi Hall were already their limit. But, I didn't expect that I had just escaped to the original Song Kingdom. I heard about it when I was at the border of the border. The news of the war was launched at the same time everywhere in the chaotic domain."

"As you know, every faction in the Realm of Chaos has at least thousands, even tens of thousands, and even hundreds of thousands more is normal. It is undoubtedly whimsical to kill all these people at the same time. Although The leaders of many forces came to the Ming Dynasty to watch the duel. But even if the leadership is completely removed, those soldiers will not easily surrender to a certain person or a certain force. When the next day I know that all the forces have died When I was conquered by Fang La, I couldn't believe this fact. So I stayed at the border for an extra day, waiting for a message from my friend."

The friends Hu Sanniang was talking about were naturally some intelligence networks secretly developed by Hu's family village.There are so many such small intelligence forces, and they are often not favored by big forces.But sometimes it is precisely these small forces that can get some important information through the cracks.

Just listen to Hu Sanniang and continue: "The so-called conquest of the Fang La forces is not to persuade them to surrender, but to really use their strength to subdue various forces through killing. According to my information, the war was triggered at the same time. Although Fang La's forces are There are a lot, but it will not exceed 2 people at most for each enemy. But these 2 people are led by nearly 100 strong players in the local rankings."

"Through their strong strength, they crossed the trap and stormed the stronghold, defeating all the forces blocking them in one fell swoop. After that, there was a one-sided massacre. We calculated it carefully. If each force has 100 strong men on the local list, then the total is not enough. There are nearly 3000 people!"

Zhu Wushi and the others looked at each other in blank dismay as the dusk was coming to an end and the light was gradually extinguishing, as if it had taken away the light in everyone's hearts.

The question is how to stop the 3000 top players, even if they are only defective products?

It is estimated that no one knows this problem.But Zuo Zhou didn't seem to care much about it.He suddenly asked again: "How is Fang La?"

Hu Sanniang looked at him and understood what the other party meant.After all, it doesn't look like Fang La can get out of the 3000 strong players in the local list.But he didn't presume to say what according to his own understanding?Also afraid of affecting Zuo Zhou's judgment, "It's just that by the time I came out, Fang La had unified the entire Chaos Domain and was preparing for the enthronement ceremony."

The corner of Zuo Zhou's mouth grinned slightly, and he said with a light smile: "What happened to the military advisor on Fangla's side, he died too?"

"That's not true. That military adviser is Fang Baihua's fiancé and Fang La's brother-in-law, so he is very popular."

Zuo Zhou nodded and asked again: "I heard from Chao Gai that Li Yuzhu went out once, do you know where he went?"

Hu Sanniang looked at Chao Gai, and replied: "As far as I know, he didn't go too far, just a few nearby forces. In addition, he seems to have gone to Fang La as well."


Zhu ignored Zuo Zhou, who was not in a hurry, and didn't know what to say for a while.After thinking about it, he asked helplessly, "What countermeasure did Mr. Li think of? Please teach me."

Zuo Zhou leaned back on the chair and tilted his head back slightly. "I'm not boasting. The opponent already has 3000 strong players in the top rankings. Even if they are all defective products, they can push several countries. However, they haven't done anything yet, so it can only explain two things."

"Which two things?"

"First, they still have fear. They know that even if there are 3000 strong people on the ground list, they can't win the war. Second, their 3000 people have just been created, so there is no time to start the war. Is it the former or the latter? It’s hard to say now. Let’s see what the Chaos Realm will do next? If they go to war immediately, it means the latter. But if they still stand still, it is naturally the former.”

"But what kind of war is there? Even the strongest of 3000 people can't win." Zhu ignored the question marks printed on his forehead.

Zuo Zhou straightened his collar and said disdainfully, "Then why do you ask? 3000 people are not enough for me to chop for a quarter of an hour."

Silence, silence is the hall of discussion tonight.The light faded and the candles were lit, and it seemed that even the sunset could not be watched any longer.

Zuo Zhou could feel their deep distrust, but it was also reasonable.After all, anyone looking at him is pretending.Zuo Zhou got up slowly, "Okay, let's talk about this first. It depends on when Fang La and the others dare to fight. I will go to the battle first. After all, I still have a good understanding of how they can quickly rise to the top rankings." interested."

After Zuo Zhou finished speaking, he shook his arms and left. Zhu Wushi and the others watched him go away with sad faces.For a while, they didn't know what to say to each other.

Zuo Zhou was not walking fast.When they got home, Qingping and the girls had already prepared dinner.There was no trace of worry on Zuo Zhou's face.I didn't tell them anything about 3000 or not.After dinner it's time for small talk.Except for some street anecdotes and martial arts gossip, there are only some flirting left.

When it was time for a break, Zuo Zhou took the initiative to pick up Zhan Shiqi and entered the room.Speaking of it, I don't know how the three girls are arranged.Anyway, never got into a fight over this matter.It also made Zuo Zhou think about the dream of being slept together, and he didn't know how to speak for a while.

In the middle of the night, Zhan Shiqi fell asleep in his arms already exhausted.And Zuo Zhou also immersed his spirit in the hell way.The death of Feng Wubei reminded him of some things.Here he has to make a statement.He really didn't kill Feng Wubei on purpose.He just wanted to force a confession.And Feng Wubei didn't even pass through that bit of torture, which only shows that his soul power is too weak.

Feng Wubei, after all, is a strong man on the ground list, even if he is a defective product, his soul should be much stronger than ordinary people.There must be a reason for his current performance, and if he wants to know the reason, he must pay close attention to reincarnation.

Soon a group of souls slowly flew towards reincarnation.Zuo Zhou was not polite at all, he stretched out his hand and pulled them all over.These are the defective souls of the land list that were killed by them before.

"It looks like you are not ready to say anything."

These souls were obviously stunned by the hell way, and they looked around in a panic.However, even so, no one spoke.

Zuo Zhou felt very bad in an instant.He said coldly: "Okay, what I admire most are men. Since you are all men, then I can't let you be men for nothing. Come, come, let's take a walk in the hell."

The moment Zuo Zhou said those words, a large number of frightened spirits shook, and even several people were about to cry.Even so, no one spoke.Only then did Zuo Zhou finally discover a problem.So he asked: "So it's because you can't say it, not because you don't want to say it."

Brush!All souls nodded in unison.That kind of eyes, tearful, seemed to be shouting with brainwaves, 'We are suffering! '

Zuo Zhou now understands that there are many spells in this world that can imprison people's language or behavior.It is not so easy for you to expose information at will.Well, Feng Wubei seems to have died in vain...

Zuo Zhou was silent for a while, and then said: "In this case, let me say one word. You nod or shake your head, if it is relevant, nod, if it is irrelevant, shake your head."

The souls nodded.


The souls nodded.


The souls shook their heads.

Zuo Zhou frowned and suddenly thought of Feng Wubei again.So he said, "Lin Pingzhi!"

All the souls nod!
Zuo Zhou didn't ask any more questions so far, he just waved his hand and sent all the souls to reincarnation.

Seeing those souls re-enter the reincarnation, he has a general understanding of the ins and outs of this matter in his heart, and the answers to some questions have also been answered.

For example, Lin Pingzhi had an arm cut off by him.Why?With the strength of Feng Wubei, he chased and killed him for a month before killing him.Another example is how Yama of the Ten Palaces quickly made it to the list just after he left the Ten Kill Gates.

Originally, the two quickly entered the ground list in the same way, but they had been dealing with the ten temples of Yama before.Now 3000 people popped up suddenly.Zuo Zhou couldn't figure it out.After all, it is calculated according to normal logic.If the Ten Kill Gates could produce 3000, it didn't make sense to only produce ten people at the beginning, but Zuo Zhou understood when he saw those souls entering reincarnation.

Outsiders may not be able to see clearly, but Zuo Zhou shot the system himself.He knows the traces of the system too well, and these souls who are about to enter reincarnation don't have a system.More importantly, they are all exiles!

What does this mean?It shows that these exiles have only their last life left.When they enter reincarnation, they will completely become people of this world and will no longer be protected by the system.

And this is the loophole in the way of heaven that the Ten Kills Gate found...

 If there is an update this month, it will be a wedding gift for book friends, a little blessing

(End of this chapter)

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