Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 732 It's All Business

Chapter 732 It's All Business
Zuo Zhou's heart was very complicated for a moment. The three lives of the exiles were originally a discount given by the system to allow them to better integrate into the world.However, rebirth three times is obviously nothing in the eyes of some exiles, so they obviously found a more satisfying method.

It's like computer technology, some people use it to transform society and make life easier.And some people use it to disrupt the economic order for their own benefit.The former is a good thing, the latter is undoubtedly against the law.

Just like the information Zuo Zhou knows now, he can also be sure that this kind of thing is not allowed by the way of heaven.Therefore, Zuo Zhou's first thought was to sue the teacher... Uh, it should be to call the police, and that's not right, he should notify Tiandao.

But then it occurred to him that he didn't seem to have any channels to communicate with Tiandao.Did you use a fortune teller?That's not a good idea. Fortune tellers have different abilities to communicate with Heaven because of their different strengths.No way, before he could achieve his goal, the fortune teller himself died suddenly.And those really powerful fortune tellers seem to have been cheated to death by him...

Then he thought of his unborn child, well, Zhao Min's figure is still good.Cough cough, the child will not be born for at least a while.He is skeptical about prenatal education, not sure whether he can contact the child through prenatal education?And whether it can communicate with Heaven.

"Well, what are you thinking?"

Zhan Shiqi's lazy voice interrupted Zuo Zhou's thoughts, and he lowered his head to face those big watery eyes. "Nothing, just thinking about the children."

Zhan Shiqi's cheeks blushed twice, and his arms climbed onto his chest.Turned over and sat up.Zuo Zhou froze for a moment.Quite amusingly asked: "Aren't you tired?"

Zhan Shiqi shook his head, and replied firmly, "For the children."


Zuo Zhou stretched his waist in the early morning, and walked outside feeling refreshed.Everyone saw his high spirits.It seemed that yesterday's wordless silence had been diluted.Zuo Zhou waved to everyone casually and started shopping. First, he swept around the breakfast stalls to help everyone carry takeaways, and then entered a cloth shop.

This cloth shop is not a property full of flowers, but an intelligence base of the Qinglong Society in the Ming Dynasty.With regard to the Domain of Chaos, he did not use the power of the Demon Sect or the Divine Daoists of the Tang Kingdom because he knew that no matter whether it was the Great Qin or the Tang Kingdom, they would definitely pay attention to the situation in the Domain of Chaos at this time.Compared with them, Zuo Zhou actually trusted the Azure Dragon Club more.

The commands it passes are very simple and not dangerous.It is to count the data of the people who died because of Fang La's horizontal push in the realm of chaos, and see how many of them are exiles.And it is important to note that the scouts responsible for probing the data must be indigenous.Otherwise, he was really afraid that the enemy would kill all the exiles he could find in order to increase the number of strong people on the map.

After finishing these, he returned home with breakfast.Didn't spend too much brain power on it all day.After all, the information they now know is still too little, all they can do is wait.Wait to get the exact information, and wait to see what actions Fang La and the others will make in the future?
In this way, time passed day by day, and every day was like a torment for Zhu Wushi.And it is in this situation that the decisive battle between Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue is coming.


"How is your sword intent sharpened?" Sikong Zhaixing greeted Ye Gucheng familiarly.The face of inquiring about information made people want to go up and step on it.

Ye Gucheng turned his head lightly and ignored it.But Shangguan Haitang next to him replied: "Since the day before yesterday, he hasn't asked me to sharpen his sword intent again."

This time Sikong Zaixing understood what she meant, and it was obvious that Ye Gucheng's sword intent at this time was beyond grinding.If he wanted to break through again, he might have to fight Ximen Chuuxue.

This is not good news for these friends of Ximen Chuuxue, but they can't leave after asking questions so realistically.After thinking for a while, he looked at Shangguan Haitang again, "What's going on with Guihai's knife?"

Shangguan Haitang looked a little depressed, "Still in a coma. There is no sign of waking up."

Sikong Zhaixing asked curiously, "Didn't Cheng Shifei send a lot of precious medicinal materials? Many imperial doctors have also seen it, does it have any effect?"

Shangguan Haitang shook her head, the answer was obvious.After Cheng Shifei returned to the capital, he immediately went to find Queen Suxin. The recognition of mother and son was naturally a touching drama of recognition.In this, Zhu Wushi also played a tolerant and kind stepfather. Originally, Shangguan Haitang thought that Zhu Wushi would take this opportunity to force her to marry Cheng Shifei.The result may be that Zhu ignores the things that are busy in the Realm of Chaos now.As if he forgot about them all of a sudden, he let Cheng Fei remove the precious medicinal materials from the royal treasury and give Gui Hai a cure.

Sikong Zhaixing scratched the back of his head. To be honest, this kind of cunning trick is really not his area of ​​expertise, but he still gave some suggestions, "The issue of returning to the sea should be related to that knife. Why don't you go See Li Yuanfang?"

Shangguan Haitang paused for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed, she had no friendship with Li Yuanfang.In particular, it seems that Li Yuanfang and Zhu Wushi also have a cooperative relationship.This is something she can't control!She even wondered if Zhu Wushi didn't like Gui Hai Yidao, would he take the opportunity to let Gui Hai Yidao sleep forever.

It's not that Shangguan Haitang always considers others based on personal prejudice.He really knows Zhu Shishi too well.

Sikong Zaixing saw Shangguan Haitang's hesitation and said nothing more.For so many years in the world, he has seen too many things.Even the most benevolent people in everyone's eyes often have trade-offs when doing good deeds because of the intricacies of the relationship between the rivers and lakes.

At night, Zuo Zhou had just finished dinner with his family.Before he even had time to pat his belly, the knock on the door had already spread to the hall.

The one who opened the door was Zhang Liang, a student who followed the old man Zuo all the way.Indulging in learning every day, it seems that he is different from the three heroes of the early Han Dynasty in Zuo Zhou's memory.

"Miss Shangguan, please come in." Zhang Liang was still very polite.

Shangguan Haitang had a complicated expression on her face, and slowly stepped into the hall.Ah Xiang narrowed her eyes and looked up and down.He asked, "A business or a private matter?"

Qingping and Zhan Shiqi next to her almost didn't laugh out loud, no one in the entire Li Mansion could compare to her when it came to jealousy.

Shangguan Haitang was a little embarrassed.Think about it.He replied very sincerely: "Business."

"Oh." It seemed that he lost interest in an instant.But this was obviously for Zuo Zhou to see, because she turned her head away just now and started beaming at Qingping and Zhan Shiqi.No one could see what she was implying.

Zuo Zhou got up and pointed casually, "Let's go, let's chat in the living room."

Shangguan Haitang was inexplicably embarrassed when she entered the living room.After all, she and Zuo Zhou really have nothing to talk about.He could only go straight in, "Guihai took a knife and never woke up. I wonder if it has something to do with that ghost knife?"

Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, "Ghost knife, oh, yes. I also took a ghost knife."

Shangguan Haitang's forehead is covered with black lines, can this be forgotten?I only heard Zuo Zhou continue: "Oh, something like the ghost head knife. It's really not a high-quality goods here. I just threw it into the Qiankun bowl and forgot about it. So you come again tomorrow. Tonight I Take care of it."

Shangguan Haitang didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Although she was anxious, she couldn't force others to study it now.He could only bow slightly, "Thank you, Mr. Li. I don't want to thank you for your kindness, and Haitang will never hesitate to send you any assignments in the future."

Hey, they didn't promise each other with their own bodies, and there was no sincerity!

Zuo Zhou nodded and waved his hand casually, "Okay, remember to bring breakfast when you come tomorrow morning."

Shangguan Haitang left.Zuo Zhou glanced at the window of the living room. "I should send you to the palace to learn the rules. It's not so blatant to listen to the corner of the wall. The shadow is almost printed on the window paper."

Outside, Qingping and the three daughters showed no embarrassment at all.Entering the living room calmly, Ah Xiang asked with a curious face, "What ghost knife?"

Zuo Zhou had no choice but to take out the ghost knife from the Qiankun Bowl.The dark one looks like it has been buried in the ground for hundreds of years without any edge at all.

The three women picked up the handle of the knife and looked around, but they couldn't find anything unusual.Zuo Zhou said in a familiar way, "Like this kind of very cowardly knife. I guess there will be a very cowardly knife soul inside. If you step in with mental strength, you won't find any problems."

This time even Qingping is also interested, they all know the Heart Sutra of Huimeng, but there was no stage to display it before.Looking at the way the three girls are eager to try.Zuo Zhou had no choice but to go back to the bedroom with the ghost knife.

The three girls got acquiescence and followed happily.It's just that as soon as he entered the door, he saw Zuo Zhou took off his coat and lay down on the bed holding the ghost knife.The expression is cheap and whizzing. "Come on, let's practice together!"

The three women paused, it's too bad, this practice is practice, the problem is that after practice, I'm afraid I won't be able to get out of this room.

Zhan Shiqi had some struggles on his face, and suddenly recalled that Zuo Zhou sighed every night because of the child, so he gritted his teeth, "For the child."

Some things are like this, and if everyone can't save face, then things will not progress.When one of them stands out, the others are a bit scrambling to be the first.Ah Xiang also took off her outer skirt, "I'm afraid you won't succeed." Among the three daughters, Qingping's education was considered the most conservative.Have you ever seen such a scene?By the it exciting?I'm sure the process will be exciting, but I'm a little timid.

But this time he took the initiative to replace Zuo Zhou.With one move, Mo Fengbo directly sucked Qingping into his arms.

Ah, an exclamation, followed by a series of laughter and noise, the lights in the bedroom were turned off.It's windy and cloudy tonight.It rained lightly in the middle of the night, and in the morning it seemed that every clump of grass was covered with dewdrops.

When the sun shines into the yard.Shangguan Haitang had already carried a lot of breakfast and stood at the door.Knock, knock, knock on the door.Suddenly, I vaguely heard a shout from the yard, "It's broken, I forgot the business."

(End of this chapter)

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