Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 733 Obtaining Local Coordinates

Chapter 733 Obtaining Local Coordinates
The inner world of Guitou Dao is dark, but what is more amazing is that even if there is no light, you can feel that you can see what remains in the darkness.

Those are twisted souls.They were struggling desperately to pull their hands and feet out of the darkness.But everything is in vain, not only has no effect at all, but makes me sink deeper and deeper, faster and faster!
So they roared, screamed, and even... cursed.

Zuo Zhou didn't feel any surprise, this kind of thing is actually very similar to campus bullying.The bullied person either swallows his anger, or turns from the bullied person into the bullied person.Although the parents said that we 'do not cause trouble, nor are we afraid of trouble. 'But it turns out that very few children who are being bullied are able to roar and rise up to resist.

Zuo Zhou searched slowly, he actually had a lot of time.The conscious space is not exactly the same as the real time, maybe the speed of thinking is too fast.Maybe it involves a deeper time theory, but he is not in a hurry anyway.

"Give the sea a knife. Can you hear it? I heard a squeak."

This ghost head knife killed so many people that Zuo Zhou couldn't see the side at a glance.How to find Guihai Yidao's soul?So he growled, not really expecting any answer.It's like an old man who went to a new community to collect rags. He knew that there was nothing in the new community, but he still had to use a loudspeaker to keep making noise.

"Eh? Why did I think of these things?" Zuo Zhou came to a sudden realization. Do these roars of souls still have this kind of effect?It can actually infect the soul unconsciously and fill you with negative energy.

Zuo Zhou is a little angry, who gave you the courage to provoke me.Just a broken knife!

He reached out and tore off a soul in the darkness, and the darkness that originally enveloped the soul was suddenly atomized.It seems that he still wants to talk to him, but Zuo Zhou is not used to it at all.Blood flames gushed out from the palm of his hand, and the blood flames shot the black mist directly into the invisible.

However, a sudden change occurred, and the soul that was just pulled out by Zuo Zhou suddenly jumped on Zuo Zhou's shoulder.Kuang Chi bit his neck.

"Huh?" Zuo Zhou froze for a moment, he was hit.But it's a pity, Zuo Zhou's soul.But the souls who don't even have reason at the top of the list.Can't even bite through his skin.But Zuo Zhou was a little angry. After all, he was bitten by an old man.

Crap, Zuo Zhou directly stretched out his hands and tore off the soul's arms.Then he swung his neck to the sky, and the huge vortex that belonged only to reincarnation suddenly hung above the sky, and the soul was sucked in without even struggling.

"Hmph, be more careful in your next life."

Probably the sword soul didn't want to pretend anymore, and the black mist that had imprisoned all the souls suddenly let go.Countless souls rushed towards Zuo Zhou with all their teeth and claws.

"Did you give me face?"

The arhat's dharma face suddenly appeared golden.The dharma body, which is obviously not very strong outside, has now become an existence that souls can't avoid.This is the mutual restraint of attributes, maybe even the other party has forgotten, but he started his career by relying on Buddhist skills.

Zuo Zhou didn't even make a move, just kept walking around against the Arhat Faxiang.The dazzling golden light is like a small moving sun, and wherever it shines, there is a wail.Soon Zuo Zhou found Guihai Yidao.

At this time, Guihai Yidao was different from those souls. Although he was also imprisoned in the black mist, he fell into a coma.Reminiscent of what they said before returning to the sea with a knife.Zuo Zhou probably understood that Gui Hai Yidao should still have some spiritual wisdom.It's a pity that after the arm was broken, its soul was controlled by the ghost knife.

"Hey, wake up, wake up. If you don't wake up, your wife will really be gone."

Probably because of his obsession with his wife, Gui Hai Yi Dao actually blinked.Slowly raising the originally pitch-black eyes, a gleam of blood was brewing in them.Zuo Zhou understood immediately when he saw it, "What's the matter? You're not completely obsessed."

"You are, Li Yuanfang. General Li."

"Isn't it just me? How? Do you have the feeling of wanting to tear everyone in the world into pieces? Well, or do you have the urge to hold Shangguan Haitang down and ravage him a hundred times a hundred times? "

Gui Hai froze for a moment, "Are you crazy too?"

Zuo Zhou rolled his eyes, "I'm not crazy. But I generally know how I feel when I'm on the verge of being possessed. In fact, if it's a normal possessed state, it's just throwing aside some moral constraints. They will go crazy. Once they go crazy, they will not only feel the above feelings, but also feel hungry and want to eat everything that can be eaten. This kind of madness is completely controlled by the body instinct. We generally don’t call him obsessed, It's mental illness."

Gui Hai smiled wryly, "Then why can't I feel hungry?"

"Nonsense, you are a soul body now. You don't even have a stomach, how can you feel hungry?"

"So you were once possessed. How did you recover?"

Zuo Zhou had an expression of 'you're kidding me', "Who said I recovered? Didn't you see that I sleep with several women at home every day? I'm seriously obsessed."

Gui Hai was at a loss for words, he knew he was being molested, but he couldn't help it.

At this time, Zuo Zhou suddenly reached out and grabbed his shoulder and dragged him out of the black mist.However, something went wrong with this pull. Zuo Zhou found that Gui Hai's hands and feet were empty at this time, and all that was left was a shell.

"I'm afraid your soul won't last long. Even if you return to your body now, I'm afraid you won't be able to afford your body."

Guihai Yidao was not flustered, "This ghost-headed sword is actually not a magical weapon, but a magic weapon of Japan. It does not have any sword soul itself. It is obtained by killing souls and devouring the power of souls." Take those spiritual body energies as your own. Form a special kind of thing similar to the soul of the knife."

Zuo Zhou suddenly looked left and right, no wonder he didn't see the body of the sword soul after he came in.

Guihai Yidao continued, "The reason why those souls go crazy is because their power has been sucked away too much. The reason why they can still maintain their original shape in this sword soul space is because their prototype is nothing more than a sword. The soul space is blurred out. Once they go out, they will be blown away by the wind in the blink of an eye."

Zuo Zhou was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "Then you have a magic weapon or method to nourish your soul. Otherwise, I can only send you into reincarnation. There is no way to revive you."

"Thank you. Being able to enter reincarnation is already a blessing in misfortune. I just wonder if General Li can help me one last time. I want to talk to Haitang."

Zuo Zhou nodded, and the Buddhist arhat minister lightly raised the Qiankun Bowl in his hand, and put Gui Hai's soul in it.The Qiankun Bowl is a magic weapon specially collected, which can be temporarily guaranteed.The soul of Guihai Yidao will not be blown away by the wind, but it does not have the effect of nourishing the soul.With the passage of time, Guihai's sword will inevitably kill his soul.

After finishing everything, Zuo Zhou looked at the darkness around him.I can't help but feel sick for a while, it seems that I really need to go to Dongying once.

I make a decision in my heart.While waving his hands, Shura's dharma figure appeared again and swung a knife. The magic knife, together with the magic knife and blood flame, seemed to cut to the end of the world in one fell swoop.Divide all the black mist into two, and then the raging blood flames burned the entire space.Countless souls roared and screamed.But Zuo Zhou heard some relief amidst the screams.

This contradiction did not make Zuo Zhou overly entangled.He set the entrance of reincarnation above his head again.Countless souls are scrambling to be sucked in.Occasionally, one or two would look back at Zuo Zhou the moment they entered reincarnation.With a grateful look.

When singing!

Shangguan Haitang just pushed open the door.She heard the sound of the ghost knife breaking, and her whole body seemed to be blown to the ground.Sitting down on the ground with weak legs, even the breakfast in his hand was scattered.

"It's a pity I missed breakfast." Zuo Zhou looked heartless, and didn't even mention helping her up.He just stepped forward and pressed his palm on his forehead.Spiritual power surged out, forcibly pulling her into the historical space.

Shangguan Haitang only felt his eyes go dark before opening them again.Guihai Yidao has appeared in front of his eyes.

"Are you okay?" A pair of lovers who have never confessed to each other, a pair of lovers who obviously like each other but are destined not to be together.Now they are finally hugging each other tightly, or Shangguan Haitang hugs Guihai tightly.

Looking at the missing hands and feet, she understood in an instant.

"We have already adapted to losing each other. So don't cry because of me, let me see your smile before I leave."

so affectionate.So touching.Shangguan Haitang was already crying, and Zuo Zhou had no choice but to give a thumbs up beside him, "I can't tell, she's pretty good at flirting."

Shangguan Haitang complained and turned her head to stare at Zuo Zhou.

"Why, it's so big, where else can I go." Zuo Zhou curled his lips and walked away.

Gui Hai said again with a knife: "I'm sorry, I have done too many wrong things. Some people want to redeem but it is too late. Fortunately, I did not hurt you. You were shining like a sun at that time. It almost melts my heart.”

When Shangguan Haitang heard the words, he naturally understood that the consciousness of Gui Hai's knife existed when the two were fighting before.Otherwise, it wouldn't be so cooperative with her control.

"But I'm too tired. This life is too bitter, so let me leave. Didn't the exiles say that there is an afterlife? Maybe we will have a chance to meet in the future. Maybe you will have gray hair at that time, but I will definitely treat you You said things you've never said in your life."

Shangguan Haitang held Guihai Yidao's cheek and kissed it, but the touch was so light.It seems that if you can't hold it, you will be gone with the wind.Guihai Yidao's soul power is too weak, and he even feels that if he procrastinates, his soul will soon be scattered.

He smiled wryly and shook his head, "It's enough to see you once before leaving. General Li thank you." Gui Hai Yidao said that a light spot suddenly appeared in his hand and slowly floated towards Zuo Zhou. "This is the hidden stronghold of the crows as far as I know. There are many creepy things happening there. I have no other choice. I hope General Li can eradicate them and restore the righteousness of the world."

(End of this chapter)

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