Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 734 Come One Step Late?

Chapter 734 Come a step late?
There is a kind of villain that he finds that the decent strength is not as good as himself, and the location is also clear.Then he began to ask the big ones to send his subordinates to go to the gourd baby to save grandpa one by one, and finally cultivated the original little shrimp into Godzilla.

Zuo Zhou is not sure if this kind of villain exists in reality, but so many novels and comics have already listed such disadvantages, so we should take warning.

So after Zuo Zhou got the coordinates of the enemy, he rushed into the sky and flew into the distance with a whoosh.

"Well, it's early morning. I flew all the way to the place. After finishing all the enemies, I may still have time to have dinner when I fly back."

Zuo Zhou muttered so much, but he was already prepared to be disappointed in his heart.In his impression, Ten Shamen is a very cautious sect.Guihai has been caught by him for such a long time, and the people from the Ten Shamen have probably moved their stronghold.This time he is very likely to fail.

But Zuo Zhou wanted to gamble, betting that the people from the Ten Killing Gates would be a little careless?Because after all, it wasn't him who grabbed Gui Hai's sword in the first place, but Shangguan Haitang and the others.The people of Ten Kill Gates may not be too anxious even if they want to transfer because of lack of vigilance.

Even if you can't catch the biggest fish this time.At least some corners or find some interesting information.


Zuo Zhou's departure has attracted the attention of many people, after all, his identity is there now.Zhu Wushi looked at the sky from a distance, and with his eyesight, he could naturally find that Zuo Zhou was in a hurry to leave, obviously there was something urgent.He thought that the so-called emergency in this period must be related to the realm of chaos.

His heart sank. It might not be easy to make Li Yuanfang so anxious.

"How's the arrangement for the duel going?"

Zhu ignored the servants behind him and replied: "Your Majesty's Jin Yiwei and several commanders of the Imperial Forest Army have set up many ambush checkpoints. Unless the realm can reach the master of the list, otherwise they are not eligible to enter the palace to watch the battle."

Zhu Wushi nodded and didn't care too much, and he asked again: "What's wrong with those people who came from the realm of chaos?"

"Returning to Your Majesty, the leaders of some forces have already set up property in the capital. In recent days, there have been a lot of spies leaving the city and entering the city. It is certain that the former masters of all forces have chosen a strategy of avoiding their positions for the time being in order to plan for the future."

Zhu Wushi nodded and remembered something, and asked, "How about that Murong Fu?"

"Murong Fu and Mr. Li get along well, and they are also the family of Tianzun. Naturally, they have received preferential treatment, and have moved into Murong Mansion a few days ago. I heard that the symptoms of being near the demon have improved a little, but I heard that he is meaner than before. ..."

Zhu Wushi was not surprised. A person who is on the verge of becoming a demon will naturally have some changes in his temperament.But this kind of person is actually very easy to manipulate, as he did when he flicked back to the sea before.Paranoid people.It is often impossible to calmly think about the pros and cons.

"Attention Shangguan Jinghong, if Chaos Desire wants to mobilize troops, it must prepare a lot of supplies in advance. In this regard, Shangguan Jinghong's business group will be able to get information more easily. I don't believe it. Rely on the defective products of those thousands of people."


"Report!" At this moment, a guard suddenly shouted outside.Zhu Wushi was a little surprised. According to the procedure, the guards would not come to the palace in such a hurry to report the situation.

Zhu ignored the servant behind him and his face changed slightly. He wanted to reprimand him, but he still asked cautiously: "Is there something urgent? This should not offend the Holy Majesty."

The guard half-kneeled on the ground and replied: "There is a master outside the palace gate, who claims to be Liu Sheng's killer, please see Your Majesty."

This time it was Zhu Wushi's turn to change his face slightly, Liu Sheng killed the god?Damn it.He almost forgot about this person!
The main reason is that the current events in the realm of chaos have too much impact. If Li Yuanfang had not promised the decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City, he would like to give Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng a long vacation.

With a long sigh, he waved his hand, "Let him come to the meeting hall."

What should come will come eventually, and when Liu Sheng Shashen arrived at the gate of the palace, someone had already come to inform him.Fu Junmao and the three daughters who were with the Liusheng sisters were instantly murderous, as if the swords around their waists were about to come out automatically.

"Sisters, don't worry. The main reason why Liu Sheng killed the god so blatantly is because this is the Ming country, we must not be presumptuous."

Liu Shengxue Ji's words were like pouring a basin of cold water on the girls' heads.Fu Junmao put her sword back into its sheath, and asked again what she had considered for a long time, "Do you really trust Zhu Wushi?" Maybe she has never trusted Zhu Wushi in her own heart, right?Of course, it is also possible that he has opened his mind and feels that his value is not as exaggerated as Liu Shengshashen.

Liu Shengxue Ji smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm absolutely sure. He will definitely do what I said." Fu Junmao looked at her suspiciously, but didn't say anything more.Although she had never met Liu Shengxue Ji before, she had heard of this person. Qi Qi was by no means a reckless girl.

On the other side, Zhu Wushi and Liu Sheng Shashen finally met.

"Mr. Yagyu came all the way to watch the battle?"

"Hehe, why do you need to ask knowingly, Your Majesty?" Liu Sheng Shashen's voice was a little hoarse, as if a mouthful of thick phlegm was stuck in his throat, and the listeners were very bored.

Zhu Wushi smiled and said, "So it was for the two ladies of the Liusheng family. It is said that the Liusheng family has such two outstanding heirs. It is really enviable."

Liu Sheng's eyes turned white, are you envious of the heir now?Are you afraid that you are not an old pervert?Covet the beauty of the Yagyu sisters. "Hehehe. Your Majesty, thank you. The family is unfortunate, and these two prodigal daughters have come out. It will be a good training to bring them back this time. I will never cause trouble for Your Majesty again."

"It's really troublesome for you to say this. These days, I have been responsible for their food, daily life and various unreasonable demands. My Ming Dynasty has really spent a lot of money. The Ministry of Households often has no money to play, and Shangguan Jinhong also quarreled with me. Many times."

Liucheng Shashen's face twitched uncontrollably, he had never seen such a brazen person, didn't he just want to benefit.Look at the reason you think, it still costs!What can two girl dolls cost?Rouge gouache or aunt towel?Even got involved with the household department.It's also for you, for you shameless old man.

"Hehehehe. Your Majesty is joking. How can you embarrass Mr. Shangguan? After a while, Your Majesty will make a list, and the expenses will be borne by the Yagyu family."

"That's not good."

"What's wrong? The Ming Dynasty and the Liusheng family have always been friends. Allies share resources. Isn't that reasonable?"

"Patriarch Liusheng is right. Since we are allies, talking about money will hurt feelings. Don't worry, I have already made arrangements. When will Patriarch Liusheng want to see the two girls? Naturally, I will take them there anytime. meet you?"

"Hahahaha! Please, Your Majesty! Oh, speaking of it, this old man is also yearning for the way of swordsmanship. Why don't we just talk about things tonight. Watch the battle after the old man recovers his original strength. If he understands a thing or two, he will definitely be able to go to the next level."

"Oh, tonight? Is it too hasty? Patriarch Liu Sheng doesn't need to take a rest?" You are not afraid of sudden death, you lsp!


"Okay, then tonight in the Royal Garden. I will bring Sister Liusheng there. I hope Patriarch Liusheng will have a good time."

"Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!" The dry and harsh laughter spread far away.


"I have crossed mountains and seas. I have also crossed mountains and seas of people..."

Zuo Zhou sang and flew all the way into an unknown sea.Because of Gui Hai Yi Dao's soul guidance, it is coming to an end here.In the distance, a shadow can be found on the line between the sea and the sky.That is the secret stronghold hidden by the Ten Kill Gate.

Zuo Zhou thought about it.Lower the altitude slightly and fly towards the island.But he seems to have underestimated the defensive capabilities of the Ten Kill Gate.Not long after flying, a huge fish monster suddenly sprang out from the sea level.This fish monster resembles a whale, but there are dozens of blood-red eyes staring at Zuo Zhou in its lower abdomen.

It opened its mouth wide open, and inside it were sharp teeth overlapping in a ring.

"I'll go, what the hell?" subconsciously pulled out Yong Wei Xian, and slashed straight down with one move.Splitting the fish monster in half, the meat and blood immediately dyed the small sea area red.

Probably smelling the smell of blood, a group of messy sea creatures swished upwards.The tallest one almost bit his toe.Zuo Zhou understood that these monsters were used by the Ten Kill Gates to seal off the sea area.

"Sure enough, the defense in the sea is so high-end. I guess I can't sneak into the island. Could it be that you force me to open Wushuang?"

Zuo Zhou didn't pretend anymore, and with a whoosh, he crossed the sky and entered the area above the island.A huge roar passed by, and dozens of giant crossbow bolts interweaved into a net in the air.However, this power seems to be powerful, but it only makes Zuo Zhou dodge a few more times.

Zuo Zhou's sight soon fell on the only building on the island.It was a small valley.Long and spacious.It looks like an upside-down gourd, and the building is at the bottom of the gourd.A quaint high-rise building, tall and large, and a little familiar. "Oh, I found it. Isn't this the place where Zhan Shiqi was brainwashed and trained?"

Before Zhan Shiqi had acted like a baby in bed with him, he had probed into Zhan Shiqi's hidden memories.These buildings are exactly like those.

No wonder I couldn't find it all the time, it turned out to be an isolated island hanging overseas.Looking left and right, the gourd-shaped valley effectively blocked the sea breeze, so even Zhan Shiqi had the intention to escape at that time.But he didn't even know that he was at sea.She thought the building could run on its own!

Zuo Zhou fell extremely fast, but when he was standing outside the building, there was no one in sight.My heart can't help but sink slightly.I'm afraid he has already run away.

Kicked the door open.As far as the eye can see, although it can't be called empty.But it is true that there is not even a living thing left.However, judging from the messy footprints on the ground, the enemy left in a hurry.

Just like what Zuo Zhou thought at the beginning.When Guihai Yidao was in the hands of Shangguan Haitang and the others, it did not attract the attention of the Ten Killers.But after Dang Guihai Yidao successfully entered the capital, Shishamen cautiously decided to retreat.So although it looks flustered, there are definitely not many clues that can be left for him.

(End of this chapter)

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