Me, Yuan Fang?

Chapter 735 is another day of sacrifice

Chapter 735 Another day of sacrificial dragon sets

"Yeah? Someone was there."

At this moment, Zuo Zhou didn't know whether to be surprised or surprised.He searched the entire Shishamen base but found nothing.As a result, when they entered the top floor, they found a person sitting in the middle of the hall, and she was a beautiful woman!
This beauty is really beautiful, and she doesn't know how to take care of her light yellow dress, which makes her look like a short shirt.A trace of whiteness slightly exposed at the waist is full of reverie, snow-white swan neck, long and smooth black hair.Even if you sit still, you seem to be able to float with the wind.Playful square bangs on the forehead look hilarious.But with her temperament, it looks bright and moving.

"Well, it's beautiful. The strength of this enchanting charm is really amazing!"

Zuo Zhou exposed it so quickly that the beauty couldn't help showing a trace of surprise on her face.

"You are Ming Daohong, right? Uh, I don't know if this is your real name? It's a little rude."

The woman tilted her head slightly, "I didn't expect General Li to know the little girl. It's very lucky."

"There's nothing to be honored. The main reason is that I have a good relationship with Zhang Junbao, and Zhang Junbao has a good relationship with Dong Tianbao. So, you understand."

Ming Daohong's face showed a hint of surprise, she was no stranger to the names Dong Tianbao and Zhang Junbao.At the beginning, Shishamen's plan to reopen the underworld required competing for real estate in various places.The ancestral house where Dong Tianbao's father lived happened to occupy that landline.Needless to say, these rich people are very good at choosing Feng Shui.In order to win that address, Shishamen resorted to beauty tricks without using force to arouse the attention of right and wrong.

And Ming Daohong is the trump card of Shishamen's beauty trap. With her superb charm skills and natural beauty, it is so easy to seduce an old man.The only surprise was that when Daqin destroyed Shaolin Temple, two Shaolin Temple disciples returned home, that is, Dong Tianbao and Zhang Junbao.

However, the strength of the two people at that time was not strong, so after repeated pursuits, Ming Daohong didn't even use much power from Shishamen to force them to go far away.After that, Ming Daohong didn't kill them all, after all, it was meaningless.It's just that he didn't expect that Zhang Junbao would have this opportunity to meet Li Yuanfang.

"Speaking of it, it can be regarded as fate. According to General Li's habits, he can be Ming Daohong."

Zuo Zhou nodded, "That's a good idea, I'm actually used to this name. If I ask about the Ten Killing Gates, I shouldn't get anything specific, right?"

Zuo Zhou's eyelids drooped slightly, obviously he didn't have much expectation for this.Ming Baohong shook her head, "Actually, when they left, they weren't sure that the base would be exposed, so they left me to guard it. If nothing happened, they would reopen it. If something happened, it would be equivalent to giving the enemy a surprise." .”

Zuo Zhou expressed his happiness, "Oh, Shi Shamen actually gave away a girl. That's great."

Ming Daohong covered her mouth and smiled lightly, her delicate body tilted slightly, with one hand resting on the floor, like a beauty standing out from an ancient painting! "Everyone says that General Li is indifferent to fame and wealth, and acts unrestrained and uninhibited. Seeing him now is even better than rumors!"

"You're welcome. Then do you have anything to tell me? If there's nothing else, let's get to the point." Zuo Zhou began to untie his belt...

The astonishment in Ming Daohong's eyes flashed, and then he amplified his charm to the limit. "The general is in such a hurry! He still..."

Before Ming Daohong could finish her words, her eyes blurred, and Zuo Zhou had already appeared behind her.This Lingbo microstep almost made him use it to the extreme, and then a trouser belt strangled her neck and pulled it back forcefully.Immediately, she was so uncomfortable that she couldn't speak.

Um?You unbutton your belt just to strangle me!
Ming Daohong was in a mess, his hands and feet were struggling non-stop, and the charm power all over his body was dissipated in an instant.The cheeks that were originally flushed with peach blossoms were now abnormally blue.

Zuo Zhou could see that she was planning to use some tricks, but it was a pity that Zuo Zhou strangled her neck and shook her lightly.This skill spread throughout Ming Daohong's whole body.Just shake off her inner meridian zhenqi, no matter what tricks she uses, she won't be able to use them.

Ming Daohong started scratching frantically, but he didn't even scratch Zuo Zhou's skin.Her eyes were full of pleading.Maybe this prayer had an effect, Zuo Zhou's strength was suddenly maintained at a certain limit and no longer strengthened.At that moment, Ming Daohong understood that the other party did not mean to kill her, but to extract a confession.

So should she be tough?

As soon as this thought flashed through Ming Daohong's mind, Zuo Zhou strengthened his strength again.After so many times, Ming Daohong collapsed, and a fishy smell came slowly.Zuo Zhou pulled back with some disgust, and threw Ming Daohong aside, away from the disgusting pool of liquid on the ground.

"Looking at your delicate skin and tender flesh, I'm afraid you haven't undergone torture training. Then you are not professional in training spies at the Ten Killing Gates."

Ming Daohong lay on the ground coughing non-stop, but secretly began to mobilize his true energy. "I'll...I'll tell you everything you want to know..." The waistband of the trousers was wrapped around her neck again.Then with a shake, her true energy was shaken away again.

Zuo Zhou cheerfully whispered in her ear, "I know too much about Shishamen's pissing nature. It's not a little psychological pressure to cheat one's own people. I guess you will explode when you mobilize your true energy. Is it on your body? He also drew all kinds of messy formations!"

Ming Daohong's eyes suddenly enlarged, full of disbelief.Zuo Zhou looked confident, don't ask, Liu Shengxue Ji's body is still very good-looking.

Ming Daohong gave up struggling completely, and kept patting the back of Zuo Zhou's hand.The eyes are full of pleading and submission.Zuo Zhou nodded in satisfaction, and then stroked her neck with both hands.The smooth skin feels really good.

Ming Daohong was overjoyed.Hehe, man!Can you finally bear it?
Crack, a crisp sound.Ming Daohong's eyes could no longer see the light.Carefully took out a piece of cloth and wrapped Ming Daohong's head well.This is a gift for Zhang Junbao.It was a knot in his heart.At the same time, he stretched out his hand to grab Ming Daohong's soul, and threw him into the realm of hell.

I'm sorry, I, Li Yuanfang, must be full of ritual to extract a confession!


Ming Daohong opened his eyes again.Countless deaths and fears surged around, and the mentality that had just succumbed was rushed by the deaths and fears, and suddenly seemed sluggish and dazed.

"Tell me what you know."

This is Zuo Zhou's plan. As a 'soul' master, he has a deep understanding of how to interrogate souls.In fact, there are many factors that can affect the strength of the soul, but the most common are two.One is the true meaning of martial arts, because the true meaning of martial arts targets the way of heaven.The other is the will of the individual.Zuo Zhou defeated Ming Daohong's will outside with the horror of dying, and Ming Daohong's martial arts realm is not strong.Now, once he enters the realm of hell and the coercion of countless tortures on the soul, the mixture can easily defeat him.

The facts were no different from what Zuo Zhou expected.

Judging from the information she gave, this is the most important overseas base of Crow.Not only responsible for training killers like Zhan Shiqi and Ming Daohong.This is also a key place for the crows to conduct various experiments, and the monsters in the outer sea area are the failures of the crows, even if they don't care about those things, they can't live for half a year.

From Ming Daohong's information, we can know that Zhan Shiqi belongs to the outermost minions of the Ten Killing Clan.And Ming Daohong himself belongs to the high-level, but this high-level is also limited.She just knew that the Ten Shamen Gate wanted to compete for the property and get that landline.But she didn't know what the Ten Kills Gate was going to do, and she didn't understand until after the Ten Kills Gate's plan to reopen the underworld fell through.

After Zuo Zhou defeated the Ten Kill Gate and killed several Ten Temple Yamas.Under the pressure of the intelligence organizations of various countries, the power of the Ten Kill Gates has been severely damaged.Fortunately, Ming Daohong became a cadre because of this, and he no longer has to sell his lust to seduce any old man.Specially responsible for the secret base here.

However, if you say how high a level she is, it doesn't count.Take this incident as an example, the crow was reluctant to part with this base, so he was lucky.Let Ming Daohong wait here.If no one really comes, it can be enabled again.But if someone came, Ming Daohong would be a deadly trap.

Just as Zuo Zhou thought, the LSP of Crow really portrayed many formations on Ming Daohong.Some of these formations, like Yukihime Yagyu, are specifically aimed at impatient old men.There are also those who forcibly self-destruct after luck and produce similar space cracks to kill people without blood.

Well, speaking of it, Ming Daohong should thank Zuo Zhou to a certain extent.Before Zuo Zhou thought that Ming Daohong's action of gathering true energy was controlled by himself.It is only now that I realize that the extremely fast-gathering zhenqi obviously does not operate according to his own wishes, that is to say, once Ming Daohong senses the danger of his life, that zhenqi will naturally rise up according to the established trajectory, arousing Array.It just made Ming Daohong feel that he was making the decision.

So no matter whether it is advanced or not, she is just a bait that the crow can throw away at any time.

It is obviously impossible to know too many secrets with such a bait, and it is impossible to know the exact location of the crow from her.But Ming Daohong told Zuo Zhou a clue, that is, the crow seems to be mixing with Xu Fu and others at this time.Once when Ming Daohong was with Xu Fu, he overheard that they seemed to be preparing some dragon-slaying plan? .

Dragon Slaying Project, the name is quite domineering.However, details are unknown.Just listening to the word Tulong, who knows who it refers to?But in fact, if you think about it carefully, it has something to do with Xu Fu, maybe he really found some dragon!
Zuo Zhou shook his head, now Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng don't know where they are going.The plot of Fengyun is estimated to be beyond recognition.This dragon slaying plan may not be as nonsense as in the original book.He prefers to believe it.The so-called dragon slaying plan of Shishamen is probably not aimed at the emperor of a certain country.

(End of this chapter)

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